


現任西安理工大學全職特聘教授、博士生導師。陝西省"百人計畫"特聘教授,甘肅省“飛天學者”講座教授,愛爾蘭工程師協會(IEI)常務理事、國際水協會會士(FIWA),人工濕地和污泥處理專家委員會委員、Water Science & Technology等9個國際期刊副主編或編委,49種國際期刊特邀審稿人,是“全愛中國環境資源能源協會”發起人和首任會長。


  • 中文名:趙亞乾
  • 外文名:yaqian Zhao
  • 國籍:愛爾蘭 
  • 出生日期:1963年1月
  • 性別:男


1980.09-1984.07 蘭州交通大學,獲給水排水工程學士學位


2019年1月— :西安理工大學水利水電學院特聘教授
2004年9月—2018年12月:愛爾蘭都柏林大學(University College Dublin) 土木工程系博士生導師,2007 年起任水污染控制實驗室主任, 2011-2014年任副系主任(主管科研和創新),同時兼任都柏林大學地球科學研究院(Earth Institute Ireland)研究員(PI)。
2000年7月-- 2004年8月:英國北愛爾蘭貝爾法斯特女王大學(Queen's University Belfast) 土木工程系(2000-2001)博士後研究員和化學工程系(2002-2004)研究員。
1990年12月-- 1993年1月:蘭州鐵道學院環境工程系講師。
1990年5月-- 1990年11月:蘭州鐵道學院環境工程系助教。
1984年7月-- 1987年8月:蘭州鐵道學院環境工程系助教。
·國際水協會(IWA)會員(2000-),人工濕地專業委員會委員, 污泥處理專業委員會委員
·國際SCI期刊“Water Science & Technology”副主編(Associate Editor)(2010-)(ISSN: 0273-1223)
·國際期刊“International Journal of Environmental Studies”編委(2009-)(ISSN: 0020-7233)
·國際SCI期刊“Waste and Biomass Valorization”發起人之一及編委(2009-)(ISSN: 1877-2641)
·國際SCI期刊“Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering”編委(2012-)(ISSN: 1093-4529)
·國際期刊“Journal of Water Sustainability”編委(2011-)(ISSN: 1839-1516)
·中文核心期刊《中國給水排水》編委 (2015-)
·“Environ. Sci. Technol.”(ISSN: 0013-936X), “Water Research”(ISSN: 0043-1354)等49種專業期刊審稿人


主要從事非傳統污水處理技術研究, 新型人工濕地污水處理研究,自來水廠污泥調節、脫水和處置工程,水和污水處理工程,地表水(河流,湖泊,海灣等) 水質生態修復等方面的研究。


人工濕地污水處理技術(研究生)、科技英語翻譯與寫作(研究生)、Water Resource Engineering(研究生),Fluids Mechanics (本科生),Computer Application in Civil and Environmental Engineering (本科生)


趙亞乾教授是西安理工大學全職特聘教授,陝西省"百人計畫"特聘教授,甘肅省“飛天學者”講座教授,愛爾蘭工程師協會(IEI)常務理事、國際水協會會士(FIWA),人工濕地和污泥處理專家委員會委員、Water Science & Technology等9個國際期刊副主編或編委,49種國際期刊特邀審稿人,是“全愛中國環境資源能源協會”發起人和首任會長。趙亞乾教授曾獲英國蘇格蘭思特拉斯克萊德大學(University of Strathclyde)博士,英國女王大學(Queen's University Belfast)博士後。2004-2018年任愛爾蘭都柏林大學(University College Dublin)土木工程系終生教職,2007起任水環境實驗室主任,2011-2014年系副主任。2019年1月加盟西安理工大學。
趙亞乾教授主要從事人工濕地污水生態處理、河流生態恢復,污水脫氮除磷、污泥調節、脫水及回用等方面的研究。發表各類英文論文437篇,SCI收錄235篇。國際水協會會刊(Water 21),英國土木工程師協會會刊(ICE),愛爾蘭工程師協會會刊(IEI)及愛爾蘭主流報紙(The Irish Times)先後多次報導了其團隊的研究成果。其在愛爾蘭的研究團隊成員來自中國、愛爾蘭、埃及、美國、法國、印度、波蘭、馬來西亞和奈及利亞的研究生。趙教授曾受英國劍橋大學、愛丁堡大學、英國Cranfield大學、西班牙UPC大學、法國法國阿爾比-加莫國立高等礦業大學(Ecole des Mines-Albi),香港科技大學,台灣科技大學以及國內80多所大學等的邀請進行學術講座。


1. Strategic Initiative Fund (SIF)-05 of FacultyofEngineeringandArchitecture, UCD, project title of “Setting-up and prompting ‘Engineered Wetlands’ research in Civil Engineering” (€10,000)
2. EPA Environmental Technologies Masters Scholarship Scheme-05, project title of “From a ‘waste’ into useful material; Identifying adsorption capacity of dewatered alum sludge for phosphorus removal” (€29,100)
3. EPA ERTDI Programme - Environmental Technologies Call-05, project title of 'Development of an alum sludge based constructed wetland system for improving organic matter and nutrients removal in high strength wastewater'(€171,168)
4. Earth Institute Ireland Research Development Grant Scheme, project title of “Conditioning of water treatment sludge: Non-reagent approach” (€12,000)
5. Dept. of Agriculture & Food, Research Stimulus Fund, project title of “A Coupled Catchment model/Constructed Wetland Decision Support System for Predicting, Identifying and Mitigating Nitrate and Phospate Losses from Agricultural Catchments”, (€324,000)
6.Enterprise Ireland, Proof and Concept Scheme, project title of “Validation of a Novel Alum Sludge Based Constructed Wetland Reactor for Treating High Strength Wastewaters” (€73,000)
7.High Education Authority (Ireland), project title of “Development of microbial fuel cell based constructed wetland for wastewater treatment and electricity generation” (€125,000)
8.UCD Ad Astraaward of project “Phosphorus removal in alum sludge-based constructed wetland and P recovery after alum sludge saturation” (€104,000)
9.UCD demonstration award of project “Modelling of pollutants behavior in constructed wetland”, (€79,000)
10. 中國國家自然科學基金面上項目“人工濕地除污反應動力學與水動力學互饋機制研究”(基金號41572235)90萬元人民幣。


1.Shen Cheng; Zhao Yaqian; Liu Ranbin; Morgan David; Wei Tang.“Enhancing wastewater remediation by drinking water treatment residual-augmented floating treatment wetlands”, The Science of The Total Environment, 673, 230-236,2019(ISSN: 0048-9697)
2.Jeyakumar Lordwin; Zhao Yaqian; Hu Yuansheng Hu; Babatunde Akintunde; Zhao Xiaohong. “Modelling high rate p-removal in a two-stage pilot scale alum sludge based constructed wetland system”, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 18(2), 359-366, 2019(ISSN:1582-9596)
3.Li Zhiliang; Yang Shengke; Song Ya'nan; Xu Haiyang; Wang Zongzhou; Wang Wenke; Dang Zhi; Zhao Yaqian. “In-situ modified titanium suboxides with polyaniline/graphene as anode to enhance biovoltage production of microbial fuel cell”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44. 6862-6870, 2019(ISSN: 0360-3199)
4.Xu Lei; Yu Wenzheng; Graham Nigel; Zhao Yaqian; Qu Jiuhui. "Application of integrated bioelectrochemical-wetland systems for future sustainable wastewater treatment”, Environmental Science & Technology, 53(4), 1741-1743, 2019(ISSN: 0013-936X)
5.Wang Qilin; Gong Yanyan; Liu Sitong; Wang Dongbo; Liu Ranbin; Zhou Xu; Nghiem Long D; Zhao Yaqian. “Free ammonia pretreatment to improve bio-hydrogen production from anaerobic dark fermentation of microalgae”, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 7, 1642-1647, 2019(ISSN: 2168-0485)
6.Shen Cheng, Zhao Yaqian, Liu Ranbin, Mao Yi, Morgan David. “Adsorption of phosphorus with calcium alginate beads containing drinking water treatment residual”, Water Science and Technology, 78(9), 1980-1989,2018(ISSN: 0273-1223)
7.Wang Xueli; Yuan Xiaoyu; Yang Shengke; Zhao Yaqian. “Concentrations, Distributions, and Risk Assessment of HBCD in Sediment in the Weihe River Basin in Northwest China”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,15(11), 2340; 2018(ISSN: 1660-4601)
8.Awe Olumide Wesley., Lu Jiaxi., Wu Shubiao., Zhao Yaqian.,Nzihou Ange., Lyczko Nathalie., Pham Minh Doan.“Effect of oil content on biogas production, process performance and stability of food waste anaerobic digestion”, Waste and Biomass Valorization, 9(2), 2295-2306, 2018(ISSN: 1877-2641)
9.Guan Yidong., Zhou Jun., Bachelor; Fu Xiaoru., Zhao Yaqian., Luo Ancheng., Xu Jianqiang., Fu Jie., Zhao Dongye. “Effects of long-lasting nitrogen and organic shock loadings on an engineered biofilter treating matured landfill leachate”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 360, 536-543,2018(ISSN: 0304-3894)
10.Shen Cheng; Zhao Yaqian; Liu Ranbin.“Development of pellet-type adsorbent based on water treatment residual” Desalination and Water Treatment, 112, 3-11, 2018(ISSN: 1944-3994)
11.Zheng Yucong., Mawuli Dzakpasu., Wang Xiaochang., Zhang Lu., Ngo Huu Hao., Guo Wenshan., Zhao Yaqian. “Molecular characterization of long-term impacts of macrophytes harvest management in constructed wetlands”, Bioresource Technology, 268, 514-522, 2018(ISSN: 0960-8524)
12.Liu Ranbin., Zhao Yaqian., Yang Yan., Awe Olumide Wesley. “Diagnosis and evaluation of an early-stage green bio-sorption reactor by life cycle assessment”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 200, 100-109,2018(ISSN: 0959-6526)
13.Zhao Yaqian., Liu Ranbin., Awe Olumide Wesley., Yang Yan., Shen Cheng. “Acceptability of land application of alum-based water treatment residuals – An explicit and comprehensive review”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 353,717-726, 2018(ISSN: 1385-8947)
14.Wang Yae., Ren Baiming., Zhao Yaqian, English Anthony, Cannon Martin. “A comparison of alum sludge with peat for aqueous glyphosate removal for maximizing their value for practical use”, Water Science and Technology, 2017(2), 450-456, 2018(ISSN: 0273-1223)
15.Wang Tong, Wang Haiyan, Chang Yang, Chu Zhaosheng, Zhao Yaqian, Liu Ranbin. “Enhanced nutrients removal using reeds straw as carbon source in a laboratory scale constructed wetland”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,15(6), 1081; 2018(ISSN: 1660-4601)
16.Zhao Xiaohong., Hu Yuansheng., Zhao Yaqian., Kumar Lordwin. “Achieving an extraordinary high organic and hydraulic loadings with good performance via an alternative operation strategy in a multi-stage constructed wetland system”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(12),11841–11853, 2018(ISSN: 0944-1344)
17.Yang Yan., Zhao Yaqian., Liu Ranbin, Morgan David. “Global development of various emerged substrates utilized in constructed wetlands”, Bioresource Technology, 261, 441-452, 2018(ISSN: 0960-8524)
18.Wang Changhui, Wu Yu, Bai Leilei, Zhao Yaqian, Yan Zaisheng, Jiang Helong, Liu Xin. “Recycling of drinking water treatment residue as an additional medium in columns for effective P removal from eutrophic surface water”, Journal of Environmental Management, 217, 363-372, 2018(ISSN: 0301-4797)
19.Wang Tong, Liu Ranbin, O’Meara Kate, Mullan Emmet, Zhao Yaqian. “Assessment of a field tidal flow constructed wetland in treatment of swine wastewater: Life cycle approach”, Water, 10(5), 573; 2018(ISSN: 2073-4441)
20.Awe Olumide Wesley, Zhao Yaqian, Nzihou Ange, Pham Minh Doan, Lyczko Nathalie. “Anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and FOG with sewage sludge – Realising its potential in Ireland”,International Journal of Environmental Studies,75(3), 496-517,2018(ISSN: 0020-7233)
21.Liu Yinge, Zhang Junhui, Zhao Yaqian. “Risk assessment of river water pollution based on modified non-linear model”, Water, 10(4), 362; 2018(ISSN: 2073-4441)
22.Xu Lei, Zhao Yaqian, Wang Xiaodi, Yu Wenzheng. “Applying multiple bio-cathodes in constructed wetland-microbial fuel cell for promoting energy production and bioelectrical derived nitrification-denitrification process”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 344,105-113, 2018(ISSN: 1385-8947)
23.Liu Ranbin., Wei Ting., Zhao Yaqian., Wang Yae. “Presentation and perspective of appealing Green Facilities for eco-cyclic water management”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 337,671-683, 2018(ISSN: 1385-8947)
24.Wang Zongzhou, Jiang Qianli, Wang Runze, Yuan Xiaoyu, Yang Shengke, Wang Wenke, Zhao Yaqian. “Effects of Dissolved Organic Matter on Sorption of Oxytetracycline to Sediments", Geofluids, Vol. 2018(2018), Article ID 1254529, 12 pages, 2018, doi:10.1155/2018/1254529 (ISSN: 1468-8115).
25.Wu Shubiao., LyuTao., Zhao Yaqian., VymazalJan., Arias Carlos A., Brix Hans. “Rethinking Intensification of Constructed Wetlands as a Green Eco-Technology for Wastewater Treatment”, Environmental Science & Technology, 52(4), 1693-1694, 2018(ISSN: 0013-936X)
26.Xu Lei., Wang Bodi., Liu Xiuhua., Yu Wenzheng., Zhao Yaqian. “Maximizing the energy harvest from a microbial fuel cell embedded into a constructed wetland” Applied Energy, 214,83-91, 2018(ISSN: 0306-2619)
27.Liu Ranbin., Zhao Yaqian., Wang Tong., Shen Cheng. “Long-term operation with an insight into a newly established green biosorption reactor: Can it achieve “1+1>2”?”, Bioresource Technology, 255, 96-103, 2018(ISSN: 0960-8524)
28.Xu Lei., Zhao Yaqian., Tang Cheng., Doherty Liam. “Influence of glass wool as separator on bioelectricity generation in a constructed wetland-microbial fuel cell”, Journal of Environmental Management, 207, 116-123, 2018(ISSN: 0301-4797)
29.常雅婷,衛婷,嵇斌,喬尚校,康佩穎,趙亞乾. ”國內各地區人工濕地相關規範/規程對比分析”. 中國給水排水.35(8), 27-33, 2019
30.趙金輝,趙亞乾. 謝西,林晨彤,王臻,蔣浩然. “透水路面現場透水性測試方法比較”. 中國給水排水. 35(5),114-118, 2019.
31.劉然彬,趙亞乾 . “鋁污泥人工濕地/活性污泥法耦合工藝的除污性能”. 中國給水排水. 34(1),7-13, 2018.

