



  • 中文名:醫學學科英語
  • 作者:劉佳佳、郭書法、陳典珂、汪田田、馬曉婧、王淑娟、曹靜、陳曉倩、唐紅、劉春芳、卞佳、萬瓊、李雪梅、章洪流、周彥
  • 出版時間:2023年8月1日
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787302624646
  • 定價:65 元
  • 印次:1-1
  • 印刷日期:2023.08.25


《醫學學科英語》定位為醫學院校學科通用學術英語。每個單元包括主題信息檢索與展示、三篇相關主題的閱讀文章、課文配套綜合訓練,以及學術英語技巧學習與分項訓練。全書選材來自於**的科普雜誌、醫學官方網站和醫學學術期刊,兼顧了科普性、學術性、人文性、趣味性和前瞻性。本教材另配有練習答案和PPT 教學課件。 《醫學學科英語》適用於醫學類高等院校學生、醫務工作者以及醫學英語愛好者。


Unit 1 Pandemic
Part A Information Searching and Delivering......................2
Part B Text Understanding.....................................................2
Passage 1 Pandemics—What Everyone Needs to Know .. 2
Passage 2 A Universal Flu Vaccine Is Vital....................... 5
Passage 3 Wearing Face Masks in the Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Altruism and Solidarity .................................................... 8
Part C Integrated Exercises.................................................. 11
Part D Academic Skills..........................................................18
Academic Listening Skill: Recognizing Main Ideas and Supporting Details................ 18
Academic Reading Skill: Medical Terminology ............. 23
Academic Writing Skill: Topic Sentence and Supporting Details......................................25
Unit 2 Medicine
Part A Information Searching and Delivering....................30
Part B Text Understanding...................................................30
Passage 1 Medicine ......................................................... 30
Passage 2 What Are the Benefits and Advantages of Telemedicine? .......................... 33
Passage 3 Interpreting the Language of Traditional Medicine ............................ 36
Part C Integrated Exercises..................................................40
Part D Academic Skills..........................................................47
Academic Listening Skill: Recognizing Signal Words.... 47
Academic Reading Skill: Skimming and Scanning......... 52
Academic Writing Skill: How to Write Definitions......... 55
Unit 3 Nursing
Part A Information Searching and Delivering…………60
Part B Text Understanding………………………………60
Passage 1 Men in Nursing: The Challenges in Caregiving….60
Passage 2 2020: Unleashing the Full Potential of Nursing…64
Passage 3 If Nurses Nurse, Why Don't Doctors Doctor?….66
Part C Integrated Exercises………………………………70
Part D Academic Skills………………………77
Academic Listening Skill: Finding the Sequence of Events in a Narrative……77
Academic Reading Skill: Signal Words……………81
Academic Writing Skill: Comparison and Contrast…83
Unit 4 Mental Health
Part A Information Searching and Delivering…………90
Part B Text Understanding……………………………90
Passage 1 Mental Health and Mental Disorders………90
Passage2 No Physical Health Without Mental Heath:Lessons Unlearned?……………………94
Passage 3 Mental Health Care for University Students: A Way Forward?…………………………96
Part C Integrated Exercises……………………………100
Part D Academic Skills………………………………108
Academic Listening Skill: Making Predictions……108
Academic Reading Skill: Topic Sentences…………112
Academic Writing Skill: Problem and Solutiom--115
Unit 5 Food and Nutrient
Part A Information Searching and Delivering…………122
Part B Text Understanding…………………………122
Passage 1 Diet, Nutrition and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Excerpt)………………………122
Passage 2 Fact or Fiction? Feed a Cold,Starve a Fever—The Answer ls Simmering in a Bowl of Chicken Soup…………………………126
Passage 3 Does Lactose Cause Bloating?…………128
Part C Integrated Exercises…………………………132
Part D Academic Skills…………………………………139
Academic Listening Skill: Making Inferences………139
Academic Reading Skill: Inference Making………142
Academic Writing Skill: Cause and Effect…………146
Unit 6 Drug
Part A Information Searching and Delivering…………150
Part B Text Understanding……………………………150
Passage 1 Medicine's Journey Through the Body……150
Passage 2 When Legal Drugs Harm and illegal Drugs Help……………………………153
Passage 3 Dealing with Drug Pricing: Not Just One Solution………………………………155
Part C Integrated Exercises……………………………158
Part D Academic Skills…………………………165
Academic Listening Skill: Identifying Numbers……165
Academic Reading Skill: Facts and Opinions………169
Academic Writing Skill: Examples and Statistics…171
Unit 7 Cancer
Part A Information Searching and Delivering…………176
Part B Text Understanding……………………………176
Passage 1 Building a More Resilient Cancer Healthcare System……………………176
Passage 2 Disability in Cancer Care: Time for Change?……………………………179
Passage 3 Time to Focus on Value-Based Metrics for Cancer Care?…181
Part C Integrated Exercises……………………………185
Part D Academic Skills…………………………193
Academic Listening Skill: Recognizing Cause and Effect Relationship……193
Academic Reading Skill: Arguments and Evidences…198
Academic Writing Skill: Quoting and Paraphrasing ……201
Unit 8 Medical Ethics
Part A Information Searching and Delivering…………206
Part B Text Understanding……………………………206
Passage 1 Introduction to Medical Ethics (Excerpt)…206
Passage 2 Palliative Cane—A Shifting Paradigm…210
Passage 3 A Genetically Augmented Future………213
Part C Integrated Exercises…………………………216
Part D Academic Skills……………………223
Academic Listening Skill: Summarizing…………223
Academic Reading Skill: Tables and Figures……227
Academic Writing Skill: Summarizing……………232


