



  • 軟體名稱:蘇菲字高手
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:5.71MB
  • 支持版本:iOS5.0及以上
一個新的方法在所有時間經典單詞搜尋遊戲,提供更快、更具挑戰性的難題,許多變化和當然…很多很多的樂趣,完全免費! 這是最完美的遊戲,當你為一個短暫的放鬆而不無聊重複的一個遊戲。每次你玩一個新難題是為您生成。 它富含所有單詞搜尋遊戲需要,放置在一個光滑的氛圍和一種悅目的界面和一個種增強: 每個謎題是生成的,當你決定玩。你不會玩相同的遊戲兩次。 9難度水平:更多的辭彙,不同的尺寸和不同的和一個完全不同類型的遊戲等待在更高級別的難度。 時間挑戰:完成拼圖在給定時期內或失敗!更多的刺激也可在9難度水平。 “玩朋友”選項來分享有趣的時間跟你的朋友和家人。在你打兩個標準模式或選擇雞籠模式來解決另一個問題與您的朋友共同努力。 它有字典!點擊任何單詞在單詞列表以查看描述這個詞和它的同義詞(非常有用,當玩更高的難度)。 看到單詞當你選擇這封信通過信函頂的拼圖,遠離障礙像你的手指嗎 基於時間評分系統。玩更困難和更大的謎題得分更多的分。 星星獎勵如果你完成拼圖足夠快。 獎勵收集星星,完成在記錄時間和贏得多人決鬥比賽。 當地和全球排行榜。 所有這一切結合大高解析度圖形和令人放鬆的音樂完全免費的用於iPhone,iPad和iPod touch。 A new approach on the all time classic word search games and delivers quicker, more challenging puzzles, lots of variety and of course … lots and lots of fun for FREE! It’s the perfect game when you are up for a brief relaxation without ever being bored of repeating a game. Each time you play a new puzzle is generated for you. It packs everything that a word search game needs to have, placed in a slick atmosphere and an easy-on-the-eyes interface with one of kind ENHANCEMENTS: Each puzzle is generated when you decide to play. You will never play the same game twice. 9 difficulty levels: more words, different sizes and a different and a whole different kind of gameplay awaits at higher levels of difficulty. Time challenges: finish the puzzle in a given period or fail! More excitement also available in 9 difficulty levels. “Play with Friends” option to share fun time with you friends and family. Play either in a standard player-versus-player mode or choose the coop mode to solve the puzzle in a joint effort with your friends. It has a dictionary! Tap on any word in the word list to see a description of that word and it’s synonyms (very useful when playing on higher difficulty levels). See the word as you select it letter by letter on the top of the puzzle, away from obstacles like your fingers Time based scoring system. Play more difficult and larger puzzles to score more points. Stars are rewarded if you complete the puzzle quick enough. Achievement rewards for collecting stars, completing in record times and winning multiplayer duel matches. Local and global leader-boards. All this combined with great high-resolution graphics and relaxing music completely FREE available for the iPhone, the iPad and the iPod touch.


