- 中文名:車愛蘭
- 畢業院校:東京都立大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:土木工程
- 任職院校:上海交通大船舶海洋與建築工程學院
1987/9-1991/7,西安交通大學本科,工民建專業。Bachelor Thesis: Study of routine triaxial tests to the remolded sample of Q3 loess in Xi’an;
1999/4-2001/3,日本東京都立大學(現首都大學東京)攻讀碩士,土木工程專業。Master Thesis: Numerical simulations for seismic response of subway structure
2013.01-現在 上海市土木工程學會 副主任委員
2019/01-2021/12國家重點研發計畫,基於大數據方法的地震應急信息可視化技術研究,課題編號: 2018YFC1504504
2018/07-2021/06,國家重點研發計畫,變電站(換流站)電力設施抗震安全防護技術研究,項目編號:(2018YFC0809400),National Key R&D Program of China(2018YFC0809400)
[1] Ailan Che, Renjie Zhu, Yanmin Fan, Shaokong Feng.An impact imaging method for monitoring on construction of immersed tube tunnel foundation treated by sand-flling method[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology ,85 (2019) 1–11
[4]Mulunda Mark Tambatamba, Ailan Che, Renjie Zhu.Control Methods and Influence Factors of Silt Liquefaction: Case of the Wangqingtuo Reservoir in the South-North Water Diversion project (Tianjin, China). Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1176 (2019) 052062
[5]Baye Mbaye Diouf, Ailan Che, and Shaokong Feng.Research Article Study of a Space-Time Monitoring of High-Speed Railway Underline Structure Using Distributed Optical Vibration Sensing Technology.Shock and Vibration Volume 2019, Article ID 9263259, 15 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/9263259
[7]Danqing Song,Ailan Che,Renjie Zhu,Xiurun Ge,Natural Frequency Characteristics of Rock Masses Containing a Complex Geological Structure and Their Effects on the Dynamic Stability of Slopes,Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, (2019), 1-17,10.1007/s00603-019-01885-7.
[8]YinTang, Ailan Che, Renjie Zhu, Xianghua Shuai,Study on early recognition of geohazards based on dynamic amplification and deformation characteristics, Earth and geosciences,Proceedings of the VII ICEGE 7th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Rome, Italy ,2019.
[9]范岩旻,車愛蘭,馮少孔. 基於模式匹配的格線掃描法在高鐵線下結構檢測中的套用[J]. 振動與衝擊, 2019, 38(16): 159-165.
[10]唐寅,車愛蘭.鋼殼混凝土管節組合結構注漿效果掃描成像評價方法研究[J].振動與衝擊,2019, 38(21):148-154
[1] Che A, Zhu R, Jiang M. Dynamic Response of Lunar Soil Caused by Landing Impact[J]. Ksce Journal of Civil Engineering, 2018:1-11.
[2] 陳鑄,車愛蘭,嚴飛等. 庫水與地震力共同作用下金沙江特大橋橋址邊坡動力回響研究[J].岩石力學與工程學報. 2018,37(1):148-155.
[3] Danqing Song, Ailan Che, Zhu Chen, et al. Seismic stability of a rock slope with discontinuities under rapid water drawdown and earthquakes in large-scale shaking table tests[J]. Engineering Geology, 2018,(245):153–168
[1] Song D, Che A, Zhu R, et al. Dynamic response characteristics of a rock slope with discontinuous joints under the combined action of earthquakes and rapid water drawdown[J]. Landslides,15(6), 1109-1125. DOI:10.1007/s10346-017-0932-6
[2] Wang H, Che A, Feng S. Quantitative Investigation on Grouting Quality of Immersed Tube Tunnel Foundation Base using Full Waveform Inversion Method[J]. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2017, 40(5):20160186.
[3] 彭冬, 車愛蘭, 馮少孔,王歡. 一種針對岩土工程缺陷檢測問題的衝擊映像方法及套用研究[J]. 岩土力學, 2017, 38(9):2764-2772.
[4] 鐘鵬飛, 車愛蘭, 馮少孔,張騰瑜. 高速鐵路線下結構典型病害分析及快速無損檢測方法研究[J]. 振動與衝擊, 2017, 36(11):154-160.
[5] 張騰瑜,車愛蘭,惠祥宇,馮少孔. 基於橫波傳播特性的無損檢測方法及在沉管隧道基礎灌砂檢測中的套用[J]. 振動與衝擊, 2017, 36(20): 30-36.
[6] 楊鴻凱, 車愛蘭, 李躍明. 集中靜荷載初始效應對固支梁固有頻率的影響[J]. 套用力學學報, 2017, 34(6).
[7] 朱仁傑, 車愛蘭, 惠翔宇,馮少孔. 衝擊映像方法在水工結構滲漏病害檢測中的套用[J]. 重慶交通大學學報(自然科學版), 2017(11):48-55.
[1] Che Ai-lan, Zhang Teng-yu, Feng Shao-kong. Characteristics of long period microtremor and validation of microtremor array measurements in inland areas of China[J]. Journal of Mountain Science, 2016, 13(11):1910-1922.
[2] Ailan Che, Hongkai Yang, Bin wang, Xiurun Ge. Wave propagations through jointed rock masses and their effects on the stability of slopes[J]. Engineering Geology, 2016, 201:45-56.
[3]范岩旻,李森曦,彭冬,車愛蘭. 古塔結構整體性損傷檢測的微動測試技術套用研究[J]. 套用力學學報,2016,01:61-66.
[4] 鐘鵬飛, 車愛蘭, 馮少孔. 全波場映像技術以及其在高速公路路基缺陷檢測中的套用[J]. 地震工程學報, 2016, 38(6):942-947.
[1] Huang Wang, Ailan Che, Shaokong Feng, Xiurun Ge. Full waveform inversion applied in
defect investigation for ballastless undertrack structure of high-speed railway[J]. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2015,51:202-211.
[2] Ailan Che, Zheng Tang, Shaokong Feng. An elastic-wave-based full-wavefield imaging method for investigating defects in a high-speed railway under-track structure[J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2015,77:299-308.
[3]范岩旻,車愛蘭,陳峰,曹永康. 微動測試技術在古建築拱橋結構檢測中的套用[J]. 地震工程學報,2015,02:606-611.
[4]梁志榮,張菊連,李偉,車愛蘭. 佛頂宮礦坑邊坡的二維靜動力有限元模擬分析研究[J]. 土木工程學報,2015,S2:208-213.
[5]王斌,車愛蘭,葛修潤. 岩質高陡邊坡動力回響及失穩機制大型振動台模型試驗研究[J]. 上海交通大學學報,2015,07:951-956.
[6]楊鴻凱,車愛蘭,湯政,馮少孔. 基於彈性波理論的高鐵線下結構病害快速檢測方法[J]. 上海交通大學學報,2015,07:1010-1016.
[7]湯政,車愛蘭,馮少孔,施有志,范岩旻. 高鐵多層線下結構病害全波場無損檢測方法與技術[J]. 上海交通大學學報,2015,07:1017-1022.
[8]陳峰,車愛蘭,付佰勇,劉高. 多災害作用下特大橋樑深水基礎動力穩定性分析[J]. 上海交通大學學報,2015,07:993-997+1004.
[1] Ai-lan Che, Zhi-jian Wu, and Ping Wang, Stability of pile foundations base on warming effects on the permafrost under earthquake motions, Soils and Foundations, 54(4):639–647, 2014
[2] Ailan Che, HuanWang, Shaokong Feng, Takeshi Siguyama, Identification of rock mass characteristics using microtremor in the boring hole, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2(19), 134-141, 2014
[3] Wang, H, Che A.L, Feng S.K, Ge X.R. Study on waveform inversion method for elastic parameters of stratified medium and its applications, Geotechnical Special Publication, Tunneling and Underground Construction - Selected Papers from the Proceedings of the 2014 GeoShanghai International Congress, 862-872, 2014
[4] Chen M, Feng S.K, Che A.L, Wang H. Propagation characteristics of elastic wave in high-speed railway embankment and its application to defect detection, Geotechnical Special Publication, Advances in Soil Dynamics and Foundation Engineering - Selected Papers from the Proceedings of the 2014 GeoShanghai International Congress, 20-28, 2014
[5]陳禮彪,劉泉聲,車愛蘭. 一種新的塊體接觸檢測技術及在非連續變形分析方法中的套用[J]. 上海交通大學學報,2014,06:888-892.
[6]孫祝強,曹永康,車愛蘭. “天字第一號”磚刻照壁病症診斷與保護干預研究[J]. 華中建築,2014,08:57-62.
[1] Ailan Che, Xiurun Ge, Yueming Li, Use of non-destructive techniques in Chinese traditional timber structures, Structures and Buildings, 166(6), 307-315, 2013
[2] LIU Chao, Ailan CHE, Shaokong FENG, Propagation characteristics of elastic wave in layered medium and applications of impact imaging method, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University SCIENCE, 18(4), 479-485, 2013
[3] CHENG Cheng, CHE Ai-lan, CAO Yong-kang, Application of non-detective techniques in traditional masonry structures, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University SCIENCE, 18(3), 306-310, 2013
[4] WANG Huan, CHE Ai-lan, FENG Shao-kong, GE Xiu-run, Study on waveform inversion method for elastic parameters in stratified medium and its applications, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University SCIENCE, 18(6), 776-810, 2013
[5] Huan Wang, Ai-lan Che, Xiu-run Ge. Full waveform inversion method for horizontally inhomogeneous stratified media[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science), 2013, 18(6):667-672.
[6] 陳夢,馮少孔,車愛蘭,基於表面波的地基調查法及其在松江古照壁保護中的套用,上海交通大學學報,18(3), 306-310, 2013
[7]陳夢,馮少孔,車愛蘭,喻春平. 面波勘探和台陣地脈動觀測相結合的地基調查法及其在松江古照壁保護中的套用[J]. 上海交通大學學報,2013,10:1557-1561.
[8]王千年,車愛蘭,馮少孔,壽晨. 高密度面波法在堆石體結構密實度檢測中的套用[J]. 上海交通大學學報,2013,10:1574-1579.
[9]車愛蘭,吳志堅,彭冬,雷天,陳拓. 黃土斜坡震害面波勘探調查及其動力穩定性分析——以甘肅岷縣、漳縣M_s6.6地震為例[J]. 地震工程學報,2013,04:724-729.
[10]馮少孔,車愛蘭,吳志堅,嚴武建,陳豫津. 高密度面波勘探和小型台陣地脈動觀測在西部地區地震防災中的套用[J]. 地震工程學報,2013,04:780-788.
[11]嚴武建,吳志堅,車愛蘭,鐘鵬飛,陳豫津. 岷縣漳縣6.6級地震黃土場地放大效應地脈動測試研究[J]. 地震工程學報,2013,03:477-482.
[1] Ailan Che, Xiurun Ge, Earthquake-induced topping failure mechanism and its evaluation method of slope in discontinuous rock mass, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 4(3), 125-136, 2012
[2] 柴修偉,郭強,車愛蘭,周艷平,舒勝東. 綜合評判法在混凝土密實度檢測中的套用[J]. 武漢工程大學學報,2012,03:32-37.
[3] 郭強,車愛蘭,黃醒春,陳夢嬌. 用攝影測量方法研究岩體破碎區域分布規律[J]. 地下空間與工程學報,2012,02:318-322.
[1] Wu, ZJ, Che, AL*, Chen, T, Warming effects on permafrost under earthquake motions and seismic stability of pile foundation of dry bridge, Materials Research Innovations, 15(1), 586-589, 2011
[2] Qiang, Guo, Ge, Xiu-Run, Che, Ai-Lan, Formulas deduction to key parameters of multi-reflection in GPR survey, Advanced materials research, 24(3), 1483 -1489, 2011.
[3] HL Yao,J Liu,ML Hu,AL Che, Effect of rock mass characteristics of high rock slope on seismic stability, Materials Research Innovations, 15(1), 590-593, 2011
[4] 陳拓,吳志堅,車愛蘭,馬巍,石航. 機車動荷載作用下多年凍土區鐵路路基動力回響的試驗研究[J]. 地震工程與工程振動,2011,01:168-173.
[5] 王歡,車愛蘭,葛修潤,陳富海. 岩質高邊坡動力穩定性評價方法與套用[J]. 上海交通大學學報,2011,05:706-710+715.
[6] 許文鋒,車愛蘭,王治,王歡,劉超. 地震荷載作用下海底滑坡特徵及其機理[J]. 上海交通大學學報,2011,05:782-786.
[7] 郭強,葛修潤,車愛蘭. 基於鑽孔攝影方法的岩體中結構面連通性分析[J]. 上海交通大學學報,2011,05:733-737.
[8] 車愛蘭,黃醒春,郭強,馮少孔. 利用表面波勘探檢測沉管隧道壓漿法的充填效果[J]. 上海交通大學學報,2011,05:648-652+658.
[9] 於凱,車愛蘭,馮少孔,杉山長志. 長周期地脈動觀測在深部地層調查中的套用[J]. 上海交通大學學報,2011,05:701-705.
[10] 劉建軍,李躍明,車愛蘭. 基於統一強度理論的岩質邊坡穩定動安全係數計算[J]. 岩土力學,2011,S2:666-672.
[11] 車愛蘭,馮少孔,常旭. 高密度面波探測在隧道混凝土質量檢測中的套用[J]. 上海交通大學學報,2011,S1:1-6.
[12] 車愛蘭,於凱,馮少孔,杉山長志. 中國沿海及內陸地區長周期脈動特徵分析[J]. 岩土力學,2011,S2:166-171.
[13] 王千年,車愛蘭,郭強,於凱. 孔內聲波CT技術在軟土地區地下溶洞調查中的套用[J]. 西北地震學報,2011,S1:335-339.
[14] 劉建軍,李躍明,車愛蘭. 長周期地脈動觀測在西安地區地下構造調查中的套用[J]. 西北地震學報,2011,S1:403-407+412.
[15] 王峰,項寶余,許傑,徐永福,張旗,車愛蘭. 金山鐵路既有線提速路基動力回響分析[J]. 中國鐵道科學,2011,05:13-18.
[16] 劉建軍,李躍明,車愛蘭. 地震載荷下岩質邊坡動安全係數評價[J]. 套用力學學報,2011,06:595-601+672.
[17] 劉超,車愛蘭,吳志堅,陳拓. 溫度及機車載荷耦合作用下多年凍土區路基穩定性研究[J]. 岩土工程學報,2011,S1:466-471.
[18] 郭強,葛修潤,車愛蘭. 岩體完整性指數與彈性模量之間的關係研究[J]. 岩石力學與工程學報,2011,S2:3914-3919.
[1] 邢愛國,吳志堅,陳龍珠,車愛蘭,王蘭民. 汶川地震在甘肅省的次生典型邊坡災害特徵[J]. 西北地震學報,2010,01:95-98.
[2] 徐志發,宗軍良,車愛蘭,黃醒春. 盾構施工擾動區地層狀況及其變異的探地雷達檢測與評價[J]. 公路交通科技(套用技術版),2010,06:230-233.
[3] 吳志堅,車愛蘭,馬巍,馮少孔,石航. 多年凍土區路基調查中瞬態面波勘探方法套用研究[J]. 岩土力學,2010,S2:335-341.
[4] 吳志堅,車愛蘭,陳拓,王平. 青藏鐵路多年凍土區橋樑樁基礎地震回響的試驗研究與數值分析[J]. 岩土力學,2010,11:3516-3524.
[5] 王德詠,陳雷,羅先啟,車愛蘭. 面波法在水工隧洞混凝土質量無損檢測中的套用[J]. 混凝土,2010,11:131-135.
[1] Shaokong Feng, Takeshi Sugiyama, Ailan Che, Xianqi Luo, Xu Chang(2009), Application of surface wave survey for nondestructive test of tunnel concrete lining, Proceedings of The 9th SEGJ International Symposium: Imaging and Interpretation –Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, 2009
[2] Luo Xianqi, Wang Fawu, Zhang Zhenhua, Che Ailan, Establishing a monitoring network for an impoundment-induced landslide in Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China, Landslids, 6(1), 27-37, 2009
[3] Ai-Lan. CHE, Zhi-Jian. WU, Jun-Jie. SUN, Seismic Damage Characteristics of Rural Adobe-Wood Building in Gansu Province Induced by the Wenchuan Great Earthquake, Proceeding of the international Symposium on Geoenvironmental Engineering in Hangzhou, Advances in environmental geotechnics, 865-871, 2009.
[4] A.L. Che*, X.Q. Luo & J.h. Qi, Application of surface wave survey for ground liquefaction investigation, International Conference on Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering—from case history to practice. Taylor & Francis, 2009.
[5] Jinghua QI, Ailan CHE*, Xiurun GE, Application of micro tremor observation for ground liquefaction investigation in Tianjin Wangqingtuo reservoir area, International Conference on Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering— from case history to practice. Taylor & Francis, 2009.
[6] A.L. Che, J.H. Qi, X.P. Wu, Application of micro tremor observation on investigation of geological hazard induced by the great Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan Province, International Conference on Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering— from case history to practice. Taylor & Francis, 2009, 331-339.
[7] 馮少孔, 張國新, 審來新, 車愛蘭, 羅先啟, 表面波探査ソフトSurfstarのバージョンアップと新しい適用事例, 物理探査學會第120 回學術講演回論文集, 2009
[8] 馮少孔, 杉山長志, 鍛治義和, 神原隆則, 車愛蘭, 呉志堅, 王蘭民, 山中浩明, 岩楯敞広, 中國の上海と天水における微動探査の適用実験, 物理探査學會第120 回學術講演回論文集, 2009
[9] 吳志堅,車愛蘭,王蘭民,陳龍珠,刑愛國. 常時微動測試在汶川地震甘肅災區建築結構震害調查中的套用[J]. 西北地震學報,2009,01:86-90.
[10] 王德詠,羅先啟,車愛蘭. 引灤入津輸水隧洞混凝土襯砌質量的探地雷達檢測[J]. 三峽大學學報(自然科學版),2009,02:40-42+47.
[1] Che, AL; Luo, XQ; Qi, JH, Study on correlation between shear wave velocity and ground properties for ground liquefaction investigation of silts, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 22, 31-32, 5705-5710, 2008
[2] Che AL, Luo XQ, Feng SK, Yoshiya O. Application of surface wave and micro-tremor survey in landslide investigation in the Three Gorges reservoir area. Landslides and Engineered Slopes: From the Past to the Future, Vols 1 and 2, 307-312, 2008
[3] Qi, JH; Che, AL*; Ge, XR, A study on the stability of earth dam subjected to the seismic load, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 22, 31-32, 5711-5716, 2008.
[4] 馮少孔, 張國新, 審來新, 車愛蘭, 羅先啟, 表面波探査解析ソフトSurfstar の開発とソフトを用いた解析事例, 物理探査學會第118 回學術講演回論文集, 117-120, 2008.
[5] 羅先啟,葛修潤,車愛蘭. 等參逆變換法及其在地下廠房原始地應力計算中的套用[J]. 長江科學院院報,2008,02:51-53+57.
[1] 梁穎元,車愛蘭,王輝,樂松林. 衝擊波作用下高層建築人防地下室的傾覆研究[J]. 土工基礎,2007,01:16-20.
[2] 張啟輝,孫紅,王揮,車愛蘭. 上海軟土的動三軸試驗和非線性損傷模型[J]. 土工基礎,2007,04:54-57.
[3] 鄭少河,車愛蘭,岩楯敞廣. 捷運地震回響的減震效果模型振動試驗研究[J]. 四川建築科學研究,2007,S1:42-44.
[1] 俞茂宏,ODA Y,方東平,趙均海,張德良,竺潤祥,車愛蘭. 中國古建築結構力學研究進展[J]. 力學進展,2006,01:43-64.
[2] 車愛蘭,IWATATE Takahiro,葛修潤. Study on dynamic response of embedded long span corrugated steel culverts using scaled model shaking table tests and numerical analyses[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A(Science in Engineering),2006,03:430-435.
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