




  • 中文名:金危危
  • 性別:男
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1971年8月 
  • 畢業院校武漢大學
  • 政治面貌:中共黨員
  • 學位:博士
  • 專業方向:作物基因組與生物信息



2002年2月~2004月12月:美國威斯康星大學 博士後。


2005年1月~2006年6月:美國威斯康星大學 助理研究員。
2006年7月任中國農業大學 教授、博士生導師。


《Chromosome Research》雜誌編委
《The Crop Journal》編委




碩士研究生課程 “分子細胞遺傳學”


(3) 玉米近緣種(薏苡等)的基因組學研究;



科技部 863項目,973項目,國家重點研發計畫等;
農業部 重大科技專項,948項目等。


1. Dong ZB, Yu J, Li H, Huang W, Xu L, Zhao Y, Zhang T, Xu WY, Jiang JM, Su Z*,Jin WW*. Transcriptional and epigenetic adaptation of maize chromosomes in Oat-Maize addition lines.Nucleic Acids Research2018, doi:10.1093/nar/gky209.
2. Meng DX, Zhao JY, Zhao C, Luo HS, Xie MJ, Liu RY, Lai JS, Zhang XL,Jin WW*.Sequential gene activation and extensive gene imprinting during early embryo development in maize.Plant Journal2018, 93:445-459.
3. Huang C, Sun HY, Xu DY, Chen QY, Liang YM, Wang XF, Xu GH, Tian J, Wang CL, Li D, Wu LH, Yang XL,Jin WW, Doebley JF, Tian F*. ZmCCT9 enhances maize adaptation to higher latitudes.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA2018, 115(2):E334-E341.
4. Li X, Meng D, Chen S, Luo H, Zhang Q,Jin W*, Yan J*.Single pollen nucleus sequencing reveals chromosome fragmentation as a possible cause of haploid induction in maize.Nat Commun2017, 8(1):991.
5. Shen RX, Wang L, Liu XP, Wu J,Jin WW, Zhao XC, Xie XR, Zhu QL, Tang HW, Li Q, Chen LT, Liu YG*. Genomic structural variation-mediated allelic suppression causes hybrid male sterility in rice.Nat Commun2017, 8(1):1310.
6. Liu C, Li X, Meng D, Zhong Y, Chen C, Dong X, Xu X, Chen B, Li W, Li L, Tian X, Zhao H, Song W, Luo H, Zhang Q, Lai J,Jin W*, Yan J*, Chen S*. A 4bp insertion at ZmPLA1 encoding a putative phospholipase A generates haploid induction in maize.Mol Plant2017, 10(3):520-522.
7. Zheng HY, Wu HM, Pan XY,JinWW, Li XX. Aberrant Meiotic Modulation Partially Contributes to the Lower Germination Rate of Pollen Grains in Maize (Zea mays L.) Under Low Nitrogen Supply.Plant Cell Physiol.2017, 58(2): 342-353.
8. Chen XY, Zhang H, Sun HY, Luo HB, Zhao L, Dong ZB, Yan SS, Zhao C, Liu RY, Xu CY, Li S, Chen HB,Jin WW*. IRREGULAR POLLEN EXINE1 is a novel factor in anther cuticle and 30 pollen exine formation.Plant Physiology2017, 173(1):307-325.
9. Wang GX,He QY,Macas J,Novák P,Neumann P,Meng DX,Zhao H,Guo N,Han S,Zong M,Jin WW,Liu F. Karyotypes and Distribution of Tandem Repeat Sequences in Brassica nigra Determined by Fluorescence in situ Hybridization.Cytogenet Genome Res2017, 152(3):158-165.
10. Huang W, Du Y, Zhao X,Jin W*. B chromosome contains active genes and impacts the transcription of A chromosomes in maize (Zea mays L.).BMC Plant Biology2016, 16(1):88.
11. He Q, Cai Z, Hu T, Liu H, Bao C, Mao W,Jin W*. Repetitive sequence analysis and karyotyping reveals centromere-associated DNA sequences in radish (Raphanus sativus L.).BMC Plant Biology2015, 15:105.
12. Chen W, Zhu Q, Wang H, Xiao J, Xing L, Chen P,Jin W*, Wang X*. Competitive Expression of Endogenous Wheat CENH3 May Lead to Suppression of Alien ZmCENH3 in Transgenic Wheat × Maize Hybrids.Journal of Genetics and Genomics2015, 42:639-649.
13. Zhu X, Gong H, He Q, Zeng Z, Busse JS,Jin W, Bethke PC*, Jiang J*. Silencing of vacuolar invertase and asparagine synthetase genes and its impact on acrylamide formation of fried potato products.Plant Biotechnology Journal2015, pp1-10.
14. Zhang M, Xie S, Dong X, Zhao X, Zeng B, Chen J, Li H, Yang W, Zhao H, Wang G, Chen Z, Sun S, Hauck A,Jin W, Lai J*. Genome-wide high resolution parental specific DNA and histone methylation maps uncover patterns of imprinting regulation in maize.Genome Research2014, 24(1):167-176.
15. Cai Z, Liu H, He Q, Pu M, Chen J, Lai J, Li X,Jin W*. Differential genome evolution and speciation of Coix lacryma-jobi L. and Coix aquatica Roxb. hybrid guangxi revealed by repetitive sequence analysis and fine karyotyping.BMC Genomics2014, 15(1):1025.
16.Dong Z, Jiang C, Chen X, Zhang T, Ding L, Song W, Luo H, Lai J, Liu R, Chen H, Zhang L*, Jin W*.Maize LAZY1 mediates shoot gravitropism and inflorescence development through regulating auxin transport, auxin signaling and light response.Plant Physiology2013, 163(3):1306-1322.
17.Zhao X, Xu X, Xie H, Chen S,Jin W. Fertilization and uniparental chromosome elimination during crosses with maize haploid inducers.Plant Physiology2013, 163(2):721-731.
18. Wang G, Li H, Cheng Z,Jin W.A novel translocation event leads to a recombinant stable chromosome with interrupted centromeric domains in rice.Chromosoma2013, 122(4):295-303.
19. Du Z, Li H, Wei Q, Zhao X, Wang C, Zhu Q, Yi X, Xu W, Liu XS,Jin W, Su Z. Genome-Wide Analysis of Histone Modifications: H3K4me2, H3K4me3, H3K9ac, and H3K27ac inOryza sativaL. Japonica.Molecular Plant2013, 6(5):1463-1472.
20. Li B, Choulet F, Heng Y, Hao W, Paux E, Liu Z, Yue W,Jin W, Feuillet C, Zhang X.Wheat centromeric retrotransposons: the new ones take a major role in centromeric structure.Plant Journal2013, 73(6):952-965.
21. Shi D, Zheng X, Li L, Lin W, Xie W, Yang J, Chen S,Jin W *.Chlorophyll deficiency in the maizeelongated mesocotyl2mutant is caused by a defective hemeoxygenase and delaying grana stacking.PLoS One2013, 8(11):e80107.
22. Xu X, Li L, Dong X,Jin W, Melchinger AE, Chen S. Gametophytic and zygotic selection leads to segregation distortion through in vivo induction of a maternal haploid in maize.Journal of Experimental Botany2013, 64(4):1083-1096.
23. Wang C,Shi X,…Jin W,…Wing RA,Luo M.Genomic Resources for Gene Discovery, Functional Genome Annotation, and Evolutionary Studies of Maize and Its Close Relatives.Genetics2013, 195(3):723-737.
24. Wang GX, He QY, Liu F, Cheng ZK, Talbert P,Jin W*. Characterization of CENH3 proteins and centromere-associated DNA sequences in diploid and allotetraploid Brassica species.Chromosoma2011, 120:353-365.
25. Zhao X, Lu J, Zhang Z, Hu J, Huang S,Jin W*. Comparison of the distribution of the repetitive DNA sequences in three variants of Cucumis sativus reveals their phylogenetic relationships.Journal of Genetics and Genomics2011, 38:39-45.
26. Han YH, Zhang ZH, Huang SW,Jin W*. An integrated molecular cytogenetic map of Cucumis sativus L. chromosome 2.BMC Genetics2011, 12(1):18.
27. Lai JS#, Li RQ#, Xu X#,Jin WW#, Xu ML#, Zhao HL, Xiang ZK, Song WB, Ying K, ...... et al. Genome-wide patterns of genetic variation among elite maize inbred lines.Nature Genetics2010, 42:1027-1030. (# These authors contributed equally to this work)
28. Li H, Lu L, Heng YF, Qin R, Xing YZ,Jin WW*. Expression of CENH3 alleles in synthesized allopolyploid Oryza species.Journal of Genetics and Genomics2010, 37(10):703-711.
29. Liu CX, Liu JH, Li H, Zhang ZH, Han YH, Huang SW,Jin WW*. Karyotyping in Melon (Cucumis melo L.) by Cross-Species Fosmid-Fluorescence in situ Hybridization.Cytogenetic and Genome Research2010, 129(1-3):241-249. (Invited)
30. Han YH, Wang GX, Liu Z, Liu JH, Song RT, Zhang XY,Jin WW*. Divergence in centromere structure distinguishes related genomes in Coix lacryma-jobi and its wild relative.Chromosoma2010, 119:89-98.
31. Huang S, Li R, Zhang Z, ......Jin WW...... et al. The genome of cucumber,Cucumis sativusL.Nature Genetics2009, 41(12):1275-1281.
32. Han YH, Zhang ZH, Liu CX, Liu JH, Huang SW, Jiang J,Jin WW*. Centromere repositioning in cucurbit species: Implication of the genomic impact from centromere activation and inactivation.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA2009, 106:14937-14941.
33. Ren Y, Zhang HZ,Liu JH, Staub J, Han YH, Cheng C, Li X, Lu J, Miao H, Kang H, Xie B,Gu XF, Wang XW, Du YC,Jin WW*, Huang SW*. An integrated genetic and cytogenetic map of the cucumber genome.PLoS ONE2009, 4(6):e5795.
34. Wang GX, Zhang XY,Jin WW*. An overview of plant centromere.Journal of Genetics and Genomics2009, 36 (9): 529-537. (Invited)
35. Li L, Xu XW,Jin WW, Chen SJ*. Morphological and molecular evidences for DNA introgression in haploid induction via a high oil inducer CAUHOI in maize.Planta2009, 230(2):367-376.
36.Jin WW, Lamb J, Zhang WL, Kolano B, Birchler J, Jiang J. Histone Modifications Associated with both A and B Chromosomes of Maize.Chromosome Research2008, 16(8):1203-1214.
37. Han YH, Zhang ZH, Liu JH, Lu JY, Huang SW,Jin WW*. Distribution of the tandem repeat sequences and karyotyping in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) by fluorescence in situ hybridization.Cytogenetic and Genome Research2008, 122(1):80-88.
38. Liu Z, Yue W, Li DY, Wang R, Kong XY, Lu Kun, Wang GX, Dong YS,Jin WW*, Zhang XY*. Structure and dynamics of retrotransposons at wheat centromeres and pericentromeres.Chromosoma2008, 117(5):445-456.
39.Jin W, Lamb JC, Vega JM, Dawe RK, Birchler JA, Jiang J*. Molecular and functional dissection of the maize B centromere.Plant Cell2005, 17:1412-1423.
40. Yan H,Jin W, Nagaki K, et al. Transcription and histone modifications in the recombination-free region spanning a rice centromere.Plant Cell2005, 17:3227-3238.
41.Jin W, Melo JR, Nagaki K, Talbert PB, Henikoff S, Dawe RK, Jiang J*. Maize centromeres: organization and functional adaptation in the genetic background of oat.Plant Cell2004, 16(3):571-581.




