- 中文名:跟外教學國小英語:5
- 作者:(加)凱倫·史密斯(Karen Smith)
- 出版時間:2017年
- 出版社:天津人民出版社
- ISBN:9787201120195
- 類別:英語讀物類圖書
- 開本:16 開
- 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
這套《跟外教學國小英語》系列共分六冊,對應國內國小1-6 年級,以全彩色大字號大開本印製,便於小學生學習使用。《跟外教學國小英語》每冊書中所使用的辭彙、語法點及訓練話題,均源自相應年級不同版本的教材,這樣學生學起來難度適宜,而且也能學到同年級其他版本里的知識。作者的編寫方式靈活、頗有創意,將知識學習、語言訓練與趣味活動融為一體。其首要目的是激發孩子們學習英語的熱情與興趣,而不是死學硬背。
《跟外教學國小英語(彩色英文版 Grade 5)》為第五冊,作者凱倫·史密斯根據自身多年的英語教學經驗,結合國小五年級學生的學習要點與辭彙量,編寫出《跟外教學國小英語(彩色英文版 Grade 5)》完全適合中國學生的英語同步訓練輔導書。《跟外教學國小英語(彩色英文版 Grade 5)》中的內容是較正式的課文,每一課包括辭彙和課文,以及對一些生詞的英文解釋,讓學生學會通過簡單英文理解生詞,養成用英語理解和思維的習慣。
1Lynn travels on public transport by herself.
2 Letme show you around.
3Where am I?
4 Areyou my sister?
5Help me, I am lost.
6What do they look like?
7What are they like?
8Internet safety.
9Spend time with me.
10 Ishe lucky or unlucky?
11Yours, mine and ours.
12 Agroup of friends who have never met.
13What are they good at?
14China’s got talent.
15What is the opposite?
16Why dogs chase cats.
17Now is yesterday’s tomorrow.
18Before he was kind, now he is a killer.
19Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago.
20How bear lost her tail.
21Deliver my letter to the one I love.
22Because why?
23Old, but good riddles.
24Who or what is that about?
25May I use your scissors?
26Suddenly he slipped and made a big splash.
27 Doyou shop online?
28How to use a wok.
29Spaghetti trees.
30What do you want to watch on TV?
31Are chores good for you?
32You shouldn’t drink pop.
33How fit are you?
34The food pagoda.
35What do Chinese people do at their festivals?
36 Myfavourite American Festival.
37Hoppy Easter.
38 Ihave a pet camel.
39 Doyou have a tail?
40 Mymouth makes funny noises.
41This dog is special.
42Pollution is killing our environment.
43What is erosion?
44 Pandasare endangered.
45Jane gets a camping badge.
46Let me tell y about my vacation.
47How to grow your own food.
48You are a real pest.
49 Doyou recycle?
50 We live on planet Earth.
凱倫·史密斯(Karen Smith),加拿大出生並長大。大學畢業後開始遊歷世界,在五個國家工作和生活過。在倫敦生活期間,她獲得TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of OtherLanguages)證書。後移居澳大利亞,在悉尼從事六年的國際學生英語教學,並加入澳大利亞國籍。