- 中文名:路永和
- 畢業院校:大連海事大學
- 學位/學歷:碩士
- 專業方向:信息資源語義分析與服務、文本自動分類與聚類等
- 任職院校:中山大學
- Yonghe Lu(通訊作者), Minghui Liang(學生), Zeyuan Ye(學生), Lichao Cao(學生). Improved particle swarm optimization algorithm and its applicationin in text feature selection. Applied Soft Computing(ISSN:1568-4946),OCT 2015, 35 (2015): 629–636. SCI;Q1區;IF= 3.222.
- Tingting Wei(學生),Yonghe Lu(通訊作者), Huiyou Chang, Qiang Zhou(學生),Xianyu Bao. A semantic approach for text clustering using WordNet and lexical chains. Expert Systems with Applications(ISSN:0957-4174) , APR 1 2015,42 (4):2264–2275. SCI;Q1區;IF=2.571.
- Yonghe Lu(通訊作者),Jonghuang Chen(學生),Jianhua Chen (學生). A Study on Naive Bayes Text Classification Algorithm Based on Position Weighting. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS)( ISSN: 2458-925X), Vol. 3 Issue 1, January – 2017, Pages : 1303-1308.Scopus.
- Yonghe Lu(通訊作者), Danqing Huang(學生). Improved Feature Weight Calculation Methods Based on Part-of-Speech in Text Classification. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS), (ISSN: 2458-925X),Vol. 3 Issue 2,:1430-1439,February – 2017,Scopus.
- Yonghe Lu(通訊作者), Jinghuang Chen(學生). A Study on Naive Bayes Text Classification Algorithm Based on Position Weighting. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS), (ISSN: 2458-925X),Vol. 3 Issue 1,:1303-1308,January – 2017,Scopu.
- Tingting Wei1(學生) Yonghe Lu* Xuanjie Li (學生)and Jinglun Liu(學生),Web Page Segmentation Based on the Hough transform and Vision Cues. Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference 2015(ISBN:978-988-14768-0-7),16-19 December 2015,pages:865-872.EI.
- Yonghe Lu*(路永和,通訊作者), Shuo Wang(學生). The Improvement of Question Process Method in Q&A System. Artificial Intelligence Research(ISSN:1927-6974). October 10, 2015. Vol. 5, No. 1:36-42.Scopus.
- Yonghe Lu*(路永和,通訊作者), Yanhong Peng(學生) The Impact of HTML Tag Amounts on the Effect of Web Page Classification. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research(ISSN:0973-4562). August 15, 2015. Volume 10, Number 15 (2015) pp 35537-35541.Scopus.
- Yonghe Lu*(路永和,通訊作者), Wenqiu Liu(學生), Xinyu He(學生). A Text Feature Selection Method Based on Category-Distribution Divergence. Artificial Intelligence Research(ISSN:1927-6974). September 7, 2015. Vol. 4, No. 2:143-148. Scopus.
- Yonghe Lu*(路永和,通訊作者), Yanhong Peng(學生). Feature Weighting Improvement of Web Text Categorization Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. Journal of Computers(ISSN:1796-203X). July 2015, Volume 10, Number 4:260-267.Scopus.
- Yonghe Lu*(路永和,通訊作者), Ye Zeyuan(學生), He Xinyu(學生). A feature weighting method based on category-distribution divergence (CDD). International Journal of Applied Engineering Research(ISSN:0973-4562). September 15, 2015.Volume 10, Number 17 (2015): pp 37953-37959.Scopus.
- Yonghe Lu*(路永和,通訊作者), Wenqiu Liu(學生), Yanfeng Li(學生). A Feature Selection Based on Relevance and Redundancy. Journal of Computers(ISSN:1796-203X).July 2015, Volume 10, Number 4:284-291. Scopus.
- Lu Yonghe(路永和,通訊作者), Liang Minghui(學生), Answer Extraction Model Based On Named Entity Recognition. Applied Mechanics and Materials(ISSN:1660-9336). April 2014, Volume: 571-572: 339-344.EI.
- Lu Yonghe(路永和,通訊作者),Chen Jianhua(學生). Public Opinion Analysis of Microblog Content. 5th International Conference on Information Science and Applications, 2014 IEEE (ICISA2014). May 6, 2014 - May 9, 2014, Seoul, Korea. Published by IEEE Computer Society(ISBN:9781479944439). Pages: 348-352. (Accession number: 20143017984639).EI.
- Yonghe Lu(路永和,通訊作者), Yongshan Chen(學生). A text feature selection method based on the small world algorithm. Procedia Computer Science (ISSN: 1877-0509). 107 ( 2017 ) 276 – 284. April-2017.EI.
- Yonghe Lu(路永和,通訊作者),Menghui Zheng(學生). Web Topic Analysis of the Two-child Policy in China. Procedia Computer Science (ISSN: 1877-0509). 107 ( 2017 ) 97-102. April-2017. EI.
- Yonghe Lu(通訊作者),Danqing Huang(學生),Hongbin Wang(學生). Improved Feature Weight Calculation Methods Based on Part-of-Speech in Text Classification. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS)( ISSN: 2458-925X), Vol. 3 Issue 2, February - 2017, Pages : 1430-1439. Scopus.
- Yonghe Lu(通訊作者),Weiting Zhang(學生). Analysis of Temporal Logarithmic Perspective Phenomenon Based on Changing Density of Information. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS)( ISSN: 2458-925X), Vol. 3 Issue 4, April - 2017, Pages : 1561-1566.Scopus.
- 路永和,陳泳珊(學生),基於二進制煙花算法的特徵選擇方法,情報學報(ISSN:1000-0135),2017-03-24,36(3):249-259。CSSCI.
- 路永和,張宇楠(學生),中文文本分類中基於和聲搜尋算法的特徵選擇方法,情報學報(ISSN:1000-0135),2015-11-25,34(11): 1203-1213。CSSCI.
- 路永和,陳景煌(學生),混合蛙跳算法在文本分類特徵選擇最佳化中的套用,數據分析與知識發現,2017-01-25,2017(1):91-101。CSSCI.
- 路永和,彭燕虹(學生),融合實用性與科學性的網際網路信息分類體系構建,圖書與情報(ISSN:1003-6938),2015-6-25,2015(03):118-125。CSSCI.
- 路永和,彭燕虹(學生),劉文秋(學生),面向科研與教學的文本分類平台構建,現代情報(ISSN:1008-0821),2015-09-15,35(09):56-62。CSSCI.
- 路永和,王鴻濱(學生),文本分類中受詞性影響的特徵權重計算方法,現代圖書情報技術(ISSN:1003-3513),2015-04-25,2015(04):18-25。CSSCI.
- 路永和,何新宇(學生). 基於維度索引表的改進KNN分類算法. 情報理論與實踐(ISSN:1000-7490),2014-05-30, 37(5):102-106.CSSCI.
- 路永和,梁明輝(學生). 遺傳算法在改進文本特徵提取方法中的套用. 現代圖書情報技術(ISSN:1003-3513),2014-04-25, 2014(04):48-57.CSSCI.
- 路永和,何新宇(學生). 文檔相似矩陣在提高KNN分類效率中的套用. 情報理論與實踐(ISSN:1000-7490),2014-01-30, 37(1):141-144.CSSCI.
- 路永和,李焰鋒(學生). 多因素影響的特徵選擇方法. 現代圖書情報技術(ISSN:1003-3513),2013-5-25,2013(5):34-39。CSSCI.
- 路永和,李焰鋒(學生). 改進TF-IDF算法的文本特徵項權值計算方法. 圖書情報工作(ISSN:0252-3116),2013-02-05,57 (3): 90-95。CSSCI.
- 路永和,何新宇(學生). 銳化高斯模板在文本特徵項權重調整方法中的套用. 現代圖書情報技術(ISSN:1003-3513),2012-12-25,2012(12):39-44。CSSCI.
- 路永和,曹利朝(學生). 基於粒子群最佳化的文本特徵選擇方法. 現代圖書情報技術(ISSN:1003-3513),2011-08-25,2011(7/8):76-81.CSSCI.
- 路永和,曹利朝(學生). 基於關聯規則綜合評價的圖書推薦模型.現代圖書情報技術(ISSN:1003-3513),2011-02-25,2011(2):81-86。CSSCI.
- 羅新(學生),王兆禮,路永和. 基於蟻群智慧型算法的文本分類研究. 圖書情報工作(ISSN:0252-3116),2011-01-20,55(2):103-106.CSSCI.
- Tingting Wei, Yonghe Lu *, Xuanjie Li. Research on Web Segmentation Based on Hough transform and Vision Cues. 2015.12 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2015), December 16-19, 2015, Hongkong, China.
- Yonghe Lu * , Yanhong Peng. Feature Weighting Improvement of Web Text Categorization Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. 2015 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Engineering (ICAIE 2015), May 25-26, 2015, Kenting, Taiwan.
- Yonghe Lu*, Wenqiu Liu, Yanfeng Li. A Feature Selection Based on Relevance and Redundancy. 2015 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Engineering (ICAIE 2015), May 25-26, 2015, Kenting, Taiwan.
- Lu Yonghe*, Liang Minghui, Answer Extraction Model Based On Named Entity Recognition. The International Conference on Computers and Information Processing Technologies (ICCIPT 2014, CIPT 2014). 23-24, April, 2014, Shanghai,China.
- Lu Yonghe*,Chen Jianhua. Public Opinion Analysis of Microblog Content. 5th International Conference on Information Science and Applications, 2014 IEEE (ICISA2014). May 6, 2014 - May 9, 2014, Seoul, Korea.
- Xuedong Sun, Yonghe Lu. Directed-hypergraph based personalized e-learning process and resource optimization. 4th International Conference on Digital Home, ICDH 2012, November 23, 2012 - November 25, 2012, Guangzhou, China.
- Yonghe Lu* and Bing Sun. The Fitness Evaluation Model of SAAS for Enterprise Information System. IEEE International Confercence on e-Business Engineering, 21-23 October, 2009, Macau, China.