《Atmospheric Research》副主編,《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》責任編輯,《The Journal of Lightning Research》副主編,《The Open Atmospheric Science Journal》合作主編,《大氣科學》副主編,《氣象學報》常務編委;
2、X. Qie, Y. Yu, X. Liu, and et al., Charge analysis on lightning discharges to the ground in Chinese inland plateau(Verge of Tibet), Annales Geophysicae,
3、 Qie X, Yu Y, Guo C, and et al., Some features of stepped and dart-stepped leaders near the ground in natural negative cloud-to-ground lightning discharge, Annales Geophysicae,
4、 Qie X, Wang D, Yu Y, and et al., Characteristics of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning in Chinese Inland Plateau, Journal of Meteorology Society of Japan,
5、Qie X., Toumi R., Yuan T., Lightning activities on the Tibetan Plateau as observed by the lightning imaging sensor, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D17): art. no
6、郄秀書,周筠君,袁鐵, 衛星觀測到的全球雷電活動及其地域差異,地球物理學報,
7、 Toumi R, Qie XS,Seasonal variation of lightning on the Tibetan plateau: A spring anomaly?, Geophy Res Lett, 31 (4): art. no.
8、 Qie, X., T. Zhang, C. Chen, and et al., The lower positive charge center and its effect on lightning discharges on the Tibetan Plateau, Geophys. Res. Lett.,doi:
9、 X. Qie, X. Kong, G. Zhang, and et al., The possible charge structure of thunderstorm and lightning discharges in northeastern verge of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Atmospheric Research,