衛濤男,學歷 博士 溫州醫科大學藥學院化學教研室,副教授
職務 藥學系副主任,化學教研室主任(兼任)
1998.09–2002.7 吉林化工學院,獲學士學位,環境工程專業
2002.09–2005.05 東南大學,獲碩士學位,材料物理與化學專業
2010.09-2015.05 南京理工大學,獲博士學位,物理化學專業
1.Yuqiao Wang*, Wei Wang, Shasha Wang, Wenjing Chu, Tao Wei*, Haijun Tao,Chuanxiang Zhang, Yueming Sun. Enhanced photoelectrochemical detection of L-ysteine based on the ultrathin polythiophene layer sensitized anatase TiO2 on F-doped tin oxide substrates[J]. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 232 (2016) 448–453. 一區,IF=4.758
2.Tao Wei, Weihua Zhu, Jingjing Zhang and Heming Xiao. DFT study on energetic tetrazolo-[1,5-b]-1,2,4,5-tetrazine and 1,2,4-triazolo-[4,3-b]-1,2,4,5-tetrazine derivatives,J. of Hazardous Materials,2010, 179 (1-3):581-590.(IF=4.144,一區)
3.Jianzhang Wu*,Jiansong Ji*,Bixia Weng,Peihong Qiu,Karvannan Kanchana,Tao Wei,Yi Wang,Yuepiao Cai,Xiaokun Li,Guang Liang. Discovery of novel non-ATP competitive FGFR1 inhibitors and evaluation of their anti-tumor activity in non-small cell lung cancer in vitro and in vivo. Oncotarget 2014, 5(12):4543-4553. (SCI, IF=6.627)
4.Yi Wang,Yuepiao Cai,Jiansong Ji,Zhiguo Liu,Chengguang Zhao,Yunjie Zhao,Tao Wei,Xueqian Shen,Xiuhua Zhang,Xiaokun Li*,Guang Liang*,Discovery and identification of new non-ATP competitive FGFR1 inhibitors with therapeutic potential on non-small-cell lung cancer. Cancer Letters 2014, 344: 82-89. (SCI, IF=5.621)
5.Wang Yi,Jie Hu,Yuepiao Cai,Shanmei Xu,Bixia Weng,Kesong Peng,Xiaoyan Wei,Tao Wei,Huiping Zhou,Xiaokun Li,Guang Liang*. An Oxygen-Chelate Complex, Palladium Bis-acetylacetonate, Induces Apoptosis in H460 Cells via Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Pathway Rather than Interacting with DNA. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2013, 56: 9601-9611. (SCI, IF=5.447)
6.Tao Wei, Weihua Zhu, Xiaowen Zhang,Yu-Fang Li, and Heming Xiao,Molecular Design of 1,2,4,5-Tetrazine-Based High-Energy Density Materials. J. Phys. Chem. A 2009, 113(33), 9404-9412. (IF=2.918,它引:122).
7.Tao Wei, Jianzhang Wu, Weihua Zhu, Chenchen Zhang, Heming Xiao, Characterization of nitrogen-bridged 1,2,4,5-tetrazine-, furazan-, and 1H-tetrazole-based polyheterocyclic compounds: heats of formation, thermal stability, and detonation properties. J. Mol. Model. 2012, 18(8), 3467-3479(SCI,IF=1.871)
8.張婧婧,高洪偉,衛濤*,王朝傑. 高能量密度材料3,3′-偶氮-1,2,4,5-四嗪衍生物的分子設計. 物理化學學報,2010,26(12):3337-3344. (SCI,IF=0.718)
9.劉永芹,高洪偉,衛濤*,張婧婧,韓佳偉,王朝傑,吳建章. 酚羥基取代異黃酮類化合物的抗氧化活性理論篩選[J]. 計算機與套用化學,2013,30(5):531-536.
10.Jianzhang Wu*,Jiansong Ji*,Bixia Weng,Peihong Qiu,Karvannan Kanchana,Tao Wei,Yi Wang,Yuepiao Cai,Xiaokun Li,Guang Liang. Discovery of novel non-ATP competitive FGFR1 inhibitors and evaluation of their anti-tumor activity in non-small cell lung cancer in vitro and in vivo. Oncotarget 2014, 5(12):4543-4553. (SCI, IF=6.627)
11.Yi Wang,Yuepiao Cai,Jiansong Ji,Zhiguo Liu,Chengguang Zhao,Yunjie Zhao,Tao Wei,Xueqian Shen,Xiuhua Zhang,Xiaokun Li*,Guang Liang*,Discovery and identification of new non-ATP competitive FGFR1 inhibitors with therapeutic potential on non-small-cell lung cancer. Cancer Letters 2014, 344: 82-89. (SCI, IF=5.621)
12.Wang Yi,Jie Hu,Yuepiao Cai,Shanmei Xu,Bixia Weng,Kesong Peng,Xiaoyan Wei,Tao Wei,Huiping Zhou,Xiaokun Li,Guang Liang*.An Oxygen-Chelate Complex, Palladium Bis-acetylacetonate, Induces Apoptosis in H460 Cells via Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Pathway Rather than Interacting with DNA. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2013, 56: 9601-9611. (SCI, IF=5.447)