


  • 中文名:金斌松
  • 畢業院校:中國海洋大學、復旦大學
  • 學位:博士
  • 職稱:助理研究員


1、2017-2018,美國德州A&M大學,Winemiller Kirk水生生態學研究室,訪問學者








[1]Jin B, Xu W, Guo L, Zhou W, Chen J, Fu C. 2014. Fish use of intertidal oligohaline marsh creeks in the Changjiang River estuary: temporal variations and effects of creek geomorphological features. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 32(2), 469-479
[2]Zeng T, Yin W, Xia R, Fu Z,Jin B*. 2014. Complete mitochondrial genome of a freshwater snail, Semisulcospira libertina, Mitochondrial DNA.
[3]Razavi, N. R., Arts M. T., Qu M.,Jin B., Ren W., Wang Y., Campbell L. M.. 2014. Effect of eutrophication on mercury, selenium, and essential fatty acids in Bighead Carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) from reservoirs of eastern China. Science of the Total Environment. 499:36-46
[4]Razavi N. R., Qu M.,Jin B., Ren W., Wang Y., Campbell L. M. 2014. Mercury biomagnification in subtropical reservoir fishes of eastern China. Ecotoxicology. 23(2):133-46
[5]張笑辰,金斌松,陳家寬,吳建東,劉觀華,馬志軍. 2014.鄱陽湖四種水鳥的棲息地利用與水深和食物的關係.動物學雜誌.49(5)
[6]張婷,馬行厚,王桂苹,李德亮,金斌松,秦海明. 2014.鄱陽湖國家級自然保護區浮游生物群落結構及空間分布.水生生物學報38(1): 158-165
[7]曾澤國,曾泰,陳家寬,金斌松*. 2013.福建圭龍山省級自然保護區夏季溪流魚類調查初報.福建水產35(3):167-174
[8]金斌松,聶明,李琴,陳家寬,周文斌, 2012.鄱陽湖流域基本特徵、面臨挑戰和關鍵科學問題.長江流域資源與環境21, 268-275.
[9]Jin, B., H. Qin, W. Xu, J. Wu, J. Zhong, G. Lei, J. Chen, and C. Fu. 2010. Nekton use of intertidal creek edges in low salinity salt marshes of the Yangtze River estuary along a stream-order gradient. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 88:419-428.
[10]Chen, Z., L. Guo,B. Jin, J. Wu, and G. Zheng. 2009. Effect of the exotic plant Spartina alterniflora on macrobenthos communities in salt marshes of the Yangtze River Estuary, China. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 82:265-272.
[11]Hua, X., W. Wang, W. Yin, Q. He,B. Jin, J. Li, J. Chen, and C. Fu. 2009. Phylogeographical analysis of an estuarine fish,Salanx ariakensis(Osmeridae: Salanginae) in the north-western Pacific. Journal of Fish Biology 75:354-367.
[12]Yin, W., C. Fu, L. Guo, Q. He, J. Li,B. Jin, Q. Wu, and B. Li. 2009. Species Delimitation and Historical Biogeography in the Genus Helice (Brachyura: Varunidae) in the Northwestern Pacific. Zoological Science 26:467-475.
[13]Zhou, S.,B. Jin, L. Guo, H. Qin, T. Chu, and J. Wu. 2009. Spatial distribution of zooplankton in the intertidal marsh creeks of the Yangtze River Estuary, China. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 85:399-406.
[14]Jin, B., C. Fu, J. Zhong, J. Chen, and J. Wu. 2007. Effects of fyke net mesh size and sampling period on the catch of nekton in an intertidal creek. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica 31:39-44.
[15]Jin, B., C. Fu, J. Zhong, B. Li, J. Chen, and J. Wu. 2007. Fish utilization of a salt marsh intertidal creek in the Yangtze River estuary, China. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 73:844-852.
[16]Quan, W., C. Fu, B. Jin, Y. Luo, B. Li, J. Chen, and J. Wu. 2007. Tidal marshes as energy sources for commercially important nektonic organisms: stable isotope analysis. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 352:89-99.
[2]李振基,金斌松,劉新銳,等. 2014.福建汀江源自然保護區生物多樣性研究.北京:科學出版社.
[1]Zeng, Z. andBS. Jin. 2012. Fish community structure and dynamics in dishing lakes of Poyang floodplain, China.Chinese Ichthyological Scoiety 10th Biennial Conference. September 2012, Lanzhou, Gansu China.
[2]Zeng, Z., C. Fu, J. Chen, W. Zhou, andBS. Jin. 2012. Fish communities structure and dynamics under rapid decline in water depth in dishing lakes of Poyang floodplain, China. in The 15th International Symposium on River and Lake Environments, Zhangjiajie, China.
[3]Jin, BS.and C. Fu. Fish Use of Intertidal Oligohaline Marsh Creeks in the Yangtze River Estuary of China: Temporal variations and effects of creek geomorphological features.Coastal and Estuarine Reasearch Federation 20thBiennial Conference. November 2009, Portland, Oregon USA.
[4]Jin, BS.and C. Fu.2008 Fish use of oligohaline tidal marsh creeks in Yangtze River estuary, China: Temporal variations and relation to environmental factors.Chinese Ichthyological Scoiety 8thBiennial Conference.December 2008, Nanchang, Jiangxi China.
[5]Jin, BS.and C. Fu.2006 Seasonal and diel changes in fish assemblages of an intertidal salt marsh creek in the Yangtze River estuary, China.Chinese Ichthyological Scoiety 7thBiennial ConferenceOctober 2006, Shanghai China.
[6]Jin, BS., J. Wu, and J. Chen. A comparison of the efficacy of fyke nets with different mesh sizes for sampling nekton in an estuarine creek.The 12th International Symposium on River and Lake Environments. November 2004, Wuhan, Hubei China.


