



  • 中文名:趙瑚
  • 畢業院校:加州大學洛杉磯分校
  • 職務:高級研究員
  • 性別:男


2021年8月-至今 北京腦與類腦研究中心高級研究員
2016年1月-2021年7月 德克薩斯農工大學牙學院(Texas A&M University, College of Dentistry),助理教授(te nure-track),並通過tenure委員會評審
2016年7月-2019年7月 達拉斯Carewell Dental Clinic兼職全科牙醫
2011年6月-2015年12月 南加州大學牙學院(University of Southern California, Ostrow School of Dentistry) 博士後研究助理
2011年6月-2015年12月 El Monte市Smile Dental兼職全科牙醫
2003年6月-2009年4月 南加州大學牙學院(University of Southern California, Ostrow School of Dentistry) 博士後
1998年-2001年 成都金琴牙科,亞非牙科兼職全科牙醫


2009-2011 加州大學洛杉磯分校牙學院,國際牙醫項目,牙科臨床博士
2001-2003 University of Virginia,生物學,碩士
1998-2001 四川大學華西口腔醫學院,口腔醫學,博士
1991-1998 華西醫科大學口腔七年制,口腔醫學,本科和碩士


1. 新型透明化技術的研發和神經連線圖譜成像技術開發;
2. 顱頜面幹細胞與發育生物學。


1. Yi. Y., Stenberg W., Feng J., Zhao, H. (2021). Gli1+ cells within the alveolar bone marrow are stem cells supporting implant osseointegration. Journal of Dental Research May 19;220345211013722.
2. Men, Y., Wang YH., Yi, Y., Jing D., Luo W., Chai, Y., Feng, JQ., Zhao, H. (2020) Gli1+ periodontium stem cells are regulated by osteocytes and occlusal force. Developmental Cell 54(5):639-654.
3. Jing D., Yi Y., Zhao H. (2019). Applications of tissue clearing method for vasculature 3-D imaging. Methods of Molecular Biology. Book chapter
4. Luo W., Yi Y., Jing D., Zhang S., Men Y., Ge W., Zhao H. (2019). Investigation of postnatal craniofacial bone development with tissue clearing-based 3D imaging. Stem Cell and Development. 28(19):1310-1321.
5. Yi, Y., Y. Men, D. Jing, W. Luo, S. Zhang, J. Q. Feng, J. Liu, W. P. Ge, J. Wang and H. Zhao (2019). "3‐dimensional visualization of implant‐tissue interface with the polyethylene glycol associated solvent system tissue clearing method." Cell Proliferation: e12578
6. Jing, D., Y. Yi, W. Luo, S. Zhang, Q. Yuan, J. Wang, E. Lachika, Z. Zhao and H. Zhao (2019). "Tissue Clearing and Its Application to Bone and Dental Tissues." Journal of Dental Research 98(6): 621-631.
7. Jing, D., S. Zhang, W. Luo, X. Gao, Y. Men, C. Ma, X. Liu, Y. Yi, A. Bugde, B. O. Zhou and H. Zhao (2018). "Tissue clearing of both hard and soft tissue organs with the PEGASOS method." Cell Research 28(8): 803.
1. Xun Wang, Spencer D. Shelton, Bogdan Bordieanu, Anderson Frank, Yating Yi, Siva Venigalla, Zhimin Gu, Michael Glogauer, Navdeep S. Chandel, Rhonda Bassel-Duby, Eric N. Olson, Hu Zhao, David G. McFadden, and Prashant Mishra (2020). Electron transport chain dysfunction induces muscle stem cell fusion into myofibers and mitochondrial myopathy. Under review
2. Li S, Sun Y, Tian T, Zhou Y, Zhao H, Zhu B, Cai X. (2019) MicroRNA-214-3p Modified Tetrahedral Framework Nucleic Acids Target Survivin to Induce Tumor Cell Apoptosis. Cell Proliferation Oct 23:e12708.
3. Tonmoy Chakraborty, Kevin M. Dean, Hu Zhao, and Reto Fiolka (2019). A multimodal light-sheet microscope that is compatible with all clearing techniques. Novel Techniques in Microscopy. 2019(4)
4. Song A, Dai W, Jang MJ, Medrano L, Li Z, Zhao H, Shao M, Tan J et al. Low- and high-thermogenic brown adipocyte subpopulations coexist in murine adipose tissue. (2020) J. Clinical Investigation 130(1):247-257.
5. Chakraborty T, Driscoll MK, Jeffery E, Murphy MM, Roudot P, Chang BJ, Vora S, Wong WM Nielson CD, Zhang H, Zhemkov V, Hiremath C, De La Cruz ED, Yi Y, Bezprozvanny, Zhao H, Tomer R, Heintzmann R, Meeks JP, Marciano DK, Dean KM, Fiolka R Light-Sheet Microscopy of Cleared Tissues with Isotropic Subcellular Resolution (2019). Nature Methods. Nov;16(11):1109-1113
6. X Xie, J Wang, K Wang, C Li, S Zhang, D Jing, C Xu, X Wang, H Zhao, JQ Feng (2019). Axin2+-Mesenchymal PDL Cells, Instead of K14+ Epithelial Cells, Play a Key Role in Rapid Cementum Growth. J. Dent. Res.
7. Liu, T., J. Wang, X. Xie, K. Wang, T. Sui, D. Liu, L. Lai, H. Zhao, Z. Li and J. Q. Feng (2019). "DMP1 Ablation in the Rabbit Results in Mineralization Defects and Abnormalities in Haversian Canal/Osteon Microarchitecture." Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.
8. Jiang, Y., S. Zhang, C. Mao, Y. Lai, D. Wu, H. Zhao, C. Liao and W. Chen (2019). "Defining a critical period in calvarial development for Hedgehog pathway antagonist-induced frontal bone dysplasia in mice." International Journal of Oral Science 11(1).
9. Li, C., Y. Jing, K. Wang, Y. Ren, X. Liu, X. Wang, Z. Wang, H. Zhao and J. Feng (2018). "Dentinal mineralization is not limited in the mineralization front but occurs along with the entire odontoblast process." International Journal of Biological Sciences 14(7): 693.
10. Feng, J., J. Jing, J. Li, H. Zhao, V. Punj, T. Zhang, J. Xu and Y. Chai (2017). "BMP signaling orchestrates a transcriptional network to control the fate of mesenchymal stem cells in mice." Development 144(14): 2560-2569.
11. Liu, W., L. Zhou, C. Zhou, S. Zhang, J. Jing, L. Xie, N. Sun, X. Duan, W. Jing, X. Liang, H. Zhao, Q. Chen and Q. Yuan (2016). "GDF11 decreases bone mass by stimulating osteoclastogenesis and inhibiting osteoblast differentiation." Nature Communications 7: 12794.
12. Park, S., H. Zhao, M. Urata and Y. Chai (2016). "Sutures possess strong regenerative capacity for calvarial bone injury." Stem Cells and Development 25(23): 1801-1807.
1. Zhao, H., J. Feng, T.-V. Ho, W. Grimes, M. Urata and Y. Chai (2015). "The suture provides a niche for mesenchymal stem cells of craniofacial bones." Nature Cell Biology 17(4): 386.
2. Zhao, H. and Y. Chai (2015). "Stem cells in teeth and craniofacial bones." Journal of Dental Research 94(11): 1495-1501.
3. Zhao, H., J. Feng, K. Seidel, S. Shi, O. Klein, P. Sharpe and Y. Chai (2014). "Secretion of shh by a neurovascular bundle niche supports mesenchymal stem cell homeostasis in the adult mouse incisor." Cell Stem Cell 14(2): 160-173.
4. Zhao, H., S. Li, D. Han, V. Kaartinen and Y. Chai (2011). "Alk5-mediated transforming growth factor β signaling acts upstream of fibroblast growth factor 10 to regulate the proliferation and maintenance of dental epithelial stem cells." Molecular and Cellular Biology 31(10): 2079-2089.
5. Zhao, H., K. Oka, P. Bringas, V. Kaartinen and Y. Chai (2008). "TGF-β type I receptor Alk5 regulates tooth initiation and mandible patterning in a type II receptor-independent manner." Developmental Biology 320(1): 19-29.
6. Zhao, H., P. Bringas Jr and Y. Chai (2006). "An in vitro model for characterizing the post‐migratory cranial neural crest cells of the first branchial arch." Developmental Dynamics 235(5): 1433-1440.


