- 中文名:邊杉
- 畢業院校:德國弗萊堡大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:套用人腦微器官和視神經微器官研究人神經系統發育
- 職務:博士生導師
1. 套用人腦微器官和視神經微器官研究人神經系統發育
2. 套用微器官研究神經系統疾病
3. 套用微器官研究人腦腫瘤和視神經腫瘤的發生、發展和治療手段
2. 套用微器官研究神經系統疾病
3. 套用微器官研究人腦腫瘤和視神經腫瘤的發生、發展和治療手段
2004年畢業於中國藥科大學,獲得本科、碩士學位;2009年畢業於德國弗萊堡大學,獲得博士學位,師從於德國科學套鑽舉埋院院士Melitta Schachner; 2010-2013年於美國康奈爾大學威爾醫學院從事博燥促凶士後研究,主要套用小鼠模型研究大腦皮層發育;2014-2018年於奧地利科學院分子生物技術研究所歐洲科學院院士、奧地利科學院院士、EMBO成員Juergen Knoblich課題組進行博士後研究,致力甩兵於套用人敬嚷射腦類器官研究神經多紋迎發育和神經系統疾病;2019年至今任同濟大學生命科學與技術學院特聘研究員,同濟大學附屬東方醫院再生醫學研究所特聘研究員。主熱己舟要成果以第一/並列第一作者習承乎只身份發表在Nature Methods, Cell Research, Cell Reports, Journal of Cell Science等國際權威期刊;受邀在Current Opinion in Neurobiology,Molecular Neurobiology等雜誌發表綜述文章,並參與撰寫論著《Neural Stem Cells - New Perspectives》和《Neural Stem Cells and Therapy》的專題章節;受邀擔任Cerebral Cortex, Stem Cells, Stem Cells Translational Medicine, Stem Cell Research, Stem Cell and Development, Behavioral Brain Research等多個國際學術期刊的審稿人。
Bian S, Repic M, Guo Z, Kavirayani A, Burkard T, Bagley J, Krauditsch C, Knoblich JA. (2018) Genetically engineered cerebral organoids model formation of brain tumors. Nat Methods15:631-639.
Miao N*, Bian S*, Lee T, Mubarak T, Huang S, Wen Z, Hussain G, Sun T. (2018) Opposite Roles of Wnt7a and Sfrp1 in Modulating Proper Development of Neural Progenitors in the Mouse Cerebral Cortex. Front Mol Neurosci11:247.(並列一作)
Bagley JA, Reumann D, Bian S, Lévi-Strauss J, Knoblich JA. (2017) Fused cerebral organoids model interactions between brain regions. Nat Methods14:743-751.
Renner M, Lancaster MA, Bian S, Choi H, Ku T, Peer A, Chung K, Knoblich JA. (2017) Self-organized developmental patterning and differentiation in cerebral organoids. EMBO J36:1316-1329. (封面文章)
Chen Y*, Bian S*, Zhang J, Zhang H, Tang B, Sun T. (2014) The Silencing Effect of microRNA miR-17 on p21 Maintains the Neural Progenitor Pool in the Developing Cerebral Cortex. Front Neurol5:132. (並列一作)
PollockA, Bian S, Zhang C, Chen Z, Sun T (2014) Growth of the developing cerebral cortex is controlled by microRNA-7 through the p53 pathway. Cell Rep7:1184-1196.
Renner M, Lancaster MA, Bian S, Choi H, Ku T, Peer A, Chung K, Knoblich JA. (2017) Self-organized developmental patterning and differentiation in cerebral organoids. EMBO J36:1316-1329. (封面文章)
Chen Y*, Bian S*, Zhang J, Zhang H, Tang B, Sun T. (2014) The Silencing Effect of microRNA miR-17 on p21 Maintains the Neural Progenitor Pool in the Developing Cerebral Cortex. Front Neurol5:132. (並列一作)
PollockA, Bian S, Zhang C, Chen Z, Sun T (2014) Growth of the developing cerebral cortex is controlled by microRNA-7 through the p53 pathway. Cell Rep7:1184-1196.