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鐘地長,男,1981年2月生, 現為贛南師範大學碩士生導師,教授,中共黨員,美國化學會獎勵會員,中國化學會會員。主要開展多孔晶態材料的組裝與功能開發、催化產氫金屬納米催化劑的研製、以及負載型納米催化劑的製備等方面的研究。現主持承擔國家自然科學基金項目2項,主持完成了省部級項目4項,已在J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., ACS catalysis, Chem. Commun., Inorg. Chem., Cryst. Growth Des., CrystEngComm等國內外知名化學期刊上以第一作者/通訊作者身份發表SCI收錄論文45篇,IF > 4.0的論文21篇,獲2014年江西省自然科學三等獎(排名第1)、第五屆江西省高等學校科技成果獎二等獎(排名第1)等多個獎項。


  • 中文名:鐘地長
  • 外文名:Dichang Zhong
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:江西贛州
  • 畢業院校:贛南師範大學,廣西師範大學,中山大學
  • 職業:教育、科研工作者


1. 具有富氮孔表面的多孔晶態材料的合成及其在溫和條件下氣體吸附性能的研究
國家自然科學基金 (21363001), 2014-2017,主持在研;
2. 基於介孔有序晶態物質的手性分離材料的製備及其對手性胺基酸的拆分
國家自然科學基金 (21401026), 2015-2017,主持在研;
3. 新型稀土雜化材料的製備和功能研究
江西省重大科技項目 (20152ACB21016), 主持在研。


1. Uncovering the Role of Metal Catalysis in Tetrazole Formation by anIn Situ Cycloaddition Reaction : An Experimental Approach
Di-Chang Zhong,* Ya-Qiong Wen, Ji-Hua Deng, Xu-Zhong Luo,* Yun-Nan Gong, and Tong-Bu Lu*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2015, 54, 1-6
2. A rare (3,4,5)-connected metal–organic framework featuring an unprecedented 1D + 2D → 3D self-interpenetrated array and an O-atom lined pore surface: structure and controlled drug release.
Zhong Di-Chang,*Liao Lie-Qiang, Deng Ji-Hua, Chen Qing, Lian Ping and Luo Xu-Zhong.*
Chem. Commun.2014, 50, 15807−15810.
3. A microporous hydrogen-bonded organic framework: exceptional stability and highly selective adsorption of gas and liquid.
Luo Xu-Zhong,* Jia Xin-Jian, Deng Ji-Hua, Zhong Jin-Lian, Liu Hui-Jin, Wang Ke-Jun andZhong Di-Chang*.
J. Am. Chem. Soc.2013, 135, 11684−11687.
4. The synergistic effect of Rh–Ni catalysts on the highly-efficient dehydrogenation of aqueous hydrazine borane for chemical hydrogen storage.
Zhong Di-Chang, Aranishi Kengo, Singh Ashish Kumar, Demirci Umit B. and Xu Qiang *.
Chem. Commun.2012, 48, 11945–11947. (Cover paper)
5. Zhong Di-Chang, Zhang Wei-Xiong, Cao Feng-Lei, Jiang Long and Lu Tong-Bu*. A three-dimensional microporous metal-organic framework with large hydrogen sorption hysteresis. Chem. Commun.2011, 47, 1204–1206.
6. Zhong Di-Chang, MengMiao, Zhu Jie, Yang Guo-Yu and Lu Tong-Bu*. A highly-connected acentric organic-inorganic hybrid material with unique 3D inorganic and 3D organic connectivity. Chem. Commun.2010, 46, 4354–4356.
7. Jiang Long, Meng Xian-Rui, Xiang Hua, Ju Ping, Zhong Di-Chang* and Lu Tong-Bu*. Variations of structures and gas sorption properties of three coordination polymers induced by fluorine atom positions in azamacrocyclic ligands. Inorg. Chem.2012, 51, 1874–1880.
8. Meng Miao, Zhong Di-Chang* and Lu Tong-Bu*. Three porous metal-organic frameworks based on azobenzenetricarboxylate ligand: synthesis, structures, and magnetic property. CrystEngComm.2011, 13, 6794–6800. (TOP ten)
9. Zhong Di-Chang, Lin Jian-Bin, LuWen-Guan, Jiang Long and Lu Tong-Bu*. Strong hydrogen binding within a 3D microporous metal-organic framework. Inorg. Chem.2009, 48, 8656–8658.
10. Deng Ji-Hua, Zhong Di-Chang*, Luo Xu-Zhong*, Liu Hui-Jin and Tong-Bu Lu*. 2-Propyl-4,5-dicarboxylate-imidazole (H3PIDC) based cadmium(II) coordination compounds stabilized by supramolecular interactions: from mononuclear and tetranuclear oligomers to one-dimensional (1D) chain and two-dimensional (2D) layer polymers. Cryst. Growth & Des.2012, 12, 4861–4869.
11. Zhong Di-Chang,* Deng Ji-Hua, Luo Xu-Zhong,* Liu Hui-Jin, Zhong Jin-Lian, Wang Ke-Jun and Lu Tong-Bu*. Two cadmium-cluster-based metal-organic frameworks with mixed ligands of 1,2,3-benzenetriazole (HBTA) and 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid (H2BDC). Cryst. Growth & Des.2012, 12, 1992–1998.
12. Zhong Di-Chang,* Guo Hua-Bin, Deng Ji-Hua, Chen Qing * and Luo Xu-Zhong. Two coordination polymers of benzene-1,2,4,5-tetracarboxylic acid (H4BTC): in situ ligandsyntheses, structures, and luminescent properties. CrystEngComm, 2015, 17, 3519–3525.
13. Zhong Di-Chang,* Deng Ji-Hua, Luo Xu-Zhong,* Lu Tong-Bu* and Wang Ke-Jun. An unprecedented (4,10)-connected porous metal-organic framework containing two rare large secondary building units (SBUs). CrystEngComm.2012, 14, 1538–1541. (TOP ten)
14. Zhong Di-Chang, Feng Xiao-Long and Lu Tong-Bu*. Two organic-inorganic hybrids with unprecedented inorganic and organic connectivities. CrystEngComm.2011, 13,2201–2203.
15. Meng Miao, Zhong Di-Chang* and Lu Tong-Bu*. Three porous metal-organic frameworks based on azobenzenetricarboxylate ligand: synthesis, structures, and magnetic property. CrystEngComm.2011, 13, 6794–6800. (TOP ten)


