主要的學術兼職包括未來地球計畫(Future Earth)城市化與全球環境變化(UGEC)全球科學指導委員會委員、英國研究理事會項目顧問委員會委員、聯合國糧農組織項目諮詢專家、世界銀行項目諮詢專家、國家自然科學基金委國際組織合作諮詢專家組成員、國家標準化專業委員會―國土資源信息技術委員會委員、中國雙法學會能源經濟與管理研究分會副理事長、中國國土經濟學會理事、中國地理學會產業政策與發展地理學工作組組長、中國自然資源學會資源流動與管理專業委員會主任、中國城鄉發展智庫聯盟副理事長等。目前擔任Resources, Conservation & Recycling副主編、Regional Environmental Change編輯、擔任Journal of Cleaner Production、Journal of Land Use Science、Journal of Geographical Science、Land等期刊編委,擔任林業經濟評論主編、草業學報、農林經濟管理學報編委。
Deng, X., Gibson, J., 2018. Improving eco-efficiency for the sustainable agricultural production: A case study in Shandong, China. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
Deng, X., Gibson, J., 2018. Sustainable land use management for improving land eco-efficiency: a case study of Hebei, China. Ann Oper Res 1–13.
Deng, X., Gibson, J., Jia, S., 2018. Does Expressway Consume More Land of the Agricultural Production Base of Shandong Province? Comput. Econ. 52, 1293–1316.
Deng X., J. Gibson, P. Wang, 2017. Quantitative measurements of the interaction between net primary productivity and livestock production in Qinghai Province based on data fusion technique. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 758-766.
Deng X., J. Gibson, P. Wang, 2017. Relationship between landscape diversity and crop production: a case study in the Hebei Province of China based on multi-source data integration. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 985-992.
Deng X., J. Gibson, P. Wang,2017. Management of trade-offs between cultivated land conversions and land productivity in Shandong Province. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 767-774.
Deng X., Z. Li, 2016. A review on historical trajectories and spatially explicit scenarios of land-use and land-cover changes in China. Journal of Land Use Science, 11, 709-724.
Deng X., Z. Li, J. Gibson, 2016. A review on trade-off analysis of ecosystem services for sustainable land-use management. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 26(7), 953-968.
Deng X., Z. Wang, C. Zhao,2016. Economic Evolution in China Ecologically Fragile Regions. Journal of Economic Surveys, 30, 552-576.
Deng, X., J. Huang, S. Rozelle, J. Zhang, Z. Li, 2015. Impact of urbanization on cultivated land changes in China. Land Use Policy, 45, 1–7.
Deng, X., Q. Shi, Q. Zhang, C. Shi, F. Yin, 2015. Impacts of land use and land cover changes on surface energy and water balance in the Heihe River Basin of China, 2000–2010. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 79–82, 2–10.
Deng, X., X. Bai, 2014. Sustainable Urbanization in Western China. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 56(3): 12-24.
Deng, X., J. Han, F. Yin, 2012. Net energy, CO2 emission and land-based cost-benefit analyses of Jatropha biodiesel: a case study of the Panzhihua region of Sichuan province in China. Energies 5(7): 2150-2164.
Deng, X., J. Huang, Q. Huang, S. Rozelle, J., Gibson, 2011. Do roads lead to grassland degradation or restoration? A case study in Inner Mongolia, China. Environment and Development Economics 16(06): 751-773.
Deng, X., J. Huang, E. Uchida, S. Rozelle, J. Gibson, 2011. Pressure cookers or pressure valves: do roads lead to deforestation in China, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 61(1): 79-94.
Deng, X., Y, Zhao, F. Wu, Y. Lin, Qi., J. Dai, 2011. Analysis of the trade-off between economic growth and the reduction of nitrogen and phosphorus emissions in the Poyang Lake Watershed, China. Ecological Modelling 222(2): 330-336.
Deng, X., J. Huang, F. Qiao, R. Naylor, Walter P Falcon, Marshall Burke, Scott Rozelle and David Battisti (2010). "Impacts of El Nino-Southern Oscillation events on China’s rice production." Journal of Geographical Sciences 20(1): 3-16.
Deng, X., J. Huang, S. Rozelle, E. Uchida, 2010. Economic growth and the expansion of urban land in China. Urban Studies 47(4): 813-843.
Deng, X., Q. Jiang, H. Su, F. Wu, 2010. Trace forest conversions in Northeast China with a 1-km area percentage data model. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 4(1): 041893-041893-041813.
Deng, X., Q. Jiang, J. Zhan, S. He, Y. Lin, 2010. Simulation on the dynamics of forest area changes in Northeast China. Journal of Geographical Sciences 20(4): 495-509.
Deng, X., Q. Jiang, Q. Ge, L. Yang, 2010. Impacts of the Wenchuan Earthquake on the giant panda nature reserves in China. Journal of Mountain Science 7(2): 197-206.
Deng, X., J. Huang, S. Rozelle, E. Uchida, 2008. Growth, population and industrialization, and urban land expansion of China. Journal of Urban Economics 63(1): 96-115.
Deng, X., H. Su, J. Zhan, 2008. Integration of multiple data sources to simulate the dynamics of land systems. Sensors 8(2): 620-634.
Deng, X., J. Huang, S. Rozelle, E. Uchida, 2006. Cultivated land conversion and potential agricultural productivity in China. Land use policy 23(4): 372-384.
Deng, Xiangzheng (2011). Modeling the Dynamics and Consequences of Land System Change. Springer.
Deng, Xiangzheng, Buralk Güneralp, Jinyan Zhan and Hongbo Su (2014). Land Use Impacts on Climate, Springer.
Deng, Xiangzheng; Wang, Yi; Wu, Feng; Zhang, Tao; Li, Zhihui (2014). Integrated River Basin Management: Practice Guideline for the IO Table Compilation and CGE Modeling, Springer.
Deng, Xiangzheng, John Gibson (2019). River Basin Management. Springer Singapore