- 中文名:金明尚
- 畢業院校:廈門大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:納米材料的多尺度複合等
- 任職院校:西安交通大學前沿科學技術研究院材料化學研究中心
金明尚,西安交通大學前沿科學技術研究院教授,博士生導師,入選國家級青年人才、陝西省傑出青年、陝西省普通高校“青年傑出人才”、西安交通大學青年拔尖人才,小米青年學者、“電催化能源轉化材料”團隊負責人。近年來主要從事金屬納米材料的精準合成及其能源催化套用研究。在廈門大學化學系獲得理學學士學位(2002-2006)和理學博士學位(2006-2012),攻讀博士期間獲得國家留學基金委的資助前往美國華盛頓大學聖路易斯分校開展聯合培養工作(2009-2011)。主持國家自然科學基金4項,申請國家發明專利6項,授權國家發明專利4項,美國專利1項。在Nature、Nat. Commun.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、ACS Nano、Energy Environ. Sci.、Nano Lett.等國際著名刊物發表SCI論文60餘篇,引用8000餘次,H因子35;其中第一/通訊作者38篇,含中科院分區一區論文28篇,IF>10論文24篇。現任陝西省貴金屬材料創新中心技術委員會委員,《SmartMat》雜誌青年編委,中國化工學會無機酸鹼鹽專業委員會學術專家智庫,獲“中國化學會優秀青年學術論文獎”“愛思唯爾2020年度中國高被引學者”等。
1.Jin, M.; Zhang, H.; Wang, J.; Zhong, X.; Xie, Z.; Kim, M.; Li, Z.; and Xia, Y. “Seeded Growth of Cu on Pd Nanocrystals: Epitaxial Growth of Core-Shell Nanostructures with Large Lattice Mismatch”,ACS Nano2012
2.Jin, M.; Zhang, H.; Xie, Z.; and Xia, Y. “Palladium Nanocrystals Enclosed by {100} and {111} Facets with Controlled Proportions and Their Catalytic Activities for Formic Acid Oxidation”,Energy Environ. Sci.2012
3.Jin, M.; He, G.; Zhang, H.; Zeng, J.; Xie, Z.; and Xia, Y. “Shape-Controlled Synthesis ofCopper Nanocrystals in an Aqueous Solution with Glucose as a Reducing Agent and Hexadecylamine as a Capping Agent”,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2011
4.Jin, M.; Zhang, H.; Xie, Z.; and Xia, Y. “Palladium Concave Nanocubes with High-Index Facets and Their Enhanced Catalytic Properties”,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2011
5.Jin, M.; Liu, H.; Zhang, H.; Xie, Z.; and Xia, Y. “Synthesis of Pd Nanocrystals Enclosed by {100} Facets and with Sizes<10 nm for Application in CO Oxidation”,Nano Res.2011
6.Zhang, H.;Jin, M.;Wang, J.; Li, W.; Camargo, H.; Kim, M.; Yang, D.; Xie, Z.; and Xia, Y. “Synthesis of Pd-Pt Bimetallic Nanocrystals with a Concave Structure through a Bromide-Induced Galvanic Replacement Reaction”,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2011
7.Zhang, H.; Jin, M.; Liu, H.; Wang, J.; Kim, M.; Yang, D.; Xie, Z.; Liu, J.; and Xia, Y. “Facile Synthesis of Pd-Pt Alloy Nanocages and Their Enhanced Performance for Preferential Oxidation of CO in Excess Hydrogen”,ACS Nano2011
8.Zhou, C.; Jiang, X.; Yang, L.;* Yin Y. andJin, M.* “Low-temperature carbon monoxide oxidation with Au-Cu meatball-like cages prepared by galvanic replacement”,ChemSusChem2013
9.Zhang, Z.; Wang, Z.; Yin, Y.* andJin, M.* “Monitoring the Shape Evolution of Pd Nanocube to Octahedron by PdS Frame Marker”Nanoscale2014
10.Zhao, W.; Yang, L.; Yin, Y. andJin, M.*“Thermodynamic Controlled Synthesis of Intermetallic Au3Cu Alloy Nanocrystals from Cu Micro-particles”,Journal of Materials Chemistry A2014
1.Xie, Z.; Jin, M.; Xu, T.; Jiang, Z.; Zheng, L. S. “A General filter for the separation of micro-/nanoparticles.” Chinese Patent
2.Jin, M.; Xia, Y. “Method of forming copper nanostructures with alkylamines as capping agents.” U. S. Patent, pending.