



  • 中文名:話語文體學導論:文本分析方法
  • 作者:曲衛國
  • 出版社:復旦大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2009年3月1日
  • 頁數:412 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787309064575
  • 類型:人文社科
  • 語種:英語




Preface 1 Part I Basics
Chapter One Introduction:Defining the Basics
1.1 Style
1.2 D istinctiveness and foregrounding
1.3 Literariness
1.4 Dualism vs monism
1.5 Style and ideology
1.6 Stylistics
Chapter Two Analytical Procedures
2.1 Replicability
2.2 Basic levels of analysis
2.3 Patterning or regularity
2.4 The use of theories
Part Ⅱ Poetic Discourse
Chapter Three Sound Patterning
3.1 Poetic textual convention
3.2 Sound patterning in the traditional poetic convention
3.3 Analyzing sound patterns:metrics
3.4 Analyzing sound patterns:rhyme scheme
3.5 An alternative approach to the analysis of sound patterning
Chapter Four Sound Symbolism
4.1 Sound and meaning
4.2 Genre-signaling function
4.3 Sound symbolism
Chapter Five Grammar in Poetry
5.1 Grammar and poetry
5.2 Grammatical theories and stylistic analysis of poetry
5.3 Poetic use of grammar
Chapter Six Meaning in Poetry
6.1 Meaning in poetry
6.2 Figurative language
6.3 Analyzing common figures of speech
6.4 Linguistic analysis of the meaning of a poem
Part III Prose Discourse
Chapter Seven Point of View
7.1 Point of view:perspectual or conceptual
7.2 Point of view and perceptual salience
7.3 Point of view and conceptual salience
Chapter Eight Point of View in Narrative Discourse
8.1 Point of view and narration
8.2 First person point of view
8.3 Third person point of view
8.4 Shifting points of view
8.5 Friedman's classification
Chapter Nine Reader Positioning and Reading Positions
9.1 Hypotheses on reading positions and positioning the reader
9.2 Hall's theory on reading positions
9.3 Reader positioning
Chapter Ten Reader Positioning Strategies:Lexical and Syntactic Signaling
10.1 Lexical signaling:semantic fields and collocation
10.2 Analyzing lexical signalling
10.3 Syntactic signaling:transitivity analysis
10.4 Analyzing syntactic signaling
Chapter Eleven Intertextuality
11.1 Hypotheses on intertextuality
11.2 Insertion:speech presentation
11.3 Assimilation
Chapter Twelve Multi-modality and Reader Positioning
12.1 Text and multi-modality
12.2 Theories on multi-modality
12.3 Analyzing multi-modal texts


曲衛國,復旦大學外文學院教授、博導、副院長。1982年華東師範大學外語系學士、1986年華東師範大學外語系美國文學碩士、1991年英國strathclyde大學獲文學語言學碩士、2004—2005哈佛大學富布賴特訪問學者。曾被評為上海市優秀青年教師(1996)、復旦大學本科教學名師(2003)、復旦大學研究生優秀導師(2006)、上海市本科教學名師(2007);入選“上海市浦江人才計畫”(2007);榮獲國家級教學成果獎二等獎(1997);所著《英語高級寫作》獲上海市本科生優秀教材一等獎(2007)。 主要研究方向話語分析、社會語言學、修辭學等。主要出版著作有《實用英語語法手冊》、《實用描寫詞典》、《論說文入門》等十幾部。論文包括“也評關聯理論” 、“也談please,也談請”、“論傳統中國的禮貌原則”、“禮貌稱呼的語用學解釋”、“漢語招呼的分析”、“Politeness and Civility”、“微觀層面的批判性思維和寫作程式訓練”、“Please的再研究”、“人文學科的修辭轉向和修辭學的批判性轉向”、“英語招呼語的歷時語用研究”等近三十篇。


Stylistics since its birth has been beleagured with questions and challenges,most of which can hardly be claimed to have been resolved.This uncomfortable situation. I suppose,will never be changed granted that stylistics targets the elusive style as its object for study and adopt some modem linguistic theories as its analytical instru- ments.There is,perhaps,a fundamental dilemma for a discipline which lands itself in the paradigms of modem linguistics that require the object of study to be a certain. ty.Style,unfortunately,is not something whose certainty can be easily pinned down. Stylistics,in a sense,can be likened to anatomy,a comparison not many people feel pleased about,because of all the things we expect anatomy to find about the hu- man body,the last will be beauty and charm.Yet,anticipation from stylistics gener- ally is just to the contrary.The first and the foremost we want stylistics to contribute is to render up the beauty and charm of a text.For most people,the discussion of the style of a poem or a story is expected to reap a bumper harvest of beauty and mean. ing.This popular association of style with beauty may have been the saddest misfor- tune for stylistics.People feel betrayed when they find by tearing a text to pieces and tagging each bit of it with an occult linguistic label,the stylistic analyses only end up with some trivial interpretations.
The present book is written not to discredit those challenges nor to contend that stylistic analyses are superior to or more scientific than other modes of textual analysis.Instead,we will present to the readers the challenges and problems as legiti- mate research questions through the introduction of the basic stylistiC issues and meth- ods.


