

位於渤海以北,遼東半島與遼西山地之間,地理上為松遼平原的最南部分,北與松遼平原無明顯地理界限,南以山海關與華北平原分開.由於地面長期沉降,由遼河等的沖積物堆積而成的平原.組成物質有沙土、粘土和黃土沖積物.疏鬆沉積層最厚可達200米.地勢低平,海拔50米以下.遼河下遊河面較寬,兩側灘地寬闊,洪水時全被水淹.河床淤積作用旺盛,沙洲多、河水宣洩不暢,常泛濫和改道,古河道很多.堆積物與河道歧流交錯,使地表形態和地下水複雜化,沼澤較發育,有局部鹽漬化現象.在區內氣溫較低,1月平均氣溫-10℃左右,冬季凍土層厚達1米,無霜期180天左右,但仍可種植棉花,水稻等喜溫作物.年降水量一般為600毫米左右.土壤為黑潮土,有機質含量2—3%,土層較厚(達50—70厘米)。濱海有鹽土分布,窪地有沼澤土.農業以糧食作物為主,高粱種植面積最大,其次為玉米、穀子和水稻.盤錦一帶,過去有“東北的南大荒”之稱.後經洪澇治理,已成為水稻集中產區.Is located in the north of the BohaiSea, between the Liaodong Peninsula and the western Liaoning mountainous, geographically the most southern part of Songliao Plain, north and Songliao Plain noobviousgeographic boundaries, south Shanhaiguan separated from the NorthChinaPlain. As a long-term settlement on the ground by the Liaohe accumulation of the alluvial plains formed. the composition of the material are sand, clay and loess alluvium. loose sediment layers of up to 200 metersthick. low and flat, elevation 50 meters below. Liaohe River downstream of river wide, wide beaches on both sides of , flood, when were all flooded. silting of the rivers role in strong, sand and more water outlet poor, oftenfloodingand diversion of many of the ancient river. superoxide accumulation of debris and river flow staggered, so that complex surface morphology and groundwater, swamps more development, there is the phenomenon of local salinity. lower the temperature in the region, in January the average temperature of about -10 ℃ in winter up to 1 m thick permafrost, frost-free period of 180 days or so, but still grow cotton, rice, and other thermophilic crops. annual precipitation amount is generally about 600 mm. thesoilfor the Kuroshio soil, organic matter content of 2-3%, soil thick (up to 50-70 cm). Coastal has saline soil distribution, the low-lying land have swamp land. Agriculture to food crops, mainly sorghum planting the largest area, followed by maize, millet and rice. Panjin area, in the past, "north-east of South Oare," said. After the treatment by the floods has been become a focus of rice-producing areas.


