2007.10~2008.1, 瑞士
蘇黎世大學,The Swiss National Science Foundation Research Fellow
1991.6~1999.11 中國科學院植物研究所,實習研究員,助理研究員,副研究員
2002.8~2008.7 北京大學生態學系,副教授
2008.8~ 北京大學生態學系,教授
Journal of Plant Ecology (Oxford University Press,SCI), Associate editor, 2008~
Journal of Plant Research (Springer,SCI), Editorial Board Member, 2007~2014
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (ESA journal,SCI), Associate editor, 2007~2014
中國科學院植物研究所植被與環境變化國家重點實驗室學術委員會委員, 2011~
蘭州大學草地農業生態系統國家重點實驗室學術委員會委員, 2012~
中國科學院森林生態與管理重點實驗室學術委員會委員, 2016~
中國科學院清原森林生態系統觀測研究站學術委員會委員, 2017~
北京生態學學會副理事長, 2017~
1. 植物生理生態學
2. 生態系統生態學
3. 青藏高原生態學
4. 生物多樣性的生態系統功能
1、生態系統生態學:主要圍繞陸地生態系統的碳循環和氮循環, 採用實驗的手段,研究全球氣候變化影響下生態系統過程的反應。近期的研究重點是:降雨格局的改變和氮沉降如何影響溫帶草地、人工林C、N循環的主要過程。
4、生物多樣性的生態系統功能:結合實驗途徑和野外調查,研究生物多樣性的生態系統功能,特別是在C, N經濟(C, N economy) 中的作用。主要的實驗系統是草原生態系統。
3、國家自然科學基金委 “創新群體”:環境生物地球化學研究(2004-2006)成員
6、中日韓A3前瞻計畫項目(Asia 3 Foresight Program):Quantifying and predicting terrestrial carbon sinks in East Asia: toward a network of climate change research,A3 3+2(2007-2012),參加
9、歐盟項目(BACCARA):Biodiversity And Climate Change,A Risk Analysis(2009-2011),專題3
10、科技部國際合作(Sino-EU 0916):Risk analysis of biodiversity change:a case study in a subtropical forest,China(2009-2012),主持
13、國家傑出青年科學基金(31025005):植物功能屬性與化學計量生態學 (2011-2014),主持
1998年,中科院地奧獎學金"一等獎, 博士論文"神農架地區米心水青岡林和銳齒槲櫟林的格局和過程"
2007年,Sino-Swiss Science and Technology Cooperation Research Fellowship, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich), Swiss National Science Foundation
2010年,"國家傑出青年科學基金" 獲得者
| 性質
| 學分
| 作用
| 開設時間
| 本科,專業必修
| 2
| 主講
| 2005-
| 本科,專業必修
| 2
| 主講
| 2005-2007
| 研究生,選修
| 2
| 主講
| 2004-
Jing X, Sanders NJ, Shi Y, Chu HY, Classen AT, Zhao K, Chen LT, Jiang YX, He J-S* 2015.The links between ecosystem multifunctionality and above- and belowground biodiversity are mediated by climate.Nature Communications6: 8159.
Song WM, Wang H, Wang GS, Chen LT, Jin ZN, Zhuang QL, He J-S*. 2015.Methane emissions from an alpine wetland on the Tibetan Plateau: Neglected but vital contribution of non-growing season.Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences: doi:10.1002/2015JG003043.
Jin ZN, Zhuang QL, He J-S, Zhu XD, Song WM 2015.Net exchanges of methane and carbon dioxide on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau from 1979 to 2100.Environmental Research Letters: doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/8/085007.
Niu KC, He J-S, Zhang ST, Lechowicz MJ 2015.Grazing increases functional richness but not functional divergence in Tibetan alpine meadow plant communities.Biodiversity and Conservation: doi: 10.1007/s10531-015-0960-2.
Chen LT, Flynn DFB, Zhang XW, Gao XL, Lin L, Luo J, Zhao CM* 2015.Divergent patterns of foliar δ13C and δ15N in Quercus aquifolioides with an altitudinal transect on the Tibetan Plateau: an integrated study based on multiple key leaf functional traits.Journal of Plant Ecology8: 303-312.
Chen LT, Flynn DFB, Jing X, Kühn P, Scholten T, He J-S 2015.A comparison of two methods for quantifying soil organic carbon of alpine grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau.PLoS ONE10: e0126372.
Mi ZR, Huang YY, Gan HJ,Zhou WJ, Flynn DFB, He J-S* 2015.Leaf P increase outpaces leaf N in an Inner Mongolia grassland over 27 years. Biology Letters 11: 20140981.
Ding S, Xu Y, Wang Y, He Y,Hou J, Chen L,He J-S 2015.Distributions of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in surface soils ofQinghai–Tibetan Plateau: implications of GDGT-based proxies in cold and dryregions. Biogeosciences Discussion 12: 481-513.
Zhang ZJ,Yan YJ,Tian Y, LiJS, He J-S, Tang ZY* 2015.Distribution and conservation of orchid species richness in China. Biological Conservation 181: 64-72.
Eichenberg D, Trogisch S,Huang YY, He J-S, Bruelheide H 2014.Shifts in community leaf functional traits are related to litter decompositionalong a secondary forest succession series in subtropical China. Journal of Plant Ecology DOI:10.1093/jpe/rtu021: .
Wang YH, Liu HY, Chung H,Yu LF, Mi ZR, Geng Y, Jing X, Wang SP, Zeng H, Cao GM, Zhao XQ, He J-S* 2014. Non-growing-season soilrespiration is controlled by freezing and thawing processes in the summermonsoon-dominated Tibetan alpine grassland. Global Biogeochemical Cycles28: 1081-1095.
Yang XX, Yang Y, Ji CJ,Feng T, Shi Y, Lin L, Ma JJ, He J-S*2014. Large-scale patterns of stomatal traits in Tibetan and Mongoliangrassland species. Basic and Applied Ecology 15: 122-132.
Shi Y, Wang YH, Ma YL, MaWH, Liang CZ, Flynn DFB, Schmid B, Fang JY, He J-S* 2014. Field-based observations of regional-scale, temporalvariation in net primary production in Tibetan alpine grasslands. Biogeosciences11: 2003-2016.
Baumann F*, Schmidt K,Dörfer C, He J-S, Scholten T, Kühn P2014. Pedogenesis, permafrost, substrate and topography: Plot and landscapescale interrelations of weathering processes on the central-eastern TibetanPlateau. Geoderma 226-227: 300-316.
Geng Y, Wang L, Jin DM, LiuHY, He J-S* 2014. Alpine climatealters the relationships between leaf and root morphological traits but notchemical traits. Oecologia 175: 445-455.
Jing X, Wang YH, Chung H,Mi ZR, Wang SP, Zeng H, He J-S*2014. No temperature acclimation of soil extracellular enzymes to experimentalwarming in an alpine grassland ecosystem on the Tibetan Plateau. Biogeochemistry117: 39-54.
Chen LT, Niu KC, Wu Y, GengY, Mi ZR, Flynn DFB, He J-S* 2013.UV radiation is the primary factor driving the variation in leaf phenolicsacross Chinese grasslands. Ecology and Evolution 3: 4696-4710.
Jin DM, Ma JJ, Ma WH, LiangCZ, Shi Y andHe J-S* 2013. Legumesin Chinese natural grasslands: Species, biomass, and distribution. Rangeland Ecology & Management 66: 648-656.
Du EZ, Zhou Z, Li P, Hu XY,Ma YC, Wang W, Zheng CY, Zhu JX, He J-S,Fang JY* 2013. NEECF: a project of nutrient enrichment experiments in China’sforests. Journal of Plant Ecology 6: 428-435.
HeJ-S*,Muraoka H, Son Y, Fang JY 2013. Carbon patterns and processes in East Asianecosystems: multi-scale approaches (Editorial). Journal of Plant Ecology6: 323-324.
Ma YL, Geng Y, Huang YY,Shi Y, Niklaus P, Schmid B, He J-S*2013. Effect of clear-cutting silviculture on soil respiration in a subtropicalforest of China. Journal of Plant Ecology 6: 335-348.
Yu LF, Wang H, Wang GS,Song WM, Huang Y, Li S-G, Liang NS, Tang YH, He J-S* 2013. A comparison of methane emission measurements usingeddy covariance and manual and automated chamber-based techniques in TibetanPlateau alpine wetland. Environmental Pollution 181: 81-90.
Liu C, Wang XP, Wu X, DaiS, He J-S, Yin WL* 2013. Relativeeffects of phylogeny, biological characters and environments on leaf traits inshrub biomes across central Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Plant Ecology 6: 220-231.
Jin ZN*, Zhuang QL, He J-S, Luo TX, Shi Y 2013. Phenologyshift from 1989 to 2008 on the Tibetan Plateau: an analysis with aprocess-based soil physical model and remote sensing data. Climatic Change 119: 435-449.
Shi Y, Ma YL, Ma WH, LiangCZ, Zhao XQ, Fang JY, He J-S* 2013.Large scale patterns of forage yield and quality across Chinese grasslands. Chinese Science Bulletin 58: 1187-1199.
Dorfer C*,Kuhn P,Baumann F,He J-S,Scholten T 2013. Soil organiccarbon pools and stocks in permafrost-affected soils on the Tibetan Plateau. PLoS ONE 8: e57024.
Huang N*,He J-S, Niu Z 2013. Estimating thespatial pattern of soil respiration in Tibetan alpine grasslands using LandsatTM images and MODIS data. Ecological Indicators 26: 117-125.
HeJ-S 2012.Carbon cycling of Chinese forests: From carbon storage, dynamics to models. Science China Life Science 55: 188-190.
Geng Y, Wang ZH, Liang CZ,Fang JY, Frank B, Kühn P, Scholten T, HeJ-S* 2012. Effect of geographical range size on plant functional traits andthe relationships between plant, soil and climate in Chinese grasslands. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 416–427.
Shi Y, Baumann F, Ma YL,Song C, Kuehn P, Scholten T, He J-S*.2012. Organic and inorganic carbon in the topsoil of the Mongolian and Tibetangrasslands: pattern, control and implications. Biogeosciences 9:2287–2299.
Geng Y,Wang YH,Yang K,WangSP,Zeng H,Baumann F, Kuehn P, Scholten T, HeJ-S* 2012. Soil Respiration in Tibetan Alpine Grasslands: BelowgroundBiomass and Soil Moisture, but Not Soil Temperature, Best Explain theLarge-Scale Patterns. PLoS ONE 7: e34968.
Ma JJ, Ji CJ, Han M, ZhangTF, Yan XD, Hu D, Zeng H, He J-S*2012. Comparative analyses of leaf anatomical characteristics of dicotyledonousspecies in Tibetan and Inner Mongolian grasslands. Science China Life Sciences 42: 158-172.
Tao S*, Wang WT, Liu WX,Zuo Q, Wang XL, Wang R, Wang B, Shen GF, Yang YH, He J-S 2011. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorinepesticides in surface soils from the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 13: 175–181.
Chu ZY, Lu YJ, Chang J*,Wang M, Jiang H, He J-S, Peng CH*,Ge Y 2011. Leaf respiration/photosynthesis relationship and variation: aninvestigation of 39 woody and herbaceous species in east subtropical China. Trees-Structureand Function 25: 301-310.
Ma WH, He J-S*, Yang YH, Wang XP, Liang CZ, Anwar M, Zeng H, Fang JY,Schmid B 2010. Environmental factors co-vary with plant diversity-productivityrelationships among Chinese grassland sites. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19: 233–243.
HeJ-S*, WangX, Schmid B, Flynn DFB, Li XF, Reich PB, Fang JY 2010. Taxonomic identity,phylogeny, climate and soil fertility as drivers of leaf traits across Chinesegrassland biomes. Journal of Plant Research 123: 551-561.
Ma WH, Liu ZL, Wang ZH,Wang W, Liang CZ, Tang YH,He J-S,Fang JY* 2010. Climate change alters interannual variation of grasslandaboveground productivity: evidence from a 22-year measurement series in theInner Mongolian grassland. Journal of Plant Research 123:509-517.
Baumann F, He J-S,Schmidt K, Kühn P, Scholten T. 2009. Pedogenesis, permafrost, and soil moistureas controlling factors for soil nitrogen and carbon contents across the TibetanPlateau. Global Change Biology 15: 3001–3017
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He J-S, Wang XP, Flynn DF, WangL, Schmid B, Fang JY. 2009. Taxonomic, phylogenetic and environmental tradeoffsbetween leaf productivity and persistence.Ecology 90: 2779-2791
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He J-S, Wang ZH, Wang XP, SchmidB, Zuo W, Zhou M, Zheng CY, Wang MF, Fang JY, 2006. A test of the generality ofleaf trait relationships on the Tibetan Plateau. New Phytologist, 170: 835-848
Balvanera P, Pfisterer AB,Buchmann N, He J-S, Nakashizuka T, Raffaelli D, Schmid B. 2006.Quantifying the evidence for biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning andservices. Ecology Letters, 99:1146–1156
He J-S, Flynn DFB, Wolfe-BellinK, Fang J, Bazzaz FA. 2005. CO2 and nitrogen, but not populationdensity, alter the size and C/N ratio ofPhytolacca americana seeds. Functional Ecology, 19: 437-444
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He J-S, Bazzaz FA. 2003.Density-dependent responses of reproductive allocation to elevated atmosphericCO2 in Phytolacca americana. New Phytologist, 157: 229-239
He J-S, Bazzaz FA, Schmid B.2002. Interactive effects of diversity, nutrients and elevated CO2on experimental plant communities. Oikos,97: 337-348