本書由暢銷書作者和網路領域的權威專家Douglas Comer教授編著,全面而系統地介紹了計算機網路知識。全書分5大部分共32章,涵蓋的內容廣泛,包括網橋、交換、路由與路由協定、多媒體協定與IP技術,以及Web瀏覽等。
Preface xix
PART I Introduction And internet Applications xxvii
Chapter 1 Introduction And Overview 1
1.1 Growth Of Computer Networking I
J Computer Networking I
1'2 WhV Networking Seems Complex 2
- o deems Complex 2
1.3 The Five Key ASDects Of Networking 2
d poets Of Networking 2
1.4 Public And Private Parts Of The internet 6
J The internet 6
1.5 Networks, Interoperability, And Standards 8
1.6 Protocol Suites And Layering Models 9
1.7 How Data Passes Through Layers 11
1.8 Headers And Lavers 12
1.9 ISO and the OSI Seven Laver Reference Model 13
d Jerence Model 13
1.10 The inside ScoOD 13
P 13
1.11 Remainder Of The Text 14
y The Text 14
1.12 SummarV 15
Chapter 2 Internet Trends 17
2.1 Introduction 17
2.2 Resource Sharing 17
2.3 Growth Of The internet 18
y The internet 18
2.4 From Resource Sharing TO Communication 21
2.5 From Text TO Multimedia ZI
2.6 Recent Trends 22
2.7 SummarV 23
Iv Contents
Chapter 3 Internet Applications And Network Proqrammina 27
3'1 Introduction 27
3'2 Two Basic internet Communication Paradigms 28
3'3 Connection-oriented Communication 29
3'4 The Client-Server MOdel Of interaction 30
3'5 Characteristics Of Clients And Servers 31
3'6 Server Programs And Server-Class Computers 31
3. 7 Reauests, Responses, And Direction Of Data Flow 32
Juests, Responses, And Direction Of Data Flow 32
3'8 MultiDle Clients And MultlDle Servers 32
pie Clients And Multiple Servers 32
3'9 Server identification And DemultiDlexing 33
vication And Demultl'Plexing 33
3'10 Concurrent Servers 34
3'11 Circular DeDendencies Among Servers 35
pendencies Among Servers 35
3'12 Peer-TO-Peer interactions 35
3'13 Network Programming And The Socket API 36
3'14 Sockets, Descrlptors, And Network I/O 36
3'15 Parameters And The Socket API 37
3'16 SOcket Calls in A Client And Server 38
3'17 Socket Functions Used By Both Client And Server 38
3'18 The Connection Function Used Only By A Client 40
3'19 Socket Functions Used Only BV A Server 40
y By A Server 40
3'20 Socket Functions Used With The Message Paradl'gm 43
3'21 Other Socket Functions 44
3'22 Sockets, Threads, And inheritance 45
3'23 SummarV 45
Chapter 4 Traditional Internet Applications 49
4'1 Introduction 49
4.2 ADDlication-Laver Protocols 49
PPlication-Layer Protocols 49
4.3 Representation And Transfer 50
presentation And Transfer 50
4'4 Web Protocols 51
4.5 Document Representation With HTML 52
presentation With HTML 52
4'6 Uniform Resource Locators And HvDerlinks 54
form Resource Locators And Hyperlinks 54
4'7 Web Document Transfer WI'th HTTP 55
4'8 Caching in Browsers 57
4.9 Browser Architecture 59
4.10 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) 59
y .FTP 59
4.11 FTP Communication Paradigm 60
4.12 Electronic Mail 63
4'13 The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 64
i her Protocol (SMTP) 64
4'14 lSPs, Mail Servers, And Mail Access 66
4'15 Mail Access Protocols (pOP, IMAP) 67
Contents v
4.16 Email Representation Standards (RFC2822, MIME) 67
presentation Standards (RFC2822, MIME) 67
4.17 Domain Name System (DNS) 69
ystem (DNS) 69
4.18 Domain Names That Begin With www 71
4.19 The DNS HI'erarchy And Server Model 72
4.20 Name Resolution 72
4.21 Caching in DNS Servers 74
4.22 Types Of DNS Entries 75
. pos Of DNS Entries 75
4.23 Aliases And CNAME Resource Records 76
4.24 Abbreviations And The DNS 76
4.25 Intemationalized Domain Names 77
4.2o Extensible Representations (XML) 78
presentations (XML) 78
4.27 SummarV 79
y 79
PART 11 Data Communication Basics 83
Chapter 5 Overview Of Data Communications 85
5.1 Introduction 85
5.2 The Essence Of Data Communications 86
y Data Communications 86
5.3 Motivation And ScoDe Of The SubieCt 87
po Of The Subject 87
5.4 The COnceptual Pieces Of A Communication System 87
pinal Pieces Of A Communication System 87
5.5 The Subtopics Of Data Communications 90
pies Of Data Communications 90
5.6 SummarV gi
Chapter 6 Information Sources And Signals 93
6.1 Introduction 93
6.2 InOrmation Sources 93
yormatlon Sources 93
6.3 Analog And Digital Signals 94
6.4 Periodic And ADeriodic Signals 94
periodic Signals 94
6.5 Sine Waves And Signal Characteristics 95
6.o ComDosite Signals 97
posite Signals 97
6.7 The ImDortance Of ComDosite Signals And Sine Functions 97
portance Of Composite Signals And Sine Functions 97
6.8 Time And Freauencv Domain ReDresentations 98
4uency Domain Representations 98
6.9 Bandwidth Of An Analog Signal 99
V An Analog Signal 99
6.10 Digital Signals And Signal Levels 100
6.11 Band And Bits Per Second 101
6.12 Converting A Digital Signal To Analog 102
6.13 The Bandwidth Of A Digital Signal 103
J A Digital Signal 103
6.14 Synchronization And Agreement About Signals 103
6.15 Line COding 104
yi Contents
6'16 Manchester Encoding Used in Computer Networks 106
6.17 Converting An Analog Signal To Digital 107
6.18 The Nvquist Theorem And SamDline Rate 108
d,uist Theorem And Sampling Rate 108
6.19 Nvquist Theorem And TeleDhone System Transmission 108
yquist Theorem And Telephone System Transmission 108
6.20 Encoding And Data Compression 109
6'21 SummarV 110
Chapter 7 Transmission Media 113
7.1 Introduction 113
7.2 GuidedAnd Unguided Transmission 1 13
7.3 A Taxonomy By Fonns Of Energy 1 14
. ~ 7 Energy 114
7.4 Background Radiation And Electrical NOise 1 15
7.5 Twisted Pair CoDDer WITing 115
PPer WITing 115
7.6 Shielding: Coaxial Cable And Shielded Twisted Pair 1 17
7. 7 Categories Of Twisted Pair Cable 1 18
7.8 Media Using Light Energy And OPtical Fibers 1 19
7.9 Types Of Fiber And Light Transmission 120
. pos Of Fiber And Light Transmission 120
7.10 Optical FI'ber ComDared To CoDDer Wirings 191
ptical FI'ber Compared To CoPPer Wiring 121
7.11 InfraRed Communication Technologies 122
UraRed Communication Technologies 122
7.12 Point-To-Point Laser Communication 122
7.13 Electromagnetic (Radio) Communication 123
7.14 Signal Propagation 124
7.15 TVDes Of Satellites 125
d pos Of Satellites 125
7.16 GEO Communication Satellites 126
7.17 GEO Coverage Of The Earth 127
7.18 Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellites And Clusters 128
7.19 Tradeoffs Among Media Tvoes 128
as Among Media Types 128
7.20 Measuring Transmission Media 129
7.21 The Effect Of NOise On Communication 129
Net Of NOise On Communication 129
7.22 The Significance Of Channel Capacity 130
7.23 Summary 131
Chapter & Reliability And Channel Coding 135
8'1 Introduction 135
8'2 The Three Main Sources Of Transmission Errors 135
8.3 Effect Of Transmission Errors On Data 136
duct Of Transmission Errors On Data 136
8'4 Two Strategies For Handling Channel Errors 137
8.5 Block And Convolutional Error Codes 138
8.6 An ExamDle Block Error Code: Single Parity Checking 139
pie Block Error Code: Single Parity Checking 139
8'7 The Mathematics Of Block Error Codes And (n,k) Notation 140
Contents vii
8'8 Hamming Distance: A Measure Of A Code's Strength 140
8'9 The Hamming Distance Among Strings in A Codebook 141
8.10 The TradeoffBetween Error Detection And Overhead 142
ac Between Error Detection And Overhead 142
8.11 Error Correction WI'th Row And Column (RAC) Parity 142
8'12 The 16-Bit Checksum Used in The internet 144
8'13 Cyclic Redundancy Codes (CRCs) 145
8.14 An ENcient Hardware Implementation Of CRC 148
ancient Hardware Implementation Of CRC 148
8.IS Automatic ReDeat reQuest (ARQ) Mechanisms 148
peat reQuest (ARQ) Mechanisms 148
8.16 SummarV 149
Chapter 9 Transmission Modes 153
9.1 Introduction 153
9.2 A Taxonomy Of Transmission Modes 153
- J Transmission Modes 153
9.3 Parallel Transmission 154
9'4 Serial Transmission 155
9.5 Transmission Order: Bits And Bytes 156
9.6 TI'ming Of Serial Transmission 156
9.7 Asynchronous Transmission 157
9.8 RS-232 Asynchronous Character Transmission 157
9.9 Synchronous Transmission 158
9.10 BVtes, Blocks, And Frames 159
9.11 Isochronous Transmission 160
9'12 SimDlex, Half-DuDlex, and Full-DuDlex Transmission 160
plex, Half-Duplex, and Full-Duplex Transmission 160
9.13 DCE and DTE Equipment 162
9.14 Summary 162
y 162
Chapter 10 Modulation And Modems 165
10.1 Introduction 165
10.2 Carriers, Frequency, And Propagation 165
'uency, And Propagation 165
10.3 Analog MOdulation Schemes 166
10.4 AmDlitude Modulation 166
10.5 Freauencv Modulation 167
Juency Modulation 167
10.6 Phase Shift Modulation 168
yi Modulation 168
10.7 Amplitude Modulation And Shannon's Theorem 168
plitude Modulation And Shannon 's Theorem 168
10'8 MOdulation, Digital input, And Shift Keying 169
10.9 Phase Shift Keying 169
.i Keying 169
10.10 Phase Shin And A Constellation Diagram 171
Y i And A Constellation Diagram 171
10.11 Quadrature Amplitude MOdulation 173
10'12 Modem Hardware For Modulation And Demodulation 174
10'13 Optical And Radio Freauencv Modems 174
ptical And Radio Frequency Modems 174
vill Contents
10.14 Dialup Modems 175
p Modems 175
10.15 QAMAPPlied To DialuP 175
10.16 V32 and V.32bis DialuD MOdems 176
p MOdems 176
10.17 SummarV 177
Chapter 11 Multiplexing And Demultiplexing (Channelization) 181
11'1 Introduction 181
11'2 The ConceDt Of MultiDlexine 181
pt Of Multi'Plexing 181
11.3 The Basic Types Of MultiDlexing 182
.r 7 Multi'Plexing 182
11.4 Freauencv Division MultiDlexing (FDM) 183
4uenCy Division Multi'Plexing (FDM) 183
11'5 Using A Range Of Frequencies Per Channel 185
11.6 Hierarchical FDM 186
11'7 Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) 187
11'8 Time Division MultiDlexing (TDM) 187
plexing (TDM) 187
11'9 Synchronous TDM 188
11.10 Framing Used in The Telephone System Version Of TDM 189
11.11 Hierarchical TDM 190
11.12 The Problem WI'th Synchronous TDM.. Unfilled Slots 190
11'13 Statistical TDM 191
11'14 Inverse Multiplexing 192
I g 192
11'15 COde Division Multlplexing 193
11'16 SummarV 195
Chapter 12 Access And Interconnection Technologies 199
gles 199
12.1 Introduction 199
12'2 Internet Access Technology: UPstream And Downstream 199
12.3 Narrowband And Broadband Access Technologies 200
12'4 The Local Loon And ISDN 202
p And ISDN 202
12.5 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Technologies 202
12.6 Local LooD Characteristics And AdaDtation 203
p Characteristics And Adaptation 203
12'7 The Data Rate Of ADSL 204
12.8 ADSL Installation And SPlitters 205
12'9 Cable MOdem Technologies 205
12'10 The Data Rate Of Cable Modems 206
12'11 Cable MOdem installation 206
12'12 Hybrid Fiber COax 207
12.13 Access Technologies That Employ OPtical Fiber 208
12'14 Head-End And Tail-End Modem Terminology 208
12'15 Wireless Access Technologies 209
12.16 High-Capacity COnnections At The internet Core 209
Contents lx
12.17 Circuit Termination, DSU/CSU, and NIU 210
12.18 Telephone Standards FOr Digital Circuits ZI I
12.19 DS Terminology And Data Rates 212
12.20 Highest Capacity Circuits (STS Standards) 213
12.21 ODtical Carrier Standards 213
pileal Carrier Standards 213
12.22 The C Suave 213
box 213
12.23 Synchronous OPtical NETwork (SONET) 214
12.24 Summary 215
PART Ill Packet Switching And Network Technologies 219
Chapter 13 Local Area Networks: Packets, Frames, And Topologies 221
13.1 Introduction 221
13.2 Circuit Switching 222
13.3 Packet Switching 223
13.4 Local And Wide Area Packet Networks 224
13.5 Standards FOr Packet Format And ldentlfl'cation 225
1.3.6 IEEE 802 MOdel And Standards 226
13.7 Point-TO-Point And Multi-Access Networks 229
13.8 LAN Topologies 229
13.9 Packet identification, Demultl'Plexing, MAC Addresses 231
13.10 Unicast, Broadcast, And Multicast Addresses 232
13.11 Broadcast, Multicast, And Efficient Multi-Point Delivery 233
13.12 Frames And Framing 234
13.13 Byte And Bit Stuffing 235
13.14 Summary 237
Chapter 14 The IEEE MAC Sub-Layer 241
14.1 Introduction 241
14.2 A Taxonomy Of Mechanisms FOr Multi-Access 241
14.3 Static And Dynamic Channel Allocation 242
14.4 Channelization Protocols 243
14.5 Controlled Access Protocols 244
14.6 Random Access Protocols 246
14.7 Summary 252
x Contents
Chapter 15 Wired LAN Technology (Ethernet And 802.3) 255
15'1 Introduction 255
15'2 The Venerable Ethernet 255
15'3 Ethernet Frame Format 256
15'4 Ethernet TvDe Field And DemultiDlexine 956
ype Field And Demultiplexing 256
15'5 IEEE's Version Of Ethernet (802.3) 257
15.6 LAN Connections And Network integhce Cards 258
15.7 Ethernet Evolution And Thicknet Wiring 258
15'8 Thinnet Ethernet Wiring 259
15'9 Twisted Pair Ethernet Wiring And Hubs 260
15.10 Physical And LoZical Ethernet ToDOloqv 261
. gical Ethernet Topology 261
15.11 WITing in An ONce Building 261
15.12 Variants Of Twisted Pair Ethernet And SPeeds 263
15'13 Twisted Pair Connectors And Cables 263
15'14 Summary 264
y 264
Chapter 16 Wireless Networking Technologies 267
16.1 Introduction 267
16.2 A Taxonomy Of Wireless Networks 267
y Of Wireless Networks 267
16.3 Personal Area Networks (PANs) 268
16.4 ISM WI'reless Bands Used By LANs And PANs 269
16.5 WI'reless LAN Technologies And WI'-FI' 269
ic.o Spread SPectrum Techniaues 270
pread SPectrum Techniques 270
16.7 Other Wireless LAN Standards 271
16.8 Wireless LANArchitecture 272
16.9 Overlap, Association, And 802.11 Frame Format 273
p, Association, And 802.11 Frame Format 273
16.10 COordination Among Access Points 274
16.11 Contention And Contention-Free Access 274
16.12 WI'reless MAN Technology and WiMax 276
16'13 PAN Technologies And Standards 278
16.14 Other Short-Distance Communication Technologies 279
16.15 Wireless WAN Technologies 280
16.ic Cell Clusters And Freauency Reuse 282
7uency Reuse 282
16.17 Generations Of Cellular Technologies 283
7 Cellular Technologies 283
16.18 VSATSatellite Technology 286
16.19 GPS Satellites 287
16.20 SOftware Radio And The Future Of Wireless 288
beware Radio And The Future Of Wireless 288
16.21 Summary 289
Contents xi
Chapter 17 LAN Extensions: Fiber Modems, Repeaters, Bridges, and 293
17.1 Introduction 293
17.2 Distance Limitation And LAN Design 293
17.3 Fiber Modem Extensions 294
17.4 ReDeaters 295
peaters 295
17.5 Bridges And Bridging 295
17.6 Learning Bridges And Frame Filtering 296
17.7 Why Bridging Works Well 297
17.8 Distributed SDanning Tree 298
panning Tree 298
17.9 Switching And Layer 2 Switches 299
17.10 VLAN Switches 301
17.11 Bridging Used With Other Devices 302
17.12 Summary 302
Chapter 18 WAN Technologies And Dynamic Routing 305
18.1 Introduction 305
18.2 Large SPans And Wide Area Networks 305
18.3 Traditional WAN Architecture 306
18.4 Forming A WAN 308
18.5 Store And Forward Paradigm 309
18.6 Addressing in A WAN 309
18.7 Next-HoD Forwarding 310
p Forwarding 310
18.8 Source independence 313
18.9 Dynamic Routing UPdates in A WAN 313
d g UPdates in A WAN 313
18.10 Default Routes 314
18.11 Forwarding Table Computation 315
18.12 Distributed Route Computation 316
putation 316
18.13 Shortest Path ComDutation in A GraDh 320
putation in A Graph 320
18.14 Routing Problems 321
18.15 SummarV 322
y 322
Chapter 19 Networking Technologies Past And Present 325
19.1 Introduction 325
19.2 Connection AndAccess Technologies 325
19.3 LAN Technologies 327
19.4 WAN Technologies 328
19.5 Summary 331
xll Contents
PART IV Internetworkina 333
9 o33
Chapter 20 Internetworking: Concepts, Architecture, and Protocols 335
20.1 Introduction 335
20.2 The Motivation For intemetworking 335
20.3 The ConceDt Of Universal Service 336
pt Of Universal Service 336
20.4 Universal Service in A Heterogeneous World 336
20.5 Intemetworking 337
20.6 Physical Network COnnection With Routers 337
20.7 Internet Architecture 338
20.8 Achieving Universal Service 339
20.9 A Virtual Network 339
20.10 Protocols For intemetworking 341
20.11 Review Of TCP/IP Layering 341
20.12 Host COmDuters, Routers, And Protocol Layers 342
puters, Routers, And Protocol Layers 342
20.13 SummarV 342
Chapter 21 lP: Internet Addressing 345
21.1 Introduction 345
21.2 Addresses For The Virtual internet 345
21.3 The lP Addressing Scheme 346
21.4 The lP Address Hierarchy 346
21.5 Original Classes Of lP Addresses 347
21.6 Dotted Decimal Notation 348
21.7 Division Of The Address SPace 349
J The Address SPace 349
21.8 Authorics ForAddresses 350
y For Addresses 350
21.9 Subnet And Classless Addressing 350
21.10 Address Masks 352
21.11 CIDR Notation 353
21.12 A CIDR ExamDle 353
pie 353
21.13 CIDR Host Addresses 355
21.14 SPecial lP Addresses 356
21.15 SummarV Of SPecial lP Addresses 358
. 7 special lP Addresses 358
21.16 The Berkeley Broadcast Address FOnn 358
21.17 Routers And The lP Addressing Principle 359
21.18 Multi-Homed Hosts 360
21.19 SummarV 360
Contents xiii
Chapter 22 Datagram Forwarding 363
22.1 Introduction 363
22.2 COnnectionless Service 363
22.3 VI'rtual Packets 364
22.4 The lP Datagram 364
22.5 The lP Datagram Header Format 365
22.6 Forwarding An lP Datagram 367
22.7 Network Prefix Extraction And Datagram Forwarding 368
22.8 Longest Prefix Match 369
22.9 Destination Address And Next-HoP Address 369
22.10 Best-Effort Delivery 370
port Delivery 370
22.11 lP EncaDsulation 370
psulation 370
22.12 Transmission Across An internet 371
22.13 MTU And Datagram Fragmentation 373
22.14 Reassembly Of A Datagram From Fragments 374
22.15 Collecting The Fragments Of A Datagram 375
22.16 The Consequence Of Fragment Loss 376
22.17 Fragmenting A Fragment 376
22.18 Summary 377
Chapter 23 Support Protocols And Technologies 381
23.1 Introduction 381
23.2 Address Resolution 381
23.3 The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) 383
23.4 ARP Message Format 384
23.5 ARP EncaDsulation 385
psulation 385
23.6 ARP Caching And Message Processing 386
23.7 The ConceDtual Address Boundary 388
pinal Address Boundary 388
23.8 Internet COntrol Message Protocol (ICMP) 389
23.9 ICMP Message Format And Encapsulation 391
23.10 Protocol Software, Parameters, And COnfiguration 391
23.11 Dynamic Host Configumtion Protocol (DHCP) 392
d,igumtion Protocol (DHCP) 392
23.12 DHCP Protocol OPeration And OPtimizations 394
23.13 DHCP Message Format 394
23.14 Indirect DHCP Server Access Through A Relay 395
23.15 Network Address Translation (NAT) 396
23.16 NAT OPeration And Private Addresses 397
23.17 Transport-Layer NAT (NAPT) 399
port-Layer NAT (NAPT) 399
23.18 NATAnd Servers 400
23.19 NAT Software And Systems For Use At Home 400
beware And Systems For Use At Home 400
23.20 Summary 401
xlv Contents
Chapter 24 The Future lP (IPv6) 405
24.1 Introduction 405
24'2 The Success Of lP 405
7 lP 405
24.3 The MOtivation For Change 406
24.4 The Hourglass Model And Dlfficully Of Change 407
24.5 A Name And A Version Number 408
24.6 IPv6 Features 408
24'7 IPv6 Datagram FOrmat 409
24.8 IPv6 Base Header Format 410
24'9 ImDlicit And ExDlicit Header Size 41 1
plicit And Explicit Header Size 41 1
24.10 Fragmentation, Reassembly, And Path MTU 412
24.11 The Purpose Of MultiDle Headers 413
pose Of Multi'Ple Headers 413
24'12 IPv6 Addressing 414
24.13 IPv6 COlon Hexadecimal Notation 415
24'14 SummarV 416
Chapter 25 UDP: Datagram Transport Service 419
25.1 Introduction 419
25.2 TransDort Protocols And End-To-End Communication 419
port Protocols And End-To-End Communication 419
25'3 The User Datagram Protocol 420
25.4 The COnnectionless Paradigm 421
25'5 Message-Oriented integhce 421
25'6 UDP COmmunication Semantics 422
25'7 MOdes Of interaction And BroadCast DeliverV 423
J Interaction And BroadCast Delivery 423
25'8 EndDoint identification WI'th Protocol Port Numbers 424
point identification WI'th Protocol Port Numbers 424
25'9 UDP Datagram FOrmat 424
25'10 The UDP Checksum And The Pseudo Header 425
25'11 UDP EncaDSulation 426
psulation 426
25'12 SummarV 426
Chapter 26 TCP: Reliable Transport Service 429
26.1 Introduction 429
26'2 The Transmission COntrol Protocol 429
26'3 The Service TCP Provides To APPlications 430
26.4 End-To-End Service And VI'rtual Connections 431
26.5 Techniaues That TranSDort Protocols Use 432
4nes That Transport Protocols Use 432
26.6 Techniaues To Avoid Congestion 436
,nes To Avoid Congestion 436
26.7 The Art Of protocol Design 437
J Protocol Design 437
26.8 Techniques Used in TCP TO Handle Packet Loss 438
ines Used in TCP TO Handle Packet Loss 438
Contents xv
26.9 AdaDtive Retransmission 439
ptive Retransmission 439
2o.10 COmDarison Of Retransmission Times 440
parison Of Retransmission Times 440
26.11 Buffers, Flow COntrol, And Windows 441
thers, Flow COntrol, And Windows 441
26.12 TCP's Three-WaV Handshake 442
26'13 TCP Congestion Control 443
26.14 TCP Segment FOrmat 444
26.15 SummarV 446
Chapter 27 Internet Routing And Routing Protocols 449
27.1 Introduction 449
27.2 Static Vs. Dynamic Routing 449
J g 449
27.3 Static Routing in Hosts And A Default Route 450
27.4 Dynamic Routing And Routers 451
- g And Routers 451
27.5 Routing in The Global internet 452
27.6 Autonomous System COnceDt 453
d pt 453
27.7 The Two TvDes Of internet Routing Protocols 453
- pos Of internet Routing Protocols 453
27.8 Routes And Data Traffic 456
abc 456
27.9 The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) 456
27.10 The Routing information Protocol (RIP) 458
27.11 RIP Packet FOrmat 459
27.12 The Onen Shortest Path First Protocol (OSPF) 460
pen Shortest Path First Protocol (OSPF) 460
27.13 An ExamDle OSPF Graph 461
f ph 461
27.14 OSPFAreas 461
27.15 Intermediate System - Intermediate System (IS-IS) 462
27.16 Multicast Routing 463
27.17 Summary 467
PART V Other Networkina ConceDts & Technoloaies 469
s Concepts & Technologies 469
Chapter 28 Network Performance (QoS and DiffSery) 471
28.1 Introduction 471
28.2 Measures Ofpedermance 471
j Peghrmance 471
28.3 Latencv Or Delay 472
28.4 Throughput, Capacity, And Goodput 474
28'5 Understanding Throughput And Delay 475
28.6 Jitter 476
28.7 The RelationshiD Between Delay And Throughput 477
p Between Delay And Throughput 477
28.8 Measuring Delay, Throughput, And Jitter 478
28.9 Passive Measurement, Small Packets, And NetFlow 480
xvi Contents
28.10 Quality Of Service (QoS) 481
28'11 FI'ne-Grain And Coarse-Grain QoS 482
28'12 ImDlementation Of QoS 484
plementation Of QoS 484
28'13 Internet QoS Technologies 486
28'14 SummarV 487
Chapter 29 Multimedia And lp Telephony (VOIP) 491
29.1 Introduction 491
29.2 Real-TI'me Data Transmission And Best Effort Delivery 491
29.3 Delayed Playback And Jitter Buffers 492
29.4 Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) 493
port Protocol (RTP) 493
29.5 RTP EncaDSulation 494
psulation 494
29'o lP TeleDhonV 495
phone 495
29'7 Signaling And VoIP Signaling Standards 496
29.8 ComDonents Of An lP TeleDhone SVstem 497
ponents Of An lP Telephone System 497
29'9 Summary Of protocols And Layering 500
y Of protocols And Layering 500
29'10 H.323 Characteristics 501
29'11 H.323 Layering 501
29'12 SIP Characteristics And Methods 502
29.13 An ExamDle SIP Session 503
pie SIP Session 503
29'14 Telephone Number MadDing And Routine 504
phone Number MaPPing And Routing 504
29'15 SummarV 505
Chapter 30 Network Security 509
30'1 Introduction 509
30'2 Criminal ExDloits AndAttacks 509
ploits And Attacks 509
30'3 Security Policy 513
30.4 ReSDonsibility And Control 514
ponsibility And Control 514
30'5 Security Technologies 515
d gies 315
30'6 Hashing: An integrity And Authentication Mechanism 515
30.7 Access Control And Passwords 516
30.8 EncrVDtion: A Fundamental Security Technique 516
d ption: A Fundamental Security Technique 516
30.9 Private KeV Encryption 517
d -,
30'10 Public Key Encryption 517
y Encryption 517
30.11 Authentication WI'th Digital Signatures 518
30'12 Key Authorities And Digital Certincates 519
d .ital Certificates 519
30'13 FI'rewalls 521
j0'14 FI'rewall Implementation With A Packet Filter 522
plementation With A Packet Filter 522
30.IS Intrusion Detection Systems 524
30.16 Content Scanning And DeeP Packet inspection 524
Contents xvii
30.17 VI'rtual Private Networks (VPNs) 525
30.18 The Use of VPN Technology For Telecommuting 527
u VPN Technology For Telecommuting 527
30.19 Packet EncrVDtion Vs. Tunneling 528
.ption Vs. Tunneling 528
30.20 Security Technologies 530
. gies 330
30.21 SummarV 531
y 331
Chapter 31 Network Management (SNMP) 535
31.1 Introduction 535
31.2 Managing An intranet 535
31.3 FCAPS: The industry Standard Model 536
31.4 ExamDle Network Elements 538
pie Network Elements 538
31.5 Network Management Tools 539
31.6 Network Management APPlications 540
31.7 SimDle Network Management Protocol 541
pie Network Management Protocol 541
31.8 SNMP's Fetch-Store Paradigm 542
31.9 The SNMP MIB And Obiect Names 542
sect Names 542
31.10 The Variety Of MIB Variables 543
- 7 Iap Variables 543
31.11 MIB Variables That CorresDOnd To Arrays 543
pond To Arrays 543
31.12 SummarV 544
Chapter 32 Trends in Networking Technologies And Uses 547
32.1 Introduction 547
32.2 The Need For Scalable internet Services 547
32.3 Content Caching (Akamai) 548
32.4 Web Load Balancers 548
32.5 Server VirtualiZation 549
32.6 Peer-To-Peer Communication 549
32.7 Distributed Data Centers And Replication 550
plication 550
32.8 Universal ReDresentation (XML) 550
presentation (XML) 550
32.9 Social Networking 551
32.10 Mobility And WI'reless Networking 551
d g 331
32.11 Digital Video 551
32.12 Multicast DeliverV 552
32.13 Higher-SPeed Access And Switching 552
32.14 ODtical Switching 552
ptical Switching 552
32.IS Use Of Networking in Business 553
7 Networking in Business 553
32.16 Sensors At Large And in The Home 553
32.17 Ad Hoe Networks 553
32.18 Multi-Core CPUs And Network Processors 554
32.19 IPv6 554
xvill Contents
32'20 SummarV 554
Appendix 1 A Simplified Application Programming interface 557
Index 585