- 中文名:鄭斐峰
- 畢業院校:西安交通大學
- 性別:男
- 學位/學歷:博士生導師
- 2003.09-2006.11 管理科學與工程專業,西安交通大學管理學院,博士
- 2001.09-2003.06 管理科學與工程專業,西安交通大學管理學院,碩士
- 1994.09-1998.07 信息管理專業,西安交通大學管理學院,學士
- 2017.06 至今 東華大學旭日工商管理學院,教授、博導、副院長
- 2014.09-2017.05 東華大學旭日工商管理學院,教授,博導
- 2012.03-2014.08 東華大學旭日工商管理學院,副教授
- 2010.03-2012.02 西安交通大學管理學院,副教授
- 2006.12-2010.02 西安交通大學管理學院,講師
- 2017.07-2017.07,法國埃夫里大學,訪問學者
- 2016.01-2017.01,美國紐約大學Stern商學院,訪問學者
- 2009.02-2009.04,美國德州大學奧斯汀分校,Research Fellow
- 2008.07-2008.09,香港城市大學,Research Fellow
- 2007.06-2007.11,香港城市大學,Senior Research Associate
- 2005.07-2005.12,香港城市大學,Research Assistant
- 2004.01-2004.06,香港城市大學,Research Assistant
- 2020 寶鋼“優秀教師”獎
- 2019 “2018年度東華大學科研組織管理工作先進個人”榮譽稱號
- 2014 “上海市人才發展資金資助計畫”
- 2013 東華大學“勵志計畫”(A類)
- 2013 中國運籌學會不確定系統分會“運籌新人獎”
- 2012 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫(NCET-12-0824)
- 2010 西安交通大學人文社會科學優秀科研工作者
- 2009 全國優秀博士學位論文提名論文
- 2009 運輸管理中占線問題的競爭策略研究,陝西高等學校科學技術獎一等獎
- Liu, M., Liu, X., Chu, F., Zheng, F., & Chu, C. (2020). Profit-oriented distributionally robust chance constrained flowshop scheduling considering credit risk. International Journal of Production Research, 58: 2527-2549.
- Liu, X., Chu, F., Dolgui, A., Zheng, F., & Liu, M. (2020). Service-oriented bi-objective robust collection-disassembly problem with equipment selection. International Journal of Production Research, (3):1-15.
- He, J., Chu, F., Zheng, F., & Liu, M. (2020). A green-oriented bi-objective disassembly line balancing problem with stochastic task processing times. Annals of Operations Research, (12).
- Liu, M., Liu, X., Chu, F., Zhu, M., & Zheng, F. (2020). Liner ship bunkering and sailing speed planning with uncertain demand.
- Zheng, F., Wang, Z., Xu, Y., & Liu, M. (2020). Heuristic algorithms for mapreduce scheduling problem with open-map task and series-reduce tasks. Scientific Programming, 1-10.
- Jiao, X., Zheng, F., Xu, Y., & Liu, M. (2020). Integrated continuous berth allocation and time-variant quay crane assignment under berth dredging in container terminal. Operations Research and Management Science, 167(02): 51-61.
- Zhang, E., Liu, M., Zheng, F., & Xu, Y. (2019). Single machine lot scheduling to minimize the total weighted (discounted) completion time. Information Processing Letters, 46-51.
- Huang, J., Zheng, F., Xu, Y., & Liu, M. (2019). Uniform machine scheduling with transportation time in the mapreduce system. Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences, (11): 1741-1755.
- Feifeng Zheng, Xiaoyi Man, Feng Chu, Ming Liu*, Chengbin Chu, A two-stage stochastic programming for single yard crane with uncertain release times of retrieval tasks[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 57(13): 4132-4147, 2019.
- Ming Liu, Xin Liu, Maoran Zhu, Feifeng Zheng, Stochastic Drone Fleet Deployment and Planning Problem Considering Multiple-Type Delivery Service[J]. Sustainability, 2019, 11, doi:10.3390/su11143871, 2019.
- Ming Liu, Xin Liu, Feng Chu*, Feifeng Zheng, Chengbin Chu, Service-oriented robust parallel machine scheduling[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 57(12): 3814-3830, 2019.
- Feifeng Zheng, Ying Li, Feng Chu, Ming Liu*, Integrated berth allocation and quay crane assignment with maintenance activities[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 57(11): 3478-3503, 2019.
- Ming Liu, Xin Liu, Feng Chu*, Feifeng Zheng, Chengbin Chu, Distributionally robust inventory routing problem to maximize the service level under limited budget[J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 126: 190-211, 2019.
- Xiaozhou He, Zhihui Liu, Bing Su, Yinfeng Xu, Feifeng Zheng, Binhai Zhu, Efficient algorithms for computing one or two discrete centers hitting a set of line segments[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 37(4): 1408-1423, 2018.
- Feifeng Zheng, Mike L. Pinedo, Kangbok Lee, Ming Liu*, Yinfeng Xu, Toward robustness of response time: the maximum inter-completion time minimization scheduling problem[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 57(1): 182-199, 2019.
- Guanqun Ni*,Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, Competitive analysis of online revenue management with hierarchical resources[J]. Information Processing Letters, 142: 41-45, 2019.
- Feifeng Zheng, Junkai He, Feng Chu, Ming Liu*, A new distribution-free model for disassembly line balancing problem with stochastic task processing times[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 56(24): 7341-7353, 2018.
- Feifeng Zheng, Xiaoyi Man, Feng Chu, Ming Liu*, Chengbin Chu, Two yard crane scheduling with dynamic processing time and interference[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 12(19): 3775-3784, 2018.
- Kangbok Lee, Feifeng Zheng, Mike L. Pinedo*, Online Scheduling of Ordered Flow Shops[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 272(1): 50-60, 2019.
- Xiaogang Jiao, Feifeng Zheng, Ming Liu*, Yinfeng Xu, Integrated berth allocation and time-variant quay crane scheduling with tidal impact in approach channel[J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, V2018, Article ID 9097047, 19 pages,https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/9097047.
- E Zhang, Qihuang Mei, Ming Liu*, Feifeng Zheng, Stowage Planning in Multiple Ports with Shifting Fee Minimization[J]. Scientific Programming, Vol. 2018, Article ID 3450726, 9 pages, 2018
- Jidan Huang, Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, Ming Liu, Online MapReduce processing on two identical parallel machines[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 35(1): 216-223, 2018.
- Ming Liu, Shijin Wang, Feifeng Zheng, Chengbin Chu, Algorithms for joint multitasking scheduling and common due date assignment problem[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 55(20): 6052-6066, 2017.
- Zhanguo Zhu,Feifeng Zheng, Chengbin Chu, Multitasking scheduling problems with a rate-modifying activity[J].International Journal of Production Research, 55(1): 296-312, 2017.
- Wenming Zhang, E Zhang,Feifeng Zheng, Online Two Stage k-Search Problem and Its Competitive Analysis [J].International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 27(6): 653-663, 2016.
- Xin Feng,Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, Robustschedulingofatwo-stage hybridflowshopwith uncertaininterval processingtimes[J].International Journal of Production Research, 54(12): 3706-3717, 2016.
- Xin Feng, Yongxi Cheng,Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, Online integrated production–distribution scheduling problems without preemption[J].Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 31(1): 1569-1585, 2016.
- Wenming Zhang, E Zhang,Feifeng Zheng, Online (J, K)-search problem and its competitive analysis[J].Theoretical Computer Science, 593(16):139-145, 2015.
- Feifeng Zheng, Li Luo, E Zhang, NF-based algorithms for online bin packing with buffer and bounded item size[J].Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 30(2): 360-369, 2015.
- Yongxi Cheng, Ju’e Guo,Feifeng Zheng, A new randomized algorithm for group testing with unknown number of defective items[J].Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 30(1): 150-159, 2015.
- Yongxi Cheng, Ding-Zhu Du,Feifeng Zheng, A new strongly competitive group testing algorithm with small sequentiality[J].Annals of Operations Research, 229(1):265-286, 2015.
- Ming Liu,Feifeng Zheng(通訊), Jinfeng Li, Scheduling small number of quay cranes with non-interference constraint[J].Optimization Letters, 9(2):403-412, 2015
- Ming Liu,Feifeng Zheng, Zhanguo Zhu, Chengbin Chu, Optimal semi-online algorithm for scheduling on two parallel batch processing machines[J].Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 31(5): 1450038, 2014.
- Stanley P. Y. Fung, Chung Keung Poon,Feifeng Zheng,Improved Randomized Online Scheduling of Intervals and Jobs[J].Theory of Computing Systems, 55(1): 202-228, 2014.
- Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, Weimin Ma, E Zhang, Online scheduling with immediate and reliable lead-time quotation[J].Journal of Scheduling, 17(3):225-236, 2014.
- Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, E Zhang, WeiChiang Hong, Competitive analysis for make-to-order scheduling with reliable lead time quotation[J].Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 27(1):182-198, 2014.
- Feifeng Zheng, Yongxi Cheng, Yinfeng Xu, Ming Liu,Competitive strategies for an online generalized assignment problem with a service consecution constraint[J].European Journal of Operational Research, 229(1):59-66, 2013.
- Feifeng Zheng, Yongxi Cheng, Ming Liu, Yinfeng Xu, Online interval scheduling on a single machine with finite lookahead[J].Computers & Operations Research, 40(1):180-191, 2013.
- Ming Liu,Feifeng Zheng, Shijin Wang, Yinfeng Xu, Approximation algorithms for parallel machine scheduling with linear deterioration[J].Theoretical Computer Science,497(29):108-111, 2013.
- Feifeng Zheng, Liu Ming, Chu Chengbin, Xu Yinfeng, Online Parallel Machine Scheduling to Maximize the Number of Early Jobs[J].Mathematical Problems in Engineering,DOI: 10.1155/2012/939717, 2012.
- Ming Liu,Feifeng Zheng(通訊), Shijin Wang, Jiazhen Huo,Optimal algorithms for online single machine scheduling with deteriorating jobs[J].Theoretical Computer Science,445(3):75-81,2012.
- Ming Liu,Feifeng Zheng(通訊), Chengbin Chu, Yinfeng Xu, Single-machine scheduling with past-sequence-dependent delivery times and release times[J].Information Processing Letters, 112(21):835-838, 2012.
- Ming Liu,Feifeng Zheng, Chengbin Chu, Jiantong Zhang, An FPTAS for uniform machine scheduling to minimize makespan with linear deterioration[J].Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 23(4): 483-492, 2012.
- Wenming Zhang, Yinfeng Xu,Feifeng Zheng, Yucheng Dong, Optimal algorithms for online time series search and one-way trading with interrelated prices[J].Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 23(2):159-166, 2012.
- Ming Liu,Feifeng Zheng, Chengbin Chu, Yinfeng Xu, New results on single-machine scheduling with past-sequence-dependent delivery times[J].Theoretical Computer Science, 438:55-61, 2012.
- Wenming Zhang, Yinfeng Xu,ZhengFeifeng, Yucheng Dong, Online algorithms for the multiple time series search problem[J].Computers & Operations Research, 39(5):929-938, 2012.
- Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, Chung Keung Poon, E Zhang, Xiaoping Wu, Online deadline scheduling with preemption penalties[J].Computers & Industrial Engineering, 60(4):542-549, 2011.
- Ming Liu,Feifeng Zheng, Chengbin Chu, Yinfeng Xu, Optimal algorithms for online scheduling on parallel machines to minimize the makespan with a periodic availability constraint[J].Theoretical Computer Science, 412(39): 5225-5231, 2011.
- Wei-Chiang Hong, Yucheng Dong,Feifeng Zheng, Shih-Yung Wei, Hybrid evolutionary algorithms in a SVR traffic flow forecasting model[J].Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217(15):6733-6747, 2011.
- Wei-Chiang Hong, Yucheng Dong,Feifeng Zheng, Chien-Yuan Lai, Forecasting urban traffic flow by SVR with continuous ACO[J].Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35(3):1282-1291, 2011.
- Yinfeng Xu, Wenming Zhang,Feifeng Zheng, Optimal algorithms for the online time series search problem[J].Theoretical Computer Science, 412(3):192-197, 2011.
- Wenming Zhang, Yinfeng Xu,Feifeng Zheng, Ming Liu, Online algorithms for the general k-search problem[J].Information Processing Letters, 111(14):678-682, 2011.
- Ming Liu, Chengbin Chu, Yinfeng Xu,Feifeng Zheng, Semi-online scheduling on 2 machines under a grade of service provision with bounded processing times[J].Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 21(1):138-149, 2011.
- Ming Liu, Chengbin Chu, Yinfeng Xu,Feifeng Zheng, An optimal online algorithm for two-machine open shop preemptive scheduling with bounded processing times[J].Optimization Letters, 4(2):227-237, 2010.
- Ming Liu, Chengbin Chu, Yinfeng Xu,Feifeng Zheng, An optimal online algorithm for single machine scheduling with bounded delivery times[J].European Journal of Operational Research, 201(3):693-700, 2010.
- Ming Liu, Yinfeng Xu, Chengbin Chu,Feifeng Zheng, Online scheduling on two uniform machines to minimize the makespan[J].Theoretical Computer Science, 410(21-23):2099-2109, 2009.
- Ming Liu, Chengbin Chu, Yinfeng Xu,Feifeng Zheng, Online scheduling on m uniform machines to minimize total (weighted) completion time[J].Theoretical Computer Science, 410(38-40):3875-3881, 2009.
- Ming Liu, Chengbin Chu, Yinfeng Xu,Feifeng Zheng, Online scheduling to minimize modified total tardiness with an availability constraint[J].Theoretical Computer Science,410(47-49):5039-5046, 2009.
- Stanley P.Y. Fung, Chung Keung Poon,Feifeng Zheng, Online Interval Scheduling: Randomized and Multiprocessor Cases[J],Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 16(3): 248-262, 2008.
- Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, E Zhang, How much can lookahead help in online single machine scheduling[J].Information Processing Letters, 106(2): 70-74, 2008.
- Stanley P.Y. Fung,Feifeng Zheng, W.T. Chan, Francis Y.L. Chin, Chung Keung Poon and Prudence W.H. Wong, Improved On-line Broadcast Scheduling with Deadlines[J].Journal of Scheduling, 11:299-308, 2008.
- Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, E Zhang, On-line production order scheduling with preemption penalties[J].Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 13(2):189-204, 2007.
- Chung Keung Poon,Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, On-demand Bounded Broadcast Scheduling with Tight Deadlines[J].International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 18(2): 251-262, 2007.
- Feifeng Zheng, Francis Y.L. Chin, Stanley P.Y. Fung, Chung Keung Poon, Yinfeng Xu, A tight lower bound for job scheduling with cancellation[J].Information Processing Letters, 16, 97 (1): 1-3, 2006.
- Ming Liu,Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, Chengbin Chu, Approximation algorithm for uniform quay crane scheduling at container ports[J].Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications. 8(2): 1-9, 2016.
- Ming Liu, Yinfeng Xu, Chengbin Chu,Feifeng Zheng, Online scheduling of parallel jobs with bounded processing times on two machines[J]. Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, 2: 425-432, 2010.
- Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, E Zhang, The On-line Container Shipment Problem and Its Competitive Algorithm[J].Journal of Systems Science and Information, 1(4):515–523, 2003.
- 黃基誕,鄭斐峰,徐寅峰,劉明. 考慮運輸時間的MapReduce模型下的同類機調度研究[J]. 系統科學與數學, 2019, 39(11): 1741-1755.
- 鄭斐峰,蔣娟,梅啟煌,最小貨櫃運輸成本的配載最佳化研究[J]. 計算機科學,46(6): 239-245, 2019.
- 黃基誕,鄭斐峰,徐寅峰,劉明,基於MapReduce模型帶任務分割的平行機調度最佳化[J]. 控制與決策, 34(7): 1514-1520, 2019.
- 黃基誕,鄭斐峰,徐寅峰,劉明,基於MapReduce模型的帶準備時間平行機調度最佳化[J]. 系統工程理論與實踐,39(1): 174-182, 2019.
- 鄭斐峰,梅啟煌,劉明,張小寧,多港口貨櫃配載的雙目標精確算法研究[J]. 工業工程,21(6): 1-6, 2018.
- 鄭斐峰,梅啟煌,王璐,張小寧,內地多港口間的貨櫃裝配最優方案[J]. 計算機工程與設計, 39(6): 1761-1766, 2018.鄭斐峰,梅啟煌,劉明,張小寧,基於遺傳算法與貪婪策略的多港口貨櫃配載研究[J].運籌與管理, 27(5): 1-7, 2018.
- 鄭斐峰,何俊凱,劉明,基於Epsilon約束算法的短纖維生產調度的雙目標最佳化研究[J]. 運籌與管理, 27(3): 1-8, 2018.
- 李英,喬龍亮,鄭斐峰,具有預知信息的貨櫃碼頭泊位與岸橋聯合調度線上模型[J]. 運籌學學報,22(3):28-36. 2018.
- 鄭斐峰,喬龍亮,黃基誕,有限預知信息下貨櫃碼頭泊位與岸橋聯合線上調度研究[J].系統管理學報,27(1): 1-9, 2018.
- 鄭斐峰,喬龍亮,預知信息下貨櫃碼頭資源聯合調度線上策略研究[J].運籌與管理, 25(4):101-105, 2016.
- 馮鑫,鄭斐峰,徐寅峰,批加工生產配送二級供應鏈協同調度[J].系統管理學報, 24(2):275-279, 2015.
- 馮鑫,鄭斐峰,面對單客戶的生產與配送二級供應鏈協同調度探討[J].運籌與管理, 23(4):19-24, 2014.
- 張娥,鄭斐峰,劉亞旭,汪應洛,供大於求時關鍵字廣告位拍賣保留價設計研究[J].預測,30(2):40-45, 2011.
- 倪冠群,徐寅峰,鄭斐峰,網上一口價線上拍賣的定價策略設計[J].管理科學學報, 14(3):1-9, 2011.
- 余昇,徐寅峰,鄭斐峰,太湖水華危機應急預案線上風險補償啟動策略[J].運籌與管理, 20(2):117-124, 2011.
- 徐寅峰,曹永峰,鄭斐峰,單水庫線上發電調度策略設計與分析[J].運籌與管理,20(6):82-87, 2011.
- 余昇,徐寅峰,董玉成,鄭斐峰,基於線上方法的藍藻危機應急預案啟動策略[J].系統工程理論與實踐,31(5): 914-919, 2011.
- 鄭斐峰,徐寅峰,張娥,占線訂單排序D-收益函式下改進的隨機策略[J].系統管理學報, 19(1):93-95, 2010.
- 徐寅峰,余昇,鄭斐峰,有閾值約束的占線訂單加工策略及競爭分析[J].系統管理學報,19(5):571-576, 2010.
- 武小平,徐寅峰,鄭斐峰,不完全信息下城市交通量分配研究[J].運籌與管理,19(4):116-120, 2010.
- 武小平,徐寅峰,鄭斐峰,路段權重不確定時占線選擇路徑[J].系統工程, 27(5):117-120, 2009.
- 鄭斐峰,徐寅峰,張娥,占線訂單排序C-收益函式下改進的隨機策略[J].運籌與管理, 18(6):75-79, 2009.
- 徐寅峰,張興國,董玉成,鄭斐峰,帶預期的占線周期性折扣租賃策略[J],系統工程理論與實踐,11: 69-73, 2008.
- 鄭斐峰,徐寅峰,貪婪策略在占線訂單加工問題中的競爭分析[J].系統管理學報, 16(4):417-421, 2007.
- 鄭斐峰,徐寅峰,張娥,具有交貨期限的占線訂單加工[J].系統工程,24(5):101-104, 2006.
- 徐寅峰,鄭斐峰,關於占線廣播調度問題的一個下界[J].西安交通大學學報(自然科學版),39(12):1291-1294, 2005.
- 張娥,鄭斐峰,汪應洛,網路廣告競價中的線上拍賣及其競爭策略研究[J].系統工程, 23(6):115-118, 2005.
- 鄭斐峰,徐寅峰,有限預知信息的貨櫃搬卸占線問題[J].系統工程理論方法套用, 13(5):390-394, 2004.
- 會議論文與大會宣講
- Xu, C., Xu, Y., & Zheng, F. (2019). Multitasking scheduling with part jobs interrupted assignment, presented at 2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM).
- He, J., Chu, F., Zheng, F., & Chu, C. (2019). Personalized garment customization with multitasking and distinct learning effects, presented at 2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM).
- Sui, Y., & Zheng, F. (2019). Distributionally robust joint chance constrained vessel fleet deployment problem, presented at 2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM).
- Zheng, F., & Song, Q. (2019). Lot-sizing and scheduling with machine-sharing in clothing industry, presented at 2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM).
- Yu, S., Xu, Y., Liu, M., & Zheng, F. (2011). Optimal policy for single-machine scheduling with deterioration effects, learning effects, setup times, and availability constraints, presented at International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization & Applications. Springer-Verlag.
- Wu, X., Zheng, F., & Long, X. (2010). The Efficiency loss of user equilibrium with linear non-separable and asymmetric latency functions, presented at International Conference of Information Science & Management Engineering.
- Zheng, F., Liu, B., Xu, Y., & Zhang, E. (2010). Online splitting interval scheduling on m identical machines, presented at International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information & Management.
- Zheng, F., Xu, Y., & Poon, C. K. (2009). On job scheduling with preemption penalties, presented at International Conference on Algorithmic Applications in Management.
- Man, X., Zheng, F., Chu, F., & Xu, Y. (2019). Yard crane scheduling with real-time reshuffle, presented at 2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM).
- Qiao, L., Zheng, F., & Li, Y. (2015). An online model of allocation problem at container terminals with finite look-ahead, presented at 2015 Annual Meeting of Chinese Management Science and Engineering.
- Liu, M., & Zheng, F. (2013) Advances in Scheduling Problems, Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization(pp.145-169), 2nd Edition.
- 徐渝,李鵬翔,鄭斐峰,《運籌學》(教育部經濟管理類核心課程教材),中國人民大學出版社,2013.09.06.
- 2020-2021 廣西金融控股集團利用多重重大戰略和政策疊加效應打造特色化、差異化競爭優勢研究,復旦廣投研究中心2020年度課題,負責人
- 2019-2023 分享經濟環境下企業運營與資源配置理論研究,國家自然科學基金重點項目(71832001),參與人
- 2018-2021 個性化定製下考慮多任務並行加工速率的雙層平行機系統調度最佳化研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目(71771048),負責人
- 2016-2019 全渠道模式下快時尚供應鏈O2O整合與協同最佳化研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目(71572033), 參加人
- 2014-2017 不確定需求環境下的貨櫃碼頭資源調度最佳化研究,上海市人才發展資金資助項目(201471),負責人
- 2014-2016 東華大學“勵志計畫”(A類,A201305),中央高校基金項目,負責人
- 2013-2015 不確定環境下的調度最佳化及其在醫療服務行業套用研究,教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫(NCET-12-0824),負責人
- 2012-2015 製造業供應鏈中的供應、生產與配送協同調度研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目(71172189),負責人
- 2012-2015 網路環境下短生命周期產品混合雙渠道供應鏈協作策略研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目(71172174),參加人
- 2012-2013 服務科學與供應鏈管理,中央高校基本科研業務費專項(東華大學人文社科基地培育項目),負責人
- 2010-2011 加工製造系統中最佳化控制方案設計與分析,國家機械製造重點實驗室基金項目,負責人
- 2010-2011 線上訂單加工系統中突發中斷事件的應對研究,陝西省自然科學基礎研究青年人才項目,負責人
- 2008-2010 生產訂單管理最佳化中的占線策略研究,國家自然科學基金青年項目(70702030),負責人
- 2008-2011 占線訂單管理問題的競爭策略研究,教育部博士點新教師基金(20070698053),負責人
- 2005-2007 運輸管理中占線問題的競爭策略研究,國家自然科學基金項目(70471035),參加人
- 本科生:運籌學,管理信息系統,管理系統業務流程的仿真,企業經營決策支持系統
- 研究生:高級運籌學,管理學研究方法,文獻閱讀