
袁學良 男,1980年2月生,工學博士、博士後,教授,博士生導師,國家註冊環保工程師、國家清潔生產審核師。


  • 中文名:袁學良
  • 外文名:Xueliang Yuan
  • 畢業院校:山東大學
  • 職稱:教授












Xueliang Yuan, Yuzhou Tang, Yue Li, Qingsong Wang, Jian Zuo, Zhanlong Song. Environmental and economic impacts assessment of concrete pavement brick and permeable brick production process - A case study in China. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=5.715). 2018, 171: 198-208
Xueliang Yuan, Mofan Zhang, Qingsong Wang*, Yutao Wang, Jian Zuo. Evolution analysis of environmental standards: Effectiveness on air pollutant emissions reduction. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=5.715), 2017, 149: 511-520
Xueliang Yuan, Jian Zuo, Rujian Ma, Yutao Wang*. How would social acceptance affect nuclear power development? A study from China. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=5.715). 2017, 163: 179-186
Xueliang Yuan*, Xiaoyu Zhang, Jiaxin Liang, Qingsong Wang, Jian Zuo. The Development of Building Energy Conservation in China: A Review and Critical Assessment from the Perspective of Policy and Institutional System. Sustainability (SCI, IF=1.789), 2017, 9(9), 1654; doi:10.3390/su9091654
Xueliang Yuan, Rujian Ma, Jian Zuo, Ruimin Mu*. Towards a Sustainable Society: The Status and Future of Energy Performance Contracting in China. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=3.844). 2016, 112: 1608-1618
Xueliang Yuan, Jian Zuo, Donald Huisingh. Social acceptance of wind power: a case study of Shandong Province, China. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=3.398). 2015, 92: 168-178
Xueliang Yuan*, Ruimin Mu, Jian Zuo, Qingsong Wang. Economic Development, Energy Consumption and Air Pollution – A Critical Assessment in China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal (SCI, IF=1.290). 2015, 21(3): 781–798
Xueliang Yuan, Xin Liu, Jian Zuo*. The development of new energy vehicles for a sustainable future: A review. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (SCI, IF=6.798). 2015, 42: 298–305
Xueliang Yuan*, Mi Mi, Ruimin Mu, Jian Zuo. Strategic routemap of sulphur dioxide reduction in China. Energy Policy (SCI, IF=2.743). 2013, 60: 844-851
Xueliang Yuan, Xujiang Wang, Jian Zuo*. Renewable energy in buildings in China - a review. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (SCI, IF=5.627). 2013, 24: 1-8
Xueliang Yuan*, Jian Zuo, Donnald Huisingh. Green Universities in China - What Matters? Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=3.398). 2013, 61: 36-45
Xueliang Yuan*, Jian Zuo. A Critical Assessment of the Higher Education for Sustainable Development from Students' Perspectives- a Chinese Study. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=3.398). 2013, 48: 108-115
Xueliang Yuan*, Jian Zuo. Transition to low carbon energy policies in China - from the Five-Year Plan perspective. Energy Policy (SCI, IF=2.723). 2011, 39(6): 3855-3859
Xueliang Yuan*, Jian Zuo, Chunyuan Ma. Social acceptance of solar energy technologies in China - End users' perspective. Energy Policy (SCI, IF=2.723). 2011, 39(3): 1031-1036
Xueliang Yuan*, Jian Zuo. Pricing and affordability of renewable energy in China – A case study of Shandong Province. Renewable Energy (SCI, IF=2.989). 2011, 36(3): 1111-1117
Xueliang Yuan, Lijun Ren, Ruimin Mu, Chunyuan Ma*, Kai Zhang. Eco-industry and sustainability for the coal industry - a case study from YZCMG, China. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology (SCI, IF=0.518). 2010, 17(2): 125-130
Xueliang Yuan, Jon Kellett*, Chunyuan Ma. Conflicts between State Planning, Market Development and Environmental Sustainability: A Case Study of the Electric Power Industry in Shandong Province. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology (SCI, IF=0.525). 2008, 15(5): 430-439
Xueliang Yuan, Jon Kellett, Lijun Ren*. Can Industrial Restructuring Lead to a Sustainable Future? A Critical Environmental Risk Assessment of Industrial Policy in Shandong Province, China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (SCI, IF=1.528). 2008, 14(3): 1-16
Qingsong Wang, Wei Liu,Xueliang Yuan*,Hongrui Tang, Yuzhou Tang, Mansen Wang, Jian Zuo, Zhanlong Song, Jing Sun. Environmental impact analysis and process optimization of batteries based on life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=5.715). 2018, 174: 1262-1273
Qingsong Wang, Yue Sun,Xueliang Yuan*,Dayong Cao, Jian Zuo, Zhenlei Gao. Addressing the efficiency of the core ecological industrial chain: A DEA approach. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=5.715), 2017, 156: 235-243
Qingsong Wang, Shanshan Lu,Xueliang Yuan*,Jian Zuo, Jian Zhang, Jinglan Hong. The index system for project selection in ecological industrial park: A China study. Ecological Indicators (SCI, IF=3.190), 2017, 77: 267-275
Qingsong Wang, Wei Liu,Xueliang Yuan*,Xiaoning Zheng, Jian Zuo. Future of lignite resources: a life cycle analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (SCI, IF=2.760), 2016, 23 (24): 24796–24807
Qingsong Wang, Shishou Qiu,Xueliang Yuan*,Jian Zuo, Dayong Cao, Jinglan Hong, Jian Zhang, Yong Dong, Ying Zheng. Stability of ecological industry chain: an entropy model approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (SCI, IF=2.760). 2016, 23(14): 14316-14326
Qingsong Wang,Xueliang Yuan*,Jian Zuo, Jian Zhang, Jinglan Hong, Chen Lin. Optimization of Ecological Industrial Chain design based on reliability theory – a case study. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=3.844), 2016, 124: 175-182
Yutao Wang, Mingxing Sun, Xuechun Yang,Xueliang Yuan*.Public awareness and willingness to pay for tackling smog pollution in China: a case study. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=3.844), 2016, 112: 1627-1634
Qingsong Wang, Shishou Qiu,Xueliang Yuan*,Jian Zuo, Dayong Cao, Jinglan Hong, Jian Zhang, Yong Dong, Ying Zheng. Stability of ecological industry chain: an entropy model approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (SCI, IF=2.828), 2016, 23 (14): 14316–14326
Qingsong Wang, Ping Liu,Xueliang Yuan*, Xingxing Cheng, Rujian Ma, Ruimin Mu,Jian Zuo. Structural Evolution of Household Energy Consumption: A China Study. Sustainability (SCI, IF=1.077). 2015, 7(4): 3919-3932
Ruimin Mu, Jian Zuo,Xueliang Yuan*. China's approach to nuclear safety — From the perspective of policy and institutional system. Energy Policy (SCI, IF=2.696). 2015, 76: 161-172.
Qingsong Wang,Xueliang Yuan*,Jian Zuo, Ruimin Mu, Lixin Zhou, Mingxia Sun. Dynamics of Sewage Charge Policies, Environmental Protection Industry and Polluting Enterprises—A Case Study in China. Sustainability (SCI, IF=1.077). 2014, 6(8): 4858-4876
Qingsong Wang,Xueliang Yuan*,Xingxing Cheng, Ruimin Mu and Jian Zuo. Coordinated development of energy, economy and environment subsystems - A case study. Ecological Indicators (SCI, IF=2.890). 2014, 46: 514–523
Qingsong Wang,Xueliang Yuan*,Jian Zhang, Ruimin Mu, Huichun Yang, Chunyuan Ma. Key evaluation framework for the impacts of urbanization on air environment – a case study. Ecological Indicators (SCI, IF=2.890). 2013, 24(1): 266-272
Qingsong Wang,Xueliang Yuan*,Yanhua Lai, Chunyuan Ma, Wei Ren. Research on interactive coupling mechanism and regularity between urbanization and atmospheric environment: a case study in Shandong Province, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SCI, IF=1.961). 2012, 26(7): 887-898
Qingsong Wang,Xueliang Yuan*,Chunyuan Ma, Zhen Zhang, Jian Zuo. Research on the Impact Assessment of Urbanization on Air Environment with Urban Environmental Entropy Model: A Case Study. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SCI, IF=1.961). 2012, 26(3): 443-450
Qingsong Wang,Xueliang Yuan, Lijun Ren, Chunyuan Ma*, Kai Zhang. Is there a concrete relationship between energy consumption, economic development and environmental load in developing economies? A case study in Shandong Province, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SCI, IF=1.777). 2010, 24(8): 1225-1231






Xueliang Yuan, Yuzhou Tang, Yue Li, Qingsong Wang, Jian Zuo, Zhanlong Song. Environmental and economic impacts assessment of concrete pavement brick and permeable brick production process - A case study in China. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=5.715). 2018, 171: 198-208
Xueliang Yuan, Mofan Zhang, Qingsong Wang*, Yutao Wang, Jian Zuo. Evolution analysis of environmental standards: Effectiveness on air pollutant emissions reduction. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=5.715), 2017, 149: 511-520
Xueliang Yuan, Jian Zuo, Rujian Ma, Yutao Wang*. How would social acceptance affect nuclear power development? A study from China. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=5.715). 2017, 163: 179-186
Xueliang Yuan*, Xiaoyu Zhang, Jiaxin Liang, Qingsong Wang, Jian Zuo. The Development of Building Energy Conservation in China: A Review and Critical Assessment from the Perspective of Policy and Institutional System. Sustainability (SCI, IF=1.789), 2017, 9(9), 1654; doi:10.3390/su9091654
Xueliang Yuan, Rujian Ma, Jian Zuo, Ruimin Mu*. Towards a Sustainable Society: The Status and Future of Energy Performance Contracting in China. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=3.844). 2016, 112: 1608-1618
Xueliang Yuan, Jian Zuo, Donald Huisingh. Social acceptance of wind power: a case study of Shandong Province, China. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=3.398). 2015, 92: 168-178
Xueliang Yuan*, Ruimin Mu, Jian Zuo, Qingsong Wang. Economic Development, Energy Consumption and Air Pollution – A Critical Assessment in China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal (SCI, IF=1.290). 2015, 21(3): 781–798
Xueliang Yuan, Xin Liu, Jian Zuo*. The development of new energy vehicles for a sustainable future: A review. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (SCI, IF=6.798). 2015, 42: 298–305
Xueliang Yuan*, Mi Mi, Ruimin Mu, Jian Zuo. Strategic routemap of sulphur dioxide reduction in China. Energy Policy (SCI, IF=2.743). 2013, 60: 844-851
Xueliang Yuan, Xujiang Wang, Jian Zuo*. Renewable energy in buildings in China - a review. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (SCI, IF=5.627). 2013, 24: 1-8
Xueliang Yuan*, Jian Zuo, Donnald Huisingh. Green Universities in China - What Matters? Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=3.398). 2013, 61: 36-45
Xueliang Yuan*, Jian Zuo. A Critical Assessment of the Higher Education for Sustainable Development from Students' Perspectives- a Chinese Study. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=3.398). 2013, 48: 108-115
Xueliang Yuan*, Jian Zuo. Transition to low carbon energy policies in China - from the Five-Year Plan perspective. Energy Policy (SCI, IF=2.723). 2011, 39(6): 3855-3859
Xueliang Yuan*, Jian Zuo, Chunyuan Ma. Social acceptance of solar energy technologies in China - End users' perspective. Energy Policy (SCI, IF=2.723). 2011, 39(3): 1031-1036
Xueliang Yuan*, Jian Zuo. Pricing and affordability of renewable energy in China – A case study of Shandong Province. Renewable Energy (SCI, IF=2.989). 2011, 36(3): 1111-1117
Xueliang Yuan, Lijun Ren, Ruimin Mu, Chunyuan Ma*, Kai Zhang. Eco-industry and sustainability for the coal industry - a case study from YZCMG, China. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology (SCI, IF=0.518). 2010, 17(2): 125-130
Xueliang Yuan, Jon Kellett*, Chunyuan Ma. Conflicts between State Planning, Market Development and Environmental Sustainability: A Case Study of the Electric Power Industry in Shandong Province. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology (SCI, IF=0.525). 2008, 15(5): 430-439
Xueliang Yuan, Jon Kellett, Lijun Ren*. Can Industrial Restructuring Lead to a Sustainable Future? A Critical Environmental Risk Assessment of Industrial Policy in Shandong Province, China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (SCI, IF=1.528). 2008, 14(3): 1-16
Qingsong Wang, Wei Liu,Xueliang Yuan*,Hongrui Tang, Yuzhou Tang, Mansen Wang, Jian Zuo, Zhanlong Song, Jing Sun. Environmental impact analysis and process optimization of batteries based on life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=5.715). 2018, 174: 1262-1273
Qingsong Wang, Yue Sun,Xueliang Yuan*,Dayong Cao, Jian Zuo, Zhenlei Gao. Addressing the efficiency of the core ecological industrial chain: A DEA approach. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=5.715), 2017, 156: 235-243
Qingsong Wang, Shanshan Lu,Xueliang Yuan*,Jian Zuo, Jian Zhang, Jinglan Hong. The index system for project selection in ecological industrial park: A China study. Ecological Indicators (SCI, IF=3.190), 2017, 77: 267-275
Qingsong Wang, Wei Liu,Xueliang Yuan*,Xiaoning Zheng, Jian Zuo. Future of lignite resources: a life cycle analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (SCI, IF=2.760), 2016, 23 (24): 24796–24807
Qingsong Wang, Shishou Qiu,Xueliang Yuan*,Jian Zuo, Dayong Cao, Jinglan Hong, Jian Zhang, Yong Dong, Ying Zheng. Stability of ecological industry chain: an entropy model approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (SCI, IF=2.760). 2016, 23(14): 14316-14326
Qingsong Wang,Xueliang Yuan*,Jian Zuo, Jian Zhang, Jinglan Hong, Chen Lin. Optimization of Ecological Industrial Chain design based on reliability theory – a case study. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=3.844), 2016, 124: 175-182
Yutao Wang, Mingxing Sun, Xuechun Yang,Xueliang Yuan*.Public awareness and willingness to pay for tackling smog pollution in China: a case study. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=3.844), 2016, 112: 1627-1634
Qingsong Wang, Shishou Qiu,Xueliang Yuan*,Jian Zuo, Dayong Cao, Jinglan Hong, Jian Zhang, Yong Dong, Ying Zheng. Stability of ecological industry chain: an entropy model approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (SCI, IF=2.828), 2016, 23 (14): 14316–14326
Qingsong Wang, Ping Liu,Xueliang Yuan*, Xingxing Cheng, Rujian Ma, Ruimin Mu,Jian Zuo. Structural Evolution of Household Energy Consumption: A China Study. Sustainability (SCI, IF=1.077). 2015, 7(4): 3919-3932
Ruimin Mu, Jian Zuo,Xueliang Yuan*. China's approach to nuclear safety — From the perspective of policy and institutional system. Energy Policy (SCI, IF=2.696). 2015, 76: 161-172.
Qingsong Wang,Xueliang Yuan*,Jian Zuo, Ruimin Mu, Lixin Zhou, Mingxia Sun. Dynamics of Sewage Charge Policies, Environmental Protection Industry and Polluting Enterprises—A Case Study in China. Sustainability (SCI, IF=1.077). 2014, 6(8): 4858-4876
Qingsong Wang,Xueliang Yuan*,Xingxing Cheng, Ruimin Mu and Jian Zuo. Coordinated development of energy, economy and environment subsystems - A case study. Ecological Indicators (SCI, IF=2.890). 2014, 46: 514–523
Qingsong Wang,Xueliang Yuan*,Jian Zhang, Ruimin Mu, Huichun Yang, Chunyuan Ma. Key evaluation framework for the impacts of urbanization on air environment – a case study. Ecological Indicators (SCI, IF=2.890). 2013, 24(1): 266-272
Qingsong Wang,Xueliang Yuan*,Yanhua Lai, Chunyuan Ma, Wei Ren. Research on interactive coupling mechanism and regularity between urbanization and atmospheric environment: a case study in Shandong Province, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SCI, IF=1.961). 2012, 26(7): 887-898
Qingsong Wang,Xueliang Yuan*,Chunyuan Ma, Zhen Zhang, Jian Zuo. Research on the Impact Assessment of Urbanization on Air Environment with Urban Environmental Entropy Model: A Case Study. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SCI, IF=1.961). 2012, 26(3): 443-450
Qingsong Wang,Xueliang Yuan, Lijun Ren, Chunyuan Ma*, Kai Zhang. Is there a concrete relationship between energy consumption, economic development and environmental load in developing economies? A case study in Shandong Province, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SCI, IF=1.777). 2010, 24(8): 1225-1231






