曾被評為國家測繪地理信息局青年學術和技術帶頭人、自然資源部第三梯隊青年科技創新人才,是我國首顆民用立體測圖衛星ZY-3衛星套用系統研發核心成員,作為項目負責人先後主持高分對地觀測專項、科技部重點研發計畫、科技支撐計畫項目、公益性行業專項、青年自然科學基金、面上基金等國家科研項目30餘項,其中包括主持重點研發計畫課題2項、青年基金、面上基金4項、測繪青年帶頭人/自然資源青年人才基金2項、北京市科協基金1項。項目研究成果已發表國內外學術論文100餘篇,其中SCI/ EI檢索80餘篇。申請和已授權國家發明專利20餘項,國家軟體著作登記權10餘項,主編專著2部,行業標準3項。研究成果曾獲得國家科技進步一等獎、二等獎、測繪科技進步特等獎。以第一完成人獲得中國測繪科技進步一等獎、青年測繪地理信息科技創新人才獎、中國專利優秀獎、自然資源青年科技獎。
- 中文名:謝俊峰
- 外文名:Junfeng,Xie
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 籍貫:湖北省天門市
- 出生日期:1981年
- 畢業院校:武漢大學
- 研究方向:(1)星載雷射檢校與套用研究(2)衛星精密定姿方法研究(3)遙感影像幾何處理方法研究
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職務:自然資源部國土衛星遙感套用中心基準檢校部主任、博士生導師
- 政治面貌:中共黨員
- Junfeng Xie, Jincheng Zhong, Fan Mo, Ren Liu, Xiang Li, Xiaomeng Yang and Junze Zeng. Denoising and Accuracy Evaluation of ICESat-2/ATLAS Photon Data for Nearshore Waters Based on Improved Local Distance Statistics. Remote Sensing, 2023, 15(11): 2828.
- Junfeng Xie, Ren Liu, Xiaomeng Yang, Fan Mo, Fangxu Zhang and Lirong Liu. On-orbit geometric calibration of satellite laser altimeters using infrared detectors and corner-cube retroreflectors. International Journal of Digital Earth, 2023, 16(1): 2067-2088.
- RenLiu, Xinming Tang, Junfeng Xie*, Rujia Ma, Xuebo Yang, Fan Mo and XinLv. A Full-Link Simulation Method for Satellite Single-Photon Lidars. IEEEGeoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2023.
- Xiaomeng Yang, Junfeng Xie*, Ren Liu, Fan Mo andJunze Zeng. Centroid Extraction of Laser Spots Captured by Infrared DetectorsCombining Laser Footprint Images and Detector Observation Data. Remote Sensing,2023, 15(8): 2129.
- Junfeng Xie, Ren Liu, Xinming Tang, Xiaomeng Yang, Junze Zeng, Fan Moand Yongkang Mei. A Geometric Calibration Method Without a Field Site of theGF-7 Satellite Laser Relying on a Surface Mathematical Model. IEEE Transactionson Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 61: 1-14.
- Junze Zeng, Junfeng Xie*, Ren Liu, Fan Mo andXiaomeng Yang. Research on Glacier Elevation Variability in the QilianMountains of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on Topographic Correction byPyramid Registration. Remote Sensing, 2022, 15(1): 62.
- Hongzhao Tang, Junfeng Xie*, Xinming Tang, Wei Chenand Qi Li. On-Orbit Absolute Radiometric Calibration and Validation of ZY3-02Satellite Multispectral Sensor. Sensors, 2022, 22(5): 2066.
- Ren Liu, Junfeng Xie*, Chaopeng Xu, Junze Zeng, FanMo and Xiaomeng Yang. A Separate Calibration Method of Laser Pointing andRanging for the GF-7 Satellite Laser That Does Not Require Field Detectors.Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(23): 5935.
- Junfeng Xie, Binbo Li, Huihui Jiao, Qingqing Zhou, Yongkang Mei,Donghai Xie, Yu Wu, Xiaoyang Sun and Ying Fu. Water Level Change MonitoringBased on a New Denoising Algorithm Using Data from Landsat and ICESat-2: A CaseStudy of Miyun Reservoir in Beijing. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(17): 4344.
- Hongzhao Tang, Junfeng Xie*, Xinming Tang, Wei Chenand Qi Li. On-Orbit Radiometric Performance of GF-7 Satellite MultispectralImagery. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(4): 886.
- LirongLiu, Junfeng Xie*, Xinming Tang, Chaofeng Ren, Jiyi Chen and Ren Liu.Coarse-to-Fine Image Matching-Based Footprint Camera Calibration of the GF-7Satellite. Sensors, 2021, 21(7): 2297.
- R. Liu and J. Xie, "Calibration of the laser pointing bias of the GaoFen-7 satellite based on simulation waveform matching," Optics Express 29, 21844-21858 (2021).(SCI)
- Junfeng Xie, Chaofeng Ren, Huihui Jiao and Jianping Pan. In‐orbitgeometric calibration approach and positioning accuracy analysis for theGaofen‐7 laser footprint camera. IET Image Processing, 2021, 15(13): 3130-3141.
- Hong Zhu, Junfeng Xie*, Xinming Tang, Di Jia andGuangtong Sun. Stellar map centroid positioning based on dark channel denoising andfeasibility of jitter detection on ZiYuan3 satellite platform.Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2021, 15(1): 016519-016519.
- JunfengXie, Ren Liu, YongkangMei, Wei Liu and Jianping Pan. Preliminary Pointing Bias Calibration of ZY3-03Laser Altimeter. Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science, 2021, 4(3):91-100.
- Junfeng Xie,Huang Genhua,Liu Ren,Zhao Chenguang. Design and data processing of China’s first surveying spaceborne Laser altimeter system:GaoFen-7,JSTARS. 2020.(SCI)
- Chaofeng Ren, Junfeng Xie*, Xiaodong Zhi, Yun Yangand Shuai Yang. Laser Spot Center Location Method for Chinese Spaceborne GF-7Footprint Camera. Sensors, 2020, 20(8): 2319.
- Fan Mo, Junfeng Xie* and Yuxuan Liu. Vibration modelof Ziyuan3 satellites considering frequency changing. Journal of Vibration andControl, 2020, 26(17-18): 1484-1502.
- Xinming Tang, Junfeng Xie*, Hong Zhu and Fan Mo.Overview of Earth Observation Satellite Platform Microvibration DetectionMethods. Sensors, 2020, 20(3): 736.
- Junfeng Xie, Ren Liu, Fan Mo, Hongzhao Tang, Huihui Jiao, Yongkang Meiand Chenchen Yang. Pointing Bias Calibration of GAOFEN-7 Laser Altimeter Basedon Single Laser Footprint Image. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensingand Spatial Information Sciences, 2020, 2: 113-119.
- Lirong Liu, Xinming Tang, Junfeng Xie*, Xiaoming Gao,Wenji Zhao, Fan Mo and Gang Zhang. Deep-learning and Depth-map based Approachfor Detection and 3D Localization of Small Traffic Signs. IEEE Journal ofSelected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2020, 13:2096-2111.
- Xinming Tang, Junfeng Xie*, Ren Liu, Genghua Huang,Chenguang Zhao, Ying Zhen, Hongzhao Tang and Xianhui Dou. Overview of the GF‐7laser altimeter system mission. Earth and Space Science, 2020, 7(1):e2019EA000777.Ying Zhen, Junfeng Xie*,Hong Zhu, Ren Liu, Chenchen Yang and Haoran Zhai. Land cover classificationmethod considering the contribution of waveform characteristic parameters andthe pooling scale. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2020, 13(4): 044529.
- Junfeng Xie*, Fen Hu, Zhenming Wang, Ming He, Ying Zhen and Hong Zhu.Composite Geolocating of ZY-3-02 Laser Altimetry Data and Optical SatelliteStereo Imagery. IGARSS 2019-2019 IEEE International Geoscience and RemoteSensing Symposium, 2019, 3412-3415.
- Xinming Tang, Junfeng Xie*, Xiaoming Gao, Fan Mo,Wanwan Feng and Ren Liu. The In-Orbit Calibration Method Based on TerrainMatching With Pyramid-Search for the Spaceborne Laser Altimeter. IEEE Journalof Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2019,12(3): 1053-1062.
- Junfeng Xie, Xingming Tang, Fan Mo, Hongzhao Tang, Zhenming Wang, XiaoWang, Yuxuan Liu, Shiqiang Tian, Ren Liu and Xuefei Xia. In-orbit GeometricCalibration and Experimental Verification of the ZY3-02 Laser Altimeter.Photogrammetric Record, 2018, 33(163): 341-362.
- Hong Zhu, Xinming Tang, Junfeng Xie*, Weidong Song,Fan Mo and Xiaoming Gao. Spatio-Temporal Super-Resolution Reconstruction ofRemote-Sensing Images Based on Adaptive Multi-Scale Detail Enhancement.Sensors, 2018, 18(2): 498.
- Junfeng Xie, Xinming Tang, Fan Mo, Guoyuan Li, Zhenming Wang, GuangbinZhu, Zhenming Wang, Xingke Fu, Xiaoming Gao and Xianhui Dou. ZY3-02 LaserAltimeter Footprint Geolocation Prediction. Sensors, 2017, 17(10): 2165.
- Xinming Tang, Junfeng Xie*, Xiao Wang and WanshouJiang. High-Precision Attitude /ost-Processing and Initial Verification for theZY-3 Satellite. Remote Sensing, 2015, 7(1): 111-134.
- Xin Huang, Dawei Wen, Junfeng Xie and Liangpei Zhang.Quality Assessment of Panchromatic and Multispectral Image Fusion for the ZY-3Satellite: From an Information Extraction Perspective. IEEE Geoscience andRemote Sensing Letters, 2014, 11(4): 753-757.
- Junfeng Xie*, Tangzhao Tang, Xianhui Dou and Jingqi Long. On-orbitcalibration of domestic APS star tracker. International Workshop on EarthObservation and Remote Sensing Applications, 2014.
- Junfeng Xie, Xinming Tang, Xiao Wang, Sheng Wang and Hunxue Huang.Initial verification for the ZY-3 satellite post-processing attitude accuracy.Measurement, 2013, 2(1): 1-5.
- Xinming Tang, Junfeng Xie. Overview of the keytechnologies for high-resolution satellite mapping. International Journal ofDigital Earth, 2012, 5(3): 228-240.Junfeng Xie*, Xinming Tang, Wanshou Jiang and Xingke Fu. AnAutonomous Star Identification Algorithm Based on the Directed CircularityPattern. XXII ISPRS Congress, Technical Commission I, 2012, 39(B1): 333-338.
- 唐洪釗,唐新明,謝俊峰*,陳偉,錢永剛. 基於RadCalNet包頭場的高分七號衛星在軌絕對輻射定標及精度驗證. 遙感學報, 2023, 27(5):1194-1204.
- 梅永康, 謝俊峰*,陳偉,劉仁.多特徵參數約束的星載雷射高程控制點提取. 紅外與雷射工程, 2022, 51(9): 246-257
- 唐新明,謝俊峰, 莫凡, 竇顯輝, 李新, 李少寧, 李松, 黃庚華, 付興科, 劉仁, 朱廣彬, 歐陽斯達, 唐洪釗, 陳輝. 高分七號衛星雙波束雷射測高儀在軌幾何檢校與試驗驗證[J]. 測繪學報, 2021, 50(3): 384-395.
- 謝俊峰, 劉仁, 王宗偉, 莫凡, 竇顯輝, "高分七號星載雷射測高儀在軌幾何檢校與精度評估," 紅外與雷射工程, 1-11 (2020).(EI)
- 謝俊峰,楊晨晨,梅永康,韓保民.基於遺傳算法的星載雷射全波形分解[J].紅外與雷射工程,2020,49(11):143-149.(EI)
- 謝俊峰,朱紅,李品,莫凡,李響.基於動態序列噪聲模板的主動式像素感測器星圖去噪方法[J].光學學報. 2019,39(03):281-289.(EI)
- 謝俊峰,莫凡,王懷,李響,朱紅.基於能量對稱分布相位相關配準的資源三號02星顫振探測[J].光學學報. 2019(06):357-366.(EI)
- 劉仁,謝俊峰*(通訊),莫凡,夏雪飛. 基於精細地形的星載雷射測高儀回波波形仿真. 2018年8月24日. 光子學報.(EI)
- 唐新明,謝俊峰*(通訊),莫凡,朱廣彬,竇顯,張強,李國元,歐陽斯達. 資源三號02星雷射測高儀足印位置預報方法. 測繪學報.2017.7.46(7):866-873.EI.(EI)
- 唐新明,謝俊峰*(通訊),付興科,莫凡,李少寧,竇顯輝. 資源三號02星雷射測高儀在軌幾何檢校與試驗驗證.測繪學報.2017.6.46(6):714-723.(EI)
- 謝俊峰, 唐新明,莫凡, 劉志龍. 資源三號國產星敏感器事後定姿方案設計與系統實現. 武漢大學學報 (信息科學版), 2017, 42(4):434-440.
- ZL 202310171733.0 一種基於星等模板的雙視場星敏感器星圖識別方法:發明,中國;謝俊峰,李響,莫凡,劉仁,楊曉夢,徐超鵬,鐘進程,張方旭.
- ZL 202210083705.9 一種利用衛星雷射回波數據計算足印內地物反射率的方法:發明,中國;謝俊峰,唐洪釗,梅永康,莫凡,黃庚華,陳偉,竇顯輝.
- ZL 202111517601.6 一種雙視場星敏感器星圖識別方法:發明,中國;謝俊峰,金傑,莫凡,李響,趙健伊,付瑩,梅永康,褚存,陳輝.
- ZL 202010370264.1 一種基於星載雷射單片足印影像的雷射指向在軌檢校方法:發明,中國;謝俊峰,唐新明,莫凡,劉仁,劉力榮,褚存.
- ZL 201911028732.0 一種基於波形匹配的星載雷射在軌指向檢校方法:發明,中國;謝俊峰,劉仁,莫凡,周平,楊晨,歐陽斯達,張悅,甄瑩,焦慧慧.
- ZL 201710277121.4 一種星載光學相機-雷射測距儀組合系統聯合檢校方法:發明,中國;謝俊峰,唐新明,余俊鵬,殷寶庫,范大昭,余凡,祝小勇,王甄銘,趙利平.
- ZL 201710259896.9 一種基於金字塔搜尋地形匹配的星載雷射在軌指向檢校方法:發明,中國;唐新明,謝俊峰,付興科,莫凡,趙世湖,高小明,李國元,朱廣彬,田世強.
- ZL 201910274241.8 基於暗通道噪聲模板的主動式像素感測器星圖去噪方法:發明,中國;唐新明,謝俊峰,朱紅,莫凡,李品,李響,金傑.
- CN 201710235001.8 基於地面雷射光斑質心位置的星載雷射在軌幾何檢校方法:發明,中國;謝俊峰,唐新明,付興科,唐洪釗,田世強,莫凡,高小明,竇顯輝,夏雪飛.
- ZL 201611253206.0 一種預先確定星載雷射測高儀的足印位置的方法:發明,中國;謝俊峰,唐新明,付興科,莫凡,高小明,李國元,朱廣彬,張強,竇顯輝,趙利平.
- ZL 201610208310.1 基於地面控制的衛星長周期姿態誤差修正方法:發明,中國;唐新明,謝俊峰,江萬壽,丁一帆,艾海濱,莫凡.
- ZL 201611216466.0 一種基於地面探測器的足印中心確定方法:發明,中國;唐新明,謝俊峰,莫凡,李品,付興科,高小明,夏雪飛,唐洪釗,竇顯輝,竇顯輝,申二華
- ZL 201620308028.6 一種攜帶型信息化測繪裝置:實用新型,中國;林善紅,陳少勤,韓剛,謝俊峰,朱廣彬等.
- ZL 201510798994.0 一種基於頻域分析的衛星姿態模型構建方法:發明,中國;謝俊峰,唐新明,莫凡,付興科,范大昭,高小明,唐洪釗,祝小勇,竇顯輝,申二華.
- ZL 201310064949.3 一種基於有向環的星圖識別方法:發明,中國;謝俊峰,唐新明,江萬壽,高小明,付興科,趙利平.
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- 《對地觀測衛星雷射檢校理論方法與實踐》, 2022, 地質出版社,主編。
- 《高解析度遙感衛星姿態處理方法》,2023,地質出版社,主編。
- 2023年自然資源青年科技獎(1/1)
- 2022年測繪科技進步獎特等獎(6/30)
- 2022年第二十三屆中國專利優秀獎(1/10)
- 2021 自然資源部科技領軍人才
- 2021 測繪科技進步獎一等獎1/15
- 2019 自然資源部青年科技創新人才(第三梯隊人才)
- 2018 首屆青年測繪地理信息科技創新人才獎
- 2015 國家測繪地理信息局青年學術和技術帶頭人
- 2013 《國產民用高解析度立體測圖衛星測繪和套用關鍵技術》項目國家科學技術進步一等獎 7/15
- 2012 《資源三號衛星測繪關鍵技術》測繪科技進步獎特等獎 8/30