

《跨文化交際實訓(第二版)》是2014年對外經濟貿易大學出版社出版書籍,作者是房玉靖、姚 穎。


  • 書名:跨文化交際實訓(第二版)
  • 作者:房玉靖、姚穎
  • ISBN:9787566311009
  • 定價:31.00
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2014.8
  • 開本:185mm×230mm
  • 叢書名:“十二五”規劃商務英語高職高專系列教材
  • 版次:2
  • 印次:1
  • 字數:300千字
  • 適用層次:高職高專




Chapter 1 Culture, Communication & Intercultural Communication1
I. Culture2
II. Communication8
III. Intercultural Communication12
IV. Intercultural Business Communication16
Chapter 2 Verbal Communication25
I. Verbal Communication26
II. Oral Communication36
III. Written Communication40
Chapter 3 Nonverbal Communication51
I.??Introduction to Nonverbal Communication52
II. Body Language (Kinesics)55
III. Eye Contact60
IV. Body Touch62
V. Paralanguage65
VI. Spatial Language67
VII. Temporal Language71
Chapter 4 Cultural Values79
I. Definition of Values80
II. Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s Value Orientations82
III. Hofstede’s Dimensions of Cultural Values89
IV. Comparison between Hofstede Scheme and Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s Scheme100
V. Hall’s High-context and Low-context Orientation101
Chapter 5 Culture Shock in Intercultural Communication109
I. Definition & Causes of Culture Shock110
II. Stages of Culture Shock115
III. Symptoms of Culture Shock121
IV. Strategies for Managing Culture Shock123
Chapter 6 Business Etiquette & Social Customs133
I. Introductions and Greetings134
II. Social Entertainment139
III. Gift Giving and Receiving146
IV. Dressing Rules149
V. Social Customs152
VI. Humor, Superstitions and Taboos155
VII. Business Scheduling159
Chapter 7 Intercultural Business Negotiation167
I. Definition of Negotiation168
II. Framework for Intercultural Negotiation169
III. Intercultural Negotiation Styles171
IV. Phases of Negotiation178
V. Skills of Successful Negotiators183
VI. Intercultural Negotiation Guidelines186
Chapter 8 Intercultural Market Communication193
I. Intercultural Brand Marketing194
II. Intercultural Advertising199
III. Certain Aspects of Culture Affecting Marketing and Advertising203
Reference Key216

