



  • 中文名:鄭小琪
  • 畢業院校:大連理工大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 職務博士生導師
  • 職稱:教授
  • 任職院校:上海師範大學


1. 中國現場統計研究會大數據統計分會理事;
2. 中國計算機協會 (CCF) 生物信息學專業組專業委員會委員;
3. 中國抗癌學會腫瘤標誌物專業委員會腫瘤測序及大數據分析專家委員會常委;
4. 中國抗癌學會腫瘤標誌物專業委員會甲基化標誌物專家委員會常委;
5. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 雜誌編委;
6. Genome Biology, Nucleic Acids Research, Bioinformatics, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Journal of Applied Statistics 等雜誌審稿人。


開課學年 開課學期 課程名稱
2019-2020 2 高等數學Ⅱ
2018-2019 1 數學建模與數值實驗
2018-2019 1 高等代數與解析幾何I
2018-2019 1 數學建模競賽選講


1. DNA甲基化與腫瘤異質性分析
高度的異質性是腫瘤難以診斷和治療的主要原因。由於腫瘤細胞具有高度的基因組不穩定性和增殖能力,在腫瘤生長過程中,其子代細胞呈現出不同的表型和基因組特徵,從而使腫瘤組織內部表現出不同的亞群結構 (sub-population或sub-clone)。來自不同亞群的腫瘤細胞在生長速度、轉移能力、對藥物的敏感性、預後等各方面存在差異。因此,綜合利用多種組學數據,系統研究腫瘤組織的異質性和其在腫瘤發展中的演化規律具有重要的理論意義和臨床價值。
2. 染色質三維結構的統計建模
真核生物的基因組以染色質的形式捲曲在細胞核內,其三維結構與轉錄、調控、基因組複製等眾多生物學過程直接相關,但其確切的三維結構如何目前還是一個公開問題。近期開發的以“染色體構象捕捉”(chromosome conformation capture, 3C)為基礎的技術與高通量測序技術相結合,使人們能高解析度地得到染色質區域之間的結合強度數據,為揭示染色體三維結構提供了數據基礎。
3. 精準醫療中的計算模型


2010年至今,已經在 Genome Biology, PLoS Computational Biology, Bioinformatics 等雜誌發表論文 60 余篇,其中第一或通訊作者 40 篇,累計影響因子超過 200。以負責人承擔國家自然科學基金青年項目1項,面上項目2項,以項目骨幹承擔國家重點研發計畫專項1項。


16. Zhang W#, Li Z#, Wei N, Wu HJ,Zheng X*, Detection of differentially methylated CpG sites between tumor samples with uneven tumor purities.Bioinformatics. 2019 Nov 26. pii: btz885. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btz885.
15. Hu X, Zhang J, Wang J, Fu J, Li T, Zheng X, Wang B, Gu S, Jiang P, Fan J, Carroll, MC, Wucherpfennig K, Hacohen N, Zhang F, Zhang P, Liu JS*, Li B*, Liu XS*: Widespread B cell clonal expansions and related mechanism of immune evasion in human cancers, Nature Genetics, 2019, 51(3):560-567.
14. Xu T, Zheng X, Li B, Jin P, Qin Z, Wu H*: A comprehensive review of computational prediction of genome-wide features, Briefings in Bioinformatics, online first, doi: 10.1093/bib/bby110.
13. Fan H, Lv P, Huo X, Wu J, Wang Q, Cheng L, Liu Y, Tang QQ, Zhang L, Zhang F, Zheng X, Wu H, Wen B*: The nuclear matrix protein HNRNPU maintains 3D genome architecture globally in mouse hepatocytes. Genome Research 2018, 28:192-202.
12. Zheng X*, Zhong S: From structure to function, how bioinformatics help to reveal functions of our genomes. Genome Biology, 2017, 18:183.
11. W Zhang, H Feng, H Wu, X Zheng*, Accounting for Tumor purity improves cancer subtype lassification from DNA methylation data, Bioinformatics, 33(17), 2017, 2651–2657.
10. X Zheng*, N Zhang, HJ Wu, H Wu*, Estimating and accounting for tumor purity in the analysis of DNA methylation data from cancer studies, Genome Biology, 2017, 18:17.
9. Niu B, Paulson JN, Zheng X, Koltera R*, Simplified and representative bacterial community of maize roots, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017 114 (12):E2450-E2459.
8. ZQ Wu, XY Li, T Ni, N Lu, T An, R Fu, RG Rowe, Y Lin, A Scherer, T Feinberg, SX Liu, QL Guo, X Zheng, SJ Weiss*, Snail1-Dependent p53 Repression Regulates Expansion and Activity of Tumor-Initiating Cells in Breast Cancer, Nature Cell Biology, 2016, 18:1221-1232.
7. F Wang, N Zhang, J Wang, H Wu*, X Zheng*: Tumor purity and differential methylation in cancer epigenomics, Briefings in Functional Genomics, 2016, 15:408-419.
6. N Zhang#, HJ Wu#, W Zhang, J Wang, H Wu*, X Zheng*: Predicting tumor purity from methylation microarray data, Bioinformatics, 2015, 31(21):3401–3405.
5. N Zhang#, H Wang#, Y Fang, J Wang*, X Zheng*, XS Liu*: Predicting anticancer drug responses using a duallayer integrated cell line-drug network model, PLoS Computational Biology, 2015, 11:e1004498.
4. Z Dong#, N Zhang#, C Li, H Wang, Y Fang, J Wang, X Zheng*: Anticancer drug sensitivity prediction in cell lines from baseline gene expression through recursive feature selection BMC cancer, 2015,15(1):489
3. Zheng X#, Zhao Q#, Wu H-J#, Li W, Wang H, Meyer CA, Qin QA, Xu H, Zang C, Jiang P*, Zhang Y*, Liu XS*: MethylPurify: tumor purity deconvolution and differential methylation detection from single tumor DNA methylomes. Genome Biology 2014, 15:419.
2. Li L, Yu S, Xiao W, Li Y, Huang L, Zheng X*, Zhou S*, Yang H*: Sequence-based identification of recombination spots using pseudo nucleic acid representation and recursive feature extraction by linear kernel SVM. BMC bioinformatics 2014, 15:340.
1. Zhu J, Qin Y, Liu T, Wang J, Zheng X*: Prioritization of candidate disease genes by topological similarity between disease and protein diffusion profiles. BMC bioinformatics 2013, 14:S5.


1. 融合單細胞轉錄組數據的腫瘤異質性分析方法研究(61972257),國家自然科學基金面上項目,2020.1-2023.12,主持
2. 基於植物底盤的藥用植物活性成分研究及其套用(2018YFA0900600),國家重點研發專項項目,2020.1-2024.12,骨幹
3. 基於DNA甲基化的腫瘤異質性分析方法及套用算法研究(61572327),國家自然科學基金面上項目,2016.1-2019.12,主持
4. 擬南芥基因轉錄調控關係的識別方法研究(31100953),國家自然科學基金青年項目, 2012.1-2014.12,主持


