



  • 書名:走向世界的中國軍隊:英文
  • 作者:彭庭法
  • 類別:政治
  • 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
  • 出版時間:2016年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787508532790


By telling stories, To the World: The Chinese Military’s International Exchange & Overseas Operations introduces the foreign exchanges and cooperation that the Chinese armed forces have made in the over sixty years since the foundation of PRC in various fields such as border defense exchanges, joint exercises and combined training, undertaking international duties, foreign military training, overseas studying, eliminating nightmare of war as well as cultural exchanges. The book gives a quite overall de*ion of PLA’s increasing self-confidence and openness, and expresses the good will of Chinese military maintaining world peace and promoting common development with other armed forces around the world.


Acronyms and Abbreviations
Chapter 1 On the Border Line
Safeguarding Peace Together
The Fate-Sharing Friendship
The Timely Help in Bad Need
Beating the Swords into Ploughshares
Problems Solved with a Smile
Chapter 2 Joint Exercises with Foreign Military Forces
The First Gunshot in the Cross-Border Joint Military Exercises
"The Flock of Eagles" that Flew across the Friendship Peak
The Hand-Shaking across the Pacific Ocean
The Acclamation of the Indian Ocean for the Chinese Navy
The Pride of the Mountain Warriors
The Friendship on the Temburong River
The Actual Combat Oriented Contest
Chapter 3 China: A Conscientious Nation
The First Chinese Commander in the UN Peacekeeping Forces
The Track Leading to the Dark Blue
The "National Team" of Disaster Relief and Emergency Response
The Lifeboat Sailing into the Blue Waters
The Emergency Evacuation by Land, Air and Sea
Countering Ebola
Chapter 4 Teachers and Friends
The Highest University at the Foot of Great Wall
Brotherhood in Face of Epidemic
Sparks out of Collision
Teaching Them How to Fish
Forging the Tanzanian Special Operations Company
Fruitful Learning at the Naval University of Engineering
Chapter 5 Learning from the Others
Golden Seed out of Rotors
Gold Medal Student from China
In the Name of Kuznetsov
Introducing a Real China to the World
Chinese Spring Festival in Royal British Naval Academy
Chapter 6 Eliminating Nightmares
Dating with the Ghost
Taking Part in Iraqi Weapons Inspection
Syria Chemical Weapons Investigation and Maritime Escort
Chinese Minesweeping Expert to the World
Chapter 7 Heart-to-Heart Exchanges
Brigade Linfen: An Open Window of the PLA Army
Contending at West Point
Music and Friendship Contributes to Harmony
The Chinese Formation on the Constitution Square
The "Sky Dancers" Charging Limits
Safeguarding the Ensign
China-US Cooperation in Military Archives




