



  • 軟體名稱:超級觀星
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:445.13KB


這是觀星的應用程式。這是一個簡單而實用的應用程式,這使得觀星的容易和簡單的活動為業餘天文愛好者,或只是任何人誰想要探索夜空。你不必了解右阿森松和偏角來使用這個程式。它也得到了足夠的功能,以幫助高級觀賞流星 它利用內置的GPS和加速計的iPhone的引導用戶。當前位置是用來計算的恆星,行星和深空天體的天體當前位置。加速度計被用於引導用戶到該對象的位置。轉到顯示正確的方向,只是傾斜手機重疊的紅色和黃色箭頭,它就在那裡!選定的對象。


自動定位:使用手機上的全球定位系統來獲取當前位置的緯度和經度。這是繪製天空是必不可少的。跟蹤指南:使用它通過內置的加速計檢測手機的傾斜度確定高程數據。有助於在輕鬆的位置 跟蹤器:顯示一個指南針和海拔測量儀來顯示簡單通俗地說所選天體的方位和海拔高度。對象選擇也得到了簡化,提供“在地平線以上” ,“以下地平線”分組 天空視圖:顯示天空穹頂的3D天文館視圖。該應用程式使用的OpenGL ES渲染的天空。只是輕掃你的手指在手機上,看到了圓頂旋轉!也自動抬高選項檢測手機的角度和在該位置(高度/海拔僅)自動顯示天空。 天體資料庫此應用程式跟蹤904星與低於4.5的幅度和行星和太陽。完整版本的跟蹤星座和梅西耶天體。 地平線分組:每當你需要選擇一個對象,顯示對象列表被分成上面和下面的地平線分組,以便更容易選擇將是可見的在給定的時間對象


An astronomy application for both amateurs and professionals. "Vinmeen" is the Tamil word for "star" and directly translates to "Fish in the sky". Vinmeen Lite is the "Lite" edition of the application "Vinmeen". Check on vinmeen for the full version. Explore 904 Stars, the Planets and the Sun... Vinmeen is a stargazing application. It is a simple and practical application which makes stargazing an easy and simple activity for amateur astronomers or just anybody who wants to explore the night sky. You need not understand Right ascension and Declinations to use this app. It is has also got enough features to help advanced stargazers It makes use of the iPhone's built in GPS and accelerometers to guide the user. The current location is used to calculate the current celestial positions of stars, planets and deep sky objects. The accelerometer is used to guide the user to the object's position. Turn to the correct direction displayed and just tilt the phone to overlap the red and yellow arrows, and there it is! The selected object. Features- Auto Location : uses the GPS in the phone to get the Latitude and Longitude of the current location. This is essential for plotting the skies. Tracking guide : uses elevation data which is determined by detecting the phone's inclination through the built in accelerometer. Helps in easy location Tracker : displays a compass and an elevation gauge to show the azimuth and altitude of a selected celestial object in simple layman terms. The object selection is also simplified by providing "above the horizon" and "below the horizon" groupings




