鐵路給水排水設計規範(TB10010-2016 英文版)

鐵路給水排水設計規範(TB10010-2016 英文版)

《鐵路給水排水設計規範(TB10010-2016 英文版)》是2017年8月中國鐵道出版社出版的圖書,作者是中華人民共和國國家鐵路局。


  • 中文名:鐵路給水排水設計規範(TB10010-2016 英文版)
  • 作者:中華人民共和國國家鐵路局
  • ISBN:9787113233853
  • 頁數:47頁
  • 定價:400元
  • 出版社:中國鐵道出版社
  • 出版時間:2017年8月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開


This Code is prepared on the basis of Code for Design of Water Supply and Sewerage of Railway (TB 10010-2008) by summarizing the experience gained in the design, construction and operation of water supply and drainage works for railway project, incorporating relevant research achievements ,implementing national policies on resources conservation, energy conservation and environmental protection, and comprehensively soliciting the opinions of relevant parties.
Code for Design o f Wastewater Treatment o f Railway (TB 10079-2013) is incorporated into this Code according to the requirements of establishing a railway industry standard system
This Code comprises 17 chapters: General Provisions9 Terms, Basic Requirements, Water Supply Station and Domestic Water Supply Station (Point),Water Consumption, Water Quality and Water Pressure, Water Source9Water Supply Pumping Station, Water Supply and Distribution Pipe, Water Storage and Distribution Structure, Water Supply Plant (Point),Drainage Pipe and Drainage Pumping Station, Sewage Discharge Facilities for Passenger Train, Production Sewage Treatment, Sewage Treatment Station, Rain Water Utilization, Testing and Control, and Interface Design.


1 General Provisions
2 Terms
3 Basic Requirements
4 Water Supply Station and Domestic Water Supply Station (Point)
5 Water Consumption ,Water Quality and Water Pressure
5.1 Water Consumption
5.2 Water Quality
5.3 Water Pressure
6 Water Source
7 Water Supply Pumping Station
8 Water Supply and Distribution Pipe
8.1 General Requirements
8.2 Pipe Laying
8.3 Auxiliary Facilities
9 Water Storage and Distribution Structure
10 Water Supply Plant (Point)
11 Drainage Pipe and Drainage Pumping Station
12 Sewage Discharge Facilities for Passenger Train
12.1 General Requirements
12.2 Calculation of Sewage Discharge Capacity
12.3 Arrangement of Fixed Vacuum Sewage Discharge System Facilities
12.4 Vacuum Station
12.5 Sewage Discharge Pipe
12.6 Sewage Discharge Unit
13 Production Sewage Treatment
13.1 Oily Sewage
13.2 Sewage from Vehicle Washing
13.3 Laundry Sewage
13.4 High-concentration Fecal Sewage
13.5 Other Sewages
14 Sewage Treatment Station
15 Rain Water Utilization
16 Testing and Control
16.1 General Requirements
16.2 Testing
16.3 Control
16.4 Computer Control and Management System
17 Interface Design
Words Used for Different Degrees of Strictness
Normative References


