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  • 中文名:詹倩
  • 畢業院校:大連理工大學、中國科學院
  • 性別:女


2008/03–至今, 北京科技大學, 材料學院,教授, 博導。
2007/04–2008/02, 美國勞倫斯柏克利國家實驗室, 博士後。
2004/07–2007/03, 美加州大學伯克利分校, 材料系與物理系, 博士後
1999/09–2003/06, 中國科學院金屬研究所, 工學博士。
1996/09–1999/06, 中國科學院金屬研究所, 工學碩士。
1992/09–1996/06, 大連理工大學, 材料學院, 工學學士。



SCI收錄論文共65篇, 總引用超過2000次。
* Y.M. Zhu, P.P. Liu, R. Yu, Y.H. Hsieh, D. Ke, Y.H. Chu, Q. Zhan*, ''Orientation-tuning in self-assembled heterostructures induced by a buffer layer'', Nanoscale, 6 (10) 2014, 5126-5131.
* P.P. Liu, F.R. Wan and Q. Zhan*, A model to evaluate the nano-indentation hardness of ion-irradiated materials, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B, 342 (2015), 13-18.
* J.W. Bai, R. Yu, Y.M. Zhu, P.P. Liu, Y.B. Wang, X.S. Xie, Z.B. He, Q. Zhan*, ''Early precipitation of Ni2(Cr,Mo) phase'', Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 615 (2014), 1-6.
* M.Z. Zhao, P.P. Liu, J.W. Bai, Y.M. Zhu, F.R. Wan, S. Ohnuki, Q. Zhan*, In-situ observation of the effect of the precipitate/matrix interface onthe evolution of dislocation structures in CLAM steel during irradiation, Fusion Engineering and Design, 89 (2014), 2759-2765.
* Y.M. Zhu, D. Ke, R. Yu, Y.H. Hsieh, H.J. Liu, P.P. Liu, Y.H. Chu, Q. Zhan*,'' Self-assembled perovskite-spinel heterostructure on a highly distorted substrate'', Appl. Phys. Lett., 102 (2013), 111903.
* J.W. Bai, P.P. Liu, Y.M. Zhu, X.M. Li, C.Y. Chi, H.Y. Yu, X.S. Xie, Q. Zhan*, '' Coherent precipitation of copper in Super304H austenite steel'', Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 584 (2013), 57-62.
* P.P. Liu, M.Z. Zhao, Y.M. Zhu, J.W. Bai, F.R. Wan, Q. Zhan*, ''Effects of carbide precipitate on the mechanical properties and irradiation behavior of the low activation martensitic steel'', J. Alloy. Comp., 529 (2013), 599-605 .
* X.M. Li, J.W. Bai, P.P. Liu, Y.M. Zhu, X.S. Xie , Q. Zhan*, ''Coherent Ni2(Cr,Mo) precipitates in Ni-21Cr-17Mo superalloy '', J. Alloy. Comp., 559 (2013), 81-86.
* D. Ke, Y.M. Zhu,J.W. Bai, P.P. Liu, X.Y. Ji, H.Dong, Q. Zhan*, ''Microstructure and phase constituent study of self-assembled BiFeO3-CoFe2O4 nano-composite thin films'', J. Uni. Sci. Technol. Beijing, 35 (2013) 216-221.
* P.P. Liu, J.W. Bai, D. Ke, F.R. Wan, Y.B. Wang, Y.M. Wang, S. Ohnuki, Q. Zhan*, ''Effects of deuterium implantation and subsequent electron irradiation on the microstructure of Fe-10Cr model alloy '', J. Nuc. Mater., 423(2012),47-52.
* Y.H. Hsieh, H.H. Kuo, S.C. Liao, H.J. Liu, Y.J. Chen, H.J. Lin, C.T. Chen, C.H. Lai, Q. Zhan, et al., ''Tuning the formation and functionalities of ultrafine CoFe2O4 nanocrystals via interfacial coherent strain'',Nanoscale,5 (2013),6219.
* Y.H. Hsieh , J.M. Liou , B.C. Huang , C.W. Liang , Q. He , Q. Zhan ,et al. , ''Local Conduction at the BiFeO 3 -CoFe 2 O 4 Tubular Oxide Interface'',Adv. Mater. 24 (2012), 4564-4568
* Q. Zhan*,R. Yu,Y.H. Chu, L.W. Martin, R. Ramesh,'' Domain structure of multiferroic oxide thin films with rhombohedral perovskite structure '', Journal of Chinese Electron Microscopy Society,29 (2010), 425.
* J. Seidel, L.W. Martin, Q. He, Q. Zhan, et al., “Conduction at domain walls in oxide multiferroics”, Nature Mater. 8 (2009), 229.
* Q. Zhan*, R. Yu, S.P. Crane, H. Zheng, C. Kisielowski, and R. Ramesh, ''Structure and interface chemistry of perovskite-spinel nanocomposite thin films'', Appl. Phys. Lett., 89 (2006), 172902.
* Q. Zhan*, R. Yu, L.L. He, D.X. Li, J. Li, S.Y. Xu, C.K. Ong, ''Reversible Structural Transition in Epitaxial Manganite Film'', Phys. Rev. Lett., 88 (2002), 196104.
* R. Yu, Q. Zhan, L.C. De Jonghe, ''Crystal structures and displacive transition in noble metal nitrides '', Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 46 (2007), 1136-1140.
* Y. H. Chu, Q. Zhan, L. W. Martin, et al. ''Nanoscale domain control in multiferroic BiFeO3 thin films'', Adv. Mater., 18 (2006), 2307-2311.
* H. Zheng, Q. Zhan, F. Zavaliche, et al. ''Controlling self-assembled perovskite-spinel nanostructures'', Nano Letters, 6 (2006), 1401-1407.
* Y. H. Chu, Q. Zhan, C.-H. Yang, et al.,''Low voltage performance of epitaxial BiFeO3 films on Si substrates through lanthanum substitution'', Appl. Phys. Lett., 92 (2008), 102909.
* L.W. Martin, Q. Zhan, Y. Suzuki, R. Ramesh et al., ''Growth and Structure of PbVO3 Thin Films'', Appl. Phys. Lett., 90 (2007), 062903.
* S.Y. Yang, Q. Zhan, P.L. Yang, et al., ''Capacitance-voltage characteristics of BiFeO3/SrTiO3/GaN heteroepitaxial structures'', Appl. Phys. Lett., 91 (2007), 022909.
* H. Zheng, F. Straub, Q. Zhan, P.L. Yang, et al., ''Self-assembled growth of BiFeO3-CoFe2O4 nanostructures'', Adv. Mater., 18 (2006), 2747.
* Q. Zhan*, R. Yu, L.L. He, D.X. Li, H.B. Nie, and C.K. Ong, ''Microstructural study on multilayer [FeTaN/TaN]5 films'', Mater. Lett., 57 (2003), 3904.
* Q. Zhan*, R. Yu, L.L. He, D.X. Li, J. Li, and C.K. Ong, ''The effect of doping Ag on the microstructure of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 films'', J. Mater. Res., 17 (2002), 2712.
* Q. Zhan*, R. Yu, L.L. He, D.X. Li, ''Microstructural characterization of Fe-N thin films'', Thin Solid Films, 411 (2002), 225.
* Q. Zhan*, R. Yu, L.L. He, D.X. Li, X.N. Guo, ''Microstructure Studies of TiO2-Ag-TiO2-SiO low-emissivity films at nanometer scale'', Acta Metall. Sinica, 37 (2001), 337.
* 於榮, 張祺, 詹倩, 科學通報,59(2014), 880-886.


1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,51371031,過渡金屬氧化物薄膜的界面重構及其對稱性約束效應
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,50971015,多鐵性薄膜材料的疇界與界面結構研究,
3. 國家自然科學基金重點項目子課題,金屬材料合金相的早期析出行為的實驗與理論研究50931003
4. 國家ITER專項第三期人才項目課題,2011GB108002,低活化結構材料的輻照損傷機理研究,
5. 國家ITER專項“聚變材料研究用小型高通量高能氚鈹中子源關鍵問題”子課題,新型鈹合金顆粒與製備技術研究,2014GB104003,
6. 國家ITER專項,核聚變堆結構材料釩合金的基礎研究,2014GB120001,
7. 國家ITER專項子課題,低活化鋼的電子與離子輻照研究,2009GB109004



1. 本科國際班:材料實驗研究方法(X射線、電鏡及其他)II,32學時
2. 研究生:電子顯微學進展,24學時




美國物理學會會員 American Physical Society (APS) ,材料研究學會會員Materials Research Society (MRS),擔任J. Mater. Res., J. Alloy. Comp., Chinese Science Bulletin, J. Nuc. Mater.等期刊審稿人。


