



  • 中文名:諸兵
  • 出生日期:1985年8月
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:控制理論與控制工程
  • 任職院校:北京航空航天大學


[1] 2007.9-2013.6
北京航空航天大學 | 控制理論與控制工程 | 博士學位(提前攻博) | 博士研究生畢業
[2] 2003.9-2007.7
北京航空航天大學 | 自動化 | 學士學位 | 大學本科畢業
[1] 2016.10-至今
Beihang University (BUAA, Beijing, China P.R.) | School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering | Associate professor
[2] 2015.9-2016.9
Nanyang Technological University (NTU, Singapore) | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | Research fellow
[3] 2013.9-2015.9
University of Pretoria (TUKS, Pretoria, South Africa) | Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering | Postdoctoral fellow
  • [1] 2018.1-至今《自動化學報》編委
  • [2] IEEE會員
  • [3] 中國自動化學會會員


  • [1]自動控制原理A
  • [2]現代控制導論


  • [1] Model predictive control and its application in demad-side management of new energy systems
  • [2] Nonlinear control for rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicles.
  • [3] Guidance and control for multi-agent systems


已發表學術論文40餘篇,包括SCI期刊論文20餘篇,累計被引用600餘次,H因子14(Google Scholar數據)。已獲授權國家發明專利1項。
[1] 旋翼多無人機系統多目標攔截的制導、控制與最佳化, 中國國家自然科學基金青年科學基金-2020/12/31, 在研
[1] Bing Zhu,Zewei Zheng,Xiaohua Xia.Constrained Adaptive Model Predictive Control for a Class of Discrete-time Linear Systems with Parametric Uncertainties.IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,Accepted
[2] Bing Zhu*,Kexin Guo,Lihua Xie.A New Distributed Model Predictive Control for Unconstrained Double-Integrator Multi-Agent Systems.IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.2018,63 (12):4367-4374
[3] B. Zhu*,Z. Wu, X. Xia.Evolutionary game theoretic demand-side management and control for a class of networked smart grid.Automatica.2016,52 (8):94-100
[4] B. Zhu*,X. Xia.Adaptive model predictive control for unconstrained discrete-time linear systems with parametric uncertainties.IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.2016,61 (10):3171-3176
[5] B. Zhu*, A.H.B. Zaini,L. Xie.Distributed Guidance for Interception by Using Multiple Rotary-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.2017,64 (7):5648-5656
[6] B. Zhu*, H. Tazvinga,X. Xia.Switched Model Predictive Control for Energy Dispatching of a Photovoltaic-Diesel-Battery Hybrid Power System.IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.2015,23 (3):1229-1236
[7] B. Zhu*,W. Huo.3D path-following control for a model-scaled autonomous helicopter.IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.2014,22 (5):1927-1934
[8] Bing Zhu,Zhiling Ren,Wenjing Xie,Fengyi Guo,Xiaohua Xia.Active nonlinear partial-state feedback control of contacting force for a pantograph–catenary system.ISA Transactions.2019,91 :78-89
[9] Y. Zou, B. Zhu*.Adaptive Trajectory Tracking Controller for Quadrotor Systems Subject to Parametric Uncertainties.Journal of the Franklin Institute.2017,354 (15):6724-6746
[10] Zewei Zheng,Zhiyuan Guan,Yunpeng Ma,Bing Zhu.Constrained path-following control for an airship with uncertainties.Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.2019,85 :295-306
[11] Zewei Zheng*, Yanting Huang, Lihua Xie,Bing Zhu.Adaptive trajectory tracking control of a fully actuated surface vessel with asymmetrically constrained input and output.IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.2018,26 (5):1851-1859
[12] B. Zhu*, L. Xie, D. Han, X. Meng,R. Teo.a survey on recent progress in control of swarm systems.SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences.2017,60 (070201):1-24
[13] L. Zhang*, X. Xia,B. Zhu.A dual loop control system for dense medium coal washing process with sampled and delayed measurements.IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.2017,25 (6):2211-2218
[14] B. Zhu*, K. Xia,X. Xia.Game-theoretic Demand-side Management and Closed-Loop Control for a Class of Networked Smart Grid.IET Control Theory and Applications.2017,11 (13):2170-2176
[15] Z. Zheng, S. Yu, K. Yan*,B. Zhu,M. Zhu.Path following control for a stratospheric airship with actuator saturation.2017,39 (7):987-999
[16] B. Zhu*,X. Xia.Lyapunov-Based Adaptive Model Predictive Control for Unconstrained Nonlinear Systems with Parametric Uncertainties.IET Control Theory and Applications.2016,10 (15):1937-1943
[17] B. Zhu,Z. Zuo*.Approximate Analysis for Main Rotor Flapping Dynamics of a Model-Scaled Helicopter with Bell-Hiller Stabilizing Bar in Hovering and Vertical Flights.Nonlinear Dynamics.2016,85 (3):1705-1717
[18] B. Zhu*,W. Huo.Nonlinear Control for a Model-Scaled Helicopter with Constraints on Rotor Thrust and Fuselage Attitude.Acta Automatica Sinica.2014,40 (11):2654-2664
[19] X. Ye*, L. Zhang, X. Xia,B. Zhu.Optimal maintenance planning for sustainable energy efficiency lighting retrofit projects by a control system approach.Control Engineering Practice.2015,37 (4):1-10
[20] G. Sun*, J. Chen,B. Zhu.Generalized Predictive Control for Spacecraft Attitude Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Estimator.Journal of Aerospace Engineering.2017,30 (5)
[21] S. Ntsaluba*, B. Zhu,X. Xia.Optimal flow control of a forced circulation solar water heating system with energy storage units and connecting pipes.Renewable Energy.2015,89 :108-124
[22] H. Tazvinga*,B. Zhu,X. Xia.Optimal power flow management for distributed energyresources with batteries.Energy Conversion and Management.2015,102 :104-110
[23] Z. Wu*, X. Xia,B. Zhu.Model predictive control for improving operational efficiency of overhead cranes.Nonlinear Dynamics.2015,79 (4):2639-2657
[24] B. Zhu*.Nonlinear Adaptive Neural Network Control for a Model-Scaled Unmanned Helicopter.Nonlinear Dynamics.2014,78 (3):1695-1708
[25] B. Zhu*, Q. Wang,W. Huo.Longitudinal-lateral controller design and implementation for a model-scaled helicopter.Nonlinear Dynamics.2014,76 (2):1579-1589
[26] H. Tazvinga*, B. Zhu,X. Xia.Energy dispatch strategy for a photovoltaic–wind–diesel–battery hybrid power system.Solar Energy.2014,108 :412-420
[27] B. Zhu*,W. Huo.Robust nonlinear control for a model-scaled helicopter with parameter uncertainties.Nonlinear Dynamics.2013,73 (1):1139-1151
[28] B. Zhu*,W. Huo.Trajectory linearization control for an autonomous miniature unmanned helicopter.International Journal of Control, Automation and S.2013,11 (2):286-295
[29] Q. Wang*, B. Zhu,P. Liu.Design and Implementation of a Dual Redundant Flight Control System for a Miniature Autonomous Helicopter.Applied Mechanics and Materials.2013,278-280 :1723-1728
[30] Z. Zheng*, W. Huo,B. Zhu.Global path-following control for non-holonomic mobile robots.Control Theory and Applications.2012,29 (6):741-746


  • [1]Best Paper Award Finalist (ICCA 2019)
  • [2]中國科協青年人才托舉工程(自動化學會)
  • [3]北京航空航天大學“卓越百人”
  • [4]Vice-Chancellor Postdoctoral Fellowship (University of Pretoria)


