


  • 中文名:表達與溝通:海外留學英語
  • 作者:陳艷華、盧燕飛
  • 出版時間:2020年
  • 出版社:浙江大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787308200349
  • 類別:教材
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
  • 提供院校:浙江大學
  • 授課老師:方凡、徐沁、沈旭華、陳艷華、馬曉俐、馬瑾、盧燕飛




Unit 1 Exchange Students and Visiting Scholars
Lecture 1 Application Procedure for Exchange Students or Visiting Scholars
Lecture 2 Preparation Before Going Abroad
Lecture 3 Academic Presentation Skill: Preparing a Presentation
Unit 2 Health Care
Lecture 1 Documents for Health Care and Health Insurance
Lecture 2 Seeing a Doctor
Lecture 3 Academic Presentation Skill: Beginning a Presentation
Unit 3 Housing Rental
Lecture 1 A General Review of Housing Rental for Graduates
Lecture 2 Housing Advertisements and Types
Lecture 3 RentaITerms
Lecture 4 Finding a Roommate and Renting a Room
Lecture 5 An Apartment Inventory Sheet
Lecture 6 Academic Presentation Skill: Logical Development of a Presentation
Unit 4 Money Management
Lecture 1 Money Issues and Banking
Lecture 2 Shopping
Lecture 3 Academic Presentation Skill: Language in a Presentation
Unit 5 Campus Life
Lecture 1 Academic Writing and Oral Presentation
Lecture 2 How to Deal with Roommates and Extracurricular Activities
Lecture 3 Academic Presentation Skill: Audio-visual Aids in a Presentation
Unit 6 Sports
Lecture 1 Know About American Football
Lecture 2 Basketball in the United States
Lecture 3 Academic Presentation Skill: Nonverbal Communication Skills and Emergency in a Presentation
Unit 7 Traveling
Lecture 1 Renting a Car
Lecture 2 Visiting a National Park (Yosemite)
Lecture 3 Academic Presentation Skill: Concluding a Presentation
Unit 8 Socialization
Lecture 1 Social Etiquette
Lecture 2 Dining Manners
Lecture 3 Dress Code
Lecture 4 Academic Presentation Skill: Handling Questions After a Presentation


