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  • 中文名:趙磊
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校:華北電力大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:生態學 
  • 職務:副系主任 
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學



2003.09-2007.07 山東大學 套用物理專業 本科 理學學士
2007.09-2009.07 華北電力大學 環境工程專業 工學碩士
2009.09-2017.03 華北電力大學 能源環境工程專業 工學博士


2017.04-2018.05 堪薩斯大學 理論生態學博士後
2018.08- 中國農業大學 資源與環境學院 副教授


1. 生物多樣性與群落穩定性
2. 複雜網路與食物網
3. 氣候變化對生態系統的影響
4. 種群的時空分布格局與Taylor冪律


  1. Zhao, L.*, S. Wang*, R. Shen, Y. Gong, C. Wang, P. Hong, D. C. Reuman*. 2022. Biodiversity stabilizes plant communities through statistical-averaging effects rather than compensatory dynamics. Nature Communications, 13:7804.
  2. Shu, K., X. Gao, D. Qian*, L. Zhao*, Q. Li, L. Dai. 2022. Relationship between Biomass and Biodiversity of Degraded Grassland in the Sanjiangyuan Region of Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Diversity, 14:1002.
  3. Gong, Y., L. Yu, L. Zhao*. 2022. Ecological Networks in Agroecosystems: Approaches and Applications. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 9:523-535.
  4. Shoemaker, L. G.*, L. M. Hallett, L. Zhao, D. C. Reuman, S. Wang, K. L. Cottingham, R. J. Hobbs, M. C. N. Castorani, A. L. Downing, J. C. Dudney, S. B. Fey, L. A. Gherardi, N. Lany, C. Portales-Reyes, A. L. Rypel, L. W. Sheppard, J. A. Walter, K. N. Suding. 2022. The long and the short of it: Mechanisms of synchronous and compensatory dynamics across temporal scales. Ecology, 103:e3650.
  5. Xue, R., C. Wang*, L. Zhao, B. Sun, and B. Wang. 2022. Agricultural intensification weakens the soil health index and stability of microbial networks. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 339:108118.
  1. Walter, J. A.*, L. M. Hallett*, L. W. Sheppard, T. L. Anderson, L. Zhao, R. J. Hobbs, K. N. Suding, D. C. Reuman*. 2021. Micro‐scale geography of synchrony in a serpentine plant community. Journal of Ecology, 109:750-762.
  2. Luo, M., D. Reuman, L. Hallett, L. Shoemaker, L. Zhao, M. C. N. Castorani, J. Dudney, L. Gherardi, A. Rypel, L. Sheppard, J. Walter, S. Wang*. 2021. The effects of dispersal on spatial synchrony in metapopulations differ by timescale. OIKOS, 130:1762-1772.
  1. Zhao, L.*, S. Wang, L. M. Hallett, A. L. Rypel, L. W. Sheppard, M. C. N. Castorani, L. G. Shoemaker, K. L. Cottingham, K. Suding, D. C. Reuman*. 2020. A new variance ratio metric to detect the timescale of compensatory dynamics. Ecosphere, 11:e3114.
  2. Sun, X., L. Zhao, D. Zhao, Y. Huo, and W. Tan*. 2020. Keystone species can be identified based on motif centrality. Ecological Indicators, 110:105877.
  1. Lei Zhao*, Lawrence Sheppard, Philip Reid, Jonathan Walter, Daniel Reuman*. 2018. Proximate determinants of Taylor’s law slopes. Journal of Animal Ecology, 88:484-494.
  2. Wang, L.#, L. Zhao#, X. Song, Q. Wang, J. Kou, Y. Jiang, X. Shao*. 2019. Morphological traits of Bryum argenteum and its response to environmental variation in arid and semi-arid areas of Tibet. Ecological Engineering, 136:101-107. (#並列第一)
  3. Shi, P., L. Zhao, D. A. Ratkowsky, K. J. Niklas*, W. Huang, S. Lin*, Y. Ding, C. Hui, B. Li. 2019. Influence of the physical dimension of leaf size measures on the goodness of fit for Taylor's power law using 101 bamboo taxa. Global Ecology and Conservation, 18:e657.
  4. Hu, Y., L. Zhao, R. J. A. Buggs, X. Zhang, J. Li, N. Wang*. 2019. Population structure of Betula albosinensis and Betula platyphylla: evidence for hybridization and a cryptic lineage. Annals of Botany, 123:1-11.
  5. Tian, Y., K. Yang, L. Zheng, X. Han, Y. Xu, Y. Li, S. Li, X. Xu, H. Zhang*, L. Zhao. 2019. Modelling Biogas Production Kinetics of Various Heavy Metals Exposed Anaerobic Fermentation Process Using Sigmoidal Growth Functions. Waste and Biomass Valorization.
  1. Lei Zhao, Huayong Zhang*, Wang Tian, Xiang Xu. 2018. Identifying compartments in ecological networks based on energy channels. Ecology and Evolution, 8: 309-318.
  2. Xiang Xu, Huayong Zhang*, Ting Xie, Junjie Yue, Lei Zhao, Yonglan Tian. 2018. Geographical patterns of Raunkiaerian life-form spectra in China. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 50, 1509-1516.
  1. Lei Zhao, Huayong Zhang*, Wang Tian, Ran Li, Xiang Xu. 2017. Viewing the effects of species loss in complex ecological networks. Mathematical biosciences, 285: 55-60.
  2. Eoin O’Gorman*#, Lei Zhao#, Doris Pichler, Georgina Adams, Nikolai Friberg, Björn Rall, Alex Seeney, Huayong Zhang, Daniel Reuman*, Guy Woodward*. 2017. Unexpected changes in community size structure in a natural warming experiment. Nature Climate Change, 7: 659-663. (#並列第一)
  3. Daniel C. Reuman*, Lei Zhao, Lawrence W. Sheppard, Philip C. Reid, Joel E. Cohen*. 2017. Synchrony affects Taylor's law in theory and data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114:6788-6793.
  4. Wang Tian, Huayong Zhang*, Lei Zhao, Feifan Zhang, Hai Huang. 2017. Phytoplankton Diversity Effects on Community Biomass and Stability along Nutrient Gradients in a Eutrophic Lake. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14: 95.
  5. Wang Tian, Huayong Zhang*, Lei Zhao, Hai Huang. 2017. Responses of phytoplankton community to seasonal and environmental changes in Lake Nansihu, China. Marine and Freshwater Research, 68: 1877-1886.
  6. Wang Tian, Huayong Zhang*, Lei Zhao, Hai Huang. 2017. Phytoplankton community structure and its relationship with environmental factors in a heavy eutrophic lake. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26: 777-784.
  7. Wang Tian, Huayong Zhang*, Jian Zhang, Lei Zhao, Mingsheng Miao, Hai Huang. 2017. Biodiversity effects on resource use efficiency and community turnover of plankton in Lake Nansihu, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24:11279-11288.
  8. Wang Tian, Huayong Zhang*, Jian Zhang, Lei Zhao, Mingsheng Miao, Hai Huang. 2017. Responses of Zooplankton Community to Environmental Factors and Phytoplankton Biomass in Lake Nansihu, China. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 49: 493-504.
  9. Xiang Xu, Huayong Zhang*, Ting Xie, Yao Xu, Lei Zhao, Wang Tian. 2017. Effects of Climate Change on the Potentially Suitable Climatic Geographical Range of Liriodendron chinense. Forests, 8: 399.
  10. Peijian Shi*, David Ratkowsky, Ningtao Wang, Yang Li, Lei Zhao, Gadi Reddy, Bai-Lian Li. 2017. Comparison of five methods for parameter estimation under Taylor’s power law. Ecological Complexity, 32: 121-130.
  11. Yonglan Tian, Huayong Zhang, He Hao, Songbo Cui, Luyi Zhang, Lei Zhao, Xiang Xu. 2017. Relationships between phosphorus fractionations in sediments and phosphorus in overlying water in a constructed wetland: Impact of macrophytes. Desalination and Water Treatment, 84: 180-189.
  1. Lei Zhao, Huayong Zhang*, Eoin J. O'Gorman, Wang Tian, Athen Ma, John C. Moore, Stuart Borrett, Guy Woodward. 2016. Weighting and indirect effects identify keystone species in food webs. Ecology Letters, 19: 1032-1040.
  2. Huayong Zhang*, Lei Zhao, Wang Tian, Hai Huang. 2016. Stability of food webs to biodiversity loss: Comparing the roles of biomass and node degree. Ecological Indicators, 67: 723-729.
  3. Wang Tian, Huayong Zhang*, Lei Zhao, Xiang Xu, Hai Huang. 2016. Plankton Community Stability and Its Relationship with Phytoplankton Species Richness in Lake Nansihu, China. Water, 8: 454.
  4. Wang Tian, Huayong Zhang*, Lei Zhao, Xiang Xu, Hai Huang. 2016. The Relationship between Phytoplankton Evenness and Copepod Abundance in Lake Nansihu, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13: 855.
  5. Wang Tian, Huayong Zhang*, Lei Zhao, Yuanwu Xiong, Hai Huang. 2016. Effects of Environmental Factors on the Temporal Stability of Phytoplankton Biomass in a Eutrophic Man-Made Lake. Water, 8: 582.
  6. Wang Tian, Huayong Zhang*, Lei Zhao, Mingsheng Miao. 2016. Influence of nutrients and zooplankton on species richness of phytoplankton in a recovering lake. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 25:5744-5750.
  1. Anthony Dell*, Lei Zhao, Richard Pearson, Ross Alford. 2015. Population and community body size structure across a complex environmental gradient. Advances in Ecological Research, 52: 115-167.


