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曾被評為國家測繪地理信息局青年學術和技術帶頭人、自然資源部第三梯隊青年科技創新人才,是我國首顆民用立體測圖衛星ZY-3衛星套用系統研發核心成員,作為項目負責人先後主持高分對地觀測專項、科技部重點研發計畫、科技支撐計畫項目、公益性行業專項、青年自然科學基金、面上基金等國家科研項目30餘項,其中包括主持重點研發計畫課題2項、青年基金、面上基金4項、測繪青年帶頭人/自然資源青年人才基金2項、北京市科協基金1項。項目研究成果已發表國內外學術論文100餘篇,其中SCI/ EI檢索80餘篇。申請和已授權國家發明專利20餘項,國家軟體著作登記權10餘項,主編專著2部,行業標準3項。研究成果曾獲得國家科技進步一等獎、二等獎、測繪科技進步特等獎。以第一完成人獲得中國測繪科技進步一等獎、青年測繪地理信息科技創新人才獎、中國專利優秀獎、自然資源青年科技獎。


  • 中文名:謝俊峰
  • 外文名:Junfeng,Xie
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 籍貫:湖北省天門市
  • 出生日期:1981年
  • 畢業院校:武漢大學
  • 研究方向:(1)星載雷射檢校與套用研究(2)衛星精密定姿方法研究(3)遙感影像幾何處理方法研究
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職務:自然資源部國土衛星遙感套用中心基準檢校部主任、博士生導師 
  • 政治面貌:中共黨員
人物經歷,學習經歷,工作經歷,研究成果,部分代表性論文,代表性專利,代表性軟著,代表性著作,科研項目,所獲榮譽 ,學術組織兼職,



2000.09-2004.06 武漢大學 信息工程 工學學士;
2004.09-2009.06 武漢大學 攝影測量與遙感(直博)


2018-03-至今自然資源部國土衛星遙感套用中心 基準檢校部 研究員
2013-03-2018-03 原國家測繪地理信息局衛星測繪套用中心 基準檢校部 副研究員
2009-12-2013-03 原國家測繪地理信息局衛星測繪套用中心 基準檢校部 助理研究員2009-06-2009-12 中國測繪科學研究院地理空間信息工程國家測繪局重點實驗室 助理研究員



  1. Junfeng Xie, Jincheng Zhong, Fan Mo, Ren Liu, Xiang Li, Xiaomeng Yang and Junze Zeng. Denoising and Accuracy Evaluation of ICESat-2/ATLAS Photon Data for Nearshore Waters Based on Improved Local Distance Statistics. Remote Sensing, 2023, 15(11): 2828.
  2. Junfeng Xie, Ren Liu, Xiaomeng Yang, Fan Mo, Fangxu Zhang and Lirong Liu. On-orbit geometric calibration of satellite laser altimeters using infrared detectors and corner-cube retroreflectors. International Journal of Digital Earth, 2023, 16(1): 2067-2088.
  3. RenLiu, Xinming Tang, Junfeng Xie*, Rujia Ma, Xuebo Yang, Fan Mo and XinLv. A Full-Link Simulation Method for Satellite Single-Photon Lidars. IEEEGeoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2023.
  4. Xiaomeng Yang, Junfeng Xie*, Ren Liu, Fan Mo andJunze Zeng. Centroid Extraction of Laser Spots Captured by Infrared DetectorsCombining Laser Footprint Images and Detector Observation Data. Remote Sensing,2023, 15(8): 2129.
  5. Junfeng Xie, Ren Liu, Xinming Tang, Xiaomeng Yang, Junze Zeng, Fan Moand Yongkang Mei. A Geometric Calibration Method Without a Field Site of theGF-7 Satellite Laser Relying on a Surface Mathematical Model. IEEE Transactionson Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 61: 1-14.
  6. Junze Zeng, Junfeng Xie*, Ren Liu, Fan Mo andXiaomeng Yang. Research on Glacier Elevation Variability in the QilianMountains of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on Topographic Correction byPyramid Registration. Remote Sensing, 2022, 15(1): 62.
  7. Hongzhao Tang, Junfeng Xie*, Xinming Tang, Wei Chenand Qi Li. On-Orbit Absolute Radiometric Calibration and Validation of ZY3-02Satellite Multispectral Sensor. Sensors, 2022, 22(5): 2066.
  8. Ren Liu, Junfeng Xie*, Chaopeng Xu, Junze Zeng, FanMo and Xiaomeng Yang. A Separate Calibration Method of Laser Pointing andRanging for the GF-7 Satellite Laser That Does Not Require Field Detectors.Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(23): 5935.
  9. Junfeng Xie, Binbo Li, Huihui Jiao, Qingqing Zhou, Yongkang Mei,Donghai Xie, Yu Wu, Xiaoyang Sun and Ying Fu. Water Level Change MonitoringBased on a New Denoising Algorithm Using Data from Landsat and ICESat-2: A CaseStudy of Miyun Reservoir in Beijing. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(17): 4344.
  10. Hongzhao Tang, Junfeng Xie*, Xinming Tang, Wei Chenand Qi Li. On-Orbit Radiometric Performance of GF-7 Satellite MultispectralImagery. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(4): 886.
  11. LirongLiu, Junfeng Xie*, Xinming Tang, Chaofeng Ren, Jiyi Chen and Ren Liu.Coarse-to-Fine Image Matching-Based Footprint Camera Calibration of the GF-7Satellite. Sensors, 2021, 21(7): 2297.
  12. R. Liu and J. Xie, "Calibration of the laser pointing bias of the GaoFen-7 satellite based on simulation waveform matching," Optics Express 29, 21844-21858 (2021).(SCI)
  13. Junfeng Xie, Chaofeng Ren, Huihui Jiao and Jianping Pan. In‐orbitgeometric calibration approach and positioning accuracy analysis for theGaofen‐7 laser footprint camera. IET Image Processing, 2021, 15(13): 3130-3141.
  14. Hong Zhu, Junfeng Xie*, Xinming Tang, Di Jia andGuangtong Sun. Stellar map centroid positioning based on dark channel denoising andfeasibility of jitter detection on ZiYuan3 satellite platform.Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2021, 15(1): 016519-016519.
  15. JunfengXie, Ren Liu, YongkangMei, Wei Liu and Jianping Pan. Preliminary Pointing Bias Calibration of ZY3-03Laser Altimeter. Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science, 2021, 4(3):91-100.
  16. Junfeng Xie,Huang Genhua,Liu Ren,Zhao Chenguang. Design and data processing of China’s first surveying spaceborne Laser altimeter system:GaoFen-7,JSTARS. 2020.(SCI)
  17. Chaofeng Ren, Junfeng Xie*, Xiaodong Zhi, Yun Yangand Shuai Yang. Laser Spot Center Location Method for Chinese Spaceborne GF-7Footprint Camera. Sensors, 2020, 20(8): 2319.
  18. Fan Mo, Junfeng Xie* and Yuxuan Liu. Vibration modelof Ziyuan3 satellites considering frequency changing. Journal of Vibration andControl, 2020, 26(17-18): 1484-1502.
  19. Xinming Tang, Junfeng Xie*, Hong Zhu and Fan Mo.Overview of Earth Observation Satellite Platform Microvibration DetectionMethods. Sensors, 2020, 20(3): 736.
  20. Junfeng Xie, Ren Liu, Fan Mo, Hongzhao Tang, Huihui Jiao, Yongkang Meiand Chenchen Yang. Pointing Bias Calibration of GAOFEN-7 Laser Altimeter Basedon Single Laser Footprint Image. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensingand Spatial Information Sciences, 2020, 2: 113-119.
  21. Lirong Liu, Xinming Tang, Junfeng Xie*, Xiaoming Gao,Wenji Zhao, Fan Mo and Gang Zhang. Deep-learning and Depth-map based Approachfor Detection and 3D Localization of Small Traffic Signs. IEEE Journal ofSelected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2020, 13:2096-2111.
  22. Xinming Tang, Junfeng Xie*, Ren Liu, Genghua Huang,Chenguang Zhao, Ying Zhen, Hongzhao Tang and Xianhui Dou. Overview of the GF‐7laser altimeter system mission. Earth and Space Science, 2020, 7(1):e2019EA000777.Ying Zhen, Junfeng Xie*,Hong Zhu, Ren Liu, Chenchen Yang and Haoran Zhai. Land cover classificationmethod considering the contribution of waveform characteristic parameters andthe pooling scale. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2020, 13(4): 044529.
  23. Junfeng Xie*, Fen Hu, Zhenming Wang, Ming He, Ying Zhen and Hong Zhu.Composite Geolocating of ZY-3-02 Laser Altimetry Data and Optical SatelliteStereo Imagery. IGARSS 2019-2019 IEEE International Geoscience and RemoteSensing Symposium, 2019, 3412-3415.
  24. Xinming Tang, Junfeng Xie*, Xiaoming Gao, Fan Mo,Wanwan Feng and Ren Liu. The In-Orbit Calibration Method Based on TerrainMatching With Pyramid-Search for the Spaceborne Laser Altimeter. IEEE Journalof Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2019,12(3): 1053-1062.
  25. Junfeng Xie, Xingming Tang, Fan Mo, Hongzhao Tang, Zhenming Wang, XiaoWang, Yuxuan Liu, Shiqiang Tian, Ren Liu and Xuefei Xia. In-orbit GeometricCalibration and Experimental Verification of the ZY3-02 Laser Altimeter.Photogrammetric Record, 2018, 33(163): 341-362.
  26. Hong Zhu, Xinming Tang, Junfeng Xie*, Weidong Song,Fan Mo and Xiaoming Gao. Spatio-Temporal Super-Resolution Reconstruction ofRemote-Sensing Images Based on Adaptive Multi-Scale Detail Enhancement.Sensors, 2018, 18(2): 498.
  27. Junfeng Xie, Xinming Tang, Fan Mo, Guoyuan Li, Zhenming Wang, GuangbinZhu, Zhenming Wang, Xingke Fu, Xiaoming Gao and Xianhui Dou. ZY3-02 LaserAltimeter Footprint Geolocation Prediction. Sensors, 2017, 17(10): 2165.
  28. Xinming Tang, Junfeng Xie*, Xiao Wang and WanshouJiang. High-Precision Attitude /ost-Processing and Initial Verification for theZY-3 Satellite. Remote Sensing, 2015, 7(1): 111-134.
  29. Xin Huang, Dawei Wen, Junfeng Xie and Liangpei Zhang.Quality Assessment of Panchromatic and Multispectral Image Fusion for the ZY-3Satellite: From an Information Extraction Perspective. IEEE Geoscience andRemote Sensing Letters, 2014, 11(4): 753-757.
  30. Junfeng Xie*, Tangzhao Tang, Xianhui Dou and Jingqi Long. On-orbitcalibration of domestic APS star tracker. International Workshop on EarthObservation and Remote Sensing Applications, 2014.
  31. Junfeng Xie, Xinming Tang, Xiao Wang, Sheng Wang and Hunxue Huang.Initial verification for the ZY-3 satellite post-processing attitude accuracy.Measurement, 2013, 2(1): 1-5.
  32. Xinming Tang, Junfeng Xie. Overview of the keytechnologies for high-resolution satellite mapping. International Journal ofDigital Earth, 2012, 5(3): 228-240.Junfeng Xie*, Xinming Tang, Wanshou Jiang and Xingke Fu. AnAutonomous Star Identification Algorithm Based on the Directed CircularityPattern. XXII ISPRS Congress, Technical Commission I, 2012, 39(B1): 333-338.
  33. 唐洪釗,唐新明,謝俊峰*,陳偉,錢永剛. 基於RadCalNet包頭場的高分七號衛星在軌絕對輻射定標及精度驗證. 遙感學報, 2023, 27(5):1194-1204.
  34. 梅永康, 謝俊峰*,陳偉,劉仁.多特徵參數約束的星載雷射高程控制點提取. 紅外與雷射工程, 2022, 51(9): 246-257
  35. 唐新明,謝俊峰, 莫凡, 竇顯輝, 李新, 李少寧, 李松, 黃庚華, 付興科, 劉仁, 朱廣彬, 歐陽斯達, 唐洪釗, 陳輝. 高分七號衛星雙波束雷射測高儀在軌幾何檢校與試驗驗證[J]. 測繪學報, 2021, 50(3): 384-395.
  36. 謝俊峰, 劉仁, 王宗偉, 莫凡, 竇顯輝, "高分七號星載雷射測高儀在軌幾何檢校與精度評估," 紅外與雷射工程, 1-11 (2020).(EI)
  37. 謝俊峰,楊晨晨,梅永康,韓保民.基於遺傳算法的星載雷射全波形分解[J].紅外與雷射工程,2020,49(11):143-149.(EI)
  38. 謝俊峰,朱紅,李品,莫凡,李響.基於動態序列噪聲模板的主動式像素感測器星圖去噪方法[J].光學學報. 2019,39(03):281-289.(EI)
  39. 謝俊峰,莫凡,王懷,李響,朱紅.基於能量對稱分布相位相關配準的資源三號02星顫振探測[J].光學學報. 2019(06):357-366.(EI)
  40. 劉仁,謝俊峰*(通訊),莫凡,夏雪飛. 基於精細地形的星載雷射測高儀回波波形仿真. 2018年8月24日. 光子學報.(EI)
  41. 唐新明,謝俊峰*(通訊),莫凡,朱廣彬,竇顯,張強,李國元,歐陽斯達. 資源三號02星雷射測高儀足印位置預報方法. 測繪學報.2017.7.46(7):866-873.EI.(EI)
  42. 唐新明,謝俊峰*(通訊),付興科,莫凡,李少寧,竇顯輝. 資源三號02星雷射測高儀在軌幾何檢校與試驗驗證.測繪學報.2017.6.46(6):714-723.(EI)
  43. 謝俊峰, 唐新明,莫凡, 劉志龍. 資源三號國產星敏感器事後定姿方案設計與系統實現. 武漢大學學報 (信息科學版), 2017, 42(4):434-440.


  1. ZL 202310171733.0 一種基於星等模板的雙視場星敏感器星圖識別方法:發明,中國;謝俊峰,李響,莫凡,劉仁,楊曉夢,徐超鵬,鐘進程,張方旭.
  2. ZL 202210083705.9 一種利用衛星雷射回波數據計算足印內地物反射率的方法:發明,中國;謝俊峰,唐洪釗,梅永康,莫凡,黃庚華,陳偉,竇顯輝.
  3. ZL 202111517601.6 一種雙視場星敏感器星圖識別方法:發明,中國;謝俊峰,金傑,莫凡,李響,趙健伊,付瑩,梅永康,褚存,陳輝.
  4. ZL 202010370264.1 一種基於星載雷射單片足印影像的雷射指向在軌檢校方法:發明,中國;謝俊峰,唐新明,莫凡,劉仁,劉力榮,褚存.
  5. ZL 201911028732.0 一種基於波形匹配的星載雷射在軌指向檢校方法:發明,中國;謝俊峰,劉仁,莫凡,周平,楊晨,歐陽斯達,張悅,甄瑩,焦慧慧.
  6. ZL 201710277121.4 一種星載光學相機-雷射測距儀組合系統聯合檢校方法:發明,中國;謝俊峰,唐新明,余俊鵬,殷寶庫,范大昭,余凡,祝小勇,王甄銘,趙利平.
  7. ZL 201710259896.9 一種基於金字塔搜尋地形匹配的星載雷射在軌指向檢校方法:發明,中國;唐新明,謝俊峰,付興科,莫凡,趙世湖,高小明,李國元,朱廣彬,田世強.
  8. ZL 201910274241.8 基於暗通道噪聲模板的主動式像素感測器星圖去噪方法:發明,中國;唐新明,謝俊峰,朱紅,莫凡,李品,李響,金傑.
  9. CN 201710235001.8 基於地面雷射光斑質心位置的星載雷射在軌幾何檢校方法:發明,中國;謝俊峰,唐新明,付興科,唐洪釗,田世強,莫凡,高小明,竇顯輝,夏雪飛.
  10. ZL 201611253206.0 一種預先確定星載雷射測高儀的足印位置的方法:發明,中國;謝俊峰,唐新明,付興科,莫凡,高小明,李國元,朱廣彬,張強,竇顯輝,趙利平.
  11. ZL 201610208310.1 基於地面控制的衛星長周期姿態誤差修正方法:發明,中國;唐新明,謝俊峰,江萬壽,丁一帆,艾海濱,莫凡.
  12. ZL 201611216466.0 一種基於地面探測器的足印中心確定方法:發明,中國;唐新明,謝俊峰,莫凡,李品,付興科,高小明,夏雪飛,唐洪釗,竇顯輝,竇顯輝,申二華
  13. ZL 201620308028.6 一種攜帶型信息化測繪裝置:實用新型,中國;林善紅,陳少勤,韓剛,謝俊峰,朱廣彬等.
  14. ZL 201510798994.0 一種基於頻域分析的衛星姿態模型構建方法:發明,中國;謝俊峰,唐新明,莫凡,付興科,范大昭,高小明,唐洪釗,祝小勇,竇顯輝,申二華.
  15. ZL 201310064949.3 一種基於有向環的星圖識別方法:發明,中國;謝俊峰,唐新明,江萬壽,高小明,付興科,趙利平.


  1. 星載雷射測高儀在軌幾何檢校、處理與驗證軟體V1.0:2020SR1173643
  2. 高分七號衛星雷射波形分析與檢校軟體:2018SR361367
  3. 資源三號衛星平台顫振探測軟體:2018SR009611
  4. 星載雷射測高儀幾何檢校光斑質心提取軟體:2016R11L646879
  5. 星載雷射測高儀幾何檢校地面探測器布設位置預報軟體:2016R11L646799
  6. 星敏感器和陀螺事後聯合定姿軟體:2015SR171101
  7. 基於地面控制的姿態長周期誤差校正軟體:2015SR171322
  8. 基於原始星圖的星敏感器定姿軟體:2015SR171286
  9. 資源三號衛星姿態數據檢查與精度分析系統:2014SR201877基於衛星雷射測距定軌的軌道預報與幾何精度分析軟體:2014SR20197


  1. 《對地觀測衛星雷射檢校理論方法與實踐》, 2022, 地質出版社,主編
  2. 《高解析度遙感衛星姿態處理方法》,2023,地質出版社,主編


2024.01 - 2027.12;星載LiDAR波形指數和多角度光學影像BRDF特徵提取技術;科技部重點研發計畫課題;主持
2024.01 - 2027.12;天空地一體化遙感數據綜合檢驗與質量追溯技術;重點研發計畫子課題;主持
2024.01 - 2027.12;聯合國產衛星立體光學與單光子雷射的青藏高原冰川地表模型精化研究;國家自然科學基金面上項目;主持
2020.01- 2020.12;基於星載單光子雷射與遙感影像的水位動態變化監測;北京市科協金橋工程種子資金,B類支持;ZZ19013;
2018.01-2021.12;可見光、紅外與雷射主被動複合測繪相機及套用技術; 國防科工局;No. D040106;
2015.01-2017.12;基於地面控制的測繪衛星周期性姿態誤差修正技術研究;國家自然科學基金委;No. 41301525;


  1. 2023年自然資源青年科技獎(1/1)
  2. 2022年測繪科技進步獎特等獎(6/30)
  3. 2022年第二十三屆中國專利優秀獎(1/10)
  4. 2021 自然資源部科技領軍人才
  5. 2021 測繪科技進步獎一等獎1/15
  6. 2019 自然資源部青年科技創新人才(第三梯隊人才)
  7. 2018 首屆青年測繪地理信息科技創新人才獎
  8. 2015 國家測繪地理信息局青年學術和技術帶頭人
  9. 2013 《國產民用高解析度立體測圖衛星測繪和套用關鍵技術》項目國家科學技術進步一等獎 7/15
  10. 2012 《資源三號衛星測繪關鍵技術》測繪科技進步獎特等獎 8/30


1. 國家自然科學基金委評審專家;
2. 中國遙感協會遙感衛星定標專業委員會副主任委員;
3. 第一屆中國遙感套用協會真實性檢驗分會常務理事;
4. 中國光學工程學會高級會員;
5. ISPRS J、TGRS、RSE、測繪學報、遙感學報,武漢大學學報等多個期刊的審稿人


