- 中文名:貴金屬萃取化學(第二版)
- 作者:余建民
- 出版社:化學工業出版社
- 出版時間:2010年09月01日
- 頁數:538 頁
- 定價:128 元
- 開本:16 開
- 裝幀:精
- ISBN:978-7-122-08925-0
- 版次:2版1次
1緒論1 11貴金屬資源1 111貴金屬的發現1 112貴金屬資源2 113鉑族金屬礦物的特點3 12貴金屬的性質和用途3 13貴金屬的分離方法5 參考文獻7 2貴金屬水溶液化學8 21貴金屬物料溶解熱力學基礎8 211貴金屬氯(氰)配合物及常見賤金屬的標準電極電勢8 212Au(Ag)CN-H2O系EpH圖9 213AuCl-H2O系EpH圖10 214AgCl-H2O系Elg[Cl-]圖11 215PdCl-H2O系EpH圖11 216PtCl-H2O系EpH圖12 217RhCl-H2O系EpH圖12 218IrCl-H2O系EpH圖13 219Os(Ru)H2O系EpH圖13 22貴金屬物料溶解動力學14 221固體物料的性質及其狀態15 222固體表面飽和溶液的擴散16 223溫度對溶解速度的影響16 224溶劑濃度的影響17 225液固比的影響17 23貴金屬物料的溶解17 231易溶物料的溶解17 2311王水溶解法17 2312水溶液氯化法18 232難溶物料的溶解20 24PMs(BMs)Cl-(CN-)H2O系中的物種分布26 241AuCl-(CN-)H2O系中的物種分布27 242AgCl-(CN-)H2O系中的物種分布27 243PdCl-H2O系中的物種分布28 244PtCl-H2O系中的物種分布29 245RhCl-H2O系中的物種分布30 246IrCl-H2O系中的物種分布31 247Ru(Os)Cl-H2O系中的物種分布32 248BMsCl-H2O系中的物種分布33 25貴金屬配合物的穩定性與原子結構的關係35 251貴金屬配合物的穩定性35 252貴金屬氯配合物的化學反應活性36 26貴金屬水溶液化學與萃取性能的關係37 261貴金屬主要氯配合物匯總37 262貴金屬氯配合物的一般萃取規律38 參考文獻40 3貴金屬萃取化學基本原理42 31貴金屬萃取體系42 32貴金屬萃取機理43 321配位取代機理43 322離子締合機理45 323離子交換機理48 324溶劑化萃取機理49 33研究貴金屬萃取機理的方法49 參考文獻51 4貴金屬萃取劑52 41貴金屬萃取劑的選擇原則52 42貴金屬萃取劑結構與性能的關係53 421中性萃取劑體系53 422陰離子萃取劑體系57 423螯合萃取體系57 43常用貴金屬萃取劑的合成58 431二丁基卡必醇(DBC)58 432二正辛基硫醚(DOS)60 433二異戊基硫醚(S201)61 434二異辛基硫醚(S219)61 435正丁基正辛基硫醚62 436丁基苯並噻唑硫醚63 437石油硫醚(PS)63 438異辛基硫代苯乙酮(IOTPEK)64 439二異辛基亞碸(DIOSO)65 4310石油亞碸(PSO)65 4311雜環取代亞碸66 4312苄基異辛基亞碸(BSO)68 4313異戊基苯並噻唑亞碸(ABSO)69 4314雙(正辛基亞磺醯)乙烷(BOSE)70 4315NN二壬基甘氨酸(DNG)71 4316N正丁基異辛醯胺(BiOA)72 4317正辛基苯胺72 4318三烷基氧化膦(國產TRPO)73 44常用貴金屬萃取劑的分析與鑑定74 441概述74 442常用方法與套用範圍75 443常用貴金屬萃取劑的分析與鑑定76 4431二異戊基硫醚(S201)的分析鑑定76 4432二丁基卡必醇(DBC)的分析鑑定77 4433亞碸的分析鑑定77 4434三烷基氧化膦成分的氣相色譜分析77 參考文獻80 5金的萃取化學82 51概述82 52金(Ⅲ)氯配合物的萃取83 521含氧萃取劑83 5211仲辛醇萃取提純金83 5212混合醇(ROH)萃取提純金84 5213甲基異丁基酮(MIBK)萃取提純金85 5214二異丁基酮(DIBK)萃取提純金86 5215乙醚(Et2O)萃取精練高純金87 5216二丁基卡必醇(DBC)萃取提純金90 52172乙基己基乙基醚(2EHEE)萃取金96 5218不對稱氧醚A408萃取金97 5219二(2辛氧乙基)醚萃取金97 52110二(2己氧乙基)醚萃取金98 52111二苯並18冠6(DB18C6)萃取金98 52112碳酸丙烯酯(PC)萃取金99 52113環狀碳酸酯萃取金99 522含磷萃取劑101 5221磷酸三丁酯(TBP)萃取提純金101 5222二(2乙基己基)單硫代磷酸(D2EHMTPA)萃取金104 5223二(2乙基己基)二硫代磷酸(D2EHDTPA)萃取金105 5224三苯基氧化膦(TPPO)萃取金106 5225三烷基氧化膦(Cyanex 923)萃取金106 5226三烷基氧化膦(Cyanex 925)萃取金106 5227三異丁基硫化膦(Cyanex 471x)萃取金107 5228NN二乙基甲醯胺代甲基膦酸二正己酯萃取金107 523含硫萃取劑108 5231二正己基硫醚(DNHS)萃取金109 5232二異辛基硫醚(S219)萃取金109 5233二(2乙基己基)硫醚(DEHS)萃取金111 52347種不同結構的硫醚萃取金111 52352羥基三乙氨基丙基辛基硫醚(HAPOS)萃取金112 5236聚硫(氧)醚萃取金113 5237石油硫醚(PS501)萃取金116 5238異辛基硫代苯乙酮(IOTPEK)萃取金117 5239二烷基亞碸(R2SO)萃取金117 52310雜環取代亞碸萃取金118 52311雙亞碸萃取金120 52312石油亞碸(PSO)萃取金121 524含氮萃取劑124 5241伯胺萃取金124 5242叔胺萃取金125 5243醯胺萃取金127 5244胺醇萃取劑N2125萃取金131 525表面活性劑從鹽酸介質中萃取金(Ⅲ)——濁點萃取132 53金(Ⅰ)氰配合物的萃取134 531胺類萃取劑134 532改性胺萃取劑136 533季銨鹽萃取劑140 534磷類萃取劑溶劑化萃取金氰配合物142 535亞碸萃取劑143 536胍類萃取劑143 537表面活性劑從鹼性氰化液中萃取金的性能及其微觀機理145 538氰化介質中金的溶劑萃取展望147 54金(Ⅰ)硫脲配合物的萃取148 541石油亞碸萃取金(Ⅰ)硫脲配合物148 542正丁基苯並噻唑亞碸(NBBSO)萃取金(Ⅰ)硫脲配合物149 543P204萃取金(Ⅰ)硫脲配合物150 544P507萃取金(Ⅰ)硫脲配合物151 55金(Ⅰ)硫代硫酸鹽配合物的萃取151 551概述151 552中性磷(膦)氧萃取劑萃取Au(Ⅰ)152 553胺類萃取劑萃取Au(Ⅰ)152 554混合溶劑萃取Au(Ⅰ)153 555從硫代硫酸鹽溶液中萃取分離金、銀、銅、鋅、鎳154 556中性磷(膦)氧萃取劑萃取金(Ⅰ)硫代硫酸鹽配合物的機理156 557胺氧化胺萃取金(Ⅰ)硫代硫酸鹽配合物的機理156 56多硫化物鹼性介質中金的萃取157 561TBP從多硫化物鹼性介質中萃取金157 562胺類萃取劑從多硫化物鹼性介質中萃取金157 參考文獻158 6鈀的萃取化學164 61概述164 62含硫類萃取劑萃取分離鈀165 621二烴基硫醚萃取分離鈀165 622二正辛基硫醚(DOS)萃取分離鈀168 623二正庚基硫醚(DNHS)萃取分離鈀169 624二異戊基硫醚(S201)萃取分離鈀170 625二異辛基硫醚(S219)萃取分離鈀181 626不對稱硫醚萃取分離鈀187 627丁基苯並噻唑硫醚萃取分離鈀188 628苯異硫脲基乙酸(PTHA)萃取分離鈀189 629石油硫醚(PS)萃取分離鈀190 6210亞碸萃取分離鈀190 6211二正庚基亞碸(DHSO)萃取分離鈀194 6212二正辛基亞碸(DOSO)萃取分離鈀195 6213二異辛基亞碸(DIOSO)萃取分離鈀197 6214正丁基辛基亞碸萃取分離鈀201 6215石油亞碸(PSO)萃取分離鈀201 6216雙亞碸萃取分離鈀210 6217雜環取代亞碸萃取鈀212 63肟類萃取劑(Ox)萃取分離鈀216 631肟類萃取劑(Ox)萃取分離鈀的基本性能216 6322羥基5辛基二苯甲酮肟(N530)萃取分離鈀的基本性能219 633N530從金川鋨釕蒸殘液萃金余液中萃取分離鈀222 648羥基喹啉類萃取劑(HQ)萃取分離鈀223 6418羥基喹啉類萃取劑(HQ)萃取分離鈀的基本性能223 642Lix 26共萃選擇性反萃分離鈀鉑225 643Kelex 100共萃氫還原分離鈀鉑金227 644TN 1911、TN 2336共萃選擇性反萃分離鈀鉑227 65其他螯合萃取劑萃取分離鈀229 651NN′二(1苯基3甲基5羥基吡唑4苯甲基亞苄基)13 丙鄰二胺(H2A)萃取鈀229 6521苯基3甲基4苯甲醯基吡唑啉酮5(PMBP)萃取鈀230 66含磷類萃取劑萃取分離鈀231 661酸性磷類萃取劑萃取鈀231 662中性磷類萃取劑萃取鈀232 663硫代磷酸萃取劑萃取鈀233 67胺類萃取劑萃取鈀236 671伯胺萃取鈀236 672仲胺萃取鈀236 673叔胺萃取鈀237 674季銨鹽萃取鈀237 675醯胺萃取鈀240 676NN二辛基甘氨酸萃取鈀240 677胺醇萃取鈀241 6782氨基苯並噻唑(ABT)萃取鈀242 68其他鈀配合物的萃取242 681鈀硫氰酸鹽配合物的萃取242 682鈀苯基硫脲配合物的萃取243 參考文獻245 7鉑的萃取化學252 71概述252 72含磷類萃取劑萃取分離鉑252 721磷酸三丁酯(TBP)萃取分離鉑252 722三辛基氧化膦(TOPO)萃取分離鉑256 723三烷基氧化膦(TRPO)萃取分離鉑257 724烷基磷酸二烷基酯(P218)萃取分離鉑258 73含氮類萃取劑萃取分離鉑260 731胺類萃取劑萃取分離貴金屬的規律260 732三正辛胺(TOA)萃取分離鉑263 733三烷基胺(N235、7301)萃取分離鉑265 7331N235萃取鉑的基本性能265 7332N235萃取分離鉑的實驗室小型實驗271 7333N235萃取分離鉑的擴大實驗272 7334N235萃取分離鉑的半工業試驗275 734其他叔胺萃取分離鉑283 735季銨鹽萃取分離鉑284 736氨基羧酸萃取分離鉑286 737N己基異辛醯胺(MNA)萃取分離鉑(Ⅳ)286 738N正丁基異辛醯胺(BiOA)萃取分離鉑(Ⅳ)287 74含硫類萃取劑萃取分離鉑287 741二正辛基亞碸(DOSO)萃取分離鉑(Ⅱ)287 742二異辛基亞碸(DIOSO)萃取分離鉑288 743石油亞碸(PSO)萃取分離鉑288 744雜環取代亞碸萃取分離鉑289 745雙亞碸萃取分離鉑289 746不對稱亞碸萃取分離鉑290 747對稱亞碸MSO萃取分離鉑290 75螯合萃取劑萃取分離鉑297 參考文獻299 8銠、銥的萃取化學302 81二(2乙基己基)磷酸(P204)萃取賤金屬富集銠、銥302 811萃取劑的選擇302 812pH值與賤金屬萃取率的關係302 813P204皂化率對分離賤金屬的影響304 814料液的處理方法對賤金屬分離效果的影響304 815料液的氧化條件對分離賤金屬的影響305 816料液中硫酸鈉、氯化鈉、氯酸鈉濃度對賤金屬萃取率的影響305 817銠、銥在洗水及反萃液中的分布305 818試驗室擴大試驗306 819半工業試驗307 82離子交換分離賤金屬精煉貴金屬309 83銥(Ⅳ)的萃取化學311 831磷酸三丁酯(TBP)萃取分離銥311 832三辛基氧化膦(TOPO)萃取分離銥315 833三烷基氧化膦(TRPO)萃取分離銥317 834TRPO從金川貴金屬溶液中萃取分離銠銥319 8341實驗室小型實驗及擴大實驗319 8342半工業試驗325 835N1923萃取分離銥326 836TOA萃取分離銥327 837N己基異辛醯胺(MNA)萃取分離銥328 838NN二正辛基乙醯胺(DOAA)和NN二正壬基乙醯胺 (DNAA)萃取分離銥331 84銠的萃取化學332 841配陰離子RhCl3-6的萃取333 842配陽離子Rh(H2O)3+6的萃取334 843活化萃取技術(activationextraction)339 844溶劑萃取分離貴金屬過程中微乳液 的形成及其套用350 參考文獻359 9鋨、釕、銀的萃取化學363 91概述363 92鋨、釕的萃取化學364 921OsO4和RuO4的萃取364 922鹽酸介質中鋨、釕的萃取364 923硝酸介質中鋨、釕的萃取366 924釕苯基硫脲(PTU)配合物的萃取368 93銀的萃取化學368 931銀(Ⅰ)氯配合物AgCl-2的萃取368 932硝酸介質中AgNO3的萃取369 933銀硫代硫酸鹽配合物Ag(S2O3)3-2的萃取375 參考文獻376 10貴金屬的串級萃取378 101概述378 102從高濃度貴金屬料液中連續串級萃取分離貴金屬378 1021貴金屬料液成分378 1022DBC從高濃度貴金屬料液中連續串級萃取金379 1023S201從DBC萃金余液中連續串級萃取鈀379 1024N235從S201萃鈀余液中連續串級萃取鉑381 1025P204從N235萃鉑余液中連續串級萃取分離賤金屬富集銠、銥382 1026TRPO從P204萃取賤金屬余液的水解渣鹽酸溶解液中串級 萃取分離銠、銥383 1027全工藝主要技術指標384 103從失效汽車催化劑富集精礦溶解液中萃取分離鉑、鈀、銠384 1031中國研究的工藝流程——硫醚萃取鈀TBP萃取鉑384 10311原則工藝流程384 10312實驗室模擬實驗385 10313實驗室放大實驗385 10314工業試驗結果388 1032國外研究的工藝流程——Cyanex921甲苯萃取391 10321HCl濃度的影響391 10322SnCl2濃度的影響391 10323萃取劑濃度的影響392 10324平衡時間的影響393 10325反萃劑的影響393 10326Pd(Ⅱ)、Pt(Ⅳ)和Rh(Ⅲ)混合液的萃取分離394 10327用Cyanex921甲苯從失效催化劑浸出液中萃取分離 d(Ⅱ)、Pt(Ⅳ)和Rh(Ⅲ)395 參考文獻396 11貴金屬全萃取分離工藝397 111概述397 112國外典型貴金屬全萃取分離工藝399 1121英國Royston的MatheyRusterburg精煉廠的全萃取分離 工藝399 1122南非郎候(Lonrho)精煉廠的全萃取分離工藝400 1123國際鎳公司(Inco)阿克通(Acton) 精煉廠的全萃取分離 工藝402 1124從銅精礦陽極泥中回收貴金屬的“因鈉”法全萃取分離 工藝404 1125美國Lix 26萃取分離工藝404 1126日本貴金屬萃取分離工藝405 113中國典型貴金屬全萃取分離工藝411 1131曾經研究過的幾個典型萃取分離工藝412 1132中國貴金屬全萃取分離工藝413 114分子識別技術(MRT)426 1141概述426 1142SuperLig127從氰化液中分離純化金428 1143SuperLig2選擇性分離純化鈀429 1144SuperLig133從二次資源中選擇性分離純化鉑432 1145SuperLig190從失效催化劑中分離純化銠434 1146SuperLig187從含釕廢料中分離純化釕434 115固相萃取技術(SPE)436 1151概述436 1152固相萃取技術分離金437 1153固相萃取技術分離鈀443 參考文獻444 12貴金屬的協同萃取447 121概述447 122金(Ⅲ)的協同萃取448 1221二元中性配合協萃體系(BB類協萃體系)448 1222二元中性配合與離子締合協萃體系(BC類協萃體系)451 123鈀(Ⅱ)的協同萃取454 1231二元螯合萃取協萃體系(AA類協萃體系)454 1232二元螯合與中性配合協萃體系(AB類協萃體系)456 1233二元螯合與離子締合協萃體系(AC類協萃體系)457 1234二元中性協萃體系(BB類協萃體系)458 1235溴代十六烷吡啶(RBr)和十六烷基三甲基溴化銨(CTMAB) 協萃鈀460 124鉑(Ⅳ)的協同萃取461 1241二元中性協萃體系(BB類協萃體系)461 1242二元中性配合與離子締合協萃體系(BC類協萃體系)462 125銠(Ⅰ)、銥(Ⅳ)的協同萃取463 1251N正丁基異辛醯胺(BiOA)磷酸三丁酯(TBP)協同萃 取銠(Ⅰ)463 1252N己基異辛醯胺(MNA)磷酸三丁酯(TBP)協同萃取 銥(Ⅳ)465 126釕(Ⅳ)的協同萃取465 1261TNA+DNA體系對RuCl2-6的協萃效應(CC類協萃體系)465 1262TNA+N1923體系對RuCl2-6的協萃效應(CC類協萃 體系)466 參考文獻467 13貴金屬溶劑萃取動力學469 131概述469 132金(Ⅲ)的萃取動力學470 1321伯胺N1923和三苯基氧化膦(TPPO)萃取金(Ⅲ)動力學470 1322二正辛基亞碸(DOSO)萃取金(Ⅲ)動力學472 1323亞硫酸鈉從DBC載金有機相反萃金(Ⅲ)動力學473 1324Cyanex272BmimPF6離子液體系萃取金(Ⅲ)動力學478 133鈀(Ⅱ)的萃取動力學481 1331N530氯仿體系萃取鈀(Ⅱ)動力學481 1332β羥肟萃取鈀(Ⅱ)取代反應中的動力學催化作用483 1333非螯合醛肟(RCHNOH)萃取鈀(Ⅱ)動力學484 1334二正辛基亞碸(DOSO)萃取鈀(Ⅱ)動力學484 1335正辛基對叔丁基苯基亞碸萃取鈀(Ⅱ)動力學485 1336伯胺N1923萃取鈀(Ⅱ)動力學489 1337三正辛胺(TOA)萃取鈀(Ⅱ)動力學490 134鉑(Ⅳ)的萃取動力學495 1341石油亞碸萃取鉑(Ⅳ)動力學495 1342三正辛胺(TOA)萃取鉑(Ⅳ)動力學498 135銠(Ⅲ)的萃取動力學507 1351二正庚基亞碸(DNHSO)萃取銠(Ⅲ)動力學507 1352石油亞碸(PSO)萃取銠(Ⅲ)動力學508 1353N263萃取銠(Ⅲ)動力學508 136銥(Ⅳ)的萃取動力學509 參考文獻511 14貴金屬萃取常用設備簡介513 141混合澄清萃取桶513 142混合澄清器513 1421箱式混合澄清器514 1422雙混合室混合澄清萃取器515 1423全逆流混合澄清萃取器516 1424NCE高效混合澄清萃取器516 1425混合澄清器的優缺點517 1426混合澄清器的設計518 143離心萃取器522 1431槳葉式離心萃取器522 1432環隙式離心萃取器523 1433離心萃取器的優缺點524 參考文獻525 附錄1常用貴金屬萃取劑及其物性參數526 附錄2常用貴金屬稀釋劑及其物性參數531 附錄3貴金屬產品標準533 1Introduction1 11Precious Metals Resources1 111Discovery of Precious Metals1 112Precious Metals Resources2 113The Characteristics of Platinum Group Metals Minerals3 12The Properties and Uses of Precious Metals3 13The Separation Methods of Precious Metals5 References7 2The Aqueous Solution Chemistry of Precious Metals8 21The Thermodynamics Foundation for Dissolving Precious Metals Materials8 211Standard Electrode Potential of Precious Metals Chloride Complexes and Base Metals8 212EpH Diagram of Au(Ag)CN-H2O9 213EpH Diagram of AuCl-H2O10 214Elg[Cl-] Diagram of AgCl-H2O11 215EpH Diagram of PdCl-H2O11 216EpH Diagram of PtCl-H2O12 217EpH Diagram of RhCl-H2O12 218EpH Diagram of IrCl-H2O13 219EpH Diagram of Os(Ru)H2O13 22The Dissolution Kinetics of Precious Metals Materials14 221The Properties and State of Solid Materials15 222The Diffusion of Saturated Solution on Solid Surface16 223Influence of Temperature on Dissolution Rate16 224Influence of Solvent Concentration on Dissolution Rate17 225Influence of Ratio of Liquid and Solid on Dissolution Rate17 23The Dissolution of Precious Metals Materials17 231The Dissolution of Materials Easy dissolved17 232The Dissolution of Materials Hard dissolved20 24Speciation Distribution of PMs(BMs)Cl-(CN-)H2O26 241Speciation Distribution of AuCl-(CN-)H2O27 242Speciation Distribution of AgCl-(CN-)H2O27 243Speciation Distribution of PdCl-H2O28 244Speciation Distribution of PtCl-H2O29 245Speciation Distribution of RhCl-H2O30 246Speciation Distribution of IrCl-H2O31 247Speciation Distribution of Ru(Os)Cl-H2O32 248Speciation Distribution of BMsCl-H2O33 25The Relationship Between Stabilities of Precious Metals Chloride Complexes and its Atomic Structure35 251The Stabilities Law of Chloride Complexes of Precious Metals35 252The Reaction Activity of Chloride Complexes of Precious Metals36 26The Relationship of the Chemistry of Precious Metals Aqueous Solution and its Properties of Solvent Extraction37 261The Collections of Main Chloride Complexes of Precious Metals37 262Solvent Extraction Law of Chloride Complexes of Precious Metals38 References 40 3The Fundamental Theory of Solvent Extraction Chemistry of Precious Metals42 31Solvent Extraction System of Precious Metals42 32Solvent Extraction Mechanism of Precious Metals43 321Coordination Replace Reaction Mechanism43 322Ion Associated Reaction Mechanism45 323Ion Exchange Reaction Mechanism48 324Solvention Reaction Mechanism49 33The Research Methods of Solvent Extraction Mechanism of Precious Metals49 References 51 4The Extractant of Precious Metals52 41The Choosing Principle of Extractant of Precious Metals52 42The Relationship Between Properties and Structure of Precious Metals Extractant53 421Neutral Extraction Reaction System53 422Anion Extraction Reaction System57 423Chelate Extraction Reaction System57 43The Synthesize of Common Extractant for Precious Metals 58 431Dibutyl Carbitol(DBC)58 432Dinoctyl Sulphide60 433Diisoamyl Sulphide(S201)61 434Diisooctyl Sulphide(S219)61 435nButylnOctyl Sulphide62 436Butylbenzothiazole Sulphide63 437Petroleum Sulphide(PS)63 438Isooctylthiaphenethyl ketone64 439Diisooctyl Sulphoxide(DIOSO)65 4310Petroleum Sulphoxide(PSO)65 4311Heterocyclic Substituted sulphoxide66 4312Benzyl isooctyl Sulfoxide(BSO) 68 4313Isoamyl Benzothiazolyl Sulfoxide(ABSO)69 4314Bis(octylsulfenyl)thane70 4315N,NDinonylglycine71 4316NButylisooctyl Amide 72 4317nOtylaniline72 4318Trialkylphosphine Oxide(TRPO)73 44The Analysis and Determine of Common Extractant for Precious Metals74 441Introduction74 442Common Methods and its Application Range75 443The Analysis and Determine of Common Extractant for Precious Metals76 4431The Analysis and Determine of Diisoamyl Sulphide(S201)76 4432The Analysis and Determine of Dibutyl Carbitol(DBC)77 4433The Analysis and Determine of Sulphoxide77 4434The Gas Chromatograph Analysis of Trialkylphosphine Oxide (TRPO)77 References 80 5Solvent Extraction Chemistry of Gold 82 51Introduction82 52The Extraction of Gold(Ⅲ) Chloride Complexes83 521Extractant Contain Oxygen83 5211Extraction and Purification of Gold(Ⅲ) by Secoctyl Alcohol(C8H17OH)83 5212Extraction and Purification of Gold(Ⅲ) by Mixed Alcohol (ROH)84 5213Extraction and Purification of Gold(Ⅲ) by Methylisobutylketone (MIBK)85 5214Extraction and Purification of Gold(Ⅲ) by Diisobutylketone (DIBK)86 5215Extraction and Refining of Gold(Ⅲ) by Ethyl Ether87 5216Extraction and Purification of Gold(Ⅲ) by Dibutyl Carbitol (DBC)90 5217Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by 2Ethylhexyl Ether (2EHEE)96 5218Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Asymmetric Ether A40897 5219Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Bis(2octyloxoethyl) Ether97 52110Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Bis(2Hexyloxoethyl) Ether98 52111Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Dibenzo18crown6 (DB18C6)98 52112Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Carbonic Propylene Ester(PC)99 52113Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Cyclic Carbonic Ester99 522Extractant Contain Phosphorus101 5221Extraction and Purification of Gold(Ⅲ) by Tributylphosphate (TBP)101 5222Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Di(2ethylhexyl) thiophosphoric Acid(D2EHMTPA)104 5223Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Di(2ethylhexyl) dithiophosphoric Acid105 5224Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Tribenzylphosphine Oxide(TPPO)106 5225Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Trialkylphosphine Oxide(Cyanex923)106 5226Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Trialkylphosphine Oxide(Cyanex925)106 5227Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Triisobutylphosphine Sulphide(Cyanex471x)107 5228Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Dihexyl N,N Diethylamide Methyl Phosphate107 523Extractant Contain Sulphur108 5231Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Di nhexyl Sulphide(DNHS)109 5232Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Diisooctyl Sulphide(S219)109 5233Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Di(2ethylhexyl) Sulphide(DEHS)111 5234Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Seven Sulphide Which have Different Structures111 5235Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by 2Hydroxy Triethylaminepropyloctyl Sulphide(HAPOS)112 5236Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Polysulfur (oxygen)Ether113 5237Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Petroleum Sulphide(PS501)116 5238Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Isooctylthiaphenethyl Ketone(IOTPEK)117 5239Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Dialkyl Sulphoxide (R2SO)117 52310Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Heterocyclic Substituted Sulphoxide118 52311Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Bissulphoxide120 52312Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Petroleum Sulphoxide(PSO)121 524Extractant Contain Nitrogen124 5241Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Primary Amine124 5242Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Tertiary Amine125 5243Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Amide127 5244Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by AminoAlcohol (N2125)131 525Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by SurfactantClound Point Extraction132 53The Extraction of Gold(Ⅰ) Cyanide Complexes134 531Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅰ) Cyanide Complexes by Amine134 532Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅰ) Cyanide Complexes by Modified Amine136 533Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅰ) Cyanide Complexes by Quarternary Ammonium140 534Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅰ) Cyanide Complexes by Solvention Phosphate142 535Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅰ) Cyanide Complexes by Sulphoxide143 536Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅰ) Cyanide Complexes by Guanidine143 537Extraction Properties and Micromechanism by Surfactant from Cyanide Solution145 538Prospections for the Extraction and Separation of Gold(Ⅰ)from Alkaline Cyanide Solutions147 54The Extraction of Gold(Ⅰ) Thiourea Complexes148 541Extraction of Gold(Ⅰ) Thiourea Complexes by Petroleum Sulphoxide(PSO)148 542Extraction of Gold(Ⅰ) Thiourea Complexes by nButyl Bezothiazole Sulphoxide(NBBSO)149 543Extraction of Gold(Ⅰ) Thiourea Complexes by P204150 544Extraction of Gold(Ⅰ) Thiourea Complexes by P507151 55The Extraction of Gold(Ⅰ) Thiosulfate Complexes151 551Introduction151 552Extraction of Gold(Ⅰ) Thiosulfate Complexes by Neutral Phosphorus(Phosphine) Extractant152 553Extraction of Gold(Ⅰ) Thiosulfate Complexes by Amine152 554Extraction of Gold(Ⅰ) Thiosulfate Complexes by Mixed Solvent153 555Extraction of Gold(Ⅰ),Silver(Ⅰ),Copper(Ⅰ),Zinc(Ⅱ) and Nickel(Ⅱ) from Thiosulfate Solutions154 556Extraction Mechanism of Gold(Ⅰ) thiosulfate Complexes by Neutral Phosphorus(Phosphine) Extractant156 557Extraction Mechanism of Gold(Ⅰ) thiosulfate Complexes by Amine Amine Oxide156 56Extraction of Gold (Ⅰ) Polysulfide Complexes157 561Extraction of Gold (Ⅰ) from Polysulfide Solution by TBP157 562Extraction of Gold (Ⅰ) from Polysulfide Solution by Amine157 References158 6Solvent Extraction Chemistry of Palladium164 61Introduction164 62Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Extractant Contain Sulphur165 621Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Dialkyl Sulphide165 622Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Dinoctyl Sulphide(DOS)168 623Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Dinheptyl Sulphide(DNHS)169 624Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Diisoamyl Sulphide(S201)170 625Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Diisooctyl Sulphide(S219)181 626Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Asymmetric Sulphide187 627Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Butylbenzothiazole Sulphide188 628Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Butylisothiourea Acetic Acid(PTHA)189 629Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Petroleum Sulphide(PS)190 6210Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Sulphoxide190 6211Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Dinheptyl Sulphoxide(DHSO)194 6212Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Dinoctyl Sulphoxide(DOSO)195 6213Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Diisooctyl Sulphoxide(DIOSO)197 6214Extraction and Separation of Palladium by nButyloctyl Sulphoxide201 6215Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Petroleum Sulphoxide(PSO)201 6216Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Bissulphoxide210 6217Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Heterocyclic Substituted Sulphoxide212 63Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Oxime(Ox)216 631The Properties of Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Oxime(Ox)216 632The Properties of Extraction and Separation of Palladium by 2 Hydroxyl5OctylDiphenyloxime219 633Extraction and Separation of Palladium by N530 from Gold Raffinate of Jinchuan Group Corporation222 64Extraction and Separation of Palladium by 8Hydroxyl Quinoline (HQ)223 641The Properties of Extraction and Separation of Palladium by 8Hydroxyl Quinoline(HQ)223 642Separation of Palladium and Platinum with CoextractionSelective Stripping by Lix 26225 643Separation of Gold, Palladium and Platinum with Coextraction Hydrogen Reduction by Kelex 100227 644Separation of Palladium and Platinum with CoextractionSelective Stripping by TN 1911 and TN 2336227 65Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Other Chelate Extractant229 651Extraction and Separation of Palladium by N,N′Bis[(1Phenyl 3Methyl5oxy4Pyrazole)Benzyl]Ethylenedimine(H2A)229 652Extraction and Separation of Palladium by 1Phenyl3Methyl 4Bezoylpyrazolone5(PMBP)230 66Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Extractant Contain Phosphorous231 661Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Acidic Phosphorous Extractant231 662Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Neutral Phosphorous Extractant232 663Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Thiophosphoric Acid233 67Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Amine236 671Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Primary Amine236 672Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Secondary Amine236 673Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Tertiary Amine237 674Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Quarternary Ammonium237 675Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Amide240 676Extraction and Separation of Palladium by NNDioctylglycine240 677Extraction and Separation of Palladium by Aminoalcohol241 678Extraction and Separation of Palladium by 2Amino benzothiazole (ABT)242 68Extraction and Separation of Other Palladium Complexes242 681Extraction and Separation of Palladium Thiocyanate Complexes242 682Extraction and Separation of Palladium Phenylthiourea Complexes243 References 245 7Solvent Extraction Chemistry of Platinum252 71Introduction252 72Extraction and Separation of Platinum by Extractant Contain Phosphorous252 721Extraction and Separation of Platinum by Tributylphosphate (TBP)252 722Extraction and Separation of Platinum by Trioctylphosphine Oxide(TOPO)256 723Extraction and Separation of Platinum by Trialkylphosphine Oxide (TRPO)257 724Extraction and Separation of Platinum by Alkyl phosphate Dialkyl Ester(P218)258 73Extraction and Separation of Platinum by Extractant Contain Nitrogen260 731The Extraction and Separation Law of Precious Metals by Amine260 732Extraction and Separation of Platinum by Trinoctylamine (TOA)263 733Extraction and Separation of Platinum by Trialkylamine (N235、7301)265 734Extraction and Separation of Platinum by Others Tertiary Amine283 735Extraction and Separation of Platinum by Quarternary Ammonium284 736Extraction and Separation of Platinum by Amino Carboxylic Acid286 737Extraction and Separation of Platinum by NHexylisooctyl Amide(MNA)286 738Extraction and Separation of Platinum by NnButylisooctyl Amide(BiOA)287 74Extraction and Separation of Platinum by Extractant Contain Sulphur287 741Extraction and Separation of Platinum(Ⅱ)by Dinoctyl Sulphoxide(DOSO)287 742Extraction and Separation of Platinum by Diisooctyl Sulphoxide (DIOSO)288 743Extraction and Separation of Platinum by Petroleum Sulphoxide (PSO)288 744Extraction and Separation of Platinum by Heterocyclic Substituted Sulphoxide289 745Extraction and Separation of Platinum by Bissulphoxide289 746Extraction and Separation of Platinum by Unsymmetrical Sulphoxide290 747Extraction and Separation of Platinum by Symmetrical Sulphoxide290 75Extraction and Separation of Platinum by Chelate Extractant297 References 299 8Solvent Extraction Chemistry of Rhodium and Iridium302 81Collection Rhodium and Iridium Through Separation Base Metals by di(2ethylhexyl)phosphoric Acid(P204)302 811The Choice of Extractant302 812The Relationship Between Extraction Percentages of Base Metals and pH302 813The Effection of Saponification Percentages of P204 on Separation of Base Metals304 814The Dispose Methods of Feed on Separation of Base Metals304 815The Oxidation Conditions of Feed on Separation of Base Metals305 816The Concentration of Sodium Sulfate,Sodium Chloride and Sodium Chlorate in Feed on Extraction Percentages of Base Metals305 817The Scatter of Rhodium and Iridium in Scrubbing and Stripping Solution305 818BenchScale Experiment in Laboratory306 819Pilot Scale Test307 82Refining Precious Metals by Cation Ion Exchanges Resin309 83Solvent Extraction Chemistry of Iridium(Ⅳ)311 831Extraction and Separation of Iridium(Ⅳ) by Tributylphosphate (TBP)311 832Extraction and Separation of Iridium(Ⅳ) by Trioctylphosphine Oxide(TOPO)315 833The Properties of Extraction and Separation of Iridium(Ⅳ) by Trialkylphosphine Oxide(TRPO)317 834Extraction and Separation of Rhodium and Iridium by Trialkylphosphine Oxide(TRPO) from Palladium and Platinum Raffinate of Jinchuan Group Corporation319 835The Properties of Extraction and Separation of Iridium(Ⅳ) by Primary Amine Contain Secondary Carbon Atomic (N1923)326 836Extraction and Separation of Iridium(Ⅳ) by Trinoctylamine (TOA)327 837Extraction and Separation of Iridium(Ⅳ) by NHexylisooctyl Amide(MNA)328 838Extraction and Separation of Iridium(Ⅳ)by N,NDinoctylacetyl Amide(DOAA)and N,NDinnonyl Amide(DNAA)331 84Solvent Extraction Chemistry of Rhodium332 841Extraction and Separation of Anion Complexes RhCl3-6333 842Extraction and Separation of Cation Complexes Rh (H2O)3+6334 843ActivationExtraction Technology339 844The Formation and Application of Microemulsion in the Extraction and Separation of Precious Metals350 References 359 9Solvent Extraction Chemistry of Osmium, Ruthenium and Silver363 91Introduction363 92Solvent Extraction Chemistry of Osmium and Ruthenium364 921Solvent Extraction of OsO4 and RuO4364 922Extraction and Separation of Osmium and Ruthenium from Hydrochloric Acid Solution364 923Extraction and Separation of Osmium and Ruthenium from Nitric Acid Solution366 924Extraction and Separation of Ruthenium Phenylthiourea Complexes(PTU)368 93Solvent Extraction Chemistry of Silver368 931Extraction and Separation of Silver Chloride Complexes AgCl-2368 932Extraction and Separation of Silver Nitric AgNO3369 933Extraction and Separation of Silver Thiosulfate Complexes Ag(S2O3)3-2375 References 376 10Continuous Solvent Extraction Technology of Precious Metals378 101Introduction378 102Extraction and Separation of Precious Metals from High Feed Liquid378 1021The Composition of Feed Liquid378 1022Continuous Extraction of Gold from High Feed Liquid by DBC379 1023Continuous Extraction of Palladium from Raffinate of Gold by S201379 1024Continuous Extraction of Platinum from Raffinate of Palladium by N235381 1025Continuous Extraction of Base Metals from Raffinate of Platinum by P204 and Collection Rhodium and Iridium382 1026Continuous Extraction of Iridium from Raffinate of Base Metals by TRPO383 1027The Main Technological Index of Flowsheet384 103Extraction of Palladium, Platinum and Rhodium from Leaching Solution of Concentrate of Spent Autocatalysis384 1031The Technology of ChinaExtraction of Palladium by SulphideExtraction of Platinum by TBP384 10311Principle Flowsheet384 10312Imitation Experiment in Laboratory385 10313Amplification Experiment in Laboratory385 10314Industrial Test Results388 1032The Technology of Abroad Extraction of Palladium, Platinum and Rhodium by Cyanex921 Toluene391 10321Influence of Concentration of HCl391 10322Influence of Concentration of SnCl2391 10323Influence of Concentration of Extractant392 10324Influence of Equilibrium Time393 10325Influence of Stripping393 10326Extraction and Separation of Pd(Ⅱ),Pt(Ⅳ) and Rh(Ⅲ)from Mixed Solution 394 10327Solvent Extraction of Pd(Ⅱ),Pt(Ⅳ) and Rh(Ⅲ) from Leaching Solution of Spent Autocatalysis by Cyanex921 Toluene395 References396 11Integrated Solvent Extraction Technology of Precious Metals397 111Introduction397 112Integrated Solvent Extraction Technology in International399 1121Integrated Solvent Extraction Technology of Mathey Rusterburg Refinery in England399 1122Integrated Solvent Extraction Technology of Lonrho Refinery in South African400 1123Integrated Solvent Extraction Technology of Acton Refinery In Inco of Canada402 1124Integrated Solvent Extraction Technology “Iner” Recover Precious Metals from Copper Anode Slime in Taiwan of China404 1125Integrated Solvent Extraction Technology of Lix 26 in American404 1126Integrated Solvent Extraction Technology in Japan405 113The typical Integrated Solvent Extraction Technology of Precious Metals in China411 1131The Several Typical Integrated Solvent Extraction Technologies of Precious Metals which Have Been Researched 412 1132Integrated Solvent Extraction Technology in China413 114Molecular Recognition Technology(MRT)426 1141Introduction426 1142Separation and Separation of Gold by SuperLig127 from Alkaline Cyanide solutions428 1143Separation and Separation of Palladium by SuperLig2429 1144Separation and Separation of Platinum by SuperLig133 from Secondary Resources432 1145Separation and Separation of Rhodium by SuperLig190 from Spent Autocatalysis434 1146Separation and Separation of Ruthenium by SuperLig187 from Spent materials434 115Solid Phase Extraction(SPE)436 1151Introduction436 1152Separation of Gold by SPE437 1153Separation of Palladium by SPE443 References 444 12Synergism Solvent Extraction of Precious Metals447 121Introduction447 122Synergism Solvent Extraction of Gold(Ⅲ)448 1221Binary Synergism Extraction System of NeutralComplex (BB)448 1222Binary Synergism Extraction System of NeutralComplex and Ion Associate(BC)451 123Synergism Solvent Extraction of Palladium(Ⅱ)454 1231Binary Chelate Synergism Extraction System(AA)454 1232Binary Synergism Extraction System of Chelate and Neutral Complex(AB)456 1233Binary Synergism Extraction System of Chelate and Ion Associate(AC)457 1234Binary Synergism Extraction System of NeutralComplex (BB)458 1235Synergism Solvent Extraction of Palladium(Ⅱ) by hexadecylpyridine bromide(RBr) and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTMAB)460 124Synergism Solvent Extraction of Platinum(Ⅳ)461 1241Binary Neutral Synergism Extraction System(BB)461 1242Binary Synergism Extraction System of NeutralComplex and Ion Associate(BC)462 125Synergism Solvent Extraction of Rhodium(Ⅰ)、Iridium(Ⅳ)463 1251Synergism Solvent Extraction of Rhodium(Ⅰ)by n Butylisooctylamide(BiOA)Tributylphosphate(TBP) 463 1252Synergism Solvent Extraction of Iridium(Ⅳ) by n Hexylisooctylamide(MNA)Tributylphosphate(TBP)465 126Synergism Solvent Extraction of Ruthenium(Ⅳ)465 1261Synergism Extraction Effect of TNA+DNA System for RuCl2-6(CC)465 1262Synergism Extraction Effect of TNA+N1923 System for RuCl2-6(CC)466 References 467 13Solvent Extraction Kinetics of Precious Metals469 131Introduction469 132Solvent Extraction Kinetics of Gold(Ⅲ)470 1321Solvent Extraction Kinetics of Gold(Ⅲ) by Primary Amine N1923 and Triphenylphosphine Oxide(TPPO)470 1322Solvent Extraction Kinetics of Gold(Ⅲ) by DinOctyl Sulphoxide(DOSO)472 1323Stripping Kinetics of Gold(Ⅲ) by Sodium Sulphite from Loaded DBC Phase473 1324Solvent Extraction Kinetics of Gold(Ⅲ) by Cyanex272Bmim PF6 Ionic Liquid System478 133Solvent Extraction Kinetics of Palladium(Ⅱ)481 1331Solvent Extraction Kinetics of Palladium(Ⅱ) by N530 Chloroform System481 1332Kinetics Catalysis of Displace Reaction in Solvent Extraction Palladium(Ⅱ) by βHydroxyloxime483 1333Solvent Extraction Kinetics of Palladium(Ⅱ) by Nonchelate Aldehydeoxime(RCH=NOH)484 1334Solvent Extraction Kinetics of Palladium(Ⅱ) by DinOctyl Sulphoxide(DOSO)484 1335Solvent Extraction Kinetics of Palladium(Ⅱ) by nOctylm Tertiarybutylphenyl Sulphoxide485 1336Solvent Extraction Kinetics of Palladium(Ⅱ) by Primary Amine N1923489 1337Solvent Extraction Kinetics of Palladium(Ⅱ) by Trin octylamine(TOA)490 134Solvent Extraction Kinetics of Platinum(Ⅳ)495 1341Solvent Extraction Kinetics of Platinum (Ⅱ) by Petroleum Sulphoxide(PSO)495 1342Solvent Extraction Kinetics of Platinum (Ⅱ) by Trinoctylamine (TOA)498 135Solvent Extraction Kinetics of Rhodium(Ⅲ)507 1351Solvent Extraction Kinetics of Rhodium(Ⅲ) by DinHeptyl Sulphoxide(DNHSO)507 1352Solvent Extraction Kinetics of Rhodium(Ⅲ) by Petroleum Sulphoxide(PSO)508 1353Solvent Extraction Kinetics of Rhodium(Ⅲ) by N263508 136Solvent Extraction Kinetics of Iridium(Ⅳ)509 References511 14Brief Introduction of Common Equipment for Extraction of Precious Metals513 141MixerSettler Barrel513 142MixerSettler 513 1421MixerSettler With Boxes514 1422MixerSettler With Two Mixers515 1423MixerSettler With Integrated Continuous516 1424MixerSettler Have High Separation Efficiency(NCE)516 1425The Advantages and Disadvantages of MixerSettler517 1426The Design of MixerSettler518 143Centrifugation Extractor522 1431Centrifugation Extractor with Paddle522 1432Centrifugation Extractor with RingRack523 1433The Advantages and Disadvantages of Centrifugation Extractor524 References 525 Appendix 1The Physical Parameter of Common Extractants for Precious Metals526 Appendix 2The Physical Parameter of Common Diluents for Precious Metals531 Appendix 3The Product Standards of Precious Metals in American, Russia and China533 |