蘇自奮,男, 1958 年 12 月生,研究員,研究方向為同位素及輻射生物醫學技術研究
- 中文名:蘇自奮
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期: 1958 年 12 月生
- 性別:男
蘇自奮 研究員,男 1958 年 12 月生
研究員。1988 年 3 月年從中科院化學所分析化學專業研究生畢業並獲得博士學位。1989 年德國洪堡學者。從 1989 年起從事放射藥物開發及研究,先後在德國、加拿大、美國的國際知名科研單位與眾多的化學家、藥物學家、藥劑師、腫瘤科專家、以及核醫學科專家共同工作過。
腫瘤特異性藕聯藥物的開發研究 ;
特異性多肽抗癌藥物的開發研究 ;
⒈ Zi-Fen Su,Jiang He,Mary Rusckowski,and Donald J. Hnatowich. (2003) In Vitro Cell Studies of Technetium -99m labelled RGD-HYNIC Peptide,a comparison of Tricine and EDDA as Co-ligands. Nucl. Med. Biol. 30,141-9.
⒉ Zi-Fen Su,Guozheng Liu,Suresh Gupta,Zhihong Zhu,Mary Rusckowski and Donald J. Hnatowich (2002) In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluations of a Technetium -99m Labeled Cyclic RGD Peptide as a Specific Marker of a V b 3 Integrin for Tumor Imaging. Bioconjug. Chem .,13,561-70.
⒊ Zi-Fen Su,James R. Ballinger,A. M. Rauth,Douglas N. Abrams,and Mervyn W. Billinghurst. (2000) A Novel Amine-dioxime Chelator for Technetium -99m : Synthesis and Evaluation of 2-Nitroimidazole-containing Analogs as Markers for Hypoxic Cells. Bioconjugate Chemistry,11,652-63.
⒋ Zi-Fen Su,Xiuguo Zhang,James R. Ballinger,A. M. Rauth,Alfred Pollak,and John R. Thornback. (1999) Synthesis and Evaluation of Two Technetium-99mTc-Labeled Peptidic 2-Nitroimidazoles for Imaging Hypoxia. Bioconjugate Chemistry,10,897-904.
⒌ Wang J,Chen P,Su ZF,Vallis K,Sandhu J,Cameron R,Hendler A,Reilly RM.(2001) Amplified delivery of indium-111 to EGFR-positive human breast cancer cells. Nucl Med Biol . 28 ⑻:895-902.
⒍ Li YQ,Ballinger JR,Nordal RA,Su ZF,Wong CS. (2001) Hypoxia in radiation-induced blood-spinal cord barrier breakdown. Cancer Res. 61,3348-54.
⒎ Xiuguo Zhang,Zi-Fen Su,James R. Ballinger,A. M. Rauth,Alfred Pollak,and John R. Thornback,Targeting Hypoxia in Tumors Using 2-Nitroimidazole with Peptidic Chelator for Technetium -99m : Effect of Lipophilicity. Bioconjugate Chemistry,11,401-7.
⒏ K Utsunomiya,J R Ballinger,X. Zhang,Z-F Su,T Tsuchida,and M Ichise. (1999) Comparison Of The Kinetics Of 99m Tc-Sestamibi and 99m Tc-Tetrofosmin In A Multidrug-Resistant Tumour Cell Line. Eur. J. Nucl. Med . 26 ⑼,1047
⒐ K. Schwochau,K.H. Linse and Z.F. Su. (1992) Synthesis,Characterization and Biodistribution of the Cationic Technetium(I)-1,10-Phenanthroline Chelate.,Appl. Radiat. Isotope,43⑼,1079-82.
⒑ Z.F. Su,K.H. Linse,H.J. Steinmetz and K. Schwochau. (1992) Preparation and Evaluation of Cationic 99 Tc/ 99m Tc Dimethoxy- and Diethoxyl-Hexanedione Dioxime Complexes. J. Labelled Comp. Radiopharm.,XXⅪ⑴,61-70.