- 中文名:鄧進軍
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1978年11月
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:微機電系統(MEMS)技術、微納米技術
- 主要成就:國家技術發明二等獎2項
1. Deng Jinjun,Zheng Shaojun,Yan Yuchao.Fabrication and static calibration of double-layer thermal film sensor forfluid wall shear stress measurement. Journal of Micromechanics AndMicroengineering. 2020,30(11).
2. DengJinjun*,Zhang Linwei, HuiLiuan, Jin Xinhang, Ma Binghe,Indium Tin Oxide Thin-Film Thermocouple Probe Based on Sapphire Microrod,Sensors, 2020, 20(5): 1289.
3. DengJinjun*,Wang Weihua,Hui Liuan,Zhang Jietong, Jin, Xinhang, AThrough-Hole Lead Connection Method for Thin-Film Thermocouples on TurbineBlades , Sensors, 2019, 19(5): 1155.
4. Jiang Chengyu*, DengJinjun*,MaBinghe,Yuan Weizheng,Advanced flow measurement and active flow control of aircraft with MEMS,Engineering Sciences , 2012, 10(5): 26-32.
5. 鄧進軍*,李凱,王雲龍, 金新航,馬炳和, 航空發動機內壁高溫測試技術, 微納電子技術,2015, 52(03): 178-184
6. Xinhang Jin, Binghe Ma*,JinjunDeng*,et.al, High temperature failure modes of In2O3 thin films and improved thermalstability using Al2O3/ZrO2 protective layers, Ceramics International, 2021,47(20):28411-28418
7. Sun B., Ma B., DengJ.,et. al, High sensitive micro flexible thermal sensor for flow separationmeasurements on airfoil,20thInternational Conference on Solid-State Sensors,Berlin,Germany,JUN23-27, 2019
8. Ding G., Ma B., DengJ.,et. al, Temperature drifts of the floating element wall shear stress sensorwith capacitive sensing,20thInternational Conference on Solid-State Sensors,Berlin,Germany,JUN23-27, 2019
9. Sun B.,Wang P.,Ma B., Deng J., et.al, Effects of annealing on the temperature coefficient of resistance of nickelfilm deposited on polyimide substrate, Vacuum, 2019,160:18-24
10. Wang Sh., Ma B., DengJ.,et. al, Fabrication and characterization of MEMS piezoelectric synthetic jetactuators with bulk-micromachined PZT thick film, Microsystem Technologies,2015,21(5):1053-1059
11. Gao W., Ma B., Luo J., DengJ., Highsensitive Polyimide-based single-walled carbon nanotube thermal film sensor forfluid shear stress measurements, Smart Materials And Structures, 2019,28(7)
12. Ma C., Ma B., Deng J., et.al,A High-Temperature MEMS Surface Fence for Wall-Shear-Stress Measurement inScramjet Flow, Sensors, 2017,17(10).
13. Lv H.,Jiang C., Hou H., Zhou Z., Deng J.,et. Al, Flexible balloon actuators for active flow control, MicrosystemTechnologies, 2012,18(3):265-275.