- 中文名:郗喬然
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:癌症及其它疾病中TGF-b 信號傳導
- 任職院校:清華大學生命學院
1989-1993年,南京大學生物化學系 學士
1998-2004年,美國紐約大學醫學院 微生物學博士
2004-2005年,美國紐約大學醫學院 博士後
2006-2013年,美國斯隆凱特琳癌症研究中心 博士後
2013年至今, 清華大學生命科學學院 研究員
主要運用細胞生物學,生物化學,基因組學等方法研究TGF-b信號傳導在胚胎幹細胞的自我更新和胚胎髮育中的作用機制;研究胚胎幹細胞分化發育過程中在表觀遺傳水平上,TGF-b及相關信號傳導通路如何在時間和空間上緊密調控基因表達;同時致力於研究在癌症及其它疾病中TGF-b 信號傳導如何與其它信號傳導通路相互作用及其功能。
Aragón E, Goerner N,
Aragón E, Goerner N,Xi Q, Lopes T, Gao S, Massagué J and Macias M (2012) Structural basis for the versatile interactions of Smad7 with regulator WW domains in TGF-β pathways.Structure20(10): 1726-36
Massagué J, andXi Q. (2012) TGF-β control of stem cell differentiation genes.FEBS Letters586:1953-8.
Xi Q,Wang Z, Zaromytidou AI, Zhang XH, Chow-Tsang L, Liu JX, Kim H, Manova-Todorova K, Kaartinen V, Studer L, Mark W, Patel DJ, and Massagué J. (2011) A poised chromatin platform for TGFβ access to master regulators.Cell147:1511-24.
Aragón E, Goerner N, Zaromytidou AI,Xi Q, Escobedo A, Massagué J, and Macias M. (2011) A Smad action-turnover switch operated by WW domain readers of a phosphoserine code.Genes Dev.25:1275-88.
Alarcón C, Zaromytidou AI*,Xi Q*,Gao S*, Yu J, Fujisawa S, Barlas A, Miller A, Manova-Todorova K, Sapkota G, Pan D, and Massagué J. (2009) CDK8/9 kinases drive Smad transcriptional action and turnover in BMP and TGFβ pathways.Cell139:757-69. (*These authors contributed equally to this work.)
Xi Q, He W, Zhang XH, Le HV, Massagué J. (2008) Genome-wide impact of the BRG1 SWI/SNF chromatin remodeler on the transforming growth factor β transcriptional program.J Biol Chem.283:1146-55.
X i Q ,Cuesta R, and Schneider RJ. (2005) Regulation of ribosome shunting translation by phosphotyrosine-dependent coupling of adenovirus 100k protein to viral mRNAs.J. Virol.79:5676-5683.
Xi Q,Cuesta R, and Schneider RJ. (2004) Tethering of eIF4G to Adenoviral 100k protein drives ribosome shunting.Genes Dev.18:1997- 2009.
Bai J,Xi Q*. (2018) Crosstalk between TGF-β signaling and epigenome.Acta Biochimica Biophys Sin.50(1), 60- 67.
Xia X, Zuo F, Luo M, Sun Y, Bai J,Xi Q*. (2017) Role of TRIM33 in Wnt signaling during mesendoderm differentiation.Sci China Life Sci.60(10), 1142-1149.
Wang Q, Zou Y, Nowotschin S, Kim S, Li Q, Soh C, Su J, Zhang C, Shu W,Xi Q, Huangfu D, Hadjantonakis A, Massagué J*. (2017) The p53 Family Coordinates Wnt and Nodal Inputs in Mesendodermal Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells.Cell Stem Cell20, 70-80.