(Guoxin Jin) 教授,博士生導師,1987年在南京大學獲理學博士學位。1988年享德國洪堡博士後研究獎作博士後兩年,後任研究員。1996年應聘到中科院長春套用化學研究所,任研究員、博導,曾任研究室主任。1998年德國馬普基金訪問教授;1999年日本名古屋大學客座教授;2000年日本大阪大學JSPS訪問教授。1999年獲國家傑出青年基金資助, 2000年獲政府特殊津貼。2001年初到復旦大學工作,9月獲教育部“長江獎勵計畫”資助,現為復旦大學化學系長江特聘教授,兼任《Dalton Transactions》副主編、《Organometallics》、《Journal of Organometallic Chemistry》、《無機化學學報》和《科學通報》編委,中國化學會配位催化委員會、套用化學委員會學術委員等職。

1. Metal-Metal Bonding Formation from 16-Electron “Pseudo-Aromatic” Half-sandwich Complexes Cp′′M[E2C2(B10H10)] Shuang Liu, Ying-Feng Han, Guo-Xin Jin* Chem. Soc. Rev. 36(10), 2007, 1543 - 1560 (Cover-art)
2. Preparation, Structure of Mono- and Bi-nuclear Half-sandwich Iridium, Ruthenium and Rhodium Carbene Carborane Complexes Xin Wang, Shuang Liu, Lin-Hong Weng, Guo-Xin Jin* Chem. Euro. J. 13, 188, 2007
3. Polymerized Metallocene and Late-transition metal Catalysts for Ethylene Polymerization Jun Zhang, Xin Wang, Guo-Xin Jin* Coordination Chemistry Review, 250, 95-109, 2006.
4. Pophyrin-carborane organometallic assemblies based on 1, 2-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane (12) ligands
Jian-Qiang Wang, Chun-Xia Ren, Lin-Hong Weng, Guo-Xin Jin*
ChemComm. 2006, 162 - 164
5. Synthesis and Structure of Heterometallic complexes (RhFe, CoFe) Containing Bridging 1,2-Dicarba-closo-dodecarborane-1,2-dichalcogenolato Ligand Shuyi Cai, Xiu-Feng Hou, Yin-Qiang Cheng, Guo-Xin Jin* Dalton Transactions, 2006, 3736 - 3741, cover artical
6. Formation of Ir-Rh and Ir-Mo Bonds by using an Ancillary ortho-Carborane-1, 2-diselenolato Ligand Jin, GX; Wang, JQ; Zhang, C; Weng, LH; Herberhold, M ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT, 44(2), 259-262, 2005
7. Route to Multicluster Containing Ancillary ortho-Carborane-1,2-Dithiolato Ligands Wang, JQ; Ren, CX; Jin, GX
CHEM COMMUN, 4738-4740, 2005
8. Nanofibers of polyethylene produced by SBA-15 supported zirconium catalyst [N=(3-tert-butylsalicylidene)-4’-allyloxylanilinato]2Zr(IV)Cl2 Guo, C; Zhang, D; Wang, FS; Jin, GX J CATAL, 234(2), 356-363, 2005
9. Preparation, Structure and Ethylene Polymerization Behavior of Half-sandwich Picolyl-functionalized Carborane Iridium, Ruthenium and Rhodium Complexes Wang, X; Jin, GX CHEM EUR J, 11, 5758-5764, 2005
10. Advances in the Chemistry of Organometallic Complexes with 1,2-Dichalcogenolato- o-Carborane Ligands
Jin, GX COORD CHEM REV, 248(7-8), 587-602, 2004
11. Phenyl Thiolate as s- and p-Donor Ligand: Synthesis of a 3-Dimensional Organometallic Coordination Polymer [K2Fe(SPh)4]n Yu, XY; Jin, GX; Weng, LH CHEM COMMUN, 1542-1543, 2004