2003.9-2007.7 哈爾濱工業大學 材料成型及控制工程 本科
2007.9-2009.7 天津大學 材料加工工程 碩士(保送)
2009.9-2012.6 天津大學 材料加工工程 博士
2012.07-2014.08 吉林大學 材料加工工程系 講師
2013.04-2016.04 吉林大學/鄭州煤礦機械集團股份有限公司聯合培養博士後
2016.03-2017.02 義大利米蘭理工大學(Politecnico di Milano)訪問學者
2014.09-2019.08 吉林大學 材料加工工程 副教授 博士生導師
2019.09-至今 吉林大學 材料加工工程 教授 博士生導師
1. Xiaohui Zhao, Desheng Xu, Yu Liu, Xiaoming Qiu. New insight into high frequency impacting and rolling of 2A12 aluminum welded joint involving nanocrystallization. Applied Surface Science 488 (2019) 115-127.
2. Zhao Xiaohui, Wang Dongpo, Deng Caiyan, Liu Yu. The fatigue behaviors of butt welds ground flflush in the super-long life regimeInternational. Journal of Fatigue 36 (2012) 1-8.
3. Xiaohui Zhao, Yu Liu. Determination of the plastic properties of materials treated by ultrasonic surface rolling process through instrumented indentation. Materials Science & Engineering A 600 (2014) 21-31.
4. Xiaohui Zhao, Yu Liu. Research on fatigue behavior of electron beam welding joint of 06Cr19Ni10 austenitic stainless steel sheet. Materials and Design 57 (2014) 494-502.
5. Xiaohui Zhao, Dongpo Wang. Analysis of the S-N curves of welded joints enhanced by ultrasonic peening treatment. Materials and Design 32 (2011) 88-96.
6. Xiaohui Zhao, Dongpo Wang, Caiyan Deng. Fatigue behavior of welded joint spray fused by nickel-base alloy powder. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 211 (2011) 2039-2044.
7. Xiaohui Zhao, Yanjun Fan, Yu Liu. Evaluation of fatigue fracture mechanism in a flash butt welding joint of a U75V type steel for railroad applications. Engineering Failure Analysis 55 (2015) 26-38.
8. Xiaohui Zhao, Yanjun Fan. Revealing the surface nano-enhancing mechanism of α-titanium alloy by microstructure evolution. Materials Letters 160 (2015) 51-54.
9. Xiaohui Zhao, Yanqiang Zhao, Desheng Xu, Chunhua Hu. Effect of Gradient Nanostructure on Plasma Sulfonitrocarburizing of 42MnCr52 Steel. Tribology Transactions 63 (2020) 133-143.
10. Xiaohui Zhao, Dawen Nie, Desheng Xu, Chunhua Hu. Effect of Gradient Nanostructures on Tribological Properties of 316L Stainless Steel with High Energy Ion Implantation Tungsten Carbide. Tribology Transactions 62 (2019) 189-197.
11. Xiaohui Zhao, Haichao Zhang, Yu Liu. Effect of laser surface remelting on the fatigue crack propagation rate of 40Cr steel. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 424-431.
12. Xiaohui Zhao, Huijing Zhang, Xiaoming Qiu, Desheng Xu. Effect of surface self-nanocrystallization on friction and wear behavior of Al7075-T6511 alloy. Mater. Res. Express 6 (2019) 115031.
13. Xiaohui Zhao, Chao Chen, Furong Chen. Effect of the precipitated phase of MgZn2 on surface nanocrystallization of Al-Zn-Mg alloy based on high-frequency impacting and rolling. Materials Letters 188 (2017) 95-98.
14. Xiaohui Zhao, Yu Liu. Effective FE model to predict surface layer characteristics of ultrasonic surface rolling with experimental validation. Materials Science and Technology 30 (2014) 627-636.
15. Xiaohui Zhao, Zhigang Peng, Yu Liu. Fatigue behaviour of notched U75V-steel treated by bearing ultrasonic peening. SURFACE ENGINEERING 34 (2018) 71-78.
16. Xiaohui Zhao, Yu Liu, Yanjun Zhang. Nanostructure evolution of as-cast magnesium alloy induced by ultrasonic impacting and rolling. Micro & Nano Letters 12 (2017) 585-588.
17. Xiaohui Zhao, Yu Liu, Yong Liu, Yuan Gao. Research on fatigue behavior and residual stress of large-scale cruciform welding joint with groove. Materials and Design 63 (2014) 593-599.
18. Xiaohui Zhao, Yanjun Fan, Yu Liu. Research on fatigue behavior of the flflash welded joint enhanced by ultrasonic peening treatment. Materials and Design 94 (2016) 515-522.
19. Xiaohui Zhao, Dongpo Wang, Caiyan Deng. Research on fatigue behavior of welded joint spraying fused by low transformation temperature alloy powder. Materials and Design 53 (2014) 490-496.
20. Xiaohui Zhao, Bo Zhao, Yu Liu. Research on friction and wear behavior of gradient nano-structured 40Cr steel induced by high frequency impacting and rolling. Engineering Failure Analysis 83 (2018) 167-177.
21. Xiaohui Zhao, Chunhua Hu. Research on friction and wear behavior of n-Na2B4O7/ion nitrocarburized duplex layer under alternating load. Materials Letters 216 (2018) 24-27.
1. 焊縫軌跡自動識別的龍門式三軸焊接裝置及焊接方法,趙小輝 王浩 蔡宇 楊彬,發明專利,202010040368.6.
2. 焊槍位姿實時變化的自動焊接裝置及焊接方法,趙小輝 王浩 蔡宇 楊彬,發明專利,202010040143.0.
3. 基於雷射視覺的新型TIG焊裝置及焊接方法,趙小輝 王浩 蔡宇 楊彬,發明專利,201911098566.1.
4. 坡口添加合金粉末的超聲衝擊增韌接頭, 趙小輝 王飛茹,發明專利,201910686414.7.
5. 提高焊接接頭疲勞性能的超聲滾壓複合雷射重熔方法,趙小輝 彭志剛 劉宇 趙博 張艷君 薛桂蓮,發明專利,201610717398.X .
6. 鐵素鐵不鏽鋼超音波輔助焊接裝置及方法,趙小輝 張文強 柳陽 徐德生,發明專利,202010040336.6.
7. 具有尺寸適應性的開放式擴散焊裝置,趙小輝 郝瑞 劉宇,發明專利,201910401061.1.
8. 防爆吸能裝置,趙小輝 佟曉偉 張建中 張辰龍 徐德生,發明專利,201910347349.5.
9. 可自動調控靜壓力的超聲表面滾壓加工反饋系統,趙小輝 趙博 劉宇 彭志剛 張艷君 薛桂連,實用新型,201610263100.2.
10.具有高疲勞壽命的新型十字焊接接頭,趙小輝 劉宇 鄧彩艷 劉永 趙帥捷 呂殿雷 高原 張哲 劉剛,實用新型,201420272924.2.
1. 鎂合金穩定梯度納米結構焊接接頭疲勞斷裂機理及壽命預測(51875246),國家自然科學基金委面上項目,2019.01-2022.12,項目負責人;
2. 超長壽命區間高速列車鋼軌焊接接頭疲勞失效機理研究(51305160),國家自然科學基金委青年基金項目,2014.01-2016.12,項目負責人;
3. 基於超聲表面滾壓複合雷射重熔新方法的鎂合金焊接接頭疲勞斷裂機制(20180101323JC),吉林省科技廳自然基金項目,2018.01-2020.12,項目負責人;
4. 基於超聲表面滾壓技術的輕質金屬合金焊接接頭疲勞斷裂機理研究(20150520023JH),吉林省科技廳優秀青年基金項目,2015.01-2017.12,項目負責人;
5. 超聲表面滾壓/高能離子注滲碳化鎢複合表面強化技術在金屬模具上的研究與套用,吉林省科技廳重點科技研發項目(20180201005GX),2018.01-2020.12,項目分項負責人;
6. 穩定梯度納米結構鎂合金焊接接頭疲勞壽命預測(JJKH20190143KJ),吉林省教育廳“十三五”科學規劃目,2019.01-2020.12,項目負責人;
7. 基於超聲衝擊/滾壓的梯度納米結構葉片可靠性研究(18-2-2-12-jch),青島市套用基礎研究專項,2018.01-2019.12,項目負責人;
8. 瞬時載荷和殘餘應力互動作用下的焊接接頭疲勞性能評估,中國博士後基金面上一等資助項目,2014.05-2016.05,項目負責人;
9. 企業課題:在役管道環焊縫應力檢測與評價技術,中國石油天然氣股份有限公司管道分公司,2018.09-2018.11,項目負責人;
10. 企業課題:液壓支架油缸附屬檔案焊接可靠性研發,鄭州煤礦機械集團股份有限公司, 2020.03-2022.03,項目負責人;
11. 企業課題:鋁合金攪拌摩擦焊技術開發,長春市天瑞機械有限公司, 2017.08-2018.08,項目負責人;
12. 企業課題:附加阻尼防護門研究及設計,吉林省科隆科技開發有限公司, 2017.09-2018.04,項目負責人。
1. 中國焊接學會焊接力學與結構設計與製造專委會委員;
2. 中國焊接學會青年工作委員會委員;
3. 吉林省焊接學會理事,秘書長