1 Deng S Q.The earlyhistory of forestry in China.Jour.Forest.,1928,26:564—570.
2 Deng S Q.The present forestry problem of China.Sinensia,1939,10:240—248.
3 Deng S Q.Studies of the Hunba forest.Sinensia,1939,10:249—268.
4 Deng S Q.Studies of Chinese timber trees in reference to forest manage-mentI.Sinensia,1940,11:363—395.
5 Deng S Q.The forest regions of Kansu & their ecological aspects.Bot.Bull.Acad.Sinica,1947,1:187—200.
6 Deng S Q.Silviculture of Kansu trees.Bot.Bull.Acad.Sinica,1947,1:222—242.
7 Deng S Q.Studies of Chinese timber trees in reference to forest manage-ment Ⅱ.Bot.Bull.Acad.Sinica,1947,1:310—332.
8 Deng S Q.Forest geography of the east-Tibetan plateau.Bot.Bull.Acad.Sinica,1948,2:62—67.
9 Deng S Q.Propagation of weeping willow from seed,Bot.Bull.Acad.Sinica,1948,2:131—132.
10 Deng S Q.Aprovisional sketch of the forest geography of China.Bot.Bull.Acad.Sinica,1948,2:133—146.
11 Deng S Q.Notes on the genus Metasequoia.Bot.Bull.Acad.Sinica,1948,2:20 4—206.
12 Deng S Q.Tree rings and climate in Kansu.Bot.Bull.Acad.Sinica,1948,2:211—214.
13 鄧叔群,周重光.甘肅林業的基礎.中華學藝雜誌,1948,8:254—295.
14 Deng S Q.Rhizoctonosis of Lobelia.Phytopathology,1929,19:585—588.
15 Deng S Q.Observations on the germination of the chlamybospores of Tilletia Horrida.Contr.Biol.Lab.Soc.Sci.ChinaBot.Ser.1931,6;111—115.
16 Deng S Q.A preliminary report on the studies of certain diseases of cot-ton.Contr.Biol.Lab.Sci.Soc.China Bot.Ser.,1931,6:117—134.
17 Deng S Q.An easy method for isolating single spores.Contr.Biol.Lab.Sci.Soc.ChinaBot.Ser.,1933,8:219—221.
18 Deng S Q.Studies on the control of major diseases of cotton in China.Sinensia,1935,6:725—748.
19 Deng S Q.The cyrtosis of cotton.Sinensia,1936,7:63—79.
20 Deng S Q.Factors influencing the development of certain cotton patho-genes.Sinensia,1937,8:63—78.
21 Deng S Q.Studies of plant disease control under conditions in China I-Ⅱ.Sinensia,1936,7:570—587.
22 Deng S Q.Studies of plant disease control underconditions in China Ⅲ.Sinensia,1937,8:481—486.
23 Deng S Q.Studies of plant disease control underconditions in China Ⅳ.Sinensia,1941,12:153—162.
24 DengSQ.Diseases of economic plants in China I.Sinensia,1938,9:181—217.
25 鄧叔群.棉作主要病害及其防治法.中華棉產改進會月刊,1934,2:30—34.
26 Deng S Q.Fungi from southwestern China.Contr.Biol.Lab.Sci.Soc.China Bot.Ser.1932,7:69—84.
27 Deng S Q.Fungi of Nanking I.Contr.Biol.Lab.Sci.Soc.China Bot.Ser.,1932,7:85—127.
28 Deng S Q.Additional fungi from south western China.1932,Contr.Biol.Lab.Sci.Soc.China Bot.Ser.1932,8:1—4.
29 Deng S Q.Fungi of Nanking Ⅱ.Contr.Biol.Lab.Sci.Soc.China Bot.Ser.,1932,8:5—48.
30 Deng S Q.Fungi of Chekiang I.Contr.Biol.Lab.Sci.Soc.China Bot.Ser.,1932,8:49—71.
31 Deng S Q.Some new species of fungi.Contr.Biol.Lab.Sci.Soc.China Bot.Ser.,1932,8:99—102.
32 Deng S Q.Fungi of Chekiang Ⅱ.Contr.Biol.Lab.Sci.Soc.China Bot.Ser.,1932,8:103—120.
33 Deng S Q.Some fungi from Canton.Contr.Bio1.Lab.Sci.Soc.China Bot.Ser.,1932,8:121—128.
34 Deng S Q.Fungi of Nanking Ⅲ.Contr.Biol.Lab.Sci.Soc.China Bot.Ser.,1932,8:143—152.
35 Deng S Q.Fungi of Nanking Ⅳ.Contr.Bio1.Lab.Sci.Soc.China Bot.Ser.,1932,8.
36 Deng S Q.Fungi of Nanking V.Contr.Biol.Lab.Sci.Soc.China Bot.Ser.1933,8:253—270.
37 Deng S Q.Fungi of Chekiang Ⅲ.Contr.Biol.Lab.Sci.Soc.China Bot.Ser.,1933,8:271—278.
38 Deng S Q.Fungi of Peping I.Bull.Fan.Mem.1nst.Biol.,1933,4:279—290.
39 Deng S Q.Notes on slime molds from China.Sinensia,1933,4:61—81.
40 Deng S Q.Noteson Hysteriales from China.Sinensia,1933,4:129—144.
41 Deng S Q.Enumeration of some fungi and slime molds from Fukien,Third annual report,the Marine Biological Association of China.1934,P.21—32.
42 Deng S Q.Notes on Hypocreales from China.Sinensia,1934,4:269—298.
43 Deng S Q.Notes on Spheariales from China.Sinensia,1934,4:359—433.
44 Deng S Q.Notes on Poloporaceae from China.Sinensia,1934,5:173—224.
45 Deng S Q.Noteson Discomycetes from China.Sinensia,1934,5:431—465.
46 Deng S Q.Notes on Tremellales from China.Sinensia,1934,5:466—479.
47 Deng S Q.Notes on Thelephoraceae and Hydnaceae from China.Sinensia,1935,6:9—43.
48 Deng S Q.Additional slime molds from China.Sinensia,1935,6:118—127.
49 Deng S Q.Supplementary notes on Ascomycetes from China.Sinensia,1935,6:185—220.
50 Deng S Q.Notes on Gasteromycetes from China.Sinensia,1935,6:701—724.
51 Deng S Q.Additional fungi from China I.Sinensia,1936,7:212—265.
52 Deng S Q.Additional fungi from China Ⅱ.Sinensia,1936,7:490— 527.
53 Deng S Q.Additional fungi from China Ⅲ.Sinensia,1936,7:529—569.
54 Deng S Q.Additional fungi from China Ⅳ.Sinensia,1936,7.
55 Deng S Q.Additional fungi from China V.Sinensia,1936,7:752—822.
56 Deng S Q.Additional fungi from China Ⅵ.Sinensia,1937,8:227—297.
57 Deng S Q.Additional fungi from China Ⅶ.Sinensia,1937,8:411—444.
58 Deng S Q.Acontribution to our knowledge of the Myxomycetes of China.Sinensia,1937,8:445—480.
59 Deng S Q.Additional fungi from China Ⅷ.Sinensia,1938,9:219—258.
60 Deng S Q.Acontribution to our knowledge of the higher fungi of China.Published by National Institute of Zoology and Botany,Academia Sinica,1939,P.614.
61 Deng S Q.Supplement to higher fungi of China.Sinensia,1940,11:105—130.
62 Deng S Q.Additions to the Myxomycetes and the Carpomycetes.Bot.Bull.Academia Sinica,1947,1:25—44.
63 Deng S Q.The status of fungi in the living world.Kexue Tongbao,1966,17(1):38—40.