- 中文名:錢軍輝
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:Rice University,哈爾濱工程大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:學者
- 專業方向:計量經濟學理論和套用,實證巨觀和國際金融
- 職稱:教授
- 2003年8月-2007年5月萊斯大學(Rice University),獲經濟學博士學位(Ph.D.)
- 2000年8月-2003年5月萊斯大學(Rice University),獲電子工程碩士學位(M.S.)
- 1995年9月-1999年7月哈爾濱工程大學,獲水聲電子工程學士學位
Journal Articles:
- --Functional regression of continuous state distributions, with Joon Y. Park, Journal of Econometrics 167 (2), 397-412 , 2012
- --Estimating semiparametric panel data models by marginal integration, with Le Wang, Journal of Econometrics 167 (2), 483-493, 2012
- --Structural change estimation in time series regressions with endogenous variables, with Liangjun Su, Economics Letters 125 (3),415-421,2014
- --The inequality-growth plateau, with Daniel J. Henderson and Le Wang, Economics Letters 128 17-20, 2015.
- --Shrinkage estimation of regression models with multiple structural Changes, with Liangjun Su, Econometric Theory, forthcoming.
- --Shrinkage estimation of common breaks in panel data models via adaptive group fused Lasso, with Liangjun Su, Journal of Econometrics, forthcoming.
- --Panel data models with interactive fixed effects and multiple structural breaks, with Degui Li and Liangjun Su, Journal of the American Statistical Association, forthcoming.
Book Chapters:
- --Stochastic frontiers with bounded inefficiency, with Almanidis P and Sickles R., In: Festschrift in honor of Peter Schmidt: Econometric methods and applications. Berlin: Springer Science and Business Media, 2014.
- --The great accommodation: Chinese central banking in the new millennium, with Wing Thye Woo, In: Financial Systems at the Crossroads: Lessons for China, World Scientific Publishing, 2014.
- 匿名審稿:Journal of Econometrics, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, China Finance Review, Journal of Productivity Analysis