郝鄭平 中國科學院大學教授、博士生導師,環境納米材料與污染控制技術研究中心主任(2017)、揮發性有機物污染控制材料與技術國家工程實驗室主任(2016)。國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者(2007)、入選新世紀千百萬人才工程國家級(2009)、全國優博學位論文指導教師、Elsevier中國高被引學者。
中國環保產業協會理事、廢氣淨化委員會主任、化學會催化專業委員會、環境化學委員會委員、《ES&T Engineering》、《Catalysis Communication》、《J. Hazardous Materials 》、《CEJ Advance 》、《J. Rare. Earth》、《環境科學》、《環境化學》、《工業催化》等編委。
- 中文名:郝鄭平
- 外文名:Hao Zhengping
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:科研人員
主要從事有關工業污染減排控制、環境科學與工程、納米孔材料、催化科學、環境政策方面的研究和開發的工作。在工業污染物(如揮發性有機物、酸性氣體和溫室氣體等)排放、轉化反應機理、污染控制材料、減排控制技術等方面取得一些重要的研究成果,形成了多項污染控制材料與減排技術,進行實際套用。在JACS, EST, APC, JMC, JHM等主流學術期刊上發表SCI論文260多篇,申請與授權發明專利30多件。作為負責人承擔了國家十五、十一五、十二五 863、973、重點研發計畫和自然科學重點項目課題。培養出博士34名,其中全國優博1名、中科院優博2名、院長特別獎1名。
863重大項目課題 -大氣揮發性有機物排放控制技術與套用示範
973課題 -稀土-多孔催化材料的組裝及在有機廢氣淨化中的作用
2007年獲得國家傑出青年科學基金,2009年入選“新世紀百千萬人才工程”國家級,2007-2010年獲得全國優秀博士學位論文導師獎、寶潔優秀導師獎、中科院優秀導師獎、朱李月華導師獎、盧嘉錫優秀導師獎。2010年獲得UniSA Distinguished Researcher Award。十多年來組織召開多個全國、亞太地區的學術與技術研討會,為政府、行業與國際組織做不少技術諮詢與服務。
Recent Advances in the Catalytic Oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds: A Review Based on Pollutant Sorts and Sources, Chemical Reviews, 2019, 119, 7, 4471-4568.
Recent advances in technologies for the removal of volatile methylsiloxanes: A case in biogas purification process. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2019, 49(24): 2257-2313.
Surface properties enhanced MnxAlO oxide catalysts derived from MnxAl layered double hydroxides for acetone catalytic oxidation at low temperature. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2019, 251: 295-304.
Understanding the Active Sites of Ag/Zeolites and Deactivation Mechanism of Ethylene Catalytic Oxidation at Room Temperature, ACS Catalysis, 2018, 8, 1248-1258.
Continuous CO2 esterification to diethyl carbonate (DEC) at atmospheric pressure: Application of porous membranes for in-situ H2O removal, Green Chemistry, 2017, 19, 3595-3600
Sphere-shaped Mn3O4 catalyst with remarkable low-temperature activity for methyl-ethyl-ketone combustion. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51, 6288-6297
Room-temperature isomerization of 1-butene to 2-butene over palladium-loaded silica nanospheres catalyst, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 299, 1-7
Mesoporous KIsilica–polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) mixed matrix membranes for gas separation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 8650-8658
H2S-Selective Catalytic Oxidation: Catalysts and Processes, ACS Catalysis, 2015, 5, 1053-1067
Integrated assessment of CO2 reduction technologies in China's cement industry, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2014, 20, 27-36
Mesoporous carbon-confined Au catalysts with superior activity for selective oxidation of glucose to gluconic acid, Green Chemistry, 2013, 15, 1035-1041
Porous Graphitized Carbon for Adsorptive Removal of Benzene and the Electrothermal Regeneration, Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46, 12648-12654
Investigation of selective catalytic reduction of N2O by NH3 over an Fe-mordenite catalyst: Reaction mechanism and O2 effect, ACS Catalysis, 2012, 2, 512-520
Adsorption and desorption performance of benzene over hierarchically structured carbon–silica aerogel composites, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 196, 194-200
Investigation of formaldehyde oxidation over Co3O4-CeO2 and Au/Co3O4-CeO2 catalysts at room temperature: Effective removal and determination of reaction mechanism, Environmental Science and Technology, 2011, 45, 3628-3634
Mesoporous Co3O4 and Au/Co3O4 catalysts for low-temperature oxidation of trace ethylene, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 2608-2613
Comprehensive investigation of Pd/ZSM-5/MCM-48 composite catalysts with enhanced activity and stability for benzene oxidation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2010, 96, 466-475
揮發性有機污染物排放控制過程、材料與技術, 科學出版社, 2016,10