《金融市場經濟學》是2014年世界圖書出版公司出版的著作,作者是[英] 貝利(Bailey R.E.)。
- 中文名:《金融市場經濟學》
- 作者:[英]貝利(Bailey R.E.)
- 出版時間:2014年09月01日
- 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
- ISBN: 9787510078590
How can yet another book on finance be justified? The field is already well served with advanced works, many of impressive technical erudition. And, towards the other end of the academic spectrum, an abundance of mammoth texts saturates the MBA market. For the general reader, manuals confidently promising investment success compete with sensational diagnoses of financial upheavals to attract attention from the gullible, avaricious or unwary.
List of Figures
1 Asset markets and asset prices
2 Asset market microstructure
3 Predictability of prices and market efficiency
4 Decision making under uncertainty
5 Portfolio selection: the mean-variance model
6 The capital asset pricing model
7 Arbitrage
8 Factor models and the arbitrage pricing theory
9 Empirical appraisal of the CAPM and APT
10 Present value relationships and price variability
11 Intertemporal choice and the equity premium puzzle
12 Bond markets and fixed-interest securities
13 Term structure of interest rates
14 Futures markets I: fundamentals
15 Futures markets II: speculation and hedging
16 Futures markets III: applications
17 Swap contracts and swap markets
18 Options markets I: fundamentals
19 Options markets II: price determination
20 Options markets III: applications