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  • 中文名:趙海斌
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:男
  • 職業:教師


(1) 時間分辨磁光光譜,研究磁性材料與半導體的自旋動力學;
(2) 非線性磁光光譜,研究表面與界面磁性,多鐵材料的磁電耦合效應等;
(3) 光、磁、電驅動下的超快自旋調控;
(4) 新型太陽能材料的電荷產生、分離及輸運的動力學。


1997.6 復旦大學物理系 本科
2000.6 復旦大學物理系 碩士
2006.2 美國威廉瑪麗大學套用科學系 博士


38. Z. Zheng, J. Y. Shi, Q. Li, T. Gu, H. Xia, L. Q. Shen, F. Jin, H. C. Yuan, Y. Z. Wu*, L. Y. Chen, H. B. Zhao*, "Magneto-optical probe of ultrafast spin dynamics in antiferromagnetic CoO films", Physical Review B 98, 134409 (2018)
37. L. Q. Shen, L. F. Zhou, J. Y. Shi, M. Tang, Z. Zheng, D. Wu, S. M. Zhou, L. Y. Chen, H. B. Zhao*, "Dominant role of inverse Cotton-Mouton effect in ultrafast stimulation of magnetization precession in undoped yttrium iron garnet films by 400-nm laser pulses", Physical Review B 97, 224430 (2018)
36. Feng Jin, Jianyu Yuan, Wenping Guo, Yalong Xu, Yannan Zhang, Chuanxiang Sheng*, Wanli Ma*, Haibin Zhao*, "Improved charge generation via ultrafast effective hole-transfer in all-polymer photovoltaic blends with large highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) energy offset and proper crystal orientation", Advanced Functional Materials DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201801611 (2018)
35. J. Y. Shi, M. Tang, Z. Zhang, L. Ma, L. Sun, C. Zhou, X. F. Hu, Z. Zheng, L. Q. Shen, S. M. Zhou*, Y. Z. Wu, L. Y. Chen, H. B. Zhao*, “Impact of ultrafast demagnetization process on magnetization reversal in L10 FePt revealed using double laser pulse excitation”,Applied Physics Letters 112(8), 082403 (2018)
34. Shaohua Dong, Yu Zhang, Huijie Guo, Jingwen Duan, Fuxin Guan, Qiong He, Haibin Zhao, Lei Zhou*, Shulin Sun*, "Highly efficient wave-front reshaping of surface waves with dielectric metawalls", Physical Review Applied 9(1), 014032 (2018)
33. Feng Jin, Jianyu Yuan, Wenping Guo, Lu Han, Yalong Xu, Chuanxiang Sheng*, Wanli Ma*, Haibin Zhao*, "Ultrafast spectroscopic identification of hole transfer in all-polymer blend films of PTP8 and N2200", The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, 20126 (2017)
32. Guanqun Ding, Jianyu Yuan, Feng Jin, Yannan Zhang, Lu Han, Xufeng Lin, Haibin Zhao, Wanli Ma, “High performance all-polymer nonfullerene solar cells by employing an efficient polymer-small molecule acceptor alloy strategy, Nano Energy, 36, 356 (2017)
31. Z. Zheng, Q. Li, J. Y. Shi, T. Gu, Z. Y. Wang, L. Q. Shen, F. Jin, H. C. Yuan, R. J. Zhang, L. Y. Chen, Y. Z. Wu*, and H. B. Zhao*, "Ultrafast modulation of exchange coupling induced anisotropy in Fe/CoO by laser induced charge transfer", Applied Physics Letters 110, 172401 (2017)
30. Feng Jin, Guanqun Ding, Yuning Wang, Jianyu Yuan, Wenping Guo, Haochen Yuan, Chuanxiang Sheng*, Wanli Ma*, and Haibin Zhao*, "Thermal annealing effect on ultrafast charge transfer in all-polymer solar cells with a non-fullerene acceptor N2200", The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, 8804 (2017)
29. Jianyu Yuan*, Wenping Guo, Yuxin Xia, Michael J. Ford, Feng Jin, Dongyang Liu, Haibin Zhao*, Olle Inganas, Guillermo C. Bazan, and Wanli Ma*, Comparing the device physcs, dynamics and morphology of polymer solar cells employing conventional PCBM and non-fullerene polymer acceptor N2200, Nano Energy 35, 251 (2017)
28. T. P. Ma, Y. Yang, Z. Ding, Z. H. Chen, H. B. Zhao*, P. Werner, S. S. P. Parkin, and Y. Z. Wu*, "Manipulating charge ordering in Fe3O4 by field cooling", Physical Review B 95, 014103 (2017)
27. W. P. Guo, J. Y. Yuan, H. C. Yuan, F. Jin, L. Han, C. X. Sheng*, W. L. Ma*, H. B. Zhao*, “Ultrafast Electron Transfer in Low-Band Gap Polymer/PbS Nanocrystalline Blend Films”, Advanced Functional Materials 26, 713 (2016)
26. Z. Zhang, D. Wu, Z. Luan, H. C. Yuan, Z. Z. Zhang*, J. H. Zhao, H. B. Zhao*, and L. Y. Chen, “Photoinduced spin precession and ultrafast demagnetization in Co2FeAl films with crossover from in-plane to perpendicular magnetic easy axis”, IEEE Magnetics Letters 6, 3500604 (2015)
25. X. Ma, F. Fang, Q. Li, J. Zhu, Y. Yang, Y. Z. Wu, H. B. Zhao*, and G. Lupke*, “Ultrafast spin exchange-coupling torque via photo-excited charge-transfer processes”, Nature Communications 6, 8800 (2015)
24. Di Wu, Zhe Zhang, Le Li, Zhongzhi Zhang*, H. B. Zhao*, J. Wang, B. Ma, Q. Y. Jin, “Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and magnetization dynamics in oxidized CoFeAl films”, Scientific Reports 5, 12352 (2015).
23. X. Ma, L. Ma. P. He, H. B. Zhao*, S. M. Zhou, G. Lupke*, "Role of antisite disorder on intrinsic Gilbert damping in L10 FePt films", Physical Review B 91 014438 (2015)
22. T. P. Ma, S. F. Zhang, Y. Yang, Z. H. Chen, H. B. Zhao*, Y. Z. Wu*, "Distinguishing the laser-induced spin precession mechanism in Fe/MgO(001) through field orientation dependent measurements", Journal of Applied Physics 117, 013903 (2015)
21. Y. Gong, Z. Zhang, D. Ascienzo, Y. Abranyos, H. B. Zhao*, G. Lupke, Qi Li, Y. H. Ren*, "Ultrafast optical detection of magnetic inhomogeneity in ferromagnetic La0.67Ca0.33MnO3", EPL (Europhysics Letters) 108, 17010 (2014)
20. Jialing Lu, Jianyu Yuan, Wenping Guo, Xiaodong Huang, Zeke Liu, Haibin Zhao, Hai-Qiao Wang, and Wanli Ma, "Effects of cyano (CN)-groups on the planarity, film morphology and photovoltaic performance of benzodithiophene-based polymers", Polymer Chemistry 5, 4772 (2014)
19. H. C. Yuan, S. H. Nie, T. P. Ma, Z. Zhang, Z. Zheng, Z. H. Chen, Y. Z. Wu, J. H. Zhao*, H. B. Zhao*, L. Y. Chen, "Different temperature scaling of strain-induced magneto-crystalline anisotropy and Gilbert damping in Co2FeAl film epitaxied on GaAs", Applied Physics Letters 105, 072413 (2014)
18. X. Ma, P. He, L. Ma, G. Y, Guo*, H. B. Zhao,* S. M. Zhou, G. Lüpke*, "Spin-orbit interaction tuning of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in L10 FePdPt films", Applied Physics Letters 104, 192402 (2014)
17. Wenhui Liu, Wei Xie, Wenping Guo, Dan Xu, Tao Hu, Tianping Ma, Haochen Yuan, Yizheng Wu, Haibin Zhao,*
Xuechu Shen, and Zhanghai Chen*, "Coherent scattering of exciton polaritons and acoustic phonons in a ZnO single crystal", Physical Review B 89, 201201(R) (2014) Editors' suggestion
16. X. Ma, A. Kumar, S. Dussan, H. Zhai, F. Fang, H. B. Zhao, J. F. Scott, R. S. Katiyar, and G. Lüpke "Charge control of antiferromagnetism at PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 interface", Applied Physics Letters 104, 132905 (2014)
15. Y. Fan, X. Ma, F. Fang, J. Zhu, Q. Li, T. P. Ma, Y. Z. Wu, Z. H. Chen, H. B. Zhao,* and G. Luepke* "Photoinduced spin angular momentum transfer into an antiferromagnetic insulator", Physical Review B 89, 094428 (2014)
14. Haochen Yuan, Haixia Gao, Yu Gong, Jun Lu, Xinhui Zhang, Jianhua Zhao, Yuhang Ren*, Haibin Zhao*, and Liangyao Chen, “Photoinduced spin precession in Fe/GaAs (001) heterostructure with low power excitation”, Applied Physics Express 6, 073008 (2013)
13. Y. Fan, K. J. Smith, G. Luepke, A. T. Hanbicki, R. Goswami, C. H. Li, H. B. Zhao, and B. T. Jonker, "Exchange bias of the interface spin system at the Fe/MgO interface", Nature Nanotechnology 8, 438 (2013)
12. P. He, X. Ma, J. W. Zhang, H. B. Zhao, G. Luepke, Z. Shi, and S. M. Zhou, "Quadratic scaling of intrinsic Gilbert damping with spin-orbital coupling in L10 FePdPt films: Experiments and Ab Initio calculations", Physical Review Letters 110, 077203 (2013)
11. Y. Fan, H. B. Zhao, G. Lüpke, A. T. Hanbicki, C. H. Li, and B. T. Jonker, "Anisotropic exchange coupling and stress-induced uniaxial magnetic anisotropy in Fe/GaAs(001)", Physical Review B, 85, 165311 (2012)
10. H. B. Zhao*, D. Talbayev, X. Ma, Y. H. Ren, A. Venimadhav, Qi Li, and G. Lüpke, " Coherent Spin Precession via Photoinduced Antiferromagnetic Interactions in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3", Physical Review Letters, 107, 207205 (2011).
9. H. B. Zhao*, Y. Fan, G. Lüpke, A. T. Hanbicki, C. H. Li, and B. T. Jonker, " Detection of coherent acoustic phonons by time-resolved second-harmonic generation", Physical Review B 83, 212302 (2011).
8. H. B. Zhao*, K. J. Smith, Y. Fan, G. Lüpke, A. Bhattacharya, S. D. Bader, M. Warusawithana, X. Zhai, and J. N. Eckstein, "Viscous spin exchange torque on precessional magnetization in (LaMnO3)2n/(SrMnO3)n superlattices", Physical Review Letters 100, 117208 (2008).
7. H. B. Zhao, D. Talbayev, Y. Fan, G. Lüpke, A. T. Hanbicki, C. H. Li, O., and B. T. Jonker, "Photoinduced spin waves in Fe/AlGaAs (001) heterostructure", (Invited), Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 5, 2627 (2008).
6. Y. H. Ren, M. Ebrahim, H. B. Zhao, G. Lüpke, Z. A. Xu, V. Adyam, and Qi Li, Time-resolved optical studies of spin and quasiparticle dynamics in colossal magnetoresistance materials: La0.67Ca0.33MnO3, La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 and Sr2FeMoO6, Physical Review B 78, 014408 (2008)
5. H. B. Zhao, D. Talbayev, G. Lüpke, A. T. Hanbicki, C. H. Li, and B. T. Jonker, "Ultrafast interface magnetization dynamics in Fe/AlGaAs (001) heterostructure", Applied Physics Letters 91, 052111 (2007).
4. D. Talbayev, H. B. Zhao, G. Lüpke, A. Venimadhav, and Qi Li, "Photoinduced coherent magnetization precession in epitaxial LaCaMnO films0.670.333", Physical Review B 73, 014417 (2006).
3. H. B. Zhao, D. Talbayev, G. Lüpke, A. T. Hanbicki, C. H. Li, O. M. J. van 't Erve, G. Kioseoglou, and B. T. Jonker, "Interface magnetization switching and anisotropy in Fe/AlGaAs (001)", Physical Review Letters 95, 137202 (2005).
2. D. Talbayev, H. B. Zhao, G. Lüpke, J. Chen, and Qi Li, "Strain and anisotropy effects on spin waves in epitaxial La0.67Sr0.33MnO films", Applied Physics Letters 86, 182501 (2005).
1. H. B. Zhao, D. Talbayev, Q. G.Yang, G. Lüpke, A. T. Hanbicki, C. H. Li, O. M. J. van 't Erve, G. Kioseoglou, and B. T. Jonker, "Ultrafast magnetization dynamics of epitaxial Fe films on AlGaAs (001)", Applied Physics Letters 86, 152512 (2005).


