



  • 書名:複雜油氣藏勘探評價技術及套用(英文版)
  • 作者:程曉東、范樂元
  • 出版社:石油工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2016年5月1日
  • ISBN:9787518312474




1 Comprehensive Practice of Sequence Stratigraphy Techniques and Methods
1.1 Sequence stratigraphy study overview
1.1.1 Current status and prospect of sequence stratigraphy study
1.1.2 Sequence stratigraphy study methods
1.2 Sequence stratigraphy application in clastic formation
1.2.1 Palynological stratigraphy study and application effect
1.2.2 Comprehensive study on sequence stratigraphy of B-Z area, Muglad Basin
1.2.3 High-resolution sequence stratigraphic cmTelation of A area in the South Turgai Basin
1.3 Sequence stratigraphy application in carbonate formation
1.3.1 Study overview
1.3.2 Correlation of carbonate sequence stratigraphy in the central block of Pre-Caspian Basin
2 Comprehensive Practice of Structural Analysis and Sedimentary Facies Study
2.1 Structural interpretation and traps evaluation
2.1.1 Detailed structural interpretation and analysis in TM area, South Sudan
2.1.2 Structural analysis and traps evaluation in B-Z area, Muglad Basin
2.2 Analysis techniques of sedimentary facies
2.2.1 Palynofacies study and application
2.2.2 Carbonate sedimentary facies study in the central block of Pre-Caspian Basin
3 Comprehensive Practice of Reservoir Prediction and Evaluation
3.1 Reservoir prediction
3.1.1 Geostatistical inversion study on reservoir prediction in MC oilfield, Melut Basin
3.1.2 Comprehensive seismic reservoir prediction of a carbonate reservoir in Z oilfield, Pre-Caspian Basin
3.2 Reservoir evaluation techniques and applications for complex reservoirs
3.2.1 Logging evaluation of carbonate reservoirs
3.2.2 Logging evaluation of metamorphic reservoirs
3.2.3 Logging evaluation of clastic reservoirs
4 Exploration and Evaluation Techniques of Subtle Reservoirs
4.1 Subtle reservoirs study overview
4.1.1 Status and development trend of subtle reservoirs study
4.1.2 Difficulties and technical methods for subtle reservoirs study
4.2 Identification and evaluation of lithologic reservoirs
4.2.1 Lithologic reservoirs characteristics
4.2.2 Lithologic reservoirs in P oilfield, Melut Basin
4.2.3 Carbonate lithologic reservoirs in ZR oilfield, Pre-Caspian Basin
4.3 Identification and evaluation of stratigraphic reservoirs
4.3.1 Features of stratigraphic reservoirs
4.3.2 Stratigraphic reservoirs of the A exploration area in South Turgay Basin
4.3.3 Stratigraphic reservoirs of B-Z area in Muglad Basin


