

詹姆斯·C·伯恩斯、英文名:James C. Burns、出生地: 美國,麻薩諸塞州,皮茨菲爾德




James C. Burns
出生日期: 1959-02-25
職業: 演員
更多外文名: Burnsy (暱稱)


92 (後期製作中)Doug
深坑(Deep Down)(後期製作中) The Warrior
遺憾(A Pity)(後期製作中) The Diver
無畏的危險話語(Dangerous Words from the Fearless)(後期製作嫌鍵朵中)Titus Finch
信徒(Disciple ) 2021 Sive
洛城戰警第三季第五集(L.A.'s Finest) 2020 Eric Jeffries
隔離區內尋找愛 (Finding Love in Quarantine) 2020 Police Dispather
如龍7:光與暗的去向(Ryu ga gotoku 7: Hikari to yami no yukue) 2020 Masaru Watase
大好機會 (Big Break)2019 Todd Ryder
萊茵石藍 (Rhinestone Blue ) 2019 Rhinestone Cowboy
永恆 (The Everlast) 2019 Hank
喚醒 (Wake) 2019 The Mystery Man
反恐特警組 (S.W.A.T.) 2019 Ed Hawks
全體起立 (All Rise) 2019 Rex Scully
美國皮膚 (American Skin) 2019 Chief Russell Mosier
意外事件 (Contingency) 2019 Howard Singer
側風 (Crosswinds ) 2019 Special Agent
我是連環殺手嗎 ( Am I a Serial Killer?) 2019 John Matthews
異形:收割 (Alien: Harvest) 2019 Sturgis
塵埃 (Dirt) 2018-2019 Rick / Rick Miller
紫羅奔局喇碑蘭講估充 (Violet)2019 Mark
男孩的恐懼 (A Boy's Fear ) 2018 Vincent
使命召喚:黑色行動4 (Call of Duty: Black Ops 4) 2018 Sgt. Frank Woods
艾斯卡拉 (Escala) 2018 Gustav
我們的日子 (Days of Our Lives ) 2017 Wade Richardson
逃亡姐妹花(末路狂花)(Joanne & Khadi) 2016 Officer Strickland
信仰 (Believe) 2016 Bob Alexander
信徒X(Courier X ) 2016 Walter Broadnax
鐵鏟夥計 (Shovel Buddies ) 2016 Ted Hanes
王冠 (Crowns) 2016 Detective Stevenson
搖錢樹 (The Moneymaker) 2015 Frank
天堂執法者 (Hawaii Five-0) 2015 Dennis Logan
律政英雄 新電影版 (Hero) 2015 Ambassador Jack Roland
無面浪人 (Masterless) 2015 Executive
鳳凰事件(The Phoenix Incident ) 2015 Ken Adams
毀滅櫃樂體雅(The Unraveling) 2015 Richard
網路犯罪調查 第一季(CSI: Cyber) 2015 Detective Brian Linney
甜爹(Sugar Daddies) 2014 Barry
擱淺(Stranded) 2014 Kevie
真相(A Certain Justice) 2014 Sgt. Terry Mitchell
捕食者的崛起(BlackJacks ) 2014  Lewis Locke 'Locke'
菜鳥評審員(Jajji! ) 2014 Chairman Jack
黑暗力量(Dark Power ) 2013 Tommy Edwards
一起來吧(海鴉祝All Together Now ) 2013 George
銀瀑(A Haunting at Silver Falls) 2013 Wyatt Dahl
冷水(Coldwater )求拜符 2013 Colonel Frank Reichert
土生土長(Born & Raised) 2012 Grant
變色龍(Chameleon) 2012 Herb
使命召喚:黑色行動2(call of duty:black ops2) 2012 Frank Woods
死亡季節(Dead Season) 2012 Kurt Conrad
體操公主(make it or break it) 2012 Coach Ray Keegan
失蹤的妻子(Drew Peterson: Untouchable) 2012 Peter
躲藏(Hide) 2011 Officer Whitaker
犯罪心理(Criminal Minds ) 2006-2011 SWAT Commander / Commander Lewis
安吉拉 賴特(Angela Wright) 2011 Eli
愛(Love) 2011 Late Night Host
Voro 2011 Nelson
惡靈 (The Wretch)2010 The Father
畢業舞會 (Prom Queen) 2010 Mark Palmer
被遺忘的名字 (The Forgotten ) 2010 David Hansen
巨鱷大戰 (Dinocroc vs. Supergator ) 2010 FBI Agent
暴徒準則 (Tic) 2010 Terrence
晚秋(Late Autumn) 2010 Steve
使命召喚:黑色行動(Call of Duty: Black Ops) 2010 Frank Woods
兒子,你都幹了什麼(My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done ) 2009 Brown
1881殭屍 (1881 Zombies ) 2009 Merrick
森林迷途 (Lost in the Woods) 2009 FBI Agent
Gone with the Wieners (與維也納一起私奔) 2009 Granger Smith
2081 (2081)2009 Lead HG Man
年輕和騷動不安的一族 (The Young and the Restless) 2009 Ranger Manos
大膽而美麗 (The Bold and the Beautiful ) 2009 Army Doctor Bill Ryan
鐵證懸案 (Cold Case ) 2009 Sean Flanagan
獎盃 (Trophy ) 2008
我以我為敵 (My Own Worst Enemy) 2008 Victor Albright
重置艾迪 (Redirecting Eddie ) 2008 Gary the DP
性與美國 (Sex and the USA ) 2008 Reverend Young
9月12日 (September 12th) 2008 Captain
瘋狂音樂家(Crazy) 2008 Cowboy Copas Piano Player (uncredited)
死亡湖(Lake Dead ) 2008 Sheriff Chuck Lake
火線警告 第二季(Burn Notice) 2008 Ryder Stahl
時尚犧牲品(Fashion Victim ) 2008 Harry Spalding
伊甸園計畫 (E.D.E.N.) 2007 Ray
黑社會領主 (Lords of the Underworld) 2007 Mickey Montana
墮落的魔鬼2 (Decadent Evil II) 2007 Burke
激情 (Passions ) 2007 Dr. Smith
變形金剛(Transformers) 2007 Secret Service Agent
綜合醫院(General Hospital) 2007 Vaughan
拉斯維加斯 (Las Vegas) 2007 Physical Therapist
到此為止(Expired ) 2007 Red SUV
死神(Grim Reaper ) 2007 Homeless Man
犯罪現場調查:紐約 第一季(CSI: NY) 2007 Fraud Consultant
死亡地帶 (The Death Strip) 2007 Stasi officer
死亡水域 (Dead in the Water) 2006 Captain
Rascal Flatts樂隊MV:傷害最深的事(Rascal Flatts: What Hurts the Most)2006 Dad
屠夫之家 (Butcher House) 2006 Stan Williams
急救精英 (Untold Stories of the ER) 2006 Stuart Shore
越獄:無罪證明 (Prison Break: Proof of Innocence) 2006 Agent Grabinsky
最後的儀式 (Last Rites) 2006 Campbell
陌生人的冒險 (Stranger Adventures) 2006 Brand
不明物體 (Unidentified ) 2006 Thomas
監守自盜 (The Inside Job) 2005 Mr. Sanders
歷史頻道講述打敗賭城 (Breaking Vegas) 2005 Jim Mc Manus
神探阿蒙 (Monk ) 2005 Scary Biker
預兆 (Premonition) 2005 Ralph
神的子民 (Man of God) 2005 Rabbi's Father
冤獄調查 (Guilty or Innocent?) 2005 John Pray
Hear Me, Children-Yet-to-Be-Born 2004 Mr. Desert
魔鬼在做夢 (Devils Are Dreaming) 2004 Phil (as Jim Burns)
臨時工 (Los jornaleros) 2003 Jack
鑽石人 (Diamond Men ) 2002 Detective (as James Burns)
親愛的安琪莉可 (Loving Angelique) 2002 Phil Foster
美洲阿斗波 (American Adobo) 2001 Fireman
埃迪導演 (Directing Eddie) 2001 Gary the DP
餛飩小姐(Miss Wonton) 2001 Jack
星際暴劫(Velocity Trap ) 1999 Hilyard, Dawson Henchman
第三類帝國 (Cyber Bandits ) 1995 Club dancer
愛情街 (Love Street ) 1994 Rolf
親愛的 (Loving) 1992 Keith
周六夜現場 (Saturday Night Live ) 1986 General Dynamics Skit Boyfriend
逃亡姐妹花(末路狂花)(Joanne & Khadi) 2016 Officer Strickland
信仰 (Believe) 2016 Bob Alexander
信徒X(Courier X ) 2016 Walter Broadnax
鐵鏟夥計 (Shovel Buddies ) 2016 Ted Hanes
王冠 (Crowns) 2016 Detective Stevenson
搖錢樹 (The Moneymaker) 2015 Frank
天堂執法者 (Hawaii Five-0) 2015 Dennis Logan
律政英雄 新電影版 (Hero) 2015 Ambassador Jack Roland
無面浪人 (Masterless) 2015 Executive
鳳凰事件(The Phoenix Incident ) 2015 Ken Adams
毀滅(The Unraveling) 2015 Richard
網路犯罪調查 第一季(CSI: Cyber) 2015 Detective Brian Linney
甜爹(Sugar Daddies) 2014 Barry
擱淺(Stranded) 2014 Kevie
真相(A Certain Justice) 2014 Sgt. Terry Mitchell
捕食者的崛起(BlackJacks ) 2014  Lewis Locke 'Locke'
菜鳥評審員(Jajji! ) 2014 Chairman Jack
黑暗力量(Dark Power ) 2013 Tommy Edwards
一起來吧(All Together Now ) 2013 George
銀瀑(A Haunting at Silver Falls) 2013 Wyatt Dahl
冷水(Coldwater ) 2013 Colonel Frank Reichert
土生土長(Born & Raised) 2012 Grant
變色龍(Chameleon) 2012 Herb
使命召喚:黑色行動2(call of duty:black ops2) 2012 Frank Woods
死亡季節(Dead Season) 2012 Kurt Conrad
體操公主(make it or break it) 2012 Coach Ray Keegan
失蹤的妻子(Drew Peterson: Untouchable) 2012 Peter
躲藏(Hide) 2011 Officer Whitaker
犯罪心理(Criminal Minds ) 2006-2011 SWAT Commander / Commander Lewis
安吉拉 賴特(Angela Wright) 2011 Eli
愛(Love) 2011 Late Night Host
Voro 2011 Nelson
惡靈 (The Wretch)2010 The Father
畢業舞會 (Prom Queen) 2010 Mark Palmer
被遺忘的名字 (The Forgotten ) 2010 David Hansen
巨鱷大戰 (Dinocroc vs. Supergator ) 2010 FBI Agent
暴徒準則 (Tic) 2010 Terrence
晚秋(Late Autumn) 2010 Steve
使命召喚:黑色行動(Call of Duty: Black Ops) 2010 Frank Woods
兒子,你都幹了什麼(My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done ) 2009 Brown
1881殭屍 (1881 Zombies ) 2009 Merrick
森林迷途 (Lost in the Woods) 2009 FBI Agent
Gone with the Wieners (與維也納一起私奔) 2009 Granger Smith
2081 (2081)2009 Lead HG Man
年輕和騷動不安的一族 (The Young and the Restless) 2009 Ranger Manos
大膽而美麗 (The Bold and the Beautiful ) 2009 Army Doctor Bill Ryan
鐵證懸案 (Cold Case ) 2009 Sean Flanagan
獎盃 (Trophy ) 2008
我以我為敵 (My Own Worst Enemy) 2008 Victor Albright
重置艾迪 (Redirecting Eddie ) 2008 Gary the DP
性與美國 (Sex and the USA ) 2008 Reverend Young
9月12日 (September 12th) 2008 Captain
瘋狂音樂家(Crazy) 2008 Cowboy Copas Piano Player (uncredited)
死亡湖(Lake Dead ) 2008 Sheriff Chuck Lake
火線警告 第二季(Burn Notice) 2008 Ryder Stahl
時尚犧牲品(Fashion Victim ) 2008 Harry Spalding
伊甸園計畫 (E.D.E.N.) 2007 Ray
黑社會領主 (Lords of the Underworld) 2007 Mickey Montana
墮落的魔鬼2 (Decadent Evil II) 2007 Burke
激情 (Passions ) 2007 Dr. Smith
變形金剛(Transformers) 2007 Secret Service Agent
綜合醫院(General Hospital) 2007 Vaughan
拉斯維加斯 (Las Vegas) 2007 Physical Therapist
到此為止(Expired ) 2007 Red SUV
死神(Grim Reaper ) 2007 Homeless Man
犯罪現場調查:紐約 第一季(CSI: NY) 2007 Fraud Consultant
死亡地帶 (The Death Strip) 2007 Stasi officer
死亡水域 (Dead in the Water) 2006 Captain
Rascal Flatts樂隊MV:傷害最深的事(Rascal Flatts: What Hurts the Most)2006 Dad
屠夫之家 (Butcher House) 2006 Stan Williams
急救精英 (Untold Stories of the ER) 2006 Stuart Shore
越獄:無罪證明 (Prison Break: Proof of Innocence) 2006 Agent Grabinsky
最後的儀式 (Last Rites) 2006 Campbell
陌生人的冒險 (Stranger Adventures) 2006 Brand
不明物體 (Unidentified ) 2006 Thomas
監守自盜 (The Inside Job) 2005 Mr. Sanders
歷史頻道講述打敗賭城 (Breaking Vegas) 2005 Jim Mc Manus
神探阿蒙 (Monk ) 2005 Scary Biker
預兆 (Premonition) 2005 Ralph
神的子民 (Man of God) 2005 Rabbi's Father
冤獄調查 (Guilty or Innocent?) 2005 John Pray
Hear Me, Children-Yet-to-Be-Born 2004 Mr. Desert
魔鬼在做夢 (Devils Are Dreaming) 2004 Phil (as Jim Burns)
臨時工 (Los jornaleros) 2003 Jack
鑽石人 (Diamond Men ) 2002 Detective (as James Burns)
親愛的安琪莉可 (Loving Angelique) 2002 Phil Foster
美洲阿斗波 (American Adobo) 2001 Fireman
埃迪導演 (Directing Eddie) 2001 Gary the DP
餛飩小姐(Miss Wonton) 2001 Jack
星際暴劫(Velocity Trap ) 1999 Hilyard, Dawson Henchman
第三類帝國 (Cyber Bandits ) 1995 Club dancer
愛情街 (Love Street ) 1994 Rolf
親愛的 (Loving) 1992 Keith
周六夜現場 (Saturday Night Live ) 1986 General Dynamics Skit Boyfriend


