



  • 中文名:追蹤中國:這裡我是老衛
  • 作者:(德)衛斯林 著 
  • 譯者:(英)摩恩 譯 
  • 出版時間:2011年8月1日
  • 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
  • 頁數:239 頁
  • ISBN: 9787508521701 
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝


The author with his grandson, showing him photos from China
In 1996, the entrepreneur Dr. Bernhard Wessling founded Ormecon International, a group of small companies operating world-wide in the area of nanotechnology. He is chemist and discovered, after many years of research, the new class of nano- materials, the "Organic Metals", and introduced them into various markets in the electronics industry.


A book from China about China unlike any other What may a German entrepreneur do if from Chinese customers permanently horror news are arriving, although his company otherwise enjoys satisfied customers all over the world?
Bernhard Wessling drew the conclusions. Jettisoning all his prejudices and fears, he moved into the boom town of ShenZhen, near HongKong. Six years he lived and worked in China, read many books about China and rejected all advice. He traced and found his own way, and he succeeded.The author - called "LaoWei" by his Chinese friends- introduces the readers to China in an uncommon manner: humorously, excitingly and laxly telling. He presents fireworks of incidents that develop faster and faster. Beginning with his own fears and the first contacts, he lets the readers witness the setup of his company, the creative solutions to countless problems and the discovery of intriguing oases of nature. The scenes, sometimes touching, sometimes slapstick-like, sometimes profoundly serious, interlock and generate in the heads of the readers a sequence of bright and moving pictures.
The observations of the author deeply delve below the surface. He avoids the jargon of standard China books and manuals about how to have success in China and what to strictly avoid. Rather, the reader finds a lively description of how a successful business network was established.
The author illustrates the story-telling non-fiction book with more than 140 of his own photos taken of the life on the streets, in the parks and of astonishing nature discoveries, right in the mega town of ShenZhen.


What purpose this book does not serve yet is meant for (Author's Preface)
Some characters, some places, pronunciation guide and some "thank you"
That's how it started
Negotiating a joint venture
"What if they all decide to move into the city?"
To China with Chancellor Schr6der and Tycoons
My fear of ShenZhen
Chinese dimensions
The first steps
The young city of ShenZhen
Life in ShenZhen
Our driver
Football in ShenZhen
Gan Bei
How do I best establish a company in China?
Nature in the juggernaut city
Minor entrepreneurs
3-he staff
LangLang and me inaugurate a new concert hall
I am trying to learn Chinese
In hospital
Stock market hype, top and flop
The "China capital of crime"
Serial suicides at Foxconn
The 2008 Olympics
Encounters in the botanical garden
Getting and raising children with joy and sorrow
Odd: a World Cup with 33 teams
The Chinese New Year
LaoWei does not only play football
Appendix What happened "after the deadline"?
Strange findings in books and media about China
Poem to the West: What Do You Really Want from Us?

