- 中文名:鄭棉海
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:廣東汕頭
- 畢業院校:華南農業大學、中國科學院大學
- 職稱:副研究員
主要從事森林生態學和氮素生物地球化學研究,重點研究氮沉降和生物固氮的屬性特徵、調控機制和生態效應。主要學術成績:(1)發現“氮飽和森林高效固氮”和“生物固氮隨森林演替增加”的悖論現象,並提出氮富集森林固持外源氮的新觀點和假說;(2)估算氮沉降背景下華南地區典型森林的固氮潛力,揭示了傳統林下施氮方法模擬氮沉降研究的缺陷;(3)闡明自然生態系統生物固氮的養分和環境調控機制,並揭示人類活動影響陸地生態系統固氮的關鍵途徑。在國內外學術刊物發表論文30餘篇,其中第一/通訊作者(含共同)論文19篇(發表在Ecology Letters, Global Change Biology, Ecology等刊物);主持國家和省部級項目5項;入選第三屆中國博士後創新人才支持計畫、首屆中國生態學學會青年人才托舉工程A類、第十一批中國科學院“青年創新促進會”會員,榮獲中國科學院百篇優秀博士學位論文、中國博士後創新人才支持計畫優秀創新成果、中國科學院院長優秀獎、博士研究生國家獎學金(2次)、中國科學院大學優秀畢業生、北京市優秀畢業生等榮譽獎勵。
2008.09 — 2012.06,華南農業大學,生態學,理學學士
2012.09 — 2015.06,中國科學院華南植物園,生態學,理學碩士
2015.09 — 2018.06,中國科學院華南植物園,生態學,理學博士
2016.12 — 2017.08,University of Oklahoma(USA),聯合培養研究生
2017.08 — 2017.12,Northern Arizona University (USA),聯合培養研究生
2018.07 — 2020.03,中國科學院華南植物園,博士後
2020.04 — 至今,中國科學院華南植物園,副研究員
森林生態學、氮素生物地球化學、全球變化生態學。 重點關注氮沉降全球化背景下,森林生物固氮等氮循環過程及其生態效應。 |
Zheng M.H., Chen H., LiD.J., Luo Y.Q., Mo J.M.. 2020. Substrate stoichiometry determines nitrogenfixation throughout succession in southern Chinese forests. Ecology Letters, 23, 336-347.
Zheng M.H., Zhou Z.H.,Zhao P., Luo Y.Q., Ye Q., Zhang K.R., Song L., Mo J.M.. 2020. Effects of humandisturbance activities and environmental change factors on terrestrial nitrogenfixation.Global Change Biology, 26, 6203-6217.
Zheng M.H., Zhou Z.H., Luo Y.Q., Zhao P., Mo J.M.. 2019. Globalpattern and controls of biological nitrogen fixation under nutrient enrichment:A meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 25, 3018-3030.
Mao J.H., Mao Q.G., Gundersen P., Gurmesa G.A., Zhang W.,Huang J., Wang S.H., Li A.D., Wang Y.F., Guo Y.B., Liu R.Z., Mo J.M.*, Zheng M.H.*. 2022. Unexpected highretention of 15N-labeled nitrogen in a tropical legume forest under long-termnitrogen enrichment. Global Change Biology, 28:1529-1543.
Zheng M.H., Zhang W.,Luo Y.Q., Li D.J., Wang S.H., Huang J., Lu X.K., Mo J.M.. 2018. Stoichiometrycontrols asymbiotic nitrogen fixation and its response to nitrogen inputs in anitrogen-saturated forest. Ecology, 99, 2037-2046.
Zheng M.H., Zhang W.,Luo Y.Q., Wan S.Q., Fu S.L., Wang S.H., Liu N., Ye Q., Yan J.H., Zou B., FangC.L., Ju Y.X., Ha D.L., Zhu L.W., Mo J.M.. 2019. The inhibitory effects ofnitrogen deposition on asymbiotic nitrogen fixation are divergent between atropical and a temperate forest. Ecosystems, 22, 955-967.
Zheng M.H., Zhang T.,Liu L., Zhu W.X., Zhang W., Mo J.M.. 2016. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorusadditions on nitrous oxide emission in a nitrogen-rich and two nitrogen-limitedtropical forests. Biogeosciences, 13, 3503-3517.
Zheng M.H., Zhang T.,Liu L., Zhang W., Lu X.K., Mo J.M.. 2016. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorusadditions on soil methane uptake in disturbed forests. Journal of Geophysical Research:Biogeosciences, 121, 3089-3100.
Zheng M.H., Zhang W.,Luo Y.Q., Mori T., Mao Q.G., Wang S.H., Huang J., Lu X.K., Mo J.M.. 2017. Differentresponses of asymbiotic nitrogen fixation to nitrogen addition betweendisturbed and rehabilitated subtropical forests. Science of the Total Environment,601, 1505-1512.
Zheng M.H., Chen H., LiD.J., Zhu X.M., Zhang W., Fu S.L., Mo J.M.. 2016. Biological nitrogen fixationand its response to nitrogen input in two mature tropical plantations with andwithout legume trees. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 52,1-10.
Zheng M.H., Li D.J., LuX., Zhu X.M., Zhang W., Huang J., Fu S.L., Lu X.K., Mo J.M.. 2016. Effects ofphosphorus addition with and without nitrogen addition on biological nitrogenfixation in tropical legume and non-legume tree plantations.Biogeochemistry, 131, 65-76.
Zheng M.H., Huang J., ChenH., Wang H., Mo J.M.. 2015. Responses of soil acid phosphatase andbeta-glucosidase to nitrogen and phosphorus addition in two subtropical forestsin southern China.European Journal of Soil Biology, 68, 77-84.
Huang J., Wang X., Zheng M.H.*, Mo J.M..2020. 13-year nitrogen addition increases nonstructural carbon pools insubtropical forest trees in southern China. Forest Ecology and Management, 118748.
Huang J., Liu J.X., Zhang W., Cai X.A., Liu L., Zheng M.H.*, Mo J.M.*. 2019. Effects of urbanization on plant phosphorusavailability in broadleaf and needleleaf subtropical forests. Science of the Total Environment, 684, 50-57.
Huang J., Zhang W., Li Y.L., Wang S.H., Mao J.H., Mo J.M.*, Zheng M.H.*. 2021. Long-term nitrogen deposition does notexacerbate soil acidification in tropical broadleaf plantations. Environmental Research Letters, 16:114042.
Mao J.H., Mao Q.G., Zheng M.H.*, MoJ.M.*. 2020, Responses of foliar nutrient status and stoichiometry to nitrogenaddition in different ecosystems: a meta-analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research:Biogeosciences, 125, e2019JG005347.
Liu Y., Zhang G.H., Luo X.Z., Hou E.Q., Zheng M.H., Zhang L.L., He X.J., Shen W.J., Wen D.Z.. 2021. Mycorrhizal fungi andphosphatase involvement in rhizosphere phosphorus transformations improvesplant nutrition during subtropical forest succession. Soil Biology & Biochemistry,153, 108099.
Zhang J., Zheng M.H., Zhang Y.J., Wang J.,Shen H., Lin Y.B., Tang X.L., Hui D.F., Lambers H., Sardans J., Peñuelas J.,Liu Z.F.. 2021. Soil phosphorus availability affects diazotroph communitiesduring vegetation succession in lowland subtropical forests. Applied Soil Ecology, 166, 104009.
Wu T., Tissue D.T., Li X., L S.Z., Chu G.W., ZhouG.Y., Li Y.L., Zheng M.H., Meng Z.,Liu J.X.. 2020. Long-term effects of 7-year warming experiment in the field onleaf hydraulic and economic traits of subtropical tree species. Global Change Biology, 26, 7144-7157.
Wu T., Liu S.Z., Lie Z.Y., Zheng M.H.,Duan H.L., Chu, G.W., Meng Z., Zhou G.Y., Liu J.X.. 2020. Divergent effects ofa 6-year warming experiment on the nutrient productivities of subtropical treespecies. Forest Ecology and Management, 461, 117952.
Zhou Z.H., Wang C.K., Zheng M.H., Jiang L.F.,Luo Y.Q.. 2017. Patterns and mechanisms of responses by soil microbialcommunities to nitrogen addition.Soil Biology & Biochemistry,115, 433-441.
Chen H., Zheng M.H., Mao Q.G., Xiao K.C.,Wang K.L., Li D.J.. 2019. Cropland conversion changes the status of microbialresource limitation in degraded karst soil. Geoderma, 352, 197-203.
Zheng L., Chen H., Wang Y.Q., Mao Q.G., Zheng M.H., Su Y.R., Xiao K.C., Wang K.L., Li D.J.. 2020. Responses of soilmicrobial resource limitation to multiple fertilization strategies. Soil and Tillage Research, 196, 104474.
Wang Z.C., Li D.J., Zheng M.H., Chen H.,Sun X.B., Wang K.L.. 2019. Topography modulates effects of nitrogen depositionon asymbiotic N2 fixation in soil but not litter or moss in a secondary karstforest. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124,3015-3023.
Zhou K.J., Lu X.K., Mori T., Mao Q.G., Wang C., ZhengM.H., Mo H., Hou E.Q., Mo J.M.. 2018. Effects of long-term nitrogendeposition on phosphorus leaching dynamics in a mature tropical forest. Biogeochemistry,138, 215-224.
Wang H., Liu S.R., Zhang X., Mao Q.G., Li X.Z., You Y.M., Wang J.X., Zheng M.H., Zhang W., Lu X.K., Mo J.M..2018. Nitrogen addition reduces soil bacterial richness, while phosphorusaddition alters community composition in an old-growth N-rich tropical forestin southern China.Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 127, 22-30.
Chen H., Gurmesa G., Zhang W., Zhu X.M., Zheng M.H., Mao Q.G., Zhang T., Mo J.M.. 2015. Nitrogen saturation in humidtropical forests after 6 years of nitrogen and phosphorus addition: Hypothesistesting. Functional Ecology, 30, 305-313.
Mori T., Zhou K.J., Wang C., Wang S.H., Wang Y.P., Zheng M.H., Lu X.K., Zhang W., Mo J.M.. 2020. Effects of 14-yearcontinuous nitrogen addition on soil arylsulfatase and phosphodiesteraseactivities in a mature tropical forest. Global Ecology and Conservation,e00934.
Zhou Z.H., Zheng M.H., Xia J.Y., Wang C.K..2022. Nitrogen addition promotes soil microbial beta diversity and thestochastic assembly. Science of the Total Environment,806:150569.
鄭棉海,陳浩, 朱曉敏, 毛慶功, 莫江明. 2015. 礦質養分輸入對森林生物固氮的影響. 生態學報, 35, 7941-7954.
鄭棉海,黃娟, 陳浩, 王暉, 莫江明. 2015. 氮、磷添加對不同林型土壤磷酸酶活性的影響. 生態學報, 35, 6703-6710.
王玉芳,鄭棉海*,王森浩,毛晉花,莫江明*. 2021. 氮磷添加對華南地區2種人工林土壤氮磷循環酶活性的影響. 熱帶亞熱帶植物學報, 29, 244-250.