



  • 軟體名稱:通話樂趣
  • 軟體平台IOS
  • 軟體大小:21.77MB
  • 支持版本:iOS5.0及以上
愛用iPhone拍照的嗎。讓您的拍照體驗更多的樂趣與InstaFun。 這個應用程式,您可以創建有趣的照片蒙太奇直接與您的iPhone拍照時。 它是如何工作的呢。您選擇一個效果/蒙太奇,將相機對準一個朋友(或自己),中心內的蒙太奇他們的臉和拍照。瞧 - 一個有趣的蒙太奇是準備好了。試想一下,你的朋友的照片凍結在冰中,或放置一美元的鈔票上,或在想死的還是活的海報: 你完成後,共享歡樂通過Instagram的,Twitter或Facebook上張貼的照片蒙太奇或獲得的連結,將其傳送到任何你想要的。你的朋友會喜歡它。 那么,你準備好來調劑你的iPhone的圖片新的東西,並與您的朋友有一些很好笑嗎。去吧與InstaFun。 主要特點: 在實時創建有趣的照片蒙太奇的能力 輕鬆分享至Instagram的(應用程式的包括hashtaginstafun),Twitter和Facebook 愉快的接口 前置攝像頭支持 各種有趣的模板和場景 與iPhone和iPad兼容。Love taking photos with iPhone Make your photo taking experience a lot more fun with InstaFun! This app lets you create fun photo montages directly when taking photos with your iPhone. How does it work You choose an effect/montage, aim the camera at a friend (or yourself), center their face inside the montage and take the photo. Voila - a fun photomontage is ready! Just imagine your friend's photo frozen in ice, or placed on a dollar bill, or on a wanted dead or alive poster :After you're done, share the fun by posting the photo montage on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook or get the link to send it to anybody you want. Your friends will love it! So, are you ready to spice up your iPhone pictures with something new and have some good laughs with your friends Go ahead with InstaFun! Key features: Ability to create fun photo montages in real time Easy sharing to Instagram (app's hashtag is #instafun), Twitter and Facebook Enjoyable interface Front-facing camera support A variety of fun templates and scenes Compatible with iPhone and iPad


