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  • 中文名:許炳
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校武漢理工大學
  • 代表作品:建築工業化發展研究
  • 職稱:北方工業大學教授、工程師








《工程估價》根據工程管理專業主幹課程“工程估價”的教學要求編寫,全面系統地介紹了工程估價的基本理論與土建工程計量、計價的基本方法,反映了我國工程估價領域的最新動態及政策要求。 全書共分15章,主要內容包括工程估價概論、建設項目投資構成、工程估價原理、工程定額、工程單價、工程量計算概述、建築面積...


1. 北京建築施工企業項目管理研究,北京市屬市管高等學校人才強教計畫資助項目;
2. 加快科技體端謎創新、提高企業核心競爭力研究,山東省社科規劃重點項目,獲山東省教育廳二等獎;
3. 提高自主創新的理論與對策研究,山東省社科規劃辦項目
4. 行業投資機會分析的理論與協催方法研究,山東省教育廳科研發展計畫項目;
5. 建立財政資金績效評價制度研究,山東省科技攻關項目;
6. 構照辣碑建和諧社會的環境保護政策研究,山東省軟科學項目。
1. 建築工業化發展研究,建設部項目;
2. 北京市工程招投標資格評審制度研究,北京市教育委員會社科計畫面上項目;
3. 高速公路BOT項目的風險管理研究,中國建築股份有限公司項目。


1. A choice of evaluation methods for construction enterprise,2008 international conference on information management, innovation management and industrial engineering
2. Study on the social benefit evaluation of the industrial commercial residential buildings based on the sustainable development,INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CMRE
3. Research on Target Cost Management of Construction Project with VBQ Based on EVM,ICIII 2009
4. Discussion on the Valuation Ability Training of Construction Management Undergraduates,INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CMRE
5. Application Research on the Investment Control of Construction Project with Value Engineering at Design Stage,ICIII 2009
6. Analysis on Development Conditions of Construction Industrialization in China,INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CMRE
7. Study to the performance evaluation of construction enterprise project management based on the BSC, 2008 international conference on information management, innovation management and industrial engineering
8. Study the core of the regional independent innovation center, proceedings of 2008 conference on regional economy and sustainable development
9. The Effect Analysis of Energy Saving and Emission Reduction on the Prefabricated Residential Building System,Proceedings of 2009 International Symposium on Sustainable Development of City Groups
10. Analysis on the Pre-qualification System of Construction Project Bidding,International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE2010)
11.Study on the Evaluation Index System for the Prequalification of General Contract Project Bidding,International Conference on Engineering and Business Management(EBM 2010)
12. The Comparison of Human Resources in Construction Industry between China and America, International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE2010)
13. Study on the Human Resources of Construction Industry,International Conference on Engineering and Business Management(EBM 2010)


1. 北京建築施工企業項目管理研究,北京市屬市管高等學校人才強教計畫資助項目;
2. 加快科技創新、提高企業核心競爭力研究,山東省社科規劃重點項目,獲山東省教育廳二等獎;
3. 提高自主創新的理論與對策研究,山東省社科規劃辦項目
4. 行業投資機會分析的理論與方法研究,山東省教育廳科研發展計畫項目;
5. 建立財政資金績效評價制度研究,山東省科技攻關項目;
6. 構建和諧社會的環境保護政策研究,山東省軟科學項目。
1. 建築工業化發展研究,建設部項目;
2. 北京市工程招投標資格評審制度研究,北京市教育委員會社科計畫面上項目;
3. 高速公路BOT項目的風險管理研究,中國建築股份有限公司項目。


1. A choice of evaluation methods for construction enterprise,2008 international conference on information management, innovation management and industrial engineering
2. Study on the social benefit evaluation of the industrial commercial residential buildings based on the sustainable development,INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CMRE
3. Research on Target Cost Management of Construction Project with VBQ Based on EVM,ICIII 2009
4. Discussion on the Valuation Ability Training of Construction Management Undergraduates,INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CMRE
5. Application Research on the Investment Control of Construction Project with Value Engineering at Design Stage,ICIII 2009
6. Analysis on Development Conditions of Construction Industrialization in China,INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CMRE
7. Study to the performance evaluation of construction enterprise project management based on the BSC, 2008 international conference on information management, innovation management and industrial engineering
8. Study the core of the regional independent innovation center, proceedings of 2008 conference on regional economy and sustainable development
9. The Effect Analysis of Energy Saving and Emission Reduction on the Prefabricated Residential Building System,Proceedings of 2009 International Symposium on Sustainable Development of City Groups
10. Analysis on the Pre-qualification System of Construction Project Bidding,International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE2010)
11.Study on the Evaluation Index System for the Prequalification of General Contract Project Bidding,International Conference on Engineering and Business Management(EBM 2010)
12. The Comparison of Human Resources in Construction Industry between China and America, International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE2010)
13. Study on the Human Resources of Construction Industry,International Conference on Engineering and Business Management(EBM 2010)


