譚林林 (1986.10--),男,安徽阜陽人,現為東南大學電氣工程學院副教授、碩士生導師,並任中國電源學會無線電能傳輸技術及裝置專業委員會委員。主要研究方向為無線電能傳輸技術、新型電力電子變換技術、智慧型用電技術等。主持國家自然科學基金項目2項、江蘇省自然科學基金項目1項、負責或參與國家重點研發項目、國家科技支撐項目、國家電網公司項目等各類項目20餘項。在國內外學術期刊上發表SCI/EI論文40餘篇,申請專利70餘項,發明專利授權40餘項。
- 中文名:譚林林
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:安徽阜陽
- 出生日期:1986年10月
- 畢業院校:東南大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:無線電能傳輸技術、新型電力電子變換技術、智慧型用電技術
- 職稱:副教授
- Liu, Han,Tan, Linlin, Huang, Xueliang. Transition Control of Standby and Operation Modes of Wireless Charging System for Inspection Robots, JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS, 2019,19(3). (SCI)
- Tan, Linlin;Zhang, Ming;Wang, Songcen.The Design and Optimization of a Wireless Power Transfer System Allowing Random Access for Multiple Loads,ENERGIES,2019,6(12).(SCI)
- Tan, Linlin;Zhang, Zhenxing;Zhang, Ziqi;,A Segmented Power-Efficiency Coordinated Control Strategy for Bidirectional Wireless Power Transmission Systems With Variable Structural Parameters, IEEE ACCESS, 2018,6. (SCI)
- Linlin Tan, Jinpeng Guo, Xueliang Huang. Coordinated Source Control for Output Power Stabilization and Efficiency Optimization in WPT Systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2018,33(4). (SCI)
- L L Tan,S L Pan. Study of constant current-constant voltage output wireless charging system based on compound topologies, JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS, 2017,17(4). (SCI)
- Tan, Linlin, Pan Shulei, Liu Han. Load detection method for multiple-receiver wireless power transfer systems,IET Power Electronics,2017,14(10). (SCI)
- 譚林林, 顏長鑫,劉志仁. 多單元耦合的能量雙向無線饋動系統分析及控制策略, 電力系統自動化, 2017, 41(2).
- Han Liu, Linlin Tan, X L Huang.Primary topology selection and conversion in short segmented on-road charging system for electrical vehicles,IET Power Electronic,2017,10(4). (SCI)
- Linlin Tan, Jinpeng Guo, Xueliang Huang. Power control strategies of on-road charging for electric vehicles[J], Energies, 2016, 9(7). (SCI)
- Linlin Tan, Jiacheng Li, Chen Chen, Changxin Yan. Analysis and Performance Improvement of WPT Systems in the Environment of Single Non-Ferromagnetic Metal Plate[J], Energies, 2016, 9(8). (SCI)
- Linlin Tan,Han Liu, Zhiren Liu. Power Stabilization Strategy of Random Access Loads in Electric Vehicles Wireless Charging System at Traffic Lights[J], Energies, 2016, 9(10). (SCI)
- Tan Linlin,Guo Jinpeng, Huang Xueliang. Output power stabilisation of wireless power transfer system with multiple transmitters[J], IET Power Electronics, 2016, 9(7). (SCI)
- 譚林林,顏長鑫. 一種四自由度雙向無線電能傳輸系統雙參數監測方法,ZL201510977396 .X.(授權)
- 譚林林,劉瀚. 一種分段發射式電動汽車線上動態無線供電系統, ZL201510822026.9. (授權)
- 譚林林,顏長鑫. 一種基於採樣電阻的雙向無線電能傳輸系統自啟動方法,ZL201510791768.X. (授權)
- 譚林林,郭金鵬. 一種雙源無線供電系統參數線上檢測和電源協同控制方法,ZL201510648495.3.(授權)
- 譚林林,黃學良. 一種適用於電池性負載的無線充電系統,ZL201510192436.X. (授權)
- 譚林林,王維. 一種小功率多負載無線供電自適應直流穩壓系統,ZL201510191946.5. (授權)
- 譚林林,黃學良. 一種自識別負載的無線電能傳輸系統接收端檢測方法,ZL201410828760.1. (授權)
- 譚林林,黃學良. 一種用於無線供電系統的天線裝置,ZL201320405457.1. (授權)
- 譚林林,黃學良. 無線電能傳輸系統中盤式諧振器的設計方法,ZL201210083399.5. (授權)
- 電動汽車動態充放電技術及集群式充放電策略研究,國家自然科學基金,2019.01-2022.12, 主持
- 基於分段供能模式的電動汽車動態無線供電關鍵技術研究,江蘇省自然科學基金,2015.07-2018.06,主持
- 能量雙向饋動的電動汽車無線充放電關鍵技術研究,國家自然科學基金,2016.01-2018.12,主持