里賈納大學(University of Regina,簡稱: U of R)其創始於1911年時為私立教會中學,1961年成為薩省大學的分校區,1974年脫離並成為自主的公立大學。學校位於加拿大中南部薩斯喀徹溫省首府里賈納市(Regina),為加拿大著名的公立院校之一。里賈納大學目前有全職教師1283人,研究生1530人,校本科生為10740人,留學生占在校的10%,下設10個院及25個系80個專業,學生各類社團共80多個。校園周邊環境安全舒適,校園環境更是優美,所提供學歷被全世界承認。同時,里賈納市在全加拿大同規模城市中的生活消費是最低的,因此該校的學費及生活費用也較低。里賈納大學共有三個聯合學院,分別是Campion College、路德學院(Luther College)和加拿大原住民大學(First Nations University of Canada),它們均處於里賈納大學校園內,並都互相有著學術上的交流項目。
里賈納大學校內有著世界一流的ESL(English As Second Language)項目並在學校的語言學院(Language Institute)進行授課。該課程特別為留學生以及移民者提供英語強化的幫助,分為6級(ESL005,010,020,030,040,050,ESL050相當於TOEFL550),並配備專業教師。通過英語課程050,並符合里賈納大學專業入學標準的學生可以不需TOEFL或IELTS成績進入大學學習。該課程約18人一班,每周20-24小時。無語言成績以及語言成績不達到要求的學生將接受水平測試(Challenge Test)並按照成績被編入與自己語言水平相符的語言課程,意味著不用從最低級課程學起。課程裡面可以結識來自不同國家地區的求學者,並能為學生將來進入大學作鋪墊。學生需要在開課前四周申請,課程設定及費用:
學校提供多種住宿方式,校內宿舍(有三個宿舍區College West 和 South and North Residents,設有單人間、雙人間等,提供床、桌椅、衣櫃等用品,多帶廚房),校外公寓和寄宿家庭(HOMESTAY提供單人房間,早、午、晚三餐)。由於學校決定擴招學生,於2013年加建宿舍樓,在建的宿舍樓約可以容納六百多名學生,預計會在2014年年底竣工。
Janice Acoose, author, newspaper columnist, filmmaker, indigenous language advocate and professor of indigenous and English literature at First Nations University
Lee Ward, PhD., noted political scientist
Gordon Barnhart,SOM, author, former secretary of the House of Commons, and former Lieutenant-Governor of Saskatchewan
Roy Bonisteel,Laurier LaPierre,Knowlton Nash, Bill Cunningham,Val Sears,Myrna Kostash,Walter Stewart,John SawatskyandMaggie Siggins,inter alios, have been visiting professors in the School of Journalism.
Bob Boyer(1948–2004), visual artist, Professor and Head of Indian Fine Arts, SIFC.
Gail Bowen, playwright and writer of mystery novels, was associate professor of English at First Nations University
Lorne Calvert, Premier of Saskatchewan (2001–2007)
Sylvain Charlebois, food and agriculture expert
Jason Clermont, Canadian Football Player
Saros Cowasjee, novelist, short story writer, critic, anthologist, screenwriter
Jonathan Denis, Alberta MLA and Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs (1997)
Shadia B. Drury, professor of political science and philosophy;Canada Research ChairinSocial Justice
Chris Getzlaf, Canadian Football Player
Joan Givner, biographer, novelist and short story writer
Glenda Goertzen, children's author
Ralph Goodale, Member of Parliament, former Minister of Finance
Eric Grimson(BSc 1975 ), computer scientist and Chancellor ofMIT
John Hewson, former Australian federal opposition leader
Donald Kendrick, 1970s music faculty member as to choir and organ; subsequently in successive universities and choir master in assorted cities in eastern Canada and the USA; presently in California
Charity Marsh, assistant professor of Media Production and Studies, Canada Research Chair in Interactive Media and Performance
Ken Mitchell, novelist and playwright
John Cullen Nugent, sculptor
Barry Robert Pittendrigh, PhD., C.W. Kearns, C.L. Metcalf and W.P. Flint Endowed Chair Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Zenon Pylyshyn, Rutgers University, leading authority in cognitive science, Ph.D. (1963) University of Saskatchewan (Regina Campus)
Elizabeth Raum, Canadian oboist and composer
Jon Ryan, CFL and NFL punter
Christine Selinger, Canadian paracanoe gold medalist